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"The simplest of all the VISITING LISTS published, it must continue to hold, what it now has, the preference over all other forms of this indispensable companion for the Physician.""New York Med. Journal. SIZES AND PRICE. For 25 Patients weekly. Tucks, pockets, and pencil, Also, AN INTERLEAVED EDITION, for the use of Country Physicians and others who compound their own Prescriptions, or furnish Medicines to their patients. The additional pages can also be used for Special Memoranda, recording important cases, &c., &c. For 25 Patients weekly, interleaved, tucks, pockets, etc., 66 50 66 Jan. to June. 2 vols {July to Dec. $1.50 175 3 00 This VISITING LIST has now been published for Twenty Years, and has met with such uniform and hearty approval from the Profession, that the demand for it has steadily increased from year to year. The Publishers, in order to still further extend its circulation and usefulness, and to keep up the reputation which it has so long retained, of being THE CHEAPEST AND BEST, as well as the OLDEST VISITING LIST published, have now made a very considerable reduction in the price. It can be procured from the principal booksellers in any of the large cities of the United States and Canada, or copies will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, by the Publishers, upon receipt by them of the retail price as annexed. In ordering the work from other booksellers, order Lindsay & Blakiston's Physician's Visiting List. And in all cases, whether ordering from the Publishers or otherwise, specify the size, style, &c., wanted. It is, beyond all doubt, the most complete and yet the simplest Visiting List which 18 published. In our opinion, it is invaluable to the practitioner in busy practice, and, besides saving him a great deal of trouble, will prevent his losing a considerable sum of money during the year, by neglecting, through forgetfulness, to enter visits made. Those who have made use of this Visiting List would not be without it for thrice its price. We therefore know we are doing our readers a good turn when we strongly recommend it to their attention. - Canada Medical Journal, December, 1871. Waring's Practical Therapeutics. THIRD AMERICAN EDITION NOW READY. Considered chiefly with reference to Articles of the Materia Medica. By EDWARD JOHN WARING, F. R. C. S., F. L. S., &c., &c. Third American, from the last London Edition. Price in cloth, $5.00; Leather, $6.00 There are many features in Dr Waring's Therapeutics which render it especially valuable to the Practitioner and Student of Medicine, much important and reliable information being found in it not contained in similar works; it also differs from them in its completeness, the convenience of its arrangement, and the greater prominence given to the medicinal application of the various articles of the Materia Medica in the treatment of morbid conditions of the Human Body, &c. It is divided into two parts, the alphabetical arrangement being adopted throughout; there is also added an excellent INDEX OF DISEASES, with a list of the medicines applicable as remedies, and a full INDEX of the medicines and preparations noticed in the work. "This new edition of Waring's Practical Therapeutics has been altered and improved with great judgment. A satisfactory account of new agents-chloral, apomorphia, nitrous oxide, carbolic acid, &c., is introduced without adding to its bulk. The additions are made with remarkable skill in condensation. It is one of the best manuals of therapeutics yet in existence."-Brit. Med. Journal. "There has been no scarcity, latterly, of works of this class, several of them we regard as having great professional value; but, it must be allowed, we think, that this holds no inferior place among them. Stille's is a national book, but much more voiuminous; and, therefore. while it is high authority, it is less convenient for office use. Furthermore, we prefer the literary arrangement and execution of Waring. It can be used with more readiness and always relied on for the correctness of its facts. In the daily treatment of diseases, it seems to supply everything that can be desired. The articles are arranged alphabetically, and a paragraph is devoted to their physical description and scientific character. Their therapeutic uses, however, constitute the bulk of the volume; and in this respect the labor has been very thorough."-Druggists' Circular. "The plan of this work is admirable, and well calculated to meet the wants of the busy practitioner. There is a remarkable amount of information, accompanied with judicious comments, imparted in a concise yet agreeable style. The indications for the application of remedies are sufficiently comprehensive, and their mode of action generally accounted for on rational grounds. The publishers have well performed their part, and we trust that their enterprise in introducing the work to the profession in America may meet with that encouragement which the inherent merits of the treatise itself are entitled to command."-Medical Record. "Our admiration, not only for the immense industry of the author, but also of the great practical value of the volume, increases with every reading or consultation of it. We wish a copy could be put in the hands of every student or practitioner in the country. In our estimation it is the best book of the kind ever written."-N. Y. Medical Journal. On the Action of Medicines in the System. One By F. W. HEADLAND, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c., &c. From the Fourth London Revised and Enlarged Edition. volume octavo. Price $3.00 Dr. Headland's work gives the only scientific and satisfactory view of the action of medi cine; and this is not in the way of idle speculation, but by demonstration and experiments, and inferences almost as indisputable as demonstrations. It is truly a great scientific work in a small compass, and deserves to be the hand-book of every lover of the Profession. It has received the most unqualified approbation of the Medical Press, both in this country and in Europe, and is pronounced by them to be the most original and practically useful work that has been published for many years. 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Written expressly for the use of students of medicine, and those of midwifery especially, its teachings are plain and explicit, presenting a condensed summary of the leading principles established by the masters of the obstetric art, and such clear, practical directions for the management of the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states, as have been sanctioned by the most authoritative practitioners, and confirmed by the author's own experience. Collecting his materials from the writings of the entire body of antecedent writers, carefully testing their correct ness and value by his own daily experience, and rejecting all such as were falsified by the numerous cases brought under his own immediate observation, he has formed out of them a body of doctrine, and a system of practical rules, which he illustrates and enforces in the clearest and most simple manner possible. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "It is unquestionably a work of the highest excellence, rich in information, and perhaps fuller in details than any text-book with which we are acquainted. The author has not merely treated of every question which relates to the business of parturition, but he has done so with judgment and ability." British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. "The translation of Dr. Bullock is remarkably well done. We can recommend this work to those especially interested in the subjects treated, and can especially recommend the American edition." Medical Times and Gazette. "The edition before us is one of unquestionable excellence. Every portion of it has undergone thorough revision, and no little modification; while copious and important additions have been made to nearly every part of it. It is well and beautifully illustrated by numerous wood and lithographic engravings, and, in typographical execution, will bear a favorable comparison with other works of the same class."-American Medical Journal. "In the multitudinous collection of works devoted to the propagation of human beings, and to the details of parturition, none, in our estimation, bears any comparison to the work of Cazeaux, in it entire perfectness; and if we were called upon to rely alone on one work on accouchments, our choic would fall upon the book before us without any kind of hesitation."- West. Jour. of Med. and Surgery "We do not hesitate to say, that it is now the most complete and best treatise on the subject in the English language."- Buffalo Medical Journal. "We know of no work on this all-important branch of our profession that we can recommend to the student or practitioner as a safe guide before this."-Chicago Medical Journal. "Among the many valuable treatises on the science and art of obstetrics, the work of Cazeaux stand pre-eminent."- St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journaı. "M. Cazeaux's book is the most complete we have ever seen upon the subject. It is well translaten and reflects great credit upon D-. Bullock's intelligence and industry."- N. A. Medico-Chirurg. Revie It is eminently a book which will teach the Student. —Practitioner. It forms one of the most convenient, practical, and concise books yet published on the subject. -London Lancet. MEADOWS' MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS. THE SECOND REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. INCLUDING THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY, Obstetric Operations, Diseases of the Puerperal State, &c., &c. By ALFRED MEADOWS, M. D., Physician to the Hospital for Women, to the General Lying-In Hospital, &c., &c. First American from the Second London Edition. With numerous Illustrations. Price $3.00 In this new edition, ...not merely is the practical treatment of Labor, and also of the Diseases and Accidents of Pregnancy, well and clearly taught, but the anatomical machinery of parturition is more effectively explained than in any other treatise that we remember; besides this, the book is honorably distinguished among manuals of Midwifery by the fulness with which it goes into the subject of the structure and development of the ovum. On all questions of treatment, whether by medicines, by hygienic regimen, or by mechanical or operative appliances, this treatise is as satisfactory as a work of manual size could be; students and practitioners can hardly do better than adopt it as their vade-mecum.-The Practitioner. Upwards of ninety new engravings have been inserted in this edition, and, with a view to facilitate reference, the author has furnished it with a very full and complete table of contents and index. We can cordially recommend this manual as accurate and practical, and as containing in a small compass a large amount of the kind of information suitable alike to the student and practitioner.-London Lancet. It is concise, well arranged, and remarkably complete, as a guide to the student during his lecture term; and as a ready reference to the Physician, no work of similar character equals it in value.-Buffalo Medical Journal. The systematic arrangement of subjects, and the concise, practical style in which it is written, make the work especially valuable as a student's manual, while a very full table of contents and index renders it easily accessible as a work of reference.-Chicago Medical Examiner. There can be no doubt that this manual will be generally accepted as a brief, convenient, and compendious guide to the study and practice of the Obstetric Art.-Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal. We cannot but feel that every teacher of obstetrics has good cause to congratulate himself on being able to put in the hands of the student a book which contains so much valuable and reliable information in so condensed a form.-Philadelphia Medical Times. It is concisely and clearly written, and the information is on the whole on a level with the most recent knowledge of the day.-British and Foreign Medical Review. A work which embodies a larger amount of practical information than any other book on the subject.-Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal. It is with great gratification that we are enabled to class Dr. Meadows' Manual as a rare exception, and to pronounce it an accurate, practical, and creditable work, and to unhesitatingly recommend it to both student and practitioner.-—-American Journal of Obstetrics. It is a book of decided merit: every page teems with sound, practical common sense, advice and suggestions.-Kansas City Medical Journal. |