tory), vol. iii., 584; the Snakes of Madagascar, etc., Boussinesq (J.), Extreme Slowness of Cooling in the Deep Boutaric (A.), Velocity of Reduction of Potassium Per- Bouthillon (L.), the Charge of Condensers, 501 Bowles (R. W.), awarded bronze medal of the Pharma- Bowman (Dr. J. G.), appointed Director of American Col- Boycott (Dr. A. E.), appointed Director of the Graham Research Laboratory, 361 Boyle (R.), Scottish Building and Road Stones, 241 Braae (J.), Tempel's Comet, 99 Brackenridge (G. W.), Gift to the University of Texas, 278 Bradford (E. C.), the History of Adrenalin, 601 Bragg (Prof. W. H.), appointed to the Quain Chair of Physics in the University of London, 471; Bakerian Lecture X-Rays and Crystalline Structure, 109; the Distribution of the Electrons in Atoms, 344; the Struc- ture of Magnetite and the Spinels, 561 Bragg (Prof. W. H.) and W. L. Bragg, awarded the Brain (C. K.), the Coccidæ of South Africa, 554 439 Breakwell (E.), Anatomical Structure of some Xerophytic Brearley (H.), the Case-hardening of Steel, 448 Brenchley (Dr. W. E.), Inorganic Plant Poisons and Stimu- Breton (Miss A. C.), Australian Stone Implements, 124 Bridgham (Mrs. S. W.), Gift to Columbia University, 278 Briggs (E. A.), Hydroids from New South Wales, 665 Briggs (D. B.), awarded the Wiltshire Prize in Geology and Brigham (Prof. A. P.), Presidential Address to Association Brinkworth (J. H.), Measurement of the Specific Heat of Bristol (Marquis of), Germany's Methods of Submarine Broad (C. D.), Perception, Physics, and Reality, 172 Brochet (A.), Catalytic Reduction of Indigo, 55 Brodie (Prof. T. G.), a Course of Lectures on Gases of the Broglie (M. de), Spectra of the Homogeneous Secondary Brooks (F. T.) and R. H. Compton, appointed Demon- Broom (Lieut. R.), Certain Triassic Stegocephalians, 472 Broom (Dr. R.), New Carnivorous Therapsids, 249; Organ of Jacobson, 250, 362; Permian Labyrinthodont Skulls, Brown (A.), Equivalent Mass of a Spring Vibrating Longi Brown (Mrs. Addison), Gift of Collection of Plants to Brown (Dr. J. J. G.) and Dr. J. Ritchie, Reports from the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- Brown (P.), Prehistoric Cave Paintings at Raigarh, 307 Brown (Prof. W.), Subsidence of Torsional Oscillations, Browne (Rev. P.), an Integral Equation Proposed by Abel, Bruce (Sir David), Trypanosomes causing Disease in Man Brück (P.), Mellish's Comet, 501 Brun (Dr. R.), Die Raumorientierung der Ameisen und das Brush (Dr. C. F.), Spontaneous Generation of Heat in Bryant (H. C.), Fur-bearing Mammals of California, 435 Bryce (Dr. T. H.), Osteology and Arthrology (Quain's Ele- ments of Anatomy, Eleventh Edition, vol. iv., part i.), 118 Bryson (F. F. S.), on the Sealing of Electrical Conductors Buchner (Prof. E. H.), the Analogy between Radicles and Bull (Dr.), Discovery of a Cure for Cerebro-spinal Fever, Bullard (A.), (Albert Edwards), Panama, the Canal, the Country, and the People, Revised Edition, 5 Bullen (Frank T.), [Obituary], 12 Burgess (A. F.), The Gipsy Moth, 688 Burgess (G. K.) and I. N. Kellberg, Behaviour of Iron Burgess (G. K.) and P. D. Merica, Failure of Tin Fusible Burgess (G. K.) and R. G. Waltenberg, Emissivities of Burkill (I. H.), Para Rubber Trees in the Singapore Burns (K.), Measurements of Wave-lengths, 27 Burns (W.) and S. H. Prayag, Grafting the Mango-in- Burrard (Col. S. G.), General Report on the Operations of Busk (E. T.), Proposed Memorial to, 349 Busquet (H.), Pharmacodynamical Action of Gold, 167; the Mode of Action of Colloidal Gold, 502 Buss (A. A.), the Magnetic Storm and Solar Disturbance of Butler (B. S.), Copper and other Ores in Utah, 128 Butler (Sir Harcourt), Benares Hindu University, 278 Butterworth (S.), Self-induction of Solenoids, 335 Buyers (G. K.) and P. D. Foote, Radiation Pyrometers, 300 Cajori (Prof. F.), Origin of a Mathematical Symbol for Caldecott (Dr. W. A.), the Rand Gold-mining Industry, 685 Calder (W.), Oil-well Engineering, 331 Caldwell (Dr. O. W.) and W. L. Eikenberry, Elements Calman (Dr. W. T.), the Distribution of Antartic Pycno- gonida, 528 Campbell (A.), the Names of Physical Units, 451 Campbell (J.), Confirmation of Bequest to St. Louis Uni- versity School of Medicine, 414 Campbell (L. E.), the Tapping of Rubber-trees, 629 Campbell (Dr. Norman R.), the Names of Physical Units, 480 Campbell (W. W.), Radial Velocities of Nebulæ, 46 Carnegie (Andrew), Gift by, 54: Gifts to the Carnegie Carpenter (Capt. A.) and Capt. D. Wilson-Barker, Nature Carpenter (Prof. H. C. H.), Case-hardening, 448; Institute Carslaw (Prof. H. S.), Plane Trigonometry, 392; Solutions Casella and Co., Ltd., Rain-gauge, 263, 264 Cassal (Col. C. E.) and W. J. Dibdin, British Chemical Castle (F.), Workshop Arithmetic, 392 Coley (Dr. F. C.), Defence against Poisonous Gas, 349 Colyer (J. F.), awarded John Tomes Prize, 180 Castle (Prof. W. E.) and P. B. Hadley, the "English" Coomaraswamy (Dr. A. K.), Bronzes from Ceylon, chiefly Castle and Fish, Black-and-tan Rabbit, 44 Cathcart (Dr. E. P.), Constituents of Extracts derived from Caullery (Prof. M.), elected Foreign Member of the Chaillou (Dr.) [Obituary], 488 Chalmers (S. D.), Periscopes, 68 Chambers (G. F.) [Obituary], 380 Chapman (A. C.), Constituents of Extracts derived from Chapman (E. H.), Correlation between Changes in Baro- Chapman (Prof. H. H.), Forest Valuation, 555 Chappell (E.), Arithmetical Processes of Involution and Chatley (Prof. H.), Similitude in Periodic Motion, 288 Cheshire (F. J.), Focometric Apparatus, 15 Chesneau (G.), Coloured Glass of the Middle Ages, 335 Chevalier (S.), Atmospheric Dispersion, 223 Chignell (N. J.), Numerical Trigonometry, 392 Chree (Dr. C.), Magnetic "Character" Figures, 110; Mag- netic Diurnal Variations, 249; the Magnetic Storm of June 17, and Aurora, 561; the Magnetic Storm and Solar Disturbance of June 17, 1915, 480 Christie (Capt. A. C.), a Manual of X-ray Technic, 87 Christie (Dr. W. A. K.), Potash Salts, 98 Christophers (Major), the Spleen Rate, etc., 545 Christy (Dr. C.), Life-habits of the Okapi, 713; Supposed Horn-sheaths of an Okapi, 342; the Okapi, 506 Chubb (E. C.), a New Tsetse-fly from Zululand, 538 Church (Sir A. H.), Bequests of, 693: [Death], 377: Chwolson (Prof. O. D.), Traité de Physique, translated by Clark (J. E.), Phenological Observations from December, 1913, to November, 1914, 389 Clarke (G.) and others, Cane-crushing, 272 Clarke (F. W.) and W. C. Wheeler, Composition of Crinoid Clarke (Dr. J. M.), the "Clark Reservation," 155. Clarke (Sir Rupert), Fly River Expedition, 181 Clayton (H. Helm), Moving Waves of Weather in South Close (Col.), Geodesy of the British Isles, 93 Cluzet (J.), the Electrical Examination of Paralytics, 552 Cochrane (C.), Reflective Power of Pigments, 195 in the Colombo Museum (Memoirs of the Colombo Conklin (C. D., jun.), Structural Steel Drafting and Ele- Conklin (Prof. E. G.), Heredity and Environment in the Connolly (M.), South African Mollusca, 598 Coomber (H.), Lessons and Experiments on Scientific Cooper (Prof. F. C.) [Obituary], 401 Coquidé (M.), Nitrification in Peaty Soils, 27 Cornish (Rev. J. G.), Hobbies in the Vale of White Horse, Cortie (Rev. A. L.), the Magnetic Storm and Solar Dis- turbance of June 17, 1915, 450, 537, 618 Costerus (Drs. J. C.) and J. J. Smith, Tropical Teratology, Coulter (Prof. J. M.), the Evolution of Sex in Plants, 447 Coulter (Dr. J. M.), Fundamentals of Plant-breeding, 478 Coupin (H.), a Marine Yeast, 27; Morphogenic Action of Increased Salinity on Marine Bacteria, 307; Resistance Cracknell (A. G.), the Laws of Algebra, 558 Cracknell (A. G.) and A. Barraclough, Junior Algebra, 558 Cramer (Dr. W.), Directions for a Practical Course in Chemical Physiology, second edition, 89; Surface Ten- sion and Cell Metabolism, 279; Surface Tension and Crampton (C. B.) and R. G. Carruthers, Geology of Caith- Crauzel (E.), Treatment of Recent Wounds, 552 Crawford (A. T.), Mellish's Comet, 274 Crawley (A. E.), Appearance and Reality, 200; Culture and Metaphysics, 339; Psychology without Conscious- ness, 85; the Golden Bough, by Sir J. G. Frazer, Crawshay (L. R.), the Rearing of Plankton Animals, 629 Cresswell (K. A. C.), Cause of Fluctuations of the Popula- Cressy (E.), Discoveries and Inventions of the Twentieth Crofton (Dr. M. W.) [Death1, 327: [Obituary article], 377 Crooke (W.), the Dasahra, 238 Crowther (J. A.), Molecular Physics, 87 Cubberley (Prof. E. P.). awarded the Butler Silver Medal Culler (Dr. J. A.), a Text-book of General Physics for October 7, 1915. Cullum (J. E.), Retirement from Superintendency of the Cummings (B. F.), New Species of Polyplax, 167 Dessaur (F.), Röntgen Motion Pictures, 272 Detlefsen (Prof. J. A.), Genetic Studies of a Cavy Species Dewey, on the Dewlish Elephant-trench, 303 Cunningham (J. T. and J. A. T.), Hormones and Here- Dewey and Bromehead, the Country around Windsor and Cunningham (J. T.), Plates of Paraffin-wax, 167 Curlewis (H. B.), the Perth (W.A.) Section of the Astro- Curtis (H. D.), Nebular Proper Motions, 46 Curtis (R.), Simultaneous Ovulation and Double-yolked Cushing (H. P.), Syenites and Granites of the Adirondack Cuyler (Miss E. and T. de Witt), Gift to the George Curzon (Earl), Utilisation of the Services of Scientific M. D., Jamaica as a Centre for Botanical Research in the Dakin (H. P.), Antiseptic Substances and Wounds, 694 Darling (C. R.), Liquid Drops and Globules, 337; Recent Darwin (Emma), a Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896, Das-Gupta (H. C.), Paleontological Notes from Hazara, Davidson (Sir J. Mackenzie), Telephone Attachment in Davies (G. M.), Detrital Andalusite in Cretaceous and Davis (B. M.), Method of Obtaining Complete Germination Davis (Dr. C. A.), Algæ in Carbonaceous Deposits, 444 Davis (W. G.), Retirement from Directorship of the Argen- Davis (Prof. W. M.), Coral Reefs, 189; Darwin's Theory Davison (Dr. C.), Seismic Disturbances, 240; Subjects for Mathematical Essays, 558; the Avezzano Earthquake of Dawson (C.), Flint Implement Cultures, 54 105 Dendy (Prof. A.), Biological Conception of Individuality, 598 Delorme (E.). Artificial Limbs, 167; Grafting the Flexor de Morgan (A.), Essavs on the Life and Work of Newton, Denning (W. F.), August Meteors, 683; the Brilliant Fire- Deprat (J..), Mode of Formation of two Japanese Volcanic Derzhanin (A.), Caspian Fauna, 239 Deshumbert (M.), Morale Fondée sur les Lois de la Nature, Deslandres (H.), Rotation of Solar Corona, 195 Dessau (Prof. B.), Manuale di Fisica, vol. ii., Acustica, Chertsey, 517 Dickins (F. V.), [Death], 679; [Obituary article], 708 Dickson (Prof. L. E.), Algebraic Invariants, 62 Dines (W. H.), the Probable Error of the Amplitudes in a Dixon (A. E.), re-appointed Assistant to the Downing Pro- Dixon (Prof. H. H.), Morbid Changes in Plants, 244; Dobell (C.) and A. P. Jameson, the Chromosome Cycle in Dobie (Dr. W. M.), [Death], 71 Dodge (F. D.), Standardising Normal and Decinormal Solu- Doidge (E. M.), South African Erysiphaceæ, 389 Doncaster (Dr. L.), the Determination of Sex, 197; the Donnan (Prof. F. G.), Science in the Service of the State, 509 Dornan (Rev. S. S.), Rhodesian Ruins and Native Tradi- Douglas (David), Journal kept by, during his Travels in Douglas (Dr. J. Sholto C.), appointed Professor of Pathology Douvillé (H.), the Orbitoids of Trinity Island, 693 Downing (Dr. A. M. W.), the Determination of Easter Dreaper (W. P.), Government Dye Scheme, 119; Industrial Drever (J.), Mechanism of Writing, 185 Drinkwater (Dr. H.), Inheritance of Brachydactyly in Drury (F. E.), Geometry of Building Construction: Second Dubarry (J. P.), Anti-typhoid Vaccination, 389 Duffield (Dr. W. G.), the Green Flash, 66; Meteorology of Dugan (Prof. R. S.), Some Results from the Observation of Dugan (Dr.), R.T. Persei and z Draconis, 655 Dunn (S. T.), Key to the Labiata of China, 491 Duparc (L.) and Mme. M. Tikanowitch, the Ural Chain, du Pont (P. S.), Gift to University of Pennsylvania Museum, Durell (Dr. F.), Fundamental Sources of Efficiency, 313 du Toit (Dr.), an Interesting Rock, 98 Dyson (Sir F. W.), Halley Lecture on Measurement of the A. S. E., a Mathematical Paradox, 345; [see also 403] Earle (Dr. H. G.), appointed Professor of Physiology in Earle (R. B.), Replacement of Sandstone, 216 Eastman (Dr. C. R.), Early Figures of the Opossum, 89; Eckersley, Solar Radiation Measures in Egypt, 157 Edser (E.), Aiming with the Rifle, 462; Science and Edwards (E. J.) and M. J. Tickle, Practical Science and Edwards (F. W.), Occurrence of Culex hortensis at Logie, Egerton (A. C.), the Physical Properties of Isotopes, 90 and Ellacombe (Canon), the Flowers of Milton, 652 Emmons (W. H.) and F. C. Calkins, Region around Enriques (Prof. F.), translated by K. Royce, Problems of Esben-Petersen, Australian Neuroptera, part ii., 553 Eve (Prof. A. S.), the Thermionic Current, 174 Evans (W.), Insects Attracted by Light, 491; Mallophaga Evershed (J.), Report of the Kodaikanal and Madras Eyles (F.), Plants Collected in Southern Rhodesia, 582 F.R.S., Calculus Made Easy, second edition, 425 chaeta bronchialis, 711 Fantham (Dr. H. B.) and Dr. A. Porter, Insect Flagellates Farren (W.), Life-history of the Woodlark, 516 Fernandes (F. V.), Indian School of Chemistry, 353 Fielde (Miss A. M.), Antennæ of Ants, 214 Filipoi (Dr. F. di), Exploration in the Karakoram, 622: Findon (H.), Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shellfish, 465 Fischer (Prof. B.) [Obituary], 650 Fischer (L. A.). Standards of Linear Measure, 302 Fischer-Petersen (Dr.), Mellish's Comet (1915a), 217, 332 513 Fitzpatrick (Rev. T. C.), elected Vice-Chancellor of Cam- FitzSimons (F. W.), Palæolithic Man in South Africa, 615; Flahault (Prof. C. H. M.), elected Foreign Member of the Flajolet (Ph.), Perturbations of the Magnetic Declination Flammarion (C.), Annuaire Astronomique et Météorologique Fleming (B. E.), Practical Irrigation and Pumping, 393 Fletcher (T. B.), Some South Indian Insects and other Fleurent (E.), Bread for Prisoners of War, 610 Foot (Miss K.) and Miss E. C. Strobell, Results of Cross- Forcrand (M. de), a Hydrate of Hydrogen Arsenide, 223 Forster (Dr. M. O.), Dye Industry, 119; the College and Foster (P. le Neve), a Prize in Memory of P. le Neve Foster (S. W.) and P. R. Jones, the Pear Thrips, 687 Fournois (A.), Modern Processes of Manufacturing Hydro- Fowle (F. E.), Smithsonian Physical Tables, sixth revised Fraas (Prof. E.) [Obituary], 124 Frankland (Prof. Percy), the Chemical Industries of Ger- and Magnetism, 559; Advanced Theory of Electricity Fraser (Miss E. A.), Eye-muscles in Trichosurus vulpecula, Frazer (Sir J. G.), the Golden Bough, vol. xii., Bibliography Frechette (H.), Non-metallic Minerals used in the Canadian Freud (Prof. S.), Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Frewen (M.), the State and the Fisherman, 330 Friel (Dr. A. R.), Piantication, 380 Friend (Dr. J. N.), H. F. V. Little, and W. E. S. Turner, Frost (Dr. E. B.), Radial Velocities in the Orion Nebula, Fry (G. C.), Principles of Physical Geography, 174 Fuller (G. D.), Evaporation and Soil Moisture. 98 Gage (Prof. S. H.) and Dr. H. P. Gage, Optic Projection Galippe (V.), Parasitism in Seeds, 693 Galitzin (Prince B.), appointed Halley Lecturer for 1916, Gardiner (J. H.), the Value of the Rarer Elements, 225 7, Gamble (J. S.), Juglandaceæ, etc., 681 Gardiner (Prof. J. S.), Geography of British Fisheries, 72, Gardner (Prof. E.), an Ancient Ivory Statuette, 270 Grace (J. H.), re-appointed Lecturer in Mathematics at Grafe (Prof. V.), Ernährungsphysiologisches Praktikum der Gramont (A. de), Stellar Spectra, 218 Gaster (L.) and J. S. Dow, Modern Illuminants and Illu- Gravely (F.), Indian Mygalomorph Spiders, 599 minating Engineering, 253 Gates (F. C.), Swamp Vegetation at Los Baños, 351 Gates (Dr. R. R.), Enotheras from Cheshire and Lanca- Gaunt (P.), Sewage Problems, 477 Gavey (Sir J.), Damage to Telephone Systems, 241 Gee (Prof. W. W. H.), a Projection Screen, 139 Geikie (Prof. James), [Death], 12; [Obituary article], 40 George (D. Lloyd), Co-operation of Scientific Workers, 514; Georgia (A. E.), a Manual of Weeds, 60 Gibson (A.), Control of Locusts in Eastern Canada, 603; Gibson (E.), the Nato Cattle of the Argentine, 249 Gil (M.), appointed Director of the Argentine Meteorological Giles (Dr. P.), Prof. G. M. Slessor, 610 Graves (H. S.), Place of Forestry among Natural Sciences, Gray (Prof. A.), Lord Kelvin's Work on Gyrostatics (con- Gray (Dr. H. B.), appointed Official Lecturer at the Imperial Green (Prof. J. A.), Museums and the Claims of Children Green (J. F. N.), the Garnets and Streaky Rocks of the Green (Dr. J. Reynolds), a History of Botany in the United Greenough (T. R.), Gift by, of an Electrical and Radio- Gregory (Prof. J. W.) and G. W. Tyrrell, Red Rocks of the Gregory (Prof. J. W.), Suess's Classification, 72 Greig (Major), Infection of Drinking-water by a Cholera 44 Greig-Smith (Dr. R.), a New Gum-levan-forming Bac- terium, 665 Griffiths (E. A. and E.), the Coefficient of Expansion of Grignard (V.) and Ch. Courtot, Benzofulvanol and Benzo- Grove (W. B.), a Pocket Synopsis of the Families of British Gude (G. K.), the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon Gill (Genl. W. D.), bequest to the Johns Hopkins Univer- Gudger (Prof. E. W.), Natural History of the Whale-Shark, Giller (M.), Lightning and Telegraph Lines, 552 Gimmingham (C. T.), Waste Material from Saw Mills, 461, 626 Giolitti (Prof. F.), La Cémentation de l'Acier: French Glaser (R. W.), the Gipsy Moth, 688 Glew (F. Harrison), New Mechanical Effect of the a Rays, Globa-Mikhailenko (M.), Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium, 27 Glover (W.), Know Your Own Mind, 172 Goddard (Dr. H. H.), Feeble-mindedness: its Causes and Goddard (P. E.), Tales and Legends of the Chilula Tribe, 44. Goldie (A. H. R.), appointed Senior Professional Assistant Goodchild (G. F.), appointed Registrar of the Council for Goodrich (E. S.), the Development of the Invertebrates, 113. Goodspeed (T. H.) and R. E. Clausen, Variation of Flower- size in Nicotiana, 552 Gordon (G. P.), Potash Salts, 177 Gordon (Dr. W. T.), Archæocyathinæ collected by Scottish Gorgas (Major-Genl. W. C.), awarded Seaman Medal, 212 Gow (A. S. F.), Evolution of the Plough, 14 Gowers (Sir W. R.), [Death], 269; [Obituary article], Grabham (G. W.), Man's True Thermal Environment, 451 299 Guéguen (Prof. F. P. J.), [Obituary], 597 223, 279, 417 Gunn (W. A.), a Mistaken Wasp, 345 Gurney (J. H.) and Miss E. L. Turner, Long-eared Owl Gustafson (Prof. G.), [Obituary], 213 Gutton (C.), an Induction Balance for the Detection of Guye (C. E.) and C. Lavanchy, Experimental Verification Haanel (B. F.), Peat, Lignite, and Coal, 658 Haddon (Dr. A. C.), Ethnographic Studies in Melanesia, Haddon (J. L.), Educative Geography, 449 Haddon (Miss K.), Methods of Feeding of Glow-worm, 55 Haigh (W. D.), Estimation of Hygroscopic Moisture in Haldane (Dr. J. S.), awarded the Medal of the Institution Hale (Prof. G. E.), Direction of Rotation of Sun-spot Hall (H. U.), an Ethnological Collection from Siberia, 488 Hamlyn-Harris (Dr. R.), Implements of Superstition and Hammond (R.) [Obituary], 679 Hampson (Sir G. F.), Catalogue of the Amatidæ and |