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NEW YORK.-Plan of the City of New York, in North America. Surveyed in the Years 1766 and 1767. By B. Ratzer, Lieutenant in His Majesty's 60th or Royal American Regiment. Two sheets. 44 by 40 inches. Mounted, £1 11s. 6d.

NEW YORK.-Map of the State of New
York, with parts of the adjacent country,
embracing Plans of the Principal Cities, and
some of the Larger Villages. By David H.
Burr. Six sheets. 60 by 50 inches. Mounted,
£1 11s. 6d.

NEW YORK.-Map of the City and
County of New York. Three sheets. 56 by
32 inches. Mounted, 18s.
NEW YORK.--Map of the Country
Twelve Miles around the City of New York.
Two sheets. 40 by 40 inches. Mounted, or
in case, 18s.

NEW YORK.-Colton's Railroad and
Township Map of the State of New York.
Scale, 15 miles to the inch. 32 by 29 inches.
Mounted, 9s.; in case, 4s.
NEW YORK.-Map of the City and
County of New York. One sheet. 32 by 20
inches. Mounted, 9s.; in case, 3s. 6d.
NEW YORK.-Map of the City of New
York. One sheet. 32 by 26 inches. Mounted,
9s.; in case, 3s. 6d.
NEW YORK.-Statistical Map of the
State of New York; comprising all the prin-
cipal Statistics of each County. By R. S.
Fisher, M.D. One sheet. 32 by 26 inches.
1s. 6d.

of North and South America. With a
plan of the Isthmus of Panama. One sheet.
32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s.

[blocks in formation]

Map of


Georgia, 2s.


Illinois, 2s.

Indiana, 2s.

[blocks in formation]

America. One sheet. 29 by 26
Mounted, 7s. 6d. ; in case, 4s.
OHIO.-Colton's Railroad and
ship Map of the State of Ohio.
miles to the inch. 32 by 29
Mounted, 9s. ; in case, 4s.

America. Two sheets.
Mounted, 4s.

41 by 31 inches.

America. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches.
Mounted, 9s.

SOUTH CAROLINA.-Map of the State of
South Carolina. Compiled from Railroad,
Coast, and State Surveys. By G. E. Walker
and J. Johnson, Civil Engineers. Four
sheets. 73 by 57 inches. Mounted, £3 3s.

Southern States. Viz., Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Four sheets. 62 by 54 inches. Mounted and coloured, £1 11s. 6d. STATES MAPS.-Colton's New Series of Maps for Travellers. This series embraces maps of each of the United States, of the several British Provinces, and of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies, exhibiting with accuracy the railroads, canals, stage routes, &c., also the principal cities,

necticut and Rhode
Island, 3s. 6d.

Maine, 2s.

Maryland and Delaware, 2s.

Mexico and Guate

mala, 3s. 6d. Michigan, 2s. Minnesota, with Guide, 3s. 6d.

Mississippi, 28.
Missouri, 2s.

Missouri, with the ad-
jacent Copper and
Mineral Lands,
3s. 6d.
New York, 2s.
Ohio, 2s.

Pennsylvania, 2s.
Tennessee, 2s.
Texas, 2s.

Texas, with Oregon,
3s. 6d.

United States, 3s. 6d.
Virginia, 23.
Wisconsin, 2s.

MAPS. Pocket Maps of the States. Coloured, in case, each, 2s. 6d.

TEXAS. Cordova's Map of Texas.
Compiled from new and original surveys.
Four sheets. 36 by 31 inches. Mounted,
£1 11s. 6d. ; in case, 18s.

UNITED STATES.-Map of the United
States and the Canadas. Nine sheets. 82
by 68 inches.
Mounted, or in portable
form, £3 3s.

UNITED STATES.-Map of the United
States, the British Provinces, Mexico, and
the West Indies. Showing the country from
the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. 4 sheets,
62 by 55 inches. £1 11s. 6d.
UNITED STATES.-Map of the United
States, the British Provinces, Mexico, the
West Indies, and Central America, with
parts of New Granada and Venezuela,
Exhibiting the country from the Atlantic to
the Pacific, and from 50° north lat. to the
Isthmus of Panama and the Oronoco River.

[blocks in formation]

WEST INDIES.-Topographical Map of the West Indies. With the adjacent coasts. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s.; in case, 4s. WESTERN

STATES. Map of the Western States; viz., Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, and the Territories, 48 by 36 inches. Mounted, 18s.; and in portable form, 9s. WESTERN STATES. Map of the Western States; viz., Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin, and the Territory of Minnesota. By J. Calvin Smith. One sheet. 28 by 24

inches. Mounted, 7s. 6d.

WISCONSIN.-Colton's Township Map of the State of Wisconsin. Scale, 15 miles to the inch. 32 by 29 inches, Mounted, 9s. ; in case, 4s.

BIDWELL.-Missionary Map of China, embracing chiefly the Eighteen Provinces, from the latest and best Authorities. By O. B. Bidwell. 7 feet by 54. Mounted on rollers, £2 12s. 6d.

COLTON.-American Atlas, illustrating the Physical and Political Geography of the United States of America, the British Provinces, Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America; constructed from official surveys and other authentic materials. The "American Atlas" contains separate maps of every state and country of North and South America, and the West Indies, engraved in the most elaborate style, and coloured so as to distinguish readily the civil and political divisions of each. The work embraces about 50 maps, in imperial folio, and each map is

accompanied with a letter-press description

of the country it may represent; exhibiting, in a condensed form, all its great interests, industries, and institutions. (In progress.) £3 15s.; or, without letter-press, £3 3s. COLTON.-Atlas of the World, illustrating Physical and Political Geography; constructed from official surveys and other authentic materials. The "Atlas of the World" contains all the maps and letterpress comprised in the American Atlas, with the addition of between 30 and 40 maps and descriptions of the several countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, and in every respect is got up in the same splendid style, and with the same regard to authenticity and correctness. (In progress.) £4 10s.; or, without letter-press, £3 15s. COLTON'S Map of the World, on Mercator's Projection, exhibiting the recent Aretic and Antarctic Discoveries and Explorations, &c., &c. Six sheets. 80 by 60 inches. Mounted, £3 3s. COLTON'S Map of the World, on

Mercator's Projection, exhibiting the recent

Arctic and Antarctic Discoveries and Explorations, &c., &c. Two sheets. 44 by 36 inches. Mounted, 18s.

COLTON'S Map of the World, on Mercator's Projection, &c. One sheet. 28 by 22 inches. Mounted, 98.

COLTON'S Missionary Map of the World, on a Hemispherical Projection, each hemisphere being six feet in diameter, and both printed on one piece of cloth at one impression. 160 by 80 inches, £3 3s. COLTON's Map of Africa. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s. COLTON'S Map of Africa. Four sheets. 58 by 44 inches. Mounted, £1 11s. 6d. COLTON's Map of Asia. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s. COLTON'S Map of Asia. Four sheets. 58 by 44 inches. Mounted, £1 11s. 6d. COLTON'S Map of Europe. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s. COLTON's Map of Europe. Four sheets. 58 by 44 inches. Mounted, £1 11s. 6d. COLTON's Map of Egypt, the Peninsula of Mount Sinai, Arabia Petræa, with the southern part of Palestine. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s. COLTON'S Map of Palestine, from the latest authorities; chiefly from the maps and drawings of Robinson and Smith, with corrections and additions, furnished by the Rev. Dr. E. Robinson. Two sheets. 43 by 32 inches. Mounted, 158.

COLTON's Map of Palestine, from the latest authorities; chiefly from the maps and drawings of Robinson and Smith, with corrections and additions, furnished by the Rev. Dr. E. Robinson, and with plans of Jerusalem, and of the Journeyings of the Israelites. Four sheets. 80 by 62 inches. Mounted, 36s.

COLTON's New Testament Map. A Map

of the Countries mentioned in the New Testament, and of the Travels of the Apostles. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 7s. 6d.

COLTON'S Map of Mountains and Rivers. A combined view of the principal mountains and rivers in the world, with tables showing their relative heights and lengths. One sheet. 32 by 25 inches. Mounted, 9s.

COLTON'S Chart of National Flags,

each represented in its appropriate colours. One sheet. 28 by 22 inches. Mounted, 9s. COLTON'S Map of Human Life, Deduced from passages of Sacred Writ. One sheet. 25 by 20 inches. Mounted, 4s. 6d.

GUYOT's Mural Maps; a Series of elegant Coloured Maps, projected on a large scale, for the Recitation Room, consisting of a Map of the World, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, &c., exhibiting the Physical Phenomena of the Globe, &c. By Professor Arnold Guyot. Map of the World, £3 3s.

Map of North America, £3 3s. Map of South America, £3 3s. Map of Geographical Elements, £3 3s. Other Maps of the series are in preparation.

MAPS made by order of the Senate. Oregon and Upper California, from the surveys of J. C. Fremont. Folio, 5s. Washington, 1848.

MAPS made by order of the Senate. Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila, from the survey of W. H. Emory, Lieutenant, being a military reconnaissance under the command of Brigadier-General S. W. Kearny. Three sheets, folio, 7s. 6d. 1847. MARCOU. - Geological Map of the

United States and the British Provinces of North America, with an Explanatory Text, Geological Sections, and Plates of the Fossils which characterise the Formations. By Jules Marcou. 8vo, cloth, 18s. MITCHELL'S large Map of the World.

£2 23.

MITCHELL'S Universal Atlas ; comprehending Seventy-five Imperial Quarto sheets, giving one Hundred and Twenty Maps, Plans, and Sections, engraved and coloured in the first style of the art. Imp. 4to, half-bound, £3.

MORSE'S North American Atlas; containing Fifty coloured Maps. Royal 4to, cloth, 163.

NICOLLET.-Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Mississippi River, from Astronomical and Barometrical Observations, Surveys and Information.

Government Report. Two sheets, folio, 4s. Washington, 1843.

STREAM OF TIME; or, Chart of Universal History. From the original German of Strauss. Revised and continued by R. S. Fisher, M.D. 43 by 32 inches. Mounted, 15s.

UNITED STATES OFFICIAL CHARTS, prepared by Lieutenant Maury, at the National Observatory, and published by authority of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, Washington, United States. 1. North Atlantic Track Charts. Eight sheets, 24s.

2. South Atlantic Track Charts.

sheets, 24s.

3. North Pacific Track Charts.

10, and 11. Four sheets, 12s.


Ncs. 8, 9,

[blocks in formation]

6. South Atlantic Pilot Charts. Two sheets, 4s. 6d. Two sheets,

7. Cape Horn Pilot Charts. 4s. 6d.


Coast of Brazil Pilot Charts. One sheet, 2s. 6d.

9. North Pacific Pilot Charts. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. Five sheets, 11s. 6d. 10. South Pacific Pilot Chart. No. 6. One sheet, 2s. 6d.

11. Trade Wind Chart of the Atlantic. One sheet, 2s. 6d.

12. Whale Chart of the World. Four sheets, 103.

13. Thermal Charts of the North Atlantic. Eight sheets, £1 4s.

14. Storm and Rain Chart of the North Atlantic. One sheet, 2s. 6d.

Explanation and Sailing Directions to ac. company the Wind and Current Charts, approved by Commodore Charles Morris, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, and published by authority of Hon. J. P. Kennedy, Secretary of the Navy. By M. F. Maury, LL.D., Lieutenant, U.S.N., Superintendent of the National Observatory. Fifth Edition, enlarged and improved. 4to, 5s.

UNITED STATES' COAST SURVEY, founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey, under the direction of Alexander D. Bache and J. R. Hassler.

TRIANGULATION-By C. M. Eakin, J. Ferguson, C. Renard, and E. Blunt.

TOPOGRAPHY-By H. L. Whiting, W. M. Boyce, J. Farely, A. D. Mackay, T. H. Gerdes, and B. T. Sands.

HYDROGRAPHY-Under the direction of G. S. Blake, and C. H. Davis, Lieuts., U. S. N.


1. Map of New York Bay and Harbour. 4s. 6d.

2. Map of the Harbour of New London. 3s.

3. Map of Oyster or Siosset Bay. 3s. 4. Map of the Harbour of New Bedford.


5. Map of Little Egg Harbour. 3s.

6. Map of New Haven Harbour. 3s. 7. Map of the Harbour of Holmes' Hole. 3s.

8. Map of the IIarbours of Black Rock and Bridgeport. 3s.

9. Map of Edgartown Harbour. 3s.

[blocks in formation]

M.D., D.D., and Alfred A. Blandy, M.D., D.D. Published in Quarterly Parts, at 6s. each. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL


SCIENCE. Edited by Isaac Hays, M.D. Published in Quarterly Parts, at 7s. 6d. each. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. Conducted by Professors B. Silliman, B. Silliman, jun., and James Dana, in connection with others of Cambridge, Boston, and New York. Published every Second Month, in 8vo Parts, at 5s. each. AMERICAN METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW. 12s per Annum. AMERICAN NATIONAL PREACHER. Monthly Repository of Original Sermons. Edited by the Rev. J. M. Sherwood. Published in Monthly Parts, at 8d. each. AMERICAN POLYTECHNIC JOURNAL. Devoted to Science, Mechanical Arts, and Agriculture. Conducted by Professors Chas. G. Page, J. J. Greenough, and Chas. L. Fleischmann. Published Monthly, at 1s. 6d. AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. Steam Navigation, Commerce, Mining, Manufactures, &c. Edited by Henry V. Poor. Publisned Weekly, at New York. Annual Subcription, £1 10s.

ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE. Published at Philadelphia. In Monthly Parts. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL (The). Edited by Benjamin Apthorp Gould, jun., Ph. D., Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, &c. Published in Numbers, at irregular intervals, generally varying from Two to Three Weeks. 24 Numbers make a Volume. Subscription, per Volume, £1 5s., including American Postage. Vol. 3 was completed in June, 1854. BIBLIOTHECA SACRA AND AMERICAN BIBLICAL REPOSITORY. Conducted by Professor E. A. Park, and T. H. Taylor, M.A., of Andover, with the special co-operation of Dr. Robinson, and Professors H. B. Smith, G. E. Day, D. H. Allen, Dr. W. Lindsay Alexander, of Edinburgh, and Dr Samuel Davidson, of Manchester. In Quarterly Parts, at 3s. 6d. Annual Subscription, 14s. BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. Edited by J. V. C. Smith, M.D., and George S. Jones, M.D. Published in Weekly Numbers and Monthly Parts. Annual Subscription, 18s.

BROWNSON'S QUARTERLY REVIEW. Published at Boston. Annual Subscription, 10s.


REVIEW. Edited by Drs. Cain and Porcher. Published every alternate Month, at 4s. Annual Subscription, £1 4s. CHRISTIAN EXAMINER AND RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY. Published at Boston every alternate Month. In 8vo Parts, at 3s. 6d.


CHRISTIAN REVIEW. Published in Quarterly Parts, at New York, Annual Subscription, £1.


Newhaven. Published Quarterly. Annual
Subscription, 10s.

Monthly, under the direction of the Common
State Teachers' Association. Annual Sub-
scription, 5s.
A Journal of

Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures, In-
ternal Improvements, Statistics, &c. &c.
Primarily adapted to the Southern and
Western States of the Union. Including
Statistics of Foreign and Domestic Industry
and Enterprise. Edited by J. D. B. De Bow,
Washington City, D.C. Published Monthly,
at New Orleans, in Parts of about 100 pp.
each, at 2s. 6d.

Edited by

Edited by Bro. C. W. Moore, Boston,
U. S. A. Annnal Subscription, 15s.
Sarah J. Hale, L.A. Godey. Published in
Monthly Parts, at Philadelphia. Annual
Subscription. 24s.
GAZINE. Philadelphia. Annual Subscrip-
tion, 24s.

HUMPHREY'S JOURNAL, devoted to the Daguerrian and Photogenic Arts; also embracing the Science and Arts pertaining to Heliography. In Fortnightly Numbers, 8vo, sewed, at 6d. each.

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nada. Published once a Month, at Toronto. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL Annual Subscription, 5s.

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This is the oldest, and one of the best, American literary Magazines. LITTLE PILGRIM (The). A Monthly Newspaper. Edited by Grace Greenwood. With Contributions by M. F. Tupper, Mary Howitt, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Crosland, &c. Annual Subscription, payable in advance, 2s 6d., or 3s. 6d. if sent by Mail direct from Philadelphia.


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by George S. Hale, Boston. Annual Subscription, 18s. NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, AND THE COLLATERAL SCIENCES. by Samuel S. Purple, M.D., and Stephen Smith, M.D. Published every alternate Month. Annual Subscription, 18s. NEW YORK MEDICAL GAZETTE AND JOURNAL OF HEALTH. Edited by D. Meredith Reese, M.D., LL.D. Published Monthly, at New York. Annual Subscription, 12s.

NEW YORK QUARTERLY. Devoted to Science, Philosophy, and Literature. Annual Subscription, 16s.

Monthly. Annual Subscription, 6s.
menced in 1815. Published in Quarterly
Parts, at Boston, at 6s. each.

The leading Critical Journal. Among its Contributors have been Everett, Judge Story, Charles Sumner, E. P. Whipple, Bowen, Perkins, Professors Felton, Longfellow, Ware, &c. Dr. Robinson, the Oriental scholar, Mr. Pickering, the philologist, &c. NORTH

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Edited by William A. Gardiner, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the Homoeopathic College at Pennsylvania, assisted by the following Contributors :-Drs. B. F. Joslin, A. H. Okie, H. C. Preston, J. P. Dake, P. P. Wells, W. E. Payne, C. Dun. ham, James Kitchen, W. S. Helmuth, A. E. Small, S. R. Dubs, W. E. Payne. Published Monthly. Annual Subscription, 18s. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND FINE ART JOURNAL. H. H. Snelling, Editor. Published PRINCETON REVIEW; or, Biblical ReMonthly, in 4to Parts, at 2s. 6d, each. pertory. Published Quarterly. Annual Subscription, £1 4s.

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