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trines. Besides the works above noticed, Hobbes wrote a variety of others on different subjects. He made many useful discoveries; and proposed several ingenious theories in mechanical philosophy. Mr. Hazlitt, who lately gave a course of lectures on metaphysics in London, pronounced a high, and at the same time a very discriminating panegyric, on the philosopher of Malmsbury."

J. BRITTON (History of Wiltshire).

" In the constellation of luminaries that enlightened the literary horizon of Britain during the seventeenth century, Thomas Hobbes shines with distinguished lustre. The writings of this justly celebrated philosopher contain the outlines of that moral and metaphysical system, the propagation of which has gained immortal honor for Hartley, Hume, and Priestley. Like all other innovators in science, this great man experienced opposition, and even obloquy, from his contemporaries; but impartial posterity will admit that such merit as he possessed would have covered errors greater than he committed, and will allot him a distinguished place among those benefactors of mankind whose efforts have contributed to burst asunder the chains which ignorance and superstition had forged for the human mind. Of his private character, Lord Clarendon has left the following testimonial: 'Mr. Hobbes is one of the most ancient acquaintance I have in the world, and of whom I have always had a great esteem, as a man who, besides his eminent parts of learning and know ledge, hath always been looked upon as a man of probity, and of a life free from scandal: Few authors have encountered more opposition than the Philosopher of Malmsbury. A vague charge of Atheism has been brought against him by his adversaries; but since the philosophical principles he professed have been examined and admitted by some of the ablest defenders of religion, more justice has been done to his character. His writings contain repeated testimonies in favour of Christianity; and he practised the duties of religion. It is particularly deserving of notice, that he received the sacrament several times, with apparent devotion, according to the Earl of Devonshire's chaplain. He was upon the whole a man of virtue; and was undoubtedly a bold and original thinker."-REV. J. M. MOFFATT (History of Malmsbury).

"Notwithstanding the ill tendency of many of Mr. Hobbes' principles, YET THE AGREEABLENESS OF HIS STYLE, OF WHICH HE WAS A GREAT MASTER, joined to his dogmatical way of pronouncing with a very decisive air, and the very oddness and apparent novelty of his notions, gave them a great run for a time, and did no small mischief." -J. LELAND, D.D. (View of the Deistical Writers).

Notwithstanding the great originality and soundness of many of the views of Hobbes with regard to society, it must be acknowledged, that the political system which he attempted to found upon them has in a great degree been subverted. By his contemporaries, however, his political productions were as much admired as his moral and metaphysical writings. For instance, with regard to his treatise on Government, the famous "De Cive," Gassendi, a high authority, wrote in a letter to Sorbière :

"Tam pauca fuere excusa libri exemplaria, ut illa sui sitim potius fecerint, quam expleverint; siquidem innumeros video, qui librum ardenter, sed frustrà requirant. Et liber certè est non vulgaris, dignusque, qui omnium, qui altiora sapiunt, manibus teratur; neque (si illa seposuero, quæ religionem, in qua sumus ἑτερόδοξοι, adtinent) scriptorem agnosco, qui argumentum scrutetur, quam ille, profundius. Utinam vero, catera etiam, quæ ille versavit, perinde extorsisses! Quippe ex ipsis in lucem prolatis summè beâsses nationem totam Philosophantium solidè; cum ego quidem neminem norim, qui sit inter Philosophandum magis a præjudicio liber, quique penitius, quicquid rerum edisseruit, introspiciat."


Mersenne, in a letter to Sorbière, mentions likewise the "De Cive"


"En audio, doctissime Sorberi, tecum illud egregium opus De Cive incomparabilis viri D. Hobbii te Hagam Comitis, hoc est ingentem thesaurum literarium tulisse, novis auctum cogitationibus, quæ singulis difficultatibus satisfacientes, planum iter exhibeant. igitur, ut quis egregius Typographus librum illum aureum, gemmis auctum et ornatum, in lucem edat, neque diutius patiaris eum a nobis desiderari."-VITA HOBBIANA, p. 72.

5863 HOBHOUSE'S (Sir John Cam) Imitations and Translations from



the ancient and modern Classics, together with Original Poems, never before published (including Byron's Stanzas on leaving England); 8vo, bds. very scarce, 18s. 1809 Journal of a Tour in Ireland, A.D. 1806; 8vo, calf gilt,



- Journey through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople; 2 vols. in 1, 4to, numerous FINELY COLOURED PLATES (published at 51. 5s.) bds. 11. 10s.




the same; 2 vols. in 1, 4to, calf gilt, 21. Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold: containing Dissertations on the Ruins of Rome; and an Essay on Italian Literature; 8vo, calf gilt, 12s. 1818 5868 HOCCLEVE's (Thomas) Poems, never before printed; published from a MS. in the possession of G. Mason: with a Preface, Notes, and Glossary; 4to, uncut, 8s.



This poet was contemporary with Chaucer. 5869 HODGES' (Walter, Provost of Oriel) Christian Plan and other Theological Pieces (including Sheol, a Dissertation on the Place of Departed Souls, and Oratio in Domo Convocationis habita); 8vo, neat, 5s.


5870 HODGES' (WILLIAM) FORTY-EIGHT SELECT VIEWS IN INDIA, DRAWN ON THE SPOT, and EXQUISITELY COLOURED by the Artist himself; oblong royal folio, old blue morocco, joints, gilt edges, VERY SCARCE, 101. 10s.



This splendid volume, coloured equal to drawings, cost the late proprietor 451.
Travels in India, during 1780-1783; royal 4to, LARGE
PAPER, plates, bds. 14s.



the same; royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, yellow morocco, joints, gilt edges, 11.8s.



the same; royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, 16s.


"The pleasing work of Mr. Hodges on India, in which the skill of an artist is united with the intelligence of a sensible traveller, leaves us only to regret the smallness of its size. Its value as an acquisition to national information is far beyond its bulk."-British Critic.

5874 HODGES' (Thomas) Two Consolatory Letters to the Countess of 1669

Westmoreland; small 4to, 2s.

5875 HODGSKIN'S (Thos.) Travels in the North of Germany, describing the Present State of the Social and Political Institutions, the Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, Education, Arts and Manners in that Country, particularly in the kingdom of Hanover; 2 vols. 8vo (published at 11. 4s.) bds. 10s.

Edinburgh, 1820

5876 HODGSON's (James) Doctrine of Fluxions, founded on Sir Isaac 1758

Newton's Method; 4to, plates, neat, 5s. 5877 HODGSON's (John) Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Northumberland; 8vo, map and 11 plates

(published at 9s.) bds. 6s.


5878 HODGSON'S (Christopher) Instructions for the Use of Candidates for Holy Orders, and of the Parochial Clergy; 8vo,

boards, 5s.


5878*HOFFMAN'S (C. F.) Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie; 2

vols. small 8vo, bds. 14s.


5879 HOFLAND'S (Mrs.) Description of the Mansion and Gardens of White Knights, the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough; imperial 4to, 23 fine plates, 8 coloured, and 15 proof impressions on India paper (published at 101. 10s.) half-bound, uncut, 21. 8s.

Privately printed by the Duke of Marlborough.


5880 HOGARTH's (George) Outlines of Geography; 12mo, 10d. 1842 5880*- Memoirs of the Musical Drama; 2 vols. 8vo (pub. at

11. 1s.) bds. 15s.


5881 HOGARTH'S (WILLIAM) WORKS, PAINTED and Engraved by HIMSELF; imperial folio, ALDERMAN BOYDELL'S EDITION, containing 107 Engravings from the ORIGINAL PLATES before they were retouched; hf-bd. russia, 121. 128. v. y. WORKS, FROM THE ORIGINAL PLATES, restored by HEATH, with the addition of many Subjects never before collected, and Biographical Essay, by J. Nichols,; atlas folio (published at 311. 10s. in bds.) hf-bd. russia, 9l. 9s.





- WORKS, ENGRAVED ON ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN PLATES (including 'BEFORE' and 'AFTER') by THOMAS Соок; imperial folio, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, with the royal 8vo volume of Anecdotes and Explanatory Description, russia extra, marb. edges (cost251.) 10l.10s. 1795-1803 This original edition is very superior to the subsequent impression in 1812. WORKS ENGRAVED ON 110 PLATES, BY T. Coок (including 'Before and After'); imperial folio, morocco, gilt edges, 51. 15s. 6d.



- Works, illustrated by John Ireland; 3 vols. royal 8vo, FIRST EDITION, fine impressions of the numerous engravings, green morocco, super extra, gilt edges, 31. 3s.


[blocks in formation]

Works, illustrated by J. Ireland; 3 vols. royal 8vo, nume-
rous fine engravings, russia, marbled edges, 21. 2s.
Works elucidated by Descriptions; and Life, by Thomas
Clerk; 2 vols. royal 8vo, plates, calf neat, 11. 10s.
GENUINE WORKS, illustrated with Biographical Anecdotes,
a Chronological Catalogue, and Commentary, by John
Nichols and George Steevens; 3 vols. 4to, an original
copy, with early impressions of the numerous plates (pub.
at 147.14s. in bds.) russia, marbled edges, 41.16s. 1806-17
the same; 3 vols. 4to, fine impressions, uncut, 31.10s. 1806-17
the same, Vol. III. containing Clavis Hogarthiana and
other illustrative Essays; 4to, with 50 additional plates,
(pub. at 41. 4s.) bds. 11.8s.



Nichols, 1817


Genuine Graphic Works, consisting of 160 Engravings, faithfully copied from the originals, by T. Cook; 4to, fine

impressions (pub. at 5l. 5s.) bds. 21.



the same; 4to, half-bound russia, 21. 2s.


[blocks in formation]

John Major, 1831 the same; 8vo, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER (pub. at 2l. 14s. unbound) morocco, extra, gilt ges, 11. 11s. 6d. ib. 1831

Hogarth Moralized; a complete Edition of all his most capital and admired Works, with Explanations of their moral Tendency by the Rev. Dr. Trusler, an Introduction, and many additional Notes; 8vo, 55 plates and 13 woodcuts (pub. at 17. 16s.) bds. 188.

5895 HOGARTH'S (Wm.) Graphic Illustrations from Pictures, Drawings,







and scarce Prints in the possession of Samuel Ireland, 2 vols.
royal 8vo, fine impressions, uncut, scarce, 21. 10s. 1794-99
the same; 2 vols. royal 8vo, old calf gilt, scarce, 21. 1794-99
the same, Vol. II, royal 8vo, fine impressions, bds. 18s. 1799
Illustrated from Passages in Authors he never read and
could not understand; 8vo, portrait, bds. 3s.
Analysis of Beauty; 4to, with the two large plates, fine
impressions, bds. 9s.



Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Hogarth in the
British Institution; 4to, 1s.


The Sick Monkey, a Fable addressed to Garrick, with Frontispiece by HOGARTH, very scarce, 1765.-Beattie's Minstrel, 1771.- Churchill's Prophecy of Famine, Epistle to Hogarth, and Gotham, 1763-64.--The Senators, 1772. -Epistle from Oberea, Queen of Otaheite, to Joseph Banks, with his Answer, 1774.-1 vol. 4to, half-bd. 10s. 5902 HOGG's (Cervantes) Rising Sun (i. e. the Prince of Wales), a serio-comic satiric Romance; 3 vols. 12mo, with coloured caricatures, boards, 7s. 6d.


5903 HOGG's (Edward) Visit to Alexandria, Damascus, &c. 2 vols.

small 8vo (pub. at 11.1s.) bds. 14s.




5904 HOGG's (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) Queen's Wake, a Legendary Poem; 8vo (pub. at 12s. in bds.) calf gilt, 7s. Edinb. 1813 Poetical Works, with Life by Professor Wilson; 5 vols. foolscap 8vo, cloth, 11. 5s.

ib. 1838

5906 HOLBERG'S (Baron) Introduction to Universal History, translated, with Notes, by Dr. Gregory Sharpe, and revised by 1787

W. Radcliffe; 8vo, bds. 4s.

5907 HOLCROFT's (Thos.) Theatrical Recorder; 2 vols. 8vo, plates,

half-bound, uncut, 10s.


5908 HOLBERTON'S (Rev. Robert) Discourse on the Duties and Responsibility of the West India Clergy; 8vo, 2s. Antigua, 1831 5909 HOLDEN'S (Lawrence) Paraphrase of the Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, with Notes, critical, historical, and practical; 4 vols. 8vo, uncut, 12s.


5910 HOLDERNESS' (Mary) Journey from Riga to the Crimea, by way of Kiev; with some Account of the Colonization and the Manners and Customs of the Colonists of New Russia ; 8vo, coloured plates (pub. at 10s. 6d.) bds. 7s.


5911 HOLDSWORTH'S (Edward) Pharsalia and Philippi: or the Two Philippi in Virgil's Georgics explained; 4to, half-bound, 5s. Privately printed, 1742 Remarks and Dissertations on Virgil, with some other Classical Observations, published with several Notes and additional Remarks by Mr. Spence; 4to, russia, 16s. 1768


5913 HOLE'S (Richard) Remarks on the Arabian Nights, in which the Origin of Sinbad's Voyages and other Oriental Fictions is particularly considered; crown 8vo, hf-bd. morocco, 8s.1797 5914 HOLE'S (Dr. Matthew) Practical Discourses on the Liturgy of the Church of England, edited, with Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. John Allen Giles; 4 vols. 8vo, bds. 21.2s.1837-38 the same; 4 vols. 8vo, calf extra, 21. 16s. 1837-38


5916 Kolinshed's (Raphaell) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and


Ireland; 4 vols. in 2, folio, THE SHAKSPEARE EDITION, numerous woodcuts, russia extra, gilt edges, 10l. 1577 the same, edited by Hooker, with the Castrations; 4 vols.

in 2, folio, russia, 61. 6s.



Castrations to; folio, 16s.

n. d.


Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the

Castrations faithfully restored; 6 vols. 4to (published at

121. 12s.) bds. scarce, 81.



Historic of Scotland Complete (i.c. Vol. V of the Work);

4to, bds. 15s.


5921 HOLLAND (Present State of), or a Description of the United

Provinces; 12mo, hf-bd. scarce, 4s.

Leiden, 1765

5922 HOLLAND's (John) Treatise on the Progressive Improvement

and Present State of the Manufactures in Metal; 3 vols.

foolscap 8vo, cuts, cloth, 158.


5923 HOLLAND'S (Rev. John) Sermons; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 5s 5924 HOLLAND'S (Dr. Henry) Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania,


Thessaly, Macedonia, and Greece, in 1812-13; 4to, plates,

[blocks in formation]

the same; 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates (published at 11.15s.)

boards, scarce, 11. 4s.


"Classical, antiquarian, and statistical information is here intermixed with valuable remarks on the natural history, manners, political state, &c. of the countries visited, especially Albania."-Stevenson.

5927 HOLLAND'S (Henry Richard, Lord) Account of the Lives and

Writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, and Guillen' de

Castro; 2 vols. crown 8vo, bds. 10s.


5928 HOLLAND's (Samuel, D.D.) Visitation Sermon at Lewes, June 23,

MDCCCXIII, with Notes; 8vo, bds. 2s. 6d.


5929 HOLLAR'S (Wenceslaus) Views in Holland; 14 plates, 4s.


Plan and View of Kingston-upon-Hull, 2s.


Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, on 13 plates, 4s.

[blocks in formation]

Beasts, Flowers, and Insects, on 10 plates, 3s.
Portrait of Paracelsus, and 'Ecce Homo,' 2 plates, 2s.


Map of the Isle of Man, with Prospects; folio, 2s.

[blocks in formation]

Plan, North and South Prospect of Canterbury, on 3

plates, 4s.

The above are modern impressions from the original copper-plates. 5941 HOLLES' (Denzill Lord) True Relation of the Unjust Accusation of certain French Gentlemen charged with Robbery (upon Totternol Hill in Bedfordshire), and acquitted in the Court of King's Bench in Easter Term last, published to manifest their Innocency, and for his own Vindication; small

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