PREFACE. THE "Bibliographical Guide to American Literature," here presented, supplies a practical want long felt, and was suggested by the business of the Publishers, who are conscious of its defects, and will be most happy to receive suggestions for the improvement of future editions. At the same time, however, that they acknowledge its many imperfections, they feel confident it will prove the most complete work of its kind, solely devoted to American books, yet published on this side of the Atlantic. Whilst engaged on the work, the propriety of accompanying it with an Introduction became evident, and the Publishers have therefore prepared, with considerable labour and research, a few pages of facts, leaving others to draw their own conclusions as to the subjects presented. In this it has been their aim to give a fair survey of American literature, and by so doing contribute their mite to bringing about a better appreciation in the parent country of transatlantic letters. are The majority of the books comprising the "Guide" in stock, the remainder have been described from actual sight. The prices affixed are those at which the books can be supplied in England. It is intended to improve on this effort in course of time, |