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New and Popular Books for Summer Reading



By E. L. DIdier. I vol., 12mo, cloth, with Portrait. Ready June 25th. Price, $1.50.

Few lives furnish to the biographer more material of romantic and historical interest than that of Madame Jerome Bonaparte, which covered the entire period from the rise of Napoleon to the downfall of the second Bonaparte dynasty.

It is known that Madame Bonaparte left her own record of her eventful life; but these, if ever published, certainly will not appear for a long time to come. Fortunately, the materials for this remarkable biography exist also in other forms, and Mr. Eugene Didier, who has for years been a special student of everything bearing upon Madame Bonaparte's career, and has come into possession of many letters covering portions of her life almost as fully as a diary, has completed a sketch of her history which will be published in a few days.

The publishers have had the privilege of consulting Mr. Charles Bonaparte, of Baltimore, in regard to the publication of the volume, and, while he is in no sense responsible for any portion of the book, they are indebted to him for very valuable suggestions and criticisms.

The biography will be illustrated with a copy of Gilbert Stuart's beautiful portrait of Madame Bonaparte at the time of her marriage, giving three different views of the face on the same canvas.



By GEORGE W. CABLE. I vol., 16mo, extra cloth, $1.

"After re-reading carefully and with the keenest enjoyment the stories now collected under one heading, we not only have no hesitation in pronouncing their author a genius with special and captivating endowments, but we feel it an imperative critical duty so to declare him."-Boston Courier.

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"Rudder Grange is an ideal book to take into the country for summer reading."-Portland Press.

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Bismarck in the Franco-German War. By Dr. MORItz Busch. 2 vols. in 1, 720 pp., 12m0, extra, cloth, black and gold, $1.50.

Goethe and Schiller. Their Lives and Works. In-
cluding a Commentary on Faust. By Prof. H. H. BOYESEN.
1 vol., 12mo, cloth, $2.

Recollections of Writers. By CHARLES and MARY
COWDEN CLARKE. With Letters by Charles Lamb, Leigh
Hunt and others, and a Preface by Mary Cowden Clarke.
1 vol., 356 pp., $1.75.

Charlotte Bronte. A Monograph. By T. WEMYSS
REID. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

Charles Kingsley. His Letters and Memories of his
Life. Edited by his wife. With Portrait. 1 vol., 8vo, $2.50.


A New and Enlarged Edition of

The Witchery of Archery; A Complete Manual
of Archery. By MAURICE THOMPSON. Illustrated. 1 vol,
small 12mo, extra cloth, $1.50.

How to Camp Out. By J. M. GOULD. I vol., 16mo.
Illustrated, $1.

Shooting, Boating and Fishing. For Young
Sportsmen. By T. ROBINSON WARREN, author of " Dust
and Foam." I vol., 12mo. With illustrations, gilt side, $1.

*The above books for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price by

CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 and 745 Broadway, New York.

The Johnson Revolving Book-Case.


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(Patent Applied for.)


THIS BOOK-CASE, though designed for every person who owns and reads books, is especially useful to Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen, and all who have occasion to handle reference-books.

TO APPRECIATE the convenience, compactness, and capacity of this device, notice the above illustration, which represents size No. 1, with one apartment, 16 inches square by 101⁄2 inches high, filled with the 16 large volumes of Appletons American Cyclopædia, having on the top Webster's Unabridged Dictionary and the Index Volume of the Cyclopadia; the whole standing on the corner of a library table. This apparatus, with its contents, can be revolved as easily as a table caster, and so each volume brought close to the hand of the reader, while the top of the case affords a convenient revolving stand for the Unabridged Dictionary or Family Bible.

THIS BOOK-CASE is so compact that one of them can be placed on each back corner of a library table, and each of them contain two tiers of books, numbering about one hundred volumes (including the Cyclopædia), and each book be thus brought within the same convenient reach of the reader; and yet without materially diminishing the use of the table for writing and other purposes.

The apparatus is made to hold one, two, three, four or more tiers of books, and of various widths. It is so well represented by the illustrations that a further description is unnecessary, save to suggest some of its merits :

1. Being made entirely of iron, it can never shrink, warp, crack, nor get out of order.

2. Though made of iron, it is not heavy, yet it is capacious and strong.

3. It is constructed in such a manner that it can never

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6. It is highly finished, and suitable for any room, office, library, or parlor.

7. Each shelf is made of one piece of metal, and by means of two set-screws is securely fastened to a revolving iron cylinder, which is centred and supported (from the top) on an iron post set into the base-the cylinder surrounding and rotating around the post its entire length.

8. Each shelf is independent of all the rest, and each shelf (when more than one tier of books is provided for) is adjustable up and down on the cylinder, to adapt the height of the several apartments to books of any height.

9. It is made of all sizes, from nine inches square with one apartment, up to any required size, containing any needed number of apartments.

10. It is the only revolving book-case with independent adjustable shelves in the market.

11. It is the CHEAPEST book-case made.

12. IT IS JUST THE THING for booksellers to place in their show-windows or on their counters, to display books, etc.

The second Cut represents No. 3, a Book-Case standing on the floor at the right of a library desk, containing three tiers of books numbering about seventy volumes, including Appletons' Cyclopædia on the lower shelf. The books of the middle tier are large octavo volumes, and those on the top shelf are but a trifle smaller. On the top is Webster's Dictionary and the Index volume of the Cyclopædia.

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For sale by all Booksellers, or sent by express on receipt of price by

P. O. Box 4138.

No. 3.

BAKER, PRATT & CO., Manufacturers,

142 and 144 GRAND ST., NEW YORK.






A New Translation from the Seventh German Edition. Edited, with Notes, by CLARENCE COOK. With nearly 600 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, $14.



By Prof. JAMES D. DANA, Professor of Geology in Yale College. With map, colored frontispiece, and nearly 100 illustrations. 8vo, red cloth, gilt top, $3.50.




A Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible. The Unabridged Edition.
in superior manner. Cloth extra, $2.75; sheep, $3.50; half morocco, $4.50.
**This is now the BEST EDITION -English or American-of Cruden's complete work.

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The nineteenth thousand of the latest work by this popular writer has been reached within

six months after its publication.


1. Barriers Burned Away. 2. What Can She Do? 3. Opening a Chestnut Burr. 4. From Jest to Earnest. 5. Near to Nature's Heart. 6. A Knight of the 19th Century. Each 1 volume, 12m0, $1.50.



By the author of the Schönberg-Cotta Family. 12m0, $1.50.



Translated by BENJ. HOPPIN from the German of Prof. NIEBUHR, author of "History of Rome." With 12 illustrations by AUGUSTUS HOPPIN. 16m0, $1.





Thirty Years' War. By J. B. LIEFDE.

The above in uniform style.

BEDE'S CHARITY. By HESBA STRETTON. 12mo, cloth, each $1.

DODD, MEAD & CO., Publishers, New York.

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Home" and its companion. In this connection we may note also the pleasant collections of poems about nature, of sea and shore, mountain and prairie, which have been gathered together for the benefit of summer loiterers.

HERE is summer come again, with delight-peared in the author of The Gamekeeper at ful days of leisure and pleasure, which are almost sufficient compensation for the miseries of the heat. And again comes the question "What shall I do with myself?" which commonly results in that other question "What shall I read?" To answer this, and to give useful hints and pleasant bits about summering is the object of this SUMMER CATALOGUE.

The first purpose for which one turns to books in the summer is to find a solution for the regular summer problems, where to go and how to get there. Crowded as are the steamers that take the throngs of Americans across the Atlantic ferry, there are still greater throngs that are quite content with the attractions of their own land, every day becoming more accessible and by more comfortable means. And among all the accessories of modern travel in this country, there has been no greater improvement of late years than in American guidebooks. Baedeker's European guides, the companion of every tourist, have been patterned and indeed improved upon by Mr Sweetser's admirable series (Osgood's American guides), that are in turn rivalled by the Appleton series, which for the Western and Southern States are without a rival. Within a year or two the several special localities have found enthusiastic guide-makers, and the new guides to the cities and to favorite summer resorts have commanded the best services of woodengraving. The completion this year of the American volumes of "Poems of Places," by Mr. Longfellow, affords a pleasant supplement to the ordinary books of travel.

Among the most interesting books for the summer are those which devote themselves to guiding the sight-seer not by the ordinary railroad routes but into the delights and beauties of nature, of the world at large. One of the most charming books of this kind that was ever

From nature to the practical use of it is an easy transition, and those who love nature are naturally lovers of out-of-door sports. It is a curious fact that the publication of one book, Maurice Thompson's "Witchery of Archery," or rather of its material through the magazines, has effected the remarkable result of turning our recreation into an entirely new direction. Archery is the rage this year, although croquet is too much a settled institution to be altogether given up, and numerous are the manuals written about it. Of boating and bathing and fishing and like recreations there is an abundant literature, partly represented in this little catalogue.

The dernier ressort of the summer loiterer is alwavs a good novel. We present a list selected from old friends and the issues of the past three months, from which it would be a difficult task to recommend this or that in particular. There is great comfort in handling a book which is a book, rather than the flimsy "cheap libraries" now flooding the country, and we trust many of our readers still appreciate that privilege. That a bright book can be appreciated is shown by the success of Mr. Howells' "Lady of the Aroostook" and of other books by American writers, now published at very reasonable prices for really well-made books.

With these few suggestions, we present to our readers our SUMMER CATALOGUE, hoping they will find it of pleasure and of profit. We acknowledge our indebtedness for the illustrations which adorn it, to Harper's and Scribner's Magazines, and to "The Childrens' Almanac."

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How to Stay at Home without Grumbling.


THE first thing is to go home, and this sometimes seems to be the hardest part of all. There is no use in denying the fact; it is very charming to stay in other people's houses. There is a good deal of the tramp in all of us. One eats with a greater relish at a table he has not ordered. The flavor somehow is apt to escape from the joint you have skewered (Heaven send that joints are skewered!); the cucumbers you have hunted down in three markets; the pudding whose sauce has enlisted your own anxieties, not to say energies. To come to a table spread for you as the ravens and the robins find theirs spread, to be surrounded by a gay and kindly folk, to be called upon to take no thought for the morrow-it is exceedingly pleasant. You may feel that the mould is gathering on your books at home, that the weeds are flourishing like a green bay-tree in your paths, that the canker-worm is devouring your substance, and what the canker-worm hath left the caterpillar hath eaten; and yet you linger, beguiled by pleasant words and friendly ways.

It is pleasant even to take thine ease in thine inn. If the inn is perched upon a point of rocks, swept past by sunny waters rolling between wooded hills into the distant sunset; if it crests a mountain cliff overlooking twelve thousand miles of what seems to be a mere level plane, a checkered and lonely expanse too far off for any life to be visible or any sound to reach-still it is vastly pleasant. The steamers are but pointed white splinters gliding along a ribbon of river; the locomotive trains are but little curling trails of smoke; the houses are but the toy-houses of toyvillages, the ponds are tiny bits of mirror glassing the changing heaven. There is motion, color, a vivid splendor of sky and the grandeur of the great round world, but up from the valley comes no voice, nor out of the heavens a sound. Only the birds sing in the branches that almost touch your feet from tall trees springing up on the nearest crags below. It is pleasant, impressive, enlarging; but it is not -staying at home without grumbling!

I fear I shall displease perhaps disappoint, my readers, but nothing makes home so delightful as to have just got there. The feeling of ownership, the sense of independence, the consciousness of responsibility, the universal and absolute sovereignty, broaden your acres and heighten your walls. Your gate may be unhinged, and the paint flaking off your roof, and your cellar window broken, but the dragging gate and the piebald roof and the haggard window are your own; and you will order up the glazier and the cooper with a very delightful feeling that one little superficial spot on one little star of the great Milky Way belongs to you and to no other man or angel!

Keeping house is with most of us a misnomer. It is not we that keep the house so much as the house keeps us. We strain every nerve to build a costly box and fill it with costly goods and then we spend the rest of our lives crouching inside of it. And all the while the bending heavens are giving us such frescoes as no painter can imitate, and the careless greensward, flecked with daisies, mocks even an Eastlake carpet, and every day the birds and the bobolinks-that are more spirits than birds -put our wood-and-metal music to shame.

We may talk as much as we like of contentment, and tranquillity, and the quiet joys of home, but I firmly believe that nothing is so bad for the nerves, nothing so narrowing to the life, as staying too much in one place. There are many perplexities and entanglements which would be smoothed and soothed out by only so much as a brisk little ramble up a high hill holding the mountains and the sea in sight. One month of sight-seeing to the weary housekeeper who has been eleven months looking carefully to her cupboards and carpets, one month of lazy listening to the roar of the surf, one month of lounging in a hammock under trees, or lying on the grass watching the anthills, would do more to sweeten and sanctify the other eleven than all the precepts of all the sages and all the preaching of all our pages. And if you ask, What shall we do who cannot afford it? I should still say, Go and sel! all that thou hast and afford it!-From "How to Spend the Summer" (Christian Union extra).

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