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All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR, at No. 19, Salisbury-street, Strand, London, W.C.


Craft Masonry.



BRITANNIC LODGE (No. 33).-This lodge met at the Freemason's Hall on Friday the 12th inst., the chair being occupied by Pro Shields, W.M., who was ably supported by his officers: Bros. Church, S.W.; Glaisher, J.W.; Chubb, Sec,; Gale, I.G.; Euglard, Sen., P.M.; England, Jun., Steward; and the follow

NOTICES of motion for Grand Lodge, on Wednesday, 1st prox., have been given to the following effect :-By W. Bro. J. R. Stebbing, P.G.D., "That the tenure of office as Grand Mastering P.M.'s: Bros.Glegg, I.P.M., Bridges, Pierce, W. Smith, C.E., by any brother, be limited to three years in succession." By W. Bro. R. W. Steward, W.M. 12, P.M. 108, "That no brother shall be eligible for election as Grand Master for a longer period than five years in succession," By W. Bro. Joseph Smith, P.G. Purst., "That the office of Grand Master shall not be held by any brother for a longer period in succession than seven years." In each case is added, except in the case of a Prince of the Blood."

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THE Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Eugland and Wales will be held at the Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen-street, on Tuesday, the 30th inst., at 5 o'clock.

THE fifteen sections will be worked in the St. Luke's Lodge of Instruction, held at the Pier Hotel, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, on Fridey evening, 26th inst., Bro. George King, jun., W.M. 1,260, and J.W. 1,238, in the chair. The lodge will be opened at seven o'clock precisely.

AT the St. James's Lodge of Instruction (No. 765), held at the Gregorian Arms Tavern, Bermondsey, on Friday evenings, at 8 o'clock, the ceremonies are worked in rotation, beginning on the first Friday in every month; the fifteen sections and the ceremony of installation three times yearly. The preceptors are Bros. Howes, Rose, W. W. Smith, and J. Nash.

THE Masonic Temple at Boston, cost 418,522 dollars, and the organ, furniture, &c., 35,000 dollars. it is supposed by the Bostonians to far exceed in beauty the Temple built by King Solomon, and is acknowledged to be one of the finest specimens of architecture in the country. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has ordered that a yearly tax of one dollar shall be levied on each member of the fraternity in the State, by which it is calculated the debt will be liquidated in thirteen years.

SUBORDINATE lodges, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas, are prohibited from enacting by-laws. The Grand Lodge has established an uniform code by which all are to be governed.

THE Grand Master of Iowa, while admitting that he has no power to recognise coloured Masons, is apparently in favour of removing negroes from the disability under which they labcur in this respect.

TYLERS of Lodges, Janitors of Chapters, Equerries of Encamp. ments, &c., in England, Scotland, and Ireland, are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE, so that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled.

OFFICEBEARERS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND.-We. regret that, through some inadvertence, the name of Bro. D Murray Lyon, G. B. Brown, and Dr. Richie did not appear in the list of Grand Stewards which we gave in our report of last week. Bro. Lyon's name stands eleventh on the roll of Grand Stewards, and the present is his sixth re-election to that honourable and influential post.

THE trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund of New York have appointed a committee to procure plans for the Masonic Hall, to be erected at the corner of Twenty-third Street and Sixth Avenue in that city.

Strapp, and Grissel. There was, as usual in this flourishing lodge, a large attendance of members, as follows: Bros. Paddon, Enchart, Horsley, Rowland, Ricks, Finlay, Finch, Pendred, Hedge, Gammon, Turner, Cheynoeth, Dixon, Bearman, Pawley, Cope, Rochusson, Parker, Paget, Palmer, Browning, Sharp, Cloustou. Fairlie, Voell, Osborne, Webb, Sparks, Stent, Sugg, Visitors: Young, Spencer, Clarke, Strawbridge, and James. Bros. Law, P.M., 313 and S17, and P.P.G.W. for Essex; Murray, D.G.M. for China; George King, W.M. 172; Truss, 1,155; Adlard, P.M., 7, and P.A.D.C. for Essex; Kench, J.W., 538; Brown. P.M., 723; F. Walters, P.M., 73, W.M., 871; Gilber, 160; Erlese, W.M., 1,261; Edwards, No. 10; Browning, 806; Batb, 772; Hallows, 709; Galden, 191; Beattie, 291; Lawler, 92; Jekyll, 87; Baruby, 4; Carter, P.M., 382. C. J. Speight acted as Tyler. The minutes were read and confirmed. None of the candidates being present, after the usual routine business was transacted the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment.

VITRUVIAN LODGE (No. 57).-The regular meeting of this lodge took place at the Write Hart, College-street, Lambeth, on Wednesday, the 10th inst. Bro. Carey, W.M., in the chair, supported by his officers. A strong muster of P.M.'s was preseut, viz.. Bros. Fisher, Hill, Bain, Stuart, Morris, Stoke (Treas.), and Whiting (Sec,), besides a large attendance of the brethren. The minutes having been read and confirmed, the ballot was taken for fve gentlemen who were candidates for initiation, which proved unanimous in their favour, and they were duly admitted as members of the Craft. Bros. Allen Carter, Cor nelisson, and Nott were passed to the second degree, and Bros. Wood and Robson were raised to the degree of M.M. In accordance with notice of motion previously given, it was resolved to alter date of the election of W.M. to the month of February. Bro. Bain announced himself willing to undertake the duties of Steward at the Benevolent Institution Festival, and appealed to the brethren for contributions to his list. Two petitions to the Board of Benevolence were signed by the W.M. It was announced that the father of the lodge was a candidate for the male annuity, and the brethren resolved to do all they could to secure his election. There were present as visitors Bros. Waghorn, 916, and Cook, 959. An excellent supper followed the close of the lodge, at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to, and the evening's entertainment was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of several of the brethren.

MOUNT LEBANON LODGE (No. 73).-This old lodge met on Tuesday, the 13th instant, at the Bridge House Hotel. Bro. D. Rose, W.M., who raised two, passed one, and initiated one. Business ended, the members separated. There were present:Bros. Ebsworth, S. W.; Loewenstark, J.W.; Harris, P.M. Treas. ; Conkin, P.M., Sec.; Free, S.D.; Grace, I.G.; Stevens, D.C.; Dussek, W.S.; F. Walters, P.M.; Sabine, P.M., and others. Visitors: Batt, W.M., 147; Levy, P.M., 188; Massey, P.M., 619; Harris, J.W., 205, and others. Bro. Henry Whittle was initiated in the Royal Oak Lodge, No. 87, on August 30th, 1865. He served the several offices up to S.W., which post he held when he died, on Friday the 12th inst.; he was a founder of the new "Star" Lodge, 1,275; also the Lodge of Instruction, held under the warrant of that lodge; he was a founder of the South Eastern Ma sonic Charitable Association (New Cross Branch); he was an active Mason, and a zealous supporter of the charities; he served the office of Steward to the Royal Benevolent Institution, and became a life governor of that charity; he was buried on Monday last at Brockley Cemetery, in the presence of a large number of relations and his Masonic brethren. The W.M. of his lodge was present at the funeral. He died at the early age of 45 years, leaving his widow and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss.

LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP (No. 206).-The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Hotel, Leadenhall. street, on Thursday, the 11th inst. There were present Bros. H. M. Collier, W.M.; E. B. Barnard, S.W.; George Collier, J.W.; A. Harris, S.D.; W. Pumsey, P.M., Treas.; John Rumy, P.M., Sec.; A. Turner, P.M., Steward; R. Boyd, P.M.; and nineteen others. Bros. Marsha", 199, and Rumbold, 55, were the visitors on this occasion. The W.M., in an admirable manrer, raised Bro. C. T. Parsons to the degree of M.M., and initiated Mr. Thomas Seabora. The election of W.M. for the ensuing year was then proceeded with, Bro. E. B. Barnard being unanimously chosen W.M.; Bros. Rumsey, Treas.; and S. Patti, Tyler. One brother and the widow of another, late members of this lodge, were relieved with a sum of money from the funds. The lodge being closed, the bretoren adjourned to the banquet, at which the usual toasts were given and responded to.

ZETLAND LODGE (No. 511).-On Wednesday, November 10th, this lodge met at Anderton's Hotel, Bro. Durrant, W.M. presided. The minutes of the former lodge having been read aud confirmed, Messrs. Wildman, Milbourne, Heroman, and Themer, were initiated. Bro. Gerrod was passed to the degree of F.C., and Bros. Green and Radcliffe were raised to the sublime degree of M.M. Bro. Darrant then proceeded in a masterly manner to install in the chair of W.M. bis successor, Bro. W. Adams Davy, who invested his officers as follows:-H. J. Birch, S.W.; H. Edwards, J.W.; G. Read, S.D.; W. Game, J.9.; J. Austin, I.G.; A. Barfield, P.M., Trees.; W. H. Andrew, Scc.; G. A. Herlau and P. Lack, Stewards; and W. Radford, Tyler. Bro. F. Walters applied for the votes and interest of the breiten on behalf of Bro. Saqui, a candidate for the Benevolent lostitution, which were promised. The business concluded, the lodge was closed, and the brethren adjourned from laboar to refreshment. About 80 sat down to a splendid banquet, and there were present as visitors :-Bros. Walters, P.M.; Ard'ng, P.M.; H. Massey, and J. Wyla.



The installation meeting of this dis ingoished lodge was held on Wednesday, the 10th inst., &t Anderson's Hoiel, lee set. Precisely at 4 o'clock, Br. Win. Dourue, W.M.. e')'y assisted by his officers, al acting. Geo, "sam, S.W.; W. Hester, J.W.; P. Parsons, S.D.; S. Homewood, J.D.; F. Harper, L.G. The foliowing P.M.'s were also present :- Bros. J. G. Ford, Tras. ; H. Garrod, Sec.; G. N. Crogan, R. F. Potter, Thon as Naso. The W. Bro. Wm. Ongh, G. Pars. The following meinbers were also present:- Bros. Thos. Ship, W. E. Meeill, J. Painter, G. S. Elliot, W. Wickrem, W. Pearce, Aiec. Leftbre Catuan, and about 50 other brethren. The lodge was also honoured by the presence of the following visitors:-The W. Bro. Juo. Hervey, G. Sec.; George Littlewood, W.M., Royal Alfred, 780; J. Couits, P.M., Egyptiao, 27; H. Johnson, M.D., P.M., Caledonian, 184; P.M. Mossie, Fisbury, 1.61; 7. 8. Polsíorà. P.M., Sourbern Star, 1.168; G. Stacey, P.M., Econien, 209; E. Lowiher, Codogna, 106; Stewart Reid a vt W. Clanie, Etonian, 209; C. Tucket, Joriso, 201; John Wyal Robert Burns, 25; A. Greenaway, Berkhamstead, 501; II. J. Fitness, Tolerance, 784; George Fairman, Dermot 40; Joba Leary, Royal Albeit, 907; George Blackmore, Eclecie, 1.201. After the confirmation of the minutes, Bo. Albert Davis was passed to the second degree. Bro. Ough. C.P., ¿en presented Bro. George Pymn to the W.M., to receive from his hands the benefit of is allation. Pro. Garrod, P.M. and Sec., ieed be ancient charges to Bro. G. Pyom, the M.W. elent; after which a board of installed Masters to the number of 14 was formed, and Bro. Bourae, in the most able manoe, ies alled (is successor to the Chair of K.S. On the re-admission of the brethren, and after having saluted the W.M. in the Free degrees, he invested his officers as follows, 10 wou be si a few congratulatory words on thej preferment :- Bros. William Hester, S.W; Peter Parsons, J.W.; J. G. Froud, P.M., Treas. ; Heary Grod, P.M., Sec.; Spencer Homewood, S.D.; E. J. Scott, J.D.; Edward Ha per, 1.G.; Bro. Daly, Tyler. Bro. Fymm then opened the lodge in the tond degree, and by partiar request vacated the chair to Bro. Bourne, he imediate P.M., who raised Bro. Greenwood to the degree of M.M.



The lodge was then resumed to the first degrec, and Bro. George Pymm, the W.M., rose and said, that one of the most pleasant duties that ever fell to bis lot, was that of presenting the beautiful jewel he then held in his band to Bro. Bourne, the immediate P.M., from the members of the Belgrave Lodge, as the unanimous expression of their appreciation of his services.

The W.M. then read the inscription, which was as follows:"Presented to Bro. Wm. Bourne, P.M., by the Belgrave Lodge. No. 749, as a token of fraternal regard, and in appreciation of the excellent manner in which he discharged the duties of W.M. 10th Nov., 1869." He then placed the jewel on Bro. Bourne's breast, and said he hoped he would long live to wear it, and that the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge might enjoy the benefit of his Masonic knowledge and private friendship for many years, as he (the W.M.) had done. The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer, and the brethren retired to the banquet table. The dinner was served in Bro. Clemow's usual satisfactory style, superintended by Bro. Smith.

The following toasts were given by the W.M. in the most happy and genial manner, and responded to by the brethren with the utmost cordiality:-" The Queen and the Craft," "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family," "The Earl of Zetland, M.W.G.M.," "The Earl de Grey and He Ripon, R.W.D.G.M., and the rest of the Grand Officers.' called the attention of the brethren that they were honoured by the presence of the G. Sec., Bro. J. Hervey, and also with Bro. W. Ough, G. Purs., the latter a member of their own lodge. The G. Sec. and G. Purs. both returned thanks in a very eloquent manner.

Bro. Bourne then rose and proposed "The health of Bro. Pymm, W.M., and felt sure that the brethren were honoured in having such a Master to preside over them and direct the affairs of the lodge, and that when he left the chair the brethren would not regret having elected him to the office; that the admirable way in which he had discharged the duties of all the offices he had hitherto filled had endeared him to every member of the Belgrave Lodge.

The W.M. returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren, and said that it was a very old adage that the Great Architect of the Universe gave man speech to disguise his thoughts, but he wished He had given him language to express his, and then he should be at no loss to thank them in a manner suitable to himself and the brethren. He gave them many thanks for the hearty good wishes that had been expressed towards him, and he hoped to meet the brethren for many years to come. The W.M. then said that the next toast he had to propose was a very pleasant one-that of the visitors-and called attention to the fact that the Belgrave Lodge never met without being honoured by visitors. On that occasion they had many distinguished Masons, and be called on the brethren to drink "The health of the visitors" with cordiality.

Bro. Geo. Stacey, P.M. Etonian, 201, said that he congratulated the brethren on having elected so worthy a brother as Bro. George Pymm to preside over them; that he had known him for many years, and felt sure that he possessed in a most eminent degree those qualities which would render him one of the most distinguished Masters of the Belgrave Lodge; that he possessed that brotherly love and affection which ought to shine in the breast of every member of the Craft. On behalt of himself and the other visitors he had to return thanks for the bospitable reception he had met with. He had many opportunities of seeing the working of other lodges, but be had never been in one where the duties were performed in such an admirable manner as that of the Belgrave Lodge, and he hoped the Great Architect of the Universe would spread a blessing on all the undertakings of the lodge.

Bro. J. Coutts, P.M. Egpptian, 27, also as an old friend of the W.M., stated that it gave him great pleasure to be one of the visitors on that auspicious occasion, and that the W.M. was a brother who entered heart and soul into Freemasonry, and he felt sure he would do all in his power for the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge.

Bro. Johnson, M. D., P.M. 157, also returned thanks in a very

warm mauner.

The W M. then rose and said, bat the next toast was one he called on the brethren of the lodge to do all the honors to, viz., that of the health of P.M., Bro. Bourne, that be feit sure that the manner in which he had gone throngs the installation ceremony, hsd taken every brother by surp ise, that as every member of the lodge we'l knew that his tie always was at their gervice, as well as bis talents and ability, in order to enhance the prosperity of the Belgrave Lodge. Bro. Boarne said, that the W.M. had placed a greater dificulty in bis way, than being called upon to work any of Lae ceremonies. He assured the brethren that he had simply done what he felt to he his duty, and that, in the knowledge that he had given satisfaction to the members of the Belgrave Lodge, he was more than amply repaid, and that the jewel

with which they had presented him he should treasure to the latest hour of his existence.

The next toast was the P.M.'s of the Belgrave Lodge, and the W.M. called the attention of the brethren to the admirable way in which they discharged their duties, and to that fact he attributed not a little of the prosperous position of the lodge. He coupled with the toast, Bro. J. G. Froud, P.M., the Treas., Bro. Garrod, P.M., Sec., and Bro. Runting. P.M., Director of Ceremonies.

Bro. Froud said, that it had been his distinguished honour for some years to return thanks for the P.M.'s of the Belgrave Lodge, but on no occasion had the duty been such a pleasant one as the present. Bro. Garrod also returned thanks in a very brief but happy style, and said that it was the twelfth time he had had the honor of returning thanks for re-election as Secretary, and hoped he should have that honor for many years to come. The next toast was that of the officers. The S.W. returned thanks on behalf of himself and the rest of the officers.

The next toast was that of the lay members, to which Bro. Strip responded.

The Tyler's toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a conusion.


MERCHANT NAVY LODGE (No. 781).-On Wednesday, the 10th instant, this lodge held the regular meeting at the Silver Tavern, Burdett-read, Limehouse, the following being present:Bros. E. T. Read, W.M.; Helps, S.W.; Bradbury, J.W.; Armstrong, S.D.; Reeves, J.D,; Myerscough, I.G.; J. Wright, P.M. and Treas.; T. B. Daniell, P.M.; C. H. Killick and Davis, P.M.'s; Midland, Sec. The following visitors were present: W. Barlow, P.M., Sincerity Lodge; J. L. Toole, Neptune, No. 22; G. T. Linn, Royal Oak, 871. The lodge being opened in due form, and the minutes of the last regular lodge and lodges of emergency read and confirmed, Bro. Easman was raised to the degree of MM., Bro. Sultan was passed to the second degree, and Mr. Frederick Wm. Godrich was initiated. Nothing further being offered, the lodge was closed with solemn prayer, and the brethren then adjourned to refreshment. The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to. Bro. Killick, P.M., then proposed the health of Bro. Read, their W.M. He said the ability that he displayed in the management of the lodge and his general kind and courteous demeanour entitled him to their warmest regard. This toast was most enthusiastically received by the brethren. The W.M. returned thanks in suitable and appropriate terms, and then gave the health of their newly-initiated Bro. Godrich, who replied in very feeling terms that his profession called him to different parts of the globe, but wherever he might be, he should carry with bim a lively remembrance of that evening's proceedings, and concluded by thanking the W.M. and the brethren of the lodge for the honour they had conferred upon him by admitting him as one of their fraternity. The toast of the Past Masters was then given and duly responded to. Bro. Killick, P.M., replied that it was very gratifying to the Past Masters to see such feeling displayed towards them, and assured the brethren it was the anxious desire of the Past Masters to exert themselves in every way for the benefit of the lodge and happiness of the brethren. The W.M. then gave the visitors' toast. Bro. J. L. Toole, No. 22, replied, and expressed himself highly gratified with the reception he had met with, but more especially had he been interested with the unanimity exhibited amongst the brethren, and the excellent working of their W.M. To him it had been a source of great pleasure, and he was authorised to say the same for the rest of the visitors. The health of the officers was then drunk and responded to by Bro. Helps, S.W., who stated it was a source of pleasure for the officers to carry out their respective duties and to be punctual to their posts, baving such an example set them by their W.M. Bro. Killick, by permission of the W.M., proposed the health of Bro. John Wright, P.M. and Treasurer, and in doing so paid a high tribute to his many excellent qualities, the exertions he had used in assisting to bring the lodge to its present happy and prosperous condition entitled him to their gratitude, and regretted that sickness at home necessitated his early departure from among them. The Tyler's toast brought the evening to a close, and the brethren departed with lively expressions of delight in having spent such a happy evening.

LILY LODGE OF RICHMOND (No. 820).-A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel, Richmond, on Wednesday, Nov. 10th. There were present Bros. George Townsend, W.M.; Rest Fenner, S. W.; G. T. Noyce, acting as J. W.; F. N.

Koch, J.D.; F. D. Kennedy, I.G.; John Cockburn, P.M. and Sec.; Thomas F. Giles, P.M. and Treas.; Thomas J. Carless, I.P.M.; William Cooper, P.M., and Bros. Millar, Ritter, White, Mason, Sweet, Jones, Catlin, and Cook. The visitors present were Bro. Lee, P.M. 23, and a P.M. of No. 847, whose name we did not learn. Bro. Catlin was passed to the degree of F.C. by the W.M. in an able manner. Bro. Mason, in accordance with notice of motion at the last meeting of the lodge, proposed, and Bro. Koch seconded, that Bro. Joshua Nunn having been raised to the dignity of a Grand Lodge officer, and he being a P.M. and one of the founders of this lodge, a sum of ten guineas be given from the lodge funds towards presenting him with Grand Lodge clothing, which was carried unanimously. There being no further business, the lodge was closed at half-past six, and the brethren adjourned to the banquet.

ST. MARK'S LODGE (No. 857).-This lodge, held at the Horns' Tavern, Kennington, met on the 16th inst., at 6 o'clock p.m. There were present-Bros. H. E. Frances, W.M.; Schuck, S.W.; Hambly, J.W.; Bragg, J.D.; Sands, I.G.; Harrisson, P.M. & Treas.; Howell and Anderson, P.M.'s; Morley, Sec.; Seaton; King; and Radford, Tyler. Bro. Ovey, of the Percy Lodge, was present as a visitor. Bros. Seaton and King were passed to the second degree, the ceremony being performed by the W.M. in a very excellent manner. A full and beautiful description of the tracing-board of the first degree was given by Bro. Ovey, P.M. of the Percy Lodge. It was proposed and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks to Bro. Ovey be recorded.

MONTEFIORE LODGE (No. 1,017).-The election meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday, the 10th inst., at the Freemasons' Hall. The lodge was opened at 5-30 p.m. by Bro. the Rev. M. B. Levy, W.M., supported by Bros. Pollitzer, S.W.; F. S. Philips, J.W.; S. V. Abrahams, I.P.M.; L. Jacobs, Treas.; E. P. Albert, P.M., Hon. Sec.; Blum, J.D.; J. L. Rosenthal, I.G.; Desolla, P.M.; Erunebaum, Wertheimer, Moore, Ehrman, S. Kisch, Rev. E. Danziger, and several others. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, when a ballot was taken for the admission of Bro. Meyer A. Loewenstark, J.W., Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 73, which was unanimous in his favour, as a joining member. Mr. John Beck was likewise unanimously approved as a candidate for initiation. Bro. the Rev. E. Danziger was passed to the degree of a F.C., having previously proved his proficiency as au E.A., and Mr. Beck was duly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry, the ceremonies being most efficiently and impressively rendered by the W.M. and his officers, to whom too much praise cannot be awarded for the successful endeavours to raise the prestige of the lodge in the eyes of the Craft, equal to that enforced by the illustrious and eminent personage whose name it bears, in the eyes of mankind in general. Bro. Pollitzer, S.W. was unanimously elected W.M. for the ensuing year, and Bro. L. Jacobs re-elected Treas. The brethren afterward adjourned to a sumptuous banquet, presided over by the W.M., who acquitted himself with his usual courtesy and affability, and seldom has it been our good fortune to spend a more agreeable and social evening. We may mention that in order to further the interest of Bro. Saqui as a candidate for the Male Annuity Fund, Bro. Wertheimier kindly consented to act as Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution. The visitors were: Bros. F. Walters, P.M. 73, 871, 147, P.Z. 73; H. Levy, P.M. 188.

CAPPER LODGE (No. 1,076).—This lodge met at the Marine Hotel, Victoria Docks, on Thursday the 11th inst., at six o'clock. Bro. Watkins presided, supported by Bros. Rossiter, S.W.; Sisley, J.W.; Gaskell, S.D.; Pincome, J.D.; Ashdown, I.G.; Parks, Treas.; and Henderson, P.M. and Sec. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year:-Bros. H. G. Sisley, W.M.; Gaskell, S.W.; Pincome, J.W.; Ashdown, S.D.; Brown, J.D.; Brayshaw, I.G.; and Alison, Tyler. Bros. Park, Treas. and Henderson, Sec. were re-elected. The visitors present were: Bros. Willett, W.M., Euphrates Lodge; W. D. May, S.W.; W. Graham, J.W.; Ellis and Hawkes, all of Nelson Lodge; Phillips, Union Waterloo Lodge; Smith, Pattison Lodge, and several others. Bros. Jones and Ward were raised to the sublime degree of M.M.'s. Bro. Watkins presented Bro. Sisley, J.W., and W.M. elect to P.M. West, to receive from him the benefit of installation, which ceremony was performed in a very efficient mauner. The sum of five guineas was voted to the masonic charities. The business of the evening being concluded, the lodge was closed; the brethren, to the number of 85, par

took of a very excellent banquet, after which the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to. After spending a very pleasant evening the brethren parted in harmony.

MACDONALD LODGE (No. 1,216).-This lodge held at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles, Camberwell New Road, met on Wednesday, the 8th inst., at 6 p.m. Bro. Major A. L. Irvine, P.M. W.M., occupied the chair, supported by Bros. James Stevens, P.M. S.W.; Dr. E. Cronier, Treas.; S. H. Wagstaff, J.D.; G. N. Bridges, Dir. of Cers.; G. Waterall, I.G.; W. J. Messenger, H. Puckle, Stewards; J. J. Curtis, Sec. The following members were also present: Bros. W. Dicker; J. H. Hashe, H. Francis; J. W. Carnell; A. Walton; W. H. Thomas ; M. S. Larlham; J. B. Pike; N. W. Skairp; W. A. Willis; A. Scruby; H. Woodgates; James Pike; D. Fourdrinier. The visitors present were: Bros. C. C. Dumas, G. Assist. Dir. of Cers. P.M. 46; Geo. Powell, P.M. 142; R. A. Steel, 1,194; G. Saward, 33; W. Warrell, 766; E. S. Higgins, 120; W. V. Bedolfe, 1,194; N. G. Davis, 1,238. The lodge being opened the minutes were read and confirmed. Bro. William Worrell was unanimously elected an honorary member of the lodge and appointed by the W.M. to the office of honorary Assist. Org. The working of the lodge was subsequently accompanied throughout with full musical performance. Bros. Dr. Woodgates, Scruby and Bedolfe were passed to the degree of F.C., and the W.M. then delivered the lecture on the tracing board. At the request of the W.M., Bro. Stevens, S.W. delivered the second section in that degree in the form of a lecture. The lodge was then called off for refreshment, and on resuming Bros. N. W. Shairp and J. Pike were duly raised to the degree of Master Mason. The lodge was then closed down, and the closing hymn having been sung, the business of the evening terminated. A more agreeable visit in Masonry has seldom been experienced by those who were strangers to the perfection with which this lodge is worked by the excellent W.M., and his no less effective officers.


YARBOROUGH LODGE (No. 554).-On Tuesday evening, the 2nd inst, Bro. J. G. Stevens gave a reading in aid of the fund for the relief of " Aged and Decayed Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons," in the lodge-room, Green Dragon Tavern, Stepney. The time announced for the commencement was 7.30, but before that time the room was nearly filled, and altogether there were 45 brethren present during the reading, and the following lodges were represented viz.: Merchant Navy, British Oak, Crystal Palace, Confidence, Camden, Sincerity, Industry, Jubilee, Perfect Ashlar, Upton, Victoria, Doric, and Yarborough. It being the regular night of meeting, the lodge was opened in due form at 7.30 precisely, and the minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirmed, the lodge was called from labour, and the reading commenced at 7.45. The subjects chosen were the "Christmas Carol," and the "Boots at the Holly Tree Inn." The "Carol is, perhaps, the best and most successful effort of its author to arouse the sympathies of the indifferent and the selfish of the well-to-do portions of society in behalf of their needy and struggling fellowcreatures, and it seems impossible to read, or hear read, its soulstirring passages without being constrained, like "Scroog," to throw aside our selfishness and apathy, to again mix freely with the world, and to feel that to do our best to make others happy is to sow seed from which we shall reap a rich harvest of the same blessed condition for ourselves. Badly indeed must the story be read, and sad the condition of the reader or hearer, if it misses the aim of its author; and Bro. Stevens entered fully into the spirit of the story, especially in the pathetic episode of " Bob Crachet" and his poor family, "Tiny Tim," as usual, drawing more than a tiny tear from the eyes of most of those present. The story throughout was listened to with the most absorbing attention, the best of evidence that the reader had done justice to the author; and at its conclusion the audience manifested its satisfaction in a hearty round of applause. After a brief interval, "Boots" was introduced, and told his amusing and laughter-provoking story of the baby lovers and their elopement; not concealing his own vile conduct in deceiving and betraying the innocents; and so deep-rooted was his villany that not even the promise of "£2,000 a year as their head gardener could win him from his course of deception. May he continue as "Boots" to the end of his days-a fitting reward for his baseness. At the conclusion of the reading, the lodge was re-called to labour, and upon the dues being collected were adnounced to amount to £6 18.-a very satisfactory result

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of an hour or two spent in a rational manner and free from any selfish purpose. In addition to this liberal contribution many brethren placed their names upon Bro. Robert's list as donors to the institution. It being the night of election, Bro. Chadwick was unanimously elected W.M. for the ensuing fortnight, when, upon the motion of Bro. Henry Wainwright, seconded by Bro. G. Roberts, W.M. of 554, the thanks of the meeting were voted to Bro. Stevens for his able and pleasing reading. Bro. Roberts then rose and said :-"We all know how ready and willing at all times Bro. Stevens is to do suit and service to the Craft, and to aid the cause of charity in any direction-Masonic or otherwise. This was not the first time

Bro. Stevens had rendered a similar service for a kindred object, and we ought to mark our appreciation of such services by conferring upon him the only honour we, as a lodge of instructiou, bave in our power to bestow, namely, an honorary membership of the lodge. That we could freely accord to him, and, as its chief value would lie in the spirit in which the award was made, he was sure that the motion he was about to make would be carried with unanimous acclamation. He therefore moved, 'That as a slight acknowledgment of the valuable services rendered to this lodge on this evening and on previous occasions by Bro. Stevens, he be elected an honorary member of the lodge." That was seconded by Bro, Barnes, and carried with entire unanimity. Bro. Stevens, in a few and appropriate words, returned thanks for the warm support and kind attentions given him, and for the honour of electing him an honorary member of the lodge, and concluded by saying that he should always look back upon that evening as one of the happiest and proudest of his Masonic life. Upon the motion of Bro. Roberts, seconded by Bro. Scurr, the thanks of the lodge was unanimonsly given to those visitors who had so kindly and liberally responded to the appeal of the lodge. The lodge was then closed in due form, and the brethren dispersed, highly gratified by the re-union and its results.


BIRKENHEAD.-Zetland Lodge (No. 537).-On Wednesday, the 17th inst., this lodge met at the Masonic Chambers, Birkenhead, A. B. Golborne, W.M., occupying the chair, supported by his officers, Bros. James Lambert, S.W.; Thomas Earl Hignett. J.W.; John P. Blatt, Treas.; Charles P. Nosworthy, Sec.; F. K, Stevenson and E. G. Willoughby, P.M.'s, and several other brethren. Bro. Tysilio Johnson, No. 1,030, was present as a visitor. Mr. Theodore Olsen was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry, and Bro. W. C. Beggs passed to the second degree. A vote of condolence to Bro. J. P. Platt on his late severe bereavement was proposed and unanimously carried. There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form.


DEVONPORT.-Lodge St. Aubyn (No. 954),-The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday, the 9th inst., when a large number of the brethren were present, also several visiting brethren from other lodges, amongst whom were Bros. Isaac Watts, P.M., P. Prov. G. Treas. St. Johns Lodge No. 70; Major Russell, 57th Regt. ; Eaton, of Lodge Meridian, Cornwall, &c., &c. The W.M. Bro. James Hawton, Prov. G. Dir. of Cers. took the chair of King Solomon punctually at 7 o'clock, and the business of the lodge was proceeded with, by balloting for Mr. Morris Cole Lakeman, a candidate for initiation into the Order, and the ballot was unanimous in the candidate's favour. Bro. R. Anderson who had been initiated on the 12th ult., was passed to the F.C. degree. Mr. Lakeman was then introduced and initiated into the ancient mysteries. The change being impressively given by Bro. Watts, P.M. P. Prov. G. Treas. The business of the evening having been concluded, the lodge closed at 9.30 p.m.


LYME REGIS.-Montagu Lodge (No. 665).—This lodge met at the Masonic Hall, Lion Hotel, on Monday, Nov. 8, at half-past seven, p.m. Bro. Samuel S. Moore, W.M., was in the chair, supported by Bro. John Godden, P.M., as S.W.; Robert Radford, Treas., as J.W.; John Fowler, P.M. and Sec.; William Mansfield, S.D.; John Grove, J.D.; William Langford, I.G.; and William Lucas, Tyler. Mr. John Stevens was initiated, and Bros. Charles Langley, John E. Wallis, and Edwin H. Wallis

were passed to the degree of F.C. A proposition was brought forward that the lodge should purchase the views of the Boys' and Girls' Schools, published by Messrs. Lewis and Mason, and that they should be framed and hung in the entrance hall, which was carried. There being no further business, the lodge was closed in ancient form.


CHESTER-LE-STREET.-Earl of Durham Lodge (No. 1.274).On Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., a regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Lambton Arms Hotel, under the presidency of the W.M., Bro. W. Brignall, jun. The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed, the ballot was taken with a favourable result for Messrs. Robert Oliver, George Ridley, and Oliver Angus. The first and last named gentlemen being in attendance, were introduced into Freemasonry, strictly in accordance with the rites of the ceremony of the first degree. Bros. T. II. Murray, J. A. Jackson, J. Stevenson, and R. F. Gibson having served the period requisite previous to taking higher honours, were regularly introduced and passed to the F.C. degree. Several propositions having been made and duly recorded, the lodge was closed in the accustomed form until Wednesday, the 8th prox., on which occasion the annual festival will be held.


GREAT ILFORD.-De Grey and Ripon Lodge (No. 905).-The last regular meeting of this summer lodge was held at the Angel Hotel on the 26th ult under the presidency of Bro. E. J. Applebee, W.M., ably supported by Bros. Burke, S. W., Driver, J.W., Salmon, S.D., Taylor, as J.D., Smith, I.G., J. Coward, G. Org. aud P.M., and not forgetting Bro. T. Wescombe, P.M. and Treasurer, whose geniality always gives a pleasure to the brethren of the lodge. There was also a large number of the brethren present. One gentleman was initiated, and a brother passed to the second degree, both ceremonies being very ably performed by the W.M, after which the lodge was closed, and the brethren adjourned to refreshment. The evening was enlivened by some most excellent music by Bro. James Coward, G. Org., and Bro. H. F. Taylor, P. Prov. G. Org., and also some singing by several of the brethren.


MANCHESTER.-Caledonian Lodge (No. 204).-The regular monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday the 10th inst., at the Freemason's Hall, Cooper-street. The lodge was opened at six o'clock by the W.M. Bro. Mountain, assisted by his officers, Bros. Hartley, S. W.: Raids, M.D., J.W.; Cloy, S.D., &c. After the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. the lodge was opened in the second degree, and an E.A. passed to F.C. The lodge was resumed in the first degree, and the brethren proceeded to elect a W.M. for the ensuing twelve months. On the ballot being taken, it was found there were 31 votes for Bro. Hartley, S.W.; and 2 for Bro. Mountain. W.M. Bro. Hartley was then declared duly elected. The W.M., in the name of the lodge, then presented the I.P.M., Bro. John Brocklehurst with a splendid eighteen carat gold P.M.'s jewel, and a large photographic likeness. Bro. Brocklehurst then returned thanks in a most appropriate and graceful manner. There being no further business before the lodge, it was closed in due form with solemn prayer, and the brethren proceeded to refreshment. After the banquet the usual loyal and masonic toasts were duly proposed and honored by the brethren. The health of the visiting brethren was responded to by Bros. Alderson, Colville, and Mayle. Bro. Mountain then proposed the health of W.M. elect, Bro. Hartley, and met with an unexpected amount of enthusiasm, the brethren all simultaneously rising to their feet, and cheering the W.M. elect with hearty goodwill. Bro. Hartley thanked the lodge in a few short but apropos remarks. The evening was enlivened by songs and recitations from several of the brethren, and Bro. Seed presided at the piano with his accustomed skill. Among the P.M.'s and W.M.'s present were:- Bros. Gouldthorp, P.G.O.; J. L. Hine, P.P.S.W.; Shelland, P.P.S.D.; Affleck, P. P.G.D., all of East Lancashire; H. J. Baldwin, P.P.G.S.B., Cheshire; C. H.Coates, W.M., 1,009; Colville, P.M., 1,219; Mayle, W.M., 1,004; Alderson, P.M., 1,009; Lofthouse, P.M., 1,004; Edge, P.M.; Heaps, P.M.; John Darley Brocklehurst, P.M.; John Brocklehurst, P.M.; C.

Fitzgerald Matier; Guttridge, P.M., 1,055; Bennett, W.M., 1219; E. Nathan, P.M.; J. C. Hind, P.M.; J. W. Petty, P.M.; Rev. E. Lang, Chaplain, 1,219; and many others whose names it was impossible to procure.


KIRKDALE.-Prince of Wales's Lodge (No. 1035).—This lodge, held at St. Mary's Schoolrooms, Kirkdale, met on Thursday, the 11 inst., at half-past six p.m. Bro. T. Foggard, W.M., occupied the chair, supported by G. Morgan, S. W.; F. Jones, J.W.; J. W. Turley, Sec., and the other officers. The business of the evening included the initiation of Messrs. Edward Clarke, Thos. Atherton, and John Taylor, and the passing to the degree of Fellow Craft Bros. John Morgan, Thomas McAllister, and John Morrison.

BARROW-IN-FURNESS.-Hartington Lodge (No. 1,021).-On Monday, the 8tb inst., the brethren met at the Royal Hotel, Strand, at 7 p.m. Bro. H. Cook, P.M. in the chair, supported by Bros. W. F. Cox as S.W.; J. C. Johnson as J.W.; Henry Paget, Hon. Scc.; Allison, P.M., and a goodly number of the members. Several Hindpool brethren were present as visitors. Messrs. Davies and Williams were daly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry, the ceremony being ably performed by Bro. Cook, P.M. The ordinary business being concluded, the lodge was closed in due form.


PONTYPOOL. Kennard Lodge (No. 1,258). The usual monthly meeting took place on Monday, the 15th inst., at the lodge-room, at the Clarence Hotel, Bro. C. H. Oliver, P.M. 471, Prov. G. Dir. of Cers., in the chair. There was a good muster, and nearly all were members of 1,258. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the Secretary, Bro. Williams, read a letter which he had received from the W.M., Bro. Bartholomew Thomas, apologising for his absence and stating his inability to attend through the death of his mother, and throwing himself entirely on the kind sympathy and indulgence of his brother members. The ballot took place, when Bros. Howard; John Kennard, of Cleveland-square, London; Arthur Challis Kennard, of Falkirk, Scotland; and William Williams, jun., of Abergavenny, were unanimously admitted as joining members. Bros. Llewellen, Wood, Fowler, and Herbert being in attendance. were severally examined in open lodge as to the progress each had made as E.A. Freemasons, and their answers proving satisfactory, those brethren retired. The lodge was then opened in the second degree, when the last four brethren were passed as F.C. Freemasons, the ceremony being most ably and correctly rendered by the acting W.M., Bro. Oliver. This worthy brother also favoured the brethren with a lecture on the second tracing-board, which was listened to with much attention. The lodge was then closed down to the first degree, when the S.W., Bro. Martyn Kenuard, in a truly eloquent speech, moved "that an address of sympathy with our beloved W. M. and of condolence with him and his family in their bereavement be presented to Bro. Thomas." This, being seconded by the J.W., was carried unanimously. The S.W. then stated they were much indebted to Bro. Oliver for coming up specially from Newport that evening to preside over them in the absence and at the request of their W.M., and he proposed "that a cordial vote of thanks be accorded to Bro. Oliver for 'his kindness." This being seconded by the Treasurer, was carried by acclamation. Bro. Oliver suitably responded for the compliment thus paid him, and assured the brethren of his readiness at any moment to help and assist the Kennard Lodge at any of their meetings. Some routine business was then transacted, and one or two joining members having been proposed, the lodge was closed in harmony at 7.45 p.m. We cannot omit mentioning our very great pleasure at seeing and hearing the Masonic music published at the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE office, so ably carried out by the talented Organist, Bro. Haskins. This brother has not been a Mason six months, and yet he has trained up a capital choir in the lodge-room. He has a splendid harmonium, and the musical parts of the ceremonies as rendered at Pontypool, in our opinion are exactly as they ought to be. And so mote it be. We hear it is contemplated to get up a Masonic ball at the Town Hall, Pontypool, to come off the first or second week in February, most probably Valentine's Day.

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