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not likely to do so. Once in the vicious circle, he must, sooner or later, find a confidant in our profession; it is then that the judicious surgeon may step in, and by firm but feeling language he often can, and, if he can, I need not say he ought to try and put a stop to this career of iniquity. There are moments of regret, there are periods of suffering, when a word of advice can be given; and if the true consequences of unrestrained licentiousness be urged, the easy descent from comparative happiness and respectability may be arrested, and the ignominious end averted. I admit the difficulty. I am well aware that such interference may be thought impertinent; but no man can so well interfere or has such opportunities of expostulation as the medical man. If he do not, few else can, and no one else will. His duty to his country as a citizen, to his patient as a friend, calls upon him loudly, I think, to act the part of a kind and sympathetic adviser.

With his store of argument based upon experience, and his ample choice of opportunities, it is hard to say how often the well-intentioned professional man may not be the means of saving a fellow-creature from the prison, the poor-house, or the lunatic asylum; and of rescuing from base perversion the noble faculties lent by the Almighty for the fulfillment of His first command to Man.



Suprà, p. 186.


I HAVE thought it better, for many reasons, to collect a few of the more usual prescriptions in an Appendix, than to encumber the text with them.

R. Ferri Citratis c. Strychnia, gr. iij;

Quinæ Disulph., gr. j.

M. fiat pilula ter die sumend.

R. Ferri et Quinæ Citatris, Dij;

Liq. Strychniæ, B. P., mxlv;

Syrupi, Zvj;

Aquæ ad Ziv.

M. fiat mist. cujus cap. coch, ampl. ex cyath. vin. aquæ ter die.

R. Ferri Ammon. Citratis, Zj;

Ammon. Sesquicarb., Zj;

Etheris Chlorici, Zij;

Sp. Lavandulæ c., Zvj;

Aquæ Piment. ad Zvj.

M. sumat coch. jamplum ex cyath. vin. aquæ horâ 11 a.m.

et horâ 4ta p.m. quotidie.

R. Acid. Phosph. dilut.,

Syrup. Zingiberis,

Syrup. Aurant., āā Zss.

M. fiat mist. cap. coch. j min. ter die ex cyath. vin. aquæ.

R. Syrup. Ferri Phosph., 3j;

Acid. Phosph. dilut., Ziss;

Mist. Acaciæ, Ziij;

Sp. Aurant., 3ss;

Aquæ Anethi ad Zviij. M.

Two table-spoonfuls to be taken twice a day, at eleven and

four, with a table-spoonful of Cod-liver Oil.

K. Sodæ Hypophosph., Zvj;

Syrup. Aurant., Zij:

Aquæ ad Zvj. M. Capiat cochl. med. j ter die

R. Ext, Cannabis Indicæ, gr. j;

Pulv. Glycyrrhizæ, q. suf.

M. ft. pil. horâ somni sumend.

R. Ol. Phosphorat., 3j;1

Ol. Morrhuæ, Zvij. M.

A teaspoonful, gradually increased, for a dose.

R. Tinct. Cantharidis, Ziss;

Sp. Lavandulæ co., 3j;

Etheris Chlorici, Zj;

Aquæ ad Zviij. M. ft. mist.

Two table-spoonfuls to be taken three times a day; at

eleven, four, and at bed-time.

R. Chloralis Hydratis, Zj;

Syrupi Aurantii, Zj;

Tinct. Aurantii, Ziv;

Aquæ ad Ziij. M.

A dessert-spoonful for a dose.

In case where a local stimulant is necessary, I have found the following answer well:

R. Linim. Sinapis comp., 3ss;

Eau de Cologne, 3j. M. ft. embrocatio.

1 R. Phosph., gr. vj;

Ol. Amygdalæ, 3j. M.

Pruss. Ph.



Suprà, p. 302.



July 30th, 1857.


ν. ΚΑΗΝ.

This was an action brought by the plaintiff, a clerk in a mercantile house, against the defendant, Dr. Kahn, proprietor of the Anatomical Museum in Coventry Street, to recover the sum of 20l., alleged to have been fraudulently obtained under the following singular and extraordinary circumstances.

The case has excited a great degree of interest in the medical world, and the court was crowded with spectators, anxious to hear the result of the trial. Amongst the company were several eminent medical practitioners.

Mr. BowEN MAY, solicitor of Russell Square, appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. BERNARD, counsel, conducted the defence.

In opening the case, Mr. MAY said, -This action is brought to recover the trifling sum of 20l. The particulars of the plaintiff's demand set out that it is for damages occasioned by the defendant's improper treatment during the months of August and September, 1856, whilst employed by the plaintiff to cure him of a complaint under which he was then laboring, whereby the plaintiff was put to useless expense and pain, and the plaintiff claims the said sum of 20l. for money had and received, and fraudulently obtained of the plaintiff by the defendant.

The learned counsel for the defence here suggested the propriety of all females leaving the court, which having been complied with,

Mr. MAY proceeded. The action is to recover the sum of 20l., fraudulently obtained from the plaintiff, but in spirit it is brought for the good of the public and society at large. The plaintiff is clerk to an eminent firm in the city, and is a very respectable man. The defendant is one of those gentlemen who live upon human nature, by frightening weak-minded people, and reducing them to such a state of alarm as to be enabled to act upon their credulity. He is not a qualified practitioner, but avows to the world that he is a physician, and it is under that representation I shall show that the public are induced to go to him. Directly he obtains his fee, he does not care one farthing for the cure of the patient, and he also presupposes that persons are laboring

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