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O mihi jucundum Grantæ super omnia nomen!

O penitus toto corde receptus Amor!
O pulchræ sine luxu Ædes, vitæque beatæ,
Splendida paupertas, ingenuusque decor!
O sacri Fontes! et sacræ Vatibus Umbræ,
Quas recreant Avium Pieridumque chori!
O Camus! Phœbo nullus quo gratior amnis,
Amnibus auriferis invidiosus inops.




Square, 890 miles. Diocese, 15 parishes in Norwich, and 1, Iselham, in Ro



Antiquities. Fleam Dyke; Arbury, Gogmagog, Great Shelford, and Willingham-field earth-works; Denny Abbey; March Church.

In Bottisham Church is the tomb of Elias de Beckingham, Justiciary of England to Edward I.


In Ely was buried St. Etheldreda, vulgò St. Audrey, daughter of Anna King of East Anglia, foundress and first Abbess of the Monastery in 673. The old fair at Ely, which commences on her festival, Oct. 29, was formerly celebrated for the sale of ribands of divers colours, which were venerated as having touched her shrine, and were called St. Audrey's ribands, whence our present epithet taudry is derived. Edward the Confessor was educated here. In the Cathedral is the monument of the learned John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, the patron of Caxton.

In Eltisley were buried St. Pandionia (to whom the Church is dedicated) and St. Wendreth.

At Thorney three of its hermits were canonized, St. Tancred, St. Torthred, and.St. Tona. The monastery was founded about the year 662.

In Long Stow parish, an estate of two virgates of land, in the time of Edward I. had its sergeanty commuted by the singular service of finding a truss of hay for the King's Cloaca whenever he should visit Cambridge.


Of Peter-House. Prelates, Cardinal BEAUFORT, of Winchester; Whitgift, of Canterbury; Cosin, of Durham; WALTON, of Chester, editor of the Polyglott; and Law of Carlisle. Reformer, Joy. Nonconformists, Penry and Seaman. Sherlock, Dean of St. Paul's. Statesman, Henry Duke of Grafton. Critic, Markland. Regicide, Colonel Hutchinson. Traveller, Morrison. Physicians, Samuel and John Jebb. Poets, Crashaw, Garth, GRAY, and Sewell. Of Pembroke-Hall. Prelates, Grindal, of Canterbury; Harsnet, of York; Andrews, of Winchester; Lindwood, of St. David's; Christopherson, of Chichester; Browning, of Exeter; and Wren, of Ely. Martyrs, RIDLEY, Bp. of London; Rogers, and Bradford. Nonconformists, Clarke, Fenner, Vines, and Calamy. Statesmen, Thorpe, Chancellor to Edward III. and the late GENT. MAG. March, 1818.


WILLIAM PITT. Historian of Philosophy, Stanley. Astronomer, Long. Chronologer, Isaacson. Critic, Bankes. Physician, Grew. Poets, SPENSER, Harvey, Ralph Bathurst, Smart, and Mason.

Of Clare-Hall. Prelates, TILLOTSON and Heath, of Canterbury, Lindsel, of Hereford; and Gunning, of Ely. Divines, "the intellectual" CUDWORTH (who died Master of Christ's College in 1688, aged 71, and is buried in its chapel), and the unfortunate Dr. Dodd. Statesman, Holles, Duke of Newcastle. Mathematician, Whiston. Lexicographer, Parkhurst. Physician, Jollyffe. The pious Nicholas Ferrar.

Of Corpus Christi. Prelates, Parker, of Canterbury; Womack, of St. David's; Fletcher, of London; and Yorke, of Ely. Divines, Browne, founder of the Brownists; and Wesley, father of John. Lord Keeper, Sir Nicholas Bacon. Dramatists, FLETCHER, and Hoadly. Antiquaries, STUKELEY ; the Numismatist North; Topographers, Salmon, GoUGH, Nasmith, Tyson, and its Historian, Masters. Classical scholar, Beloe, translator of Herodotus, &c. In the Chapel is a monument of its Master, Dr. John Spencer, author of "De Legibus Hebræorum," who died 1693, aged 63.

Of Gonvile and Caius. Prelates, TAYLOR, of Downe and Connor; Lucy, of St. David's; Skip, of Hereford; White, of Ely; Warren, of Bangor. Founder of the Royal Exchange, Sir Thomas GRESHAM. Divine and Mathematician, CLARKE. Lord Chancellor, Thurlow. Antiquaries, GRUTER, Wharton, Wats; the topographers, Chauncy, Blomefield, and Fenn. Physicians, CAIUS (buried in its Chapel with the epitaph "Fui Caius. Vivit post funera Virtus. Ætatis suæ 63, obiit 29 Julii, Anno D. 1573"), HARVEY, Scarborough, and Glysson. Architect, Burroughs. Poet, Shadwell.

Of Trinity-Hall. Prelates, GARDINER, Bp. of Winchester; Sampson, of Chichester; Thirlby, of Ely; Barlow, of Lincoln; Hallifax and HORSLEY, of St. Asaph. Statesmen, Henry Earl of Northampton, Privy Seal to James I.; Naunton, author of "Fragmenta Regalia;" STANHOPE, Earl of Chesterfield. Civilians, Cowell and Marriott. Latin poet, Haddon; Agricultural poet, Tusser.

Of King's. Prelates, Scot, or Rotheram, of York; Cloos, of Lichfield and Coventry; Aldridge, of Carlisle; Fox, of Hereford; Alley, of Exeter; Guest, of Salisbury; and Hare, of St. Asaph, Dean Stanhope. Statesmen, SIR FRANCIS WALSINGHAM, Dr. Giles Fletcher, SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, Charles Viscount Townshend, Secretary to George I., and Lord Chancellor CAMDEN. Greek scholars, Crooke, Cheke, Winterton, King, and Morell. Saxon scholar, L'isle. Historian, Hall. Mathematician, Oughtred. Civilian, Ridley. Infidel, Collins. Mythologist, Bryant. Poets, Phineas Fletcher, WALLER, and Dr. Glynn-Clobery (who died in 1800, aged 81, and is buried in the Chapel). Antagonist of Junius, Sir William Draper.

Of Queen's. Prelates, Poynet and FISHER, of Rochester, Davenant, of Salisbury; and Patrick, of Ely. Statesman, Sir Thomas Smith. Divines, FULLER, Brightman, Goodwin, and Smith. Critics, ERASMUS, Wasse, and Davis. Mathematician, Wallis. Weever, author of Funeral Monuments.

Of Catharine-Hall. Prelates, Sandys and Dawes, of York; Hutchinson, of Downe and Connor, Blackall, of Exeter; Hoadly, of Winchester; and his opponent Sherlock, of London. Divine, Blackburne. Nonconformist, Goodwin. Orientalist, Lightfoot. Antiquaries, Strype and Wotton. In its Chapel are nonuments of its Master, Dr. John Eachard, author on "Contempt of the Clergy," who died 1697, and Dr. John Addenbroke, founder of the Hospital which bears his name, who died 1719.

Of Jesus. Prelates, CRANMER and Bancroft, of Canterbury, Sterne, of York; Bale, of Ossory, the biographer; Goodrich, of Ely; and Pearson of Chester. Divines, Worthington and Venn. Orientalist, Ockley. Astronomer, FLAMSTEED. Chronologer, Jackson. Lexicographer, Eliot. Physician, Foreman. Translator, Fawkes. Critics, Thirlby, JORTIN, Ashton, and Wakefield. Poets, Fanshawe and Fenton. Hartley, author "on Man." STERNE, author of "Tristram Shandy."

Of Christ's. Prelates, Cornwallis, of Canterbury; LATIMER, of Worcester, the martyr, and Porteus, of London. Divines, More, the Platonist; Mede, and PALEY. Nonconformist, Howe. Lord Chief Justice, Raymond. Statesman, Sir Walter Mildmay. Antiquaries, LELAND and Sammes. Mathematician, Sanderson. Historian, Echard. Hebrician, Broughton. Poets, Harrington, Quarles, Cleiveland, and MILTON. Burnet, author of "Theory of the Earth."


Of St. John's. Prelates, Baynes, of Lichfield and Coventry; Watson, of Lincoln, Pilkington, of Durham; MORGAN, of St. Asaph, translator of the Bible into Welsh; STILLINGFLEET, of Worcester; Beveridge, of Bath and Wells; Gauden, of Exeter. Divines, Leavor, Gataker, Whitaker, Hilkiah Bedford, Cave, Milner, Edwards, Stackhouse, and Ogden. Nonconformist, Cartwright. Philosopher, Sir Kenelm Digby. Statesmen, CECIL, Lord Burleigh; WENTWORTH, Earl of Strafford; CARY, Viscount Falkland; Lord Keeper Guildford; and the Marquess of Rockingham. Parliamentarian General, Fairfax. Scholars, Redman, Ascham, Downes, Bois, Taylor, and Bowyer the learned Printer. Mathematician, Briggs. Philologist, Horne Tooke. Naturalist, Lister. Unitarian, Lindsey. Antiquaries, Baker the nonjuror, who died in 1740, and Smith, editor of Bede, who died in 1715, both buried in the Chapel. Poets, Sackville, Earl of Dorset, SIR THOMAS WYAT, BEN JONSON, Nash, OTWAY, Ambrose Phillips, PRIOR, Broome, and Henry Kirke White.

Of Trinity. Prelates, Tunstall, of Durham; Wilkins, of Chester; Pearse, of Rochester; and WATSON, of Llandaff. Philosophers, SIR ISAAC NEWTON; LORD CHANCELLOR BACON; DR. ISAAC BARROW. Lord Chief Justice, СОКЕ; Statesmen, ROBERT DEVEREUX, Earl of Essex; Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke; Spencer Perceval. Classical scholars, BENTLEY, Middleton, Porson, Raine, and Tweddell. Mathematiciaus, Pell, COTES, and Robert Smith, Naturalists, RAY and Willoughby. Astronomer, Maskelyne. Puritan, Travers. Hebrician, Alabaster. Translator, Philemon Holland. Grammarian, Walker. Physician, Mapletoft. Astrologer, Dee. Agriculturist, Francis late Duke of Bedford. Antiquaries, SPELMAN, COTTON, Thomas Gale, Peck, Knight, and Bentham. Poets, COWLEY, Donne, Herbert, Giles Fletcher, ANDREW MARVEL, Randolph, VINCENT BOURNE, Dibben, Cockayne, DRYDEN, Montagu Earl of Halifax, Villiers Duke of Buckingham, Granville Lord Lansdowne, Nat Lee, Duke, Stepney, Eusden, den, and Hawkins Browne. Peacham, author of "The Complete Gentleman."-In the Chapel are memorials of the mathematicians, Cotes who died 1716, and Smith who died 1768; of the critics, Bentley, who died 1742, aud Porson, who died 1808; and of the poet Isaac Hawkins Browne, who died 1762.

Of Magdalen. Prelates, Rainbow, of Carlisle; and Cumberland, of Peterborough. Divine, Waterland. Nonconformist, Tallents. Scholars, Carre and Duport.. Historian, Howell. Algebraist, Waring. Lawyers, Bridgman, Chief Justice; and Sawyer, Attorney General. Pepys, President of the Royal Society. Coventry, author of "Pompey the Little."

Of Emmanuel. Prelates, SANCROFT, of Canterbury; Bedell, of Kilmore; Hall, of Norwich; Kidder, of Bath and Wells; and HURD, of Worcester. Divines, Preston, Dillingham, Tuckney, Whichcote, and Ward. Nonconformists, POOLE and Evanson. Statesman, Sir William Temple. Chief Justice, Pemberton. Classical scholars, Barnes, Dawes, Homer. Physicians, Crowne and Askew. Astronomers, Horrox and Bainbrigge. Schoolmaster, Blackwall. Antiquary, Twysden. Orientalist, CASTELL. Mathematician, Foster. Poet, Akenside. In the Chapel were buried its first master, Laurence Chadderton, one of the translators of the Bible, who died in 1640, aged 103; and its late master, Richard Farmer, author of the Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare, who died 1797, aged 62.

Of Sidney Sussex. Prelates, Bramhall, of Armagh; Montague, of Winchester; Ward, of Salisbury; Wilson, of Sodor and Man. Protector, OLIVER CROMWELL. Chief Baron, Sir Robert Atkyns. Mathematician, Gilbert Clarke. Historian, May. Political writer, L'Estrange. Grammarian, Dugard. Physician, Ent. Scholar, Twining. Infidel, Woolston. Poet, Pattison. Wollaston, author of "The Religion of Nature."

PRESENT STATE AND APPEARANCE. Rivers. Lark, or Mildenhall; Little Ouse; Walney or Wen. Inland Navigation. Vermuyden, or Forty foot drain; Hundred foot river; Burwell, Reche, and March canals, or fen-drains.

Lakes. Lakes. Soham and Streatham Meres.

Public Edifices. Cambridge University Library, Public Schools, Addenbroke's Hospital, Conduit; Wisbeach Shire-hall, Gaol, Custom-house, Bridge.

Seats. Abington-hall, John Mortlock,


Abington-lodge, Mrs. Holt.
Barham-hall, Master of Pembroke
Barrington, Richard Bendyshe, esq.
Bartlow, Sir Busic Harwood, knt.
Cheveley, Mrs. Hand.

Comberton, George Milner, esq.
Connington, George Nicholls, esq.
Dullingham, Christ. Jeffreson, esq.
Elsworth, Rev. Matthew Holworthy.
Ely-palace, Bp. of Ely.
Fordham-priory, Francis Noble, esq.
Fulbourn-house, R. G. Townley, esq.
Hare-park, Lord Rivers.
Hatley St. George, J. W. Quintin, esq.
Histon, Richard Sumpter, esq.
Melbourn, Wortham Hitch, esq.

Milton, Samuel Knight, esq.
Sawston, Richard Huddleston, esq.
Shudy Camps, Marmaduke Dayrell,


Stanton, Long, Thomas Hatton, esq.
Stichworth, Richard Eaton, esq.
Swaffham, J. P. Allix, esq.
Trumpington, - Ottow, esq.
Trumpington, Dr. Clarke.
Tyrells, William Woodham, esq.
Westoe-lodge, Benjamin Keene, esq.
Whittlesford, Ebenezer Hollick, esq.
Wilbraham, Rev. James Hicks.
Willingham-house, Rev. Sir H. B.
Dudley, bart.
Wisbeach-castle, Bp. of Ely.
Woodbury-hall, Rev. John Wilkinson.
Wratting, West, General Hall.

Peerage. Cambridge Dukedom to Prince Adolphus Frederick, seventh son of the King: Ely (isle) marquessate to his Majesty: Hardwicke earldom and barony to Yorke. Of Horseheath, Montfort barony to Bromley. The barony of North of Kirtling is in abeyance between Ladies Susan and Georgiana North, daughters of the late Earl of Guildford.

Produce, Wild-fowl. Manufactures. Paper, Baskets, Malt.


A. D. 870, Cambridge burnt, the monasteries of Ely, Soham, and Thorney destroyed, and the monks slaughtered by the Danes.

875, Cambridge, head quarters of the Danes under Guthrum, who remained

there a year.

921, at Cambridge, Danish army surrendered to Edward the Elder.

1010, at Balsham, all the inhabitants, with the exception of one man, slaugh

tered by the Danes.

1037, at Ely, died in prison, Alfred, eldest son of Ethelred II. whose eyes had been put out by order of Harold I.

1615, at Royston-palace, Robert Car, Earl of Somerset, arrested in the presence of James I. for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury.

1647, to Childersley (June 5) Charles I. was conveyed after his seizure at Holmby, in Northamptonshire, by Cornet Joyce, and thence was removed to Newmarket, where he remained 10 days.


Bottisham, John de, Bp. of Rochester, Bottisham, (died 1401.)

Bottisham, Nicholas de, Doctor of the Sorbonne, Bottisham, (died 1435.)

Bottisham, William de, Bp. of Rochester, Confessor to Richard II. Bottis

ham, (died 1399.)

Buckworth, Theophilus, Bp. of Dromore, Wisbeach, (died 1652.)

Collet, John, antiquary, Keeper of Records in the Tower, Over, (died 1644.)
Cromwell, Frances, Lady Russel, daughter of Oliver, Ely, 1638.
Cromwell, Mary, Lady Fauconberg, daughter of Oliver, Ely, 1637.

Disbrowe, John, Major-general, brother-in-law to Oliver, Eltisley, 1608.
Disbrowe, Samuel, Keeper of the Great Seal in Scotland, Eltisley, 1619.

Ely, Nicholas of, Bp. of Winchester, treasurer to Henry III. Ely, (died 1280.)

Eversden, John, Historian, Eversden, (died 1338.)

Fulborn, Stephen de, Abp. of Tuam, Fulbourn, (died 1288.)

Gallaway, John Cole, divine, Ely, 1737.

Gibbons, Orlando, organist, musical composer, Cambridge, 1583.

Goad, Thomas, scholar, Cambridge, (died 1635.)


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