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A TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE, illustrated by Ophthalmoscopic Plates done in Chromo-Lithography, and numerous Engravings on wood. By J. SOELBERG WELLS, Professor of Ophthalmology in King's College, London; Ophthalmic Surgeon to King's College Hospital, and Assistant Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, &c., &c.

The Author's long experience in the treatment of Diseases of the Eye, together with the unusual facilities possessed by him, as Professor of Ophthalmology, and as Surgeon to King's College, and the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, has enabled him to make a most complete and comprehensive work. It embodies all the most recent views in Ophthalmology, as well as the newest operations upon the eye, fully illustrated. THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE AND ITS USE in the internal diseases of the eye receives, also, the fullest consideration, and is illustrated by beautifully colored plates.

The rapid sale of the first and second editions, and its translation into the French and German languages, has given the work a world-wide reputation as the best on the subject in the English language.

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"Of all works in the English language on the subject, it is the best adapted to the wants of the general practitioner. It is thoroughly up to date, well illustrated, readable, and handy."- Edinburgh Medical Journal.

"We welcome the speedy appearance of a new edition of this comprehensive volume, and congratulate the profession upon the opportunity it affords them of obtaining an encyclopedic knowledge of eye disease in a single volume." - London Lancet.

"Of the work we may assuredly say that for English students and practitioners it is certainly the standard book on the subject. It is very complete, and the descriptions are clearly and interestingly written."- British Medical Journal.

"The book contains an admirable, and, on the whole, succinct account of diseases of the eye. The additions have been most judiciously made. In every respect it is most reliable authority."- Medical Times and Gazette.

"It must now fill the place formerly occupied by the classic works of Lawrence and Mackenzie."-American Journal of Medical Sciences.


ON LONG. SHORT, AND WEAK by the Scientific Use of Spectacles. Additions and Numerous Illustrations.

SIGHT, and their Treatment
Third Edition, Revised, with
Octavo. Price .




The Diseases and Injuries of the Eye, their
Medical and Surgical Treatment, with Illustrations.

By GEORGE LAWSON, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic
Hospital, and Assistant Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. In one volume,
royal 12mo.
Price, $2.50

This Manual comprises a brief account of all the Medical and Surgical Affections of the Eye, with the Treatment essential for their relief, each subject being discussed in a separate section under its own peculiar heading. The very favorable notices appended below attest its great value to the student.

“We have been fully supplied in the last two or three years with systematic treatises on diseases of the eye. But there seems still to be room for a clear, brief, and concise yet practically full manual on modern ophthalmic medicine and surgery, such as might serve for a text-book for students and a companion for the busy practitioner. This Mr. Lawson has supplied, and supplied admirably well. Of his qualifications for the task of producing such a work it would be superfluous to speak. He is a Past Master' on the subject, and while any work of his is sure of a favorable reception, he has taught the profession to judge him by a high standard of excellency, and so judged the book we now notice will certainly not disappoint its readers. Necessarily brief and concise as to details, it is admirably clear and eminently practical. The reader feels that he is in the hands of a teacher who has a right to speak with authority, and who, if he may be said to be positive, is so from the fulness of knowledge and experience, and who, while well acquainted with the writings and labors of other authorities on the matters he treats of, has himself practically worked out what he teaches."-London Medical Times and Gazette, Aug. 14, 1869.

"We congratulate Mr. Lawson on the production of such an excellent work on ophthalmic diseases as this. Without depreciating the large and valuable treatises on this subject that have recently appeared, we have long felt that a manual was wanted which would serve as a text-book for students, and also should form a trustworthy guide for practitioners in dealing with diseases of the eye. Well has Mr. Lawson supplied this want. He has described the various affections of the eye, briefly but yet clearly, and from the large experience he has acquired as surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, he has made his work thoroughly practical. The profession will find this manual just the sort of work they want on eye diseases, while to the student it will be invaluable as a text-book."-British Medical Journal, July 24, 1869

"This handy and beautifully printed volume is as good in the quality of its contents as it is attractive to the eye. Mr. Lawson has long been known as an ophthalmic surgeon, he has enjoyed a long experience, and he has the faculty of telling his story clearly. He has here given us a manual of moderate size, in which the practitioner will find short and clear descriptions and directions for the treatment of every kind of eye disease. The work is sure to become very popular, and to enjoy a large circulation."-Practitioner, Aug., 1869.

the Diseases of Women.


Revised, Enlarged, Rearranged, and Mostly Rewritten; with Many New Illustrations.

Price in Cloth $5.00. In Leather $6.00.


The changes and additions which have been made, as well as the general rearrangement of the whole subject matter, render this new edition an essentially new work.― Chicago Med. Examiner.

It forms a volume of 740 pages, numerously illustrated, and though called a new edition, it is really a new work. The style is attractive and practical, the mechanical execution of the work creditable, and as a reliable guide in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women it has no superior.- Canada Lancet.

It now forms a complete and systematic treatise, admirable in arrangement, beautiful in appearance, and rich in the wisdom that comes from ample experience, mature thought and active industry. -Leavenworth Herald.

He has really rewritten the former edition, embodying his extensive clinical experience, making this edition a most complete and thorough work on all that pertains to the pathology and treatment of diseases peculiar to women.-Cincinnati Medical News.

For those who desire full instruction and careful illustration in this department nothing can equal the work before us; the philosophy of mechanics, and the modes of application are fully presented. -Buffulo Medical and Surgical Journal.

It is unquestionably one of the most valuable guides to a correct diagnosis to be found in the English language. -Richmond and Louisville Journal.

The latest, best, and most authoritative exponent of a well-defined bias that powerfully affects a zealous class of gynecologists. . . We hail Dr. Graily Hewitt's work as the lineal successor to Simpson's. -Brit. Med. Jour.

The style is clear and very readable, and it gives evidence throughout of honest hard work; not that of the office book-worm, but of the careful clinical observer. - Canada Med. and Surg. Jour.


Dillnberger's Handy-Book of the Treatment of Women and Children's Diseases, according to the Vienna

Medical School.

Part I. The Diseases of Women.

Part. II. The Diseases of Children. Translated from the Second German Edition, by P. NICOL, M. D. One volume 12mo. Price


We noticed favorably the original of this hand-book some months ago, and suggested that an English translation of it, with notes showing the main points wherein the practice of our medical schools differs from that at Vienna, might be well received. Mr. Nicol has now carried out this idea, and we imagine that many practitioners will be glad to possess this little manual, which gives a large mass of practical hints respecting the treatment of diseases which probably make up the larger half of every-day practice. The translation is well and correctly performed, and the necessary explanations of reference to German medicinal preparations are given with proper fulness. The Practitioner.


Atthill's Clinical Lectures on Diseases Pecul-
iar to Women. By LOMBE ATTHILL, M.D., Fellow and
Examiner in Midwifery, King and Queen's College of Physicians;
Obstetric Physician to the Adelaide Hospital, and formerly Assistant
Physician to the Rotundo Lying-in Hospital. Demy Octavo, with
Illustrations. Now Ready.
Price, $2.25

"This excellent little book has three great merits. It treats of very common diseases which are generally very badly taught in our Schools. Secondly, it treats of them in a thoroughly clinical and practical way; and finally, without being too short, is a compact book, calculated to be very useful to the practitioner. Dr. Atthill's practice, if not original, is thoroughly independent, and he illustrates it with a copious quotation of good cases. We commend the whole book to the careful attention of advanced students and general practitioners." - Lancet, March 23, 1872.

"The lectures before us have the merit of calling attention to this important subject with the voice of personal experience. Those on Menorrhagia, endo-Metritis, and endo-Cervicitis, we would specially point out as worthy of note; and, without endorsing the author's therapeutic treatment of those affections, we cannot but admire the clearness of style and practical character of their literary treatment."- Glasgow Medical Journal, May, 1872.

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These lectures form an admirable text-book for students. Dr. Atthill, as Examiner in the Queen's University and College of Physicians of Ireland, discovered the utter ignorance of the majority of students on the important subject of Diseases Peculiar to Women. The publication of this little volume supplies a want that has long been felt by students preparing for examination. In these lectures is to be found a clear and concise summary of the clinical practice of the diseases peculiar to women. The work is the result of large and accurate clinical observation, recorded in an admirably terse and perspicuous style, and is remarkable for the best qualities of a practical guide to the student and practitioner." - British Medical Journal, May 11, 1872.

"A most excellent though brief hand-book on the Diseases Peculiar to Women; one that cannot fail to be of great use to students, and that will guide them to a right understanding of the cases brought before them in their hospital practice. Nor is this all; to the busy practitioner this book will be of use in many an emergency, not only assisting him in the recognition of the various forms of disease most frequently met with, but also forming a safe and reliable guide to their treatment on sound and scientific principles. We think Dr. Atthill has done good service in publishing his lectures, and we strongly recommend them to the careful and attentive perusal of all who wish to study the diseases of women." - Dublin Journal of Medical Science, November, 1871.

Acton on the Functions and Disorders of the

Reproductive Organs.

In Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life, considered in their Physiological, Social, and Moral Relations. By WILLIAM ACTON, M. R. C. S., etc. Third American, from the Fifth London Edition. Carefully revised by the author, with additions. Just ready. Octavo. Price


To such of our readers as are not familiar with Acton's book, we may say that his plan embraces the consideration of topics of great interest: such as are peculiar to childhood, embracing its vices; those peculiar to precocity and included in masturbation; similar inquiries pertaining to youth and adult age, and so on through the stages of life with its inquiries. Indeed, we may say that all those delicate matters pertaining to the male sexual conditions are treated in this volume with singular care and intelligence-Lancet and Observer, October, 1871.

On the Chronic Inflammation and Displacement of the Unimpregnatea Uterus. A New, Enlarged, and Thoroughly Revised Edition, with Numerous Illustrations. Now Ready. One volume. Octavo. $3.00 From FORDYCE BARKER, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in Bellevue Hospital Medical College.

Some weeks ago I received a copy of your work on the Uterus. I have delayed acknowledging the favor until I could give the book a careful perusal. I have just unished a thorough reading of it. I feel personally indebted to you, not merely for the cops which, of course, I should have bought - but for writing the book; and I think you have laid the Profession in this country under a load of obligation by giving them such a clear, concise, and practical treatise on a class of affections that even now is very little understood by the greater majority.

From R. A. F. PENROSE, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in the University of Pennsylvania. Accept my thanks for the copy of your new work which you so kindly sent me. 1 have, as yet, not had time to give it the careful study it merits; hut from the superficial inspection I have made, I find much that is most valuable.

From S. G. Hubbard, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in Yale College, New Haven.

I was gratified by the receipt of your new work on the Uterus, and I thank you sincerely for it. I have spent all my leisure in its examination, and have derived both pleasure and profit from its perusal. It is commendable for its clearness and definiteness as well as for the great practical common sense which pervades it. I am sure that it will prove a very useful treatise, not only to junior practitioners, but to those also among us who, from not having devoted themselves to the treatment of uterine disease, as a specialty, have neither time nor opportunity to make original investigations in this department, and are not, therefore, perfectly at home in its practice.

From JAMES P. WHITE, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the University of Buffalo.

I have had time, as yet, to run over but few of the chapters of your work on the Uterus; I am most happy, however, in being able to say that, so far as I have read, it does credit to American authorship. It is concise and brief, and eminently practical. The work was certainly a desideratum, and will be especially useful to practitioners who can illy afford to purchase all or most of the works referred to in your preface. I shall examine it with much interest, and, no doubt, often consult it with profit.

From G. S. Bedford, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women aud Children in the University of New York.

On my return to the city I found on my table "Byford on the Uterus." The next day I commenced perusing it, and have read it from cover to cover. I need not say that, in my judgment, the book enhances your deserved reputation. You have, if my opinion be worth anything, given the Profession an excellent work, and one that is sensible and practical. Go on, my dear Doctor, and give us more of your experience. It is what the Profession most needs — the experience of good and ripe minds.


Byford's Practice of of Medicine and Surgery.

Applied to the Diseases and Accidents Incident to Women. By W. H. BYFORD, A.M., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the Chicago Medical College, &c., &c. The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Additional Illustrations. volume. Octavo.



The rapid sale of the first edition of this book, which was exhausted in a little more than a year, has enabled the author to carefully revise the whole work, add many improvements, and to make a large addition of new matter, without, however, materially increasing the size of the volume.

This work treats well-nigh all the diseases incident to women, diseases and accidents of the vulva and perineum, stone in the bladder, inflammation of the vagina, menstruation and its disorders, the uterus and its ailments, ovarian tumors, diseases of the mam- · mæ, puerperal convulsions, phlegmasia alba dolens, puerperal fever, &c. Its scope is thus of the most extended character, yet the observations are concise but convey much practical information. - London Lancet.

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