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Gent. Mag. May 1818. Pl.lp. 393.


East View of the Chapd of S. Nicholas, the College de Vaux & Harnham Bridge).

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Mr. URBAN, Close of Salisbury.
SEND you a Drawing (See Plate

I. fig. 1.) of the East end of the
Chapel and part of the Hospital of
St. Nicholas, the College de Vaux, and
Harnham Bridge, forming part of the
Liberty of the Close, of which the
following account is given in the
Topographical Account of Wiltshire.

"The Hospital of St. Nicholas was founded, at the instance of Bishop Poore, by William Longspée, the sixth Earl of Salisbury, as an atonement for an insult offered by him to the Bishop. It was endowed with lands and cattle by Ela, his Countess, and escaped suppression at the Reformation, by the art of the masters, who concealed their records from the Commissioners. They obtained a new Charter from James the First; and the revenues now support six poor men, and as many women, together with a Master and Chaplain.

"Harnham Bridge, over the Willey, Awas built by virtue of a privilege ob tained by Bishop Poore, of Henry the Third, when New Sarum was incorporated. Accordingly his successor, Bishop Bingham, in 1245, built this Bridge; and in 1260, the College de Vaux was founded by Bishop Bridport,

for the residence of several scholars who had retired hither on account of

some disturbances at Oxford. This

they continued to do in Leland's time, who says, 'Part remain in the College at Saresbyri, and have two Chaplains to serve the Church there dedicated to St.

Nicholas, the residue study at Oxford.,

The other Drawing (Fig. 2.) is an exact representation of a curious Gothic structure in the City of New Sarum, now used as a Poultry Mar ket, which Mr. Wansey, in his paper on the Stone Crosses of Salisbury, in the Archæologia, supposes must be the Cross referred to in the following passage of the Chronicle of the Monastery of St. Alban's:

"Among the friends of Wickeliff, was

an Earl of Salisbury, who for contempt

noted in him towards the Sacrament, in
carrying it home to his house, was en-
joined by Ralph Engham, Bishop of Sa-
lisbury, to make in Salisbury a Cross
of Stone, in which all the story of the
matter should be written, and he, every
Friday during his life, to come to the
Cross bare-footed and bare-headed in his
shirt, and then upon his knees to do
penance for the fact."

The Tower of the fine and vene-
rable Parish Church of St. Thomas
GENT. MAG. May, 1818.



is seen rising over the old houses in the back ground; which are, perhaps, among the most antient now standing in the City. I do not know if that in the High-street, formerly the George Inn; one in St. Anne's-street; or the City Work-house, Crane-street, (which latter appears to have been a religious house,) have ever been noticed in your Miscellany; or if drawings of them, from sketches taken on the spot, would be acceptable? E. W.

Mr. URBAN, M. Temple, May 3. LLOW me, without further preface, to resume the Illustrations of the "Life" of honest Dunton.


Bp. Barlow, p. 160, was an able easuist, and used to resolve cases of conscience about marriage, and such kind of subjects. But casuistry, says Granger, which was his most distinguished talent, not only reconciles seeming contradictions, but has also been known

to admit contradictions themselves.

Granger quotes Dunton in his account of Bishop Barlow. -He died at Buckden in Huntingdonshire, in 1691, aged 85. He left all his books to the Bodleian Li

brary.-" Bp. Barlow's Remains" were published by John Dunton, from his Lordship's original papers, in 1694.

P. 161. Edmond Hickeringill, a Cler

gyman, descended from an Essex family,

cannot be considered as an ornament to the Established Church. He was episcopally and publicly ordained, but always acted as if he despised the office.

He died in 1708. See Noble's Continuation of Granger. He wrote a poem, called The Mushroom, in answer to Dryden's Medal.-See an account of him in Walter Scott, on the aforesaid Poem.

P. 161. Anthony Horneck, a worthy man, was born in 1640, and died in 1697.

P. 163. Joseph Stephens published "Sermons on the whole parable of Dives and Lazarus." - One of Dunton's Six Hundred Projects was, to write an Heroic Poem, in 12 books, on that Parable.

P. 163. Samuel Wesley was father of John Wesley, well known to the world by his preaching and writings. His Poems were ridiculed by the Wits: "Poor harmless Wesley, let him write again,


Be pitied in his old heroie strain: Let him, in reams, proclaim himself a And break a dozen Stationers at once." The "Maggots," printed by Dunton, were said to have been "never before handled by a Scholar;" and it is to be hoped will never be handled again.


One is on a Cow's Tail, another on a Pair of Breeches, &c.-" This Scholar," 'Granger observes, “ was Samuel Wesley; and if so, no wonder Garth should say, "Had Wesley never aim'd in verse to please,

We had not rank'd him with our Ogilby's: Still censures will on dull Pretenders fall;

A Codrus should expect a Juvenal."

P. 166. Bolingbroke, in a letter to Swift, says, "My next shall be as long as one of Dr. Manton's Sermons, who taught my youth to yawn, and prepared me to be a High Churchman, that I might never hear him read, nor read him more." He was one of the greatest Divines among the Presbyterians.

P. 166. Dr. Bates was Vicar of St. Dunstan's in the West, of whose learning and temper Archbp. Tillotson had an esteem, which was the ground, says Birch, of a friendship between them that continued during the rest of their lives. Dr. Birch says, he was the politest writer among the Presbyterians.-He was one of the Commissioners at the Savoy Conference, and was offered the Deanery of Lichfield, which he refused. He published the Lives of learned and pious men, in Latin, 1681. At the Savoy Conference, 12 Bishops and 12 Leaders among the Presbyterian Ministers met, to bring about an accommodation between the parties; but it ended without effect. Had both parties been half so good Christians as they pretended, a reconciliation must have taken place.

P. 166. Dr. Jacomb was a Non-conformist Divine, and was deprived of the living of St. Martin's Ludgate in 1662. He had a share in the Continuation of Pool's Annotations. Granger says, Dr. Sherlock represents Jacomb, from some provocation he supposes, as "The prettiest, nonsensical, trifling Goose-cap that ever set pen to paper."

P. 166. Mr. Baxter styles the Countess of Exeter "the excellent, sincere, humble, godly, faithful Lady, the Countess Dowager of Exeter."

P. 166. Cromwell made Dr. Owen his Chaplain, and gave him the Deanery of Christ Church, Oxford, where he served the office of Vice Chancellor in 1652. At the Restoration he was deprived of his Deanery, on which be retired to his estate in Essex. - See a very sensible note of that liberal Divine Mr. Granger, on Wood's representation, or rather misrepresentation, of Dr. Owen, Biographical Hist vol. III. pp. 301.8vo.

P. 167. “Mr. Baxter loved to abound in his own sense, and could by no means be brought off his own apprehensions and thoughts, but would have them to be the rule and standard for all other men." TILLOTSON,

At the Restoration Mr. Baxter was appointed one of the King's Chaplains, and was a leading man at the Savoy Conference. He was offered the Bishoprie of Hereford, which he refused. In 1685 he was committed to the King's Bench, for some passages in his Paraphrase on the New Testament; and, being declared guilty, was sentenced to be confined two years, but soon obtained his liberty. He died in 1691. The Judge who tried and condemned him was Jeffries, that "murderer in the robes of a Lord Chief Justice," as Granger calls him.

P. 168. Joseph Boyse, a Dissenting Divine, officiated in 1682 at Amsterdam, among the Brownists. At his return he accepted a call from a congregation at Dublin, where he died in 1728. His Works were published the same year, in 2 vols. folio. - Boyse is again noticed, in "Dunton's Conversation in Ireland," pp. 533. 575.

P. 171. Mr. William Jenkyn, a Nonconformist Divine, was sent to the Tower for being concerned in Love's Plot, but was released on petitioning Cromwell. He was deprived of his living of Christ Church, near Newgate, for his Non-conformity; and died in 1662.

P. 172. Mr. Adams had the living of St. Mildred's, Bread-street; from which he was ejected, in 1662, for Non-conformity. He died in 1698.

P. 173. Mr. David Clarkson had the living of Mortlake, in Surrey, from which he was ejected in 1662, for Non-conformity. He was a pious man; and had the honour, when at College, of having Mr. (afterwards Archbishop) Tillotson for his pupil, who always preserved that singular respect for him which he had contracted while he was under his tuition, He died in 1686. His Sermons are esteemed judicious. They are written in an unaffected style, and good method.

P. 176. Christopher Ness was born in 1621, died in 1705, and was buried in Bunhill-fields. His Exposition of the whole Bible was called "The History and Mystery of the Old and New Testament, logically discussed, and theologically improved, 4 vols." folio.-His other work was entitled "The Devil's Patriarch, in the Life of Pope Innocent the 11th." The very Pope, adds Noble, who lent William our Deliverer a sum of money to expel James II.

P. 177. Benjamin Keach.] In some of his writings, says Noble, he imitated Bunyan; but was much inferior to that extraordinary person in originality and invention, as much as Bunyan was to Homer.-See Noble for an account of the trial at Aylesbury Assizes in 1664. P. 178. Of Henry Booth, Lord Delamere, and Earl of Warrington, see Lord Lord Orford's Royal and Noble Authors. The Works of the Rt. Hon. Henry Lord Delamere, published by consent of the now Earl of Warrington,' were 'printed in 1694 for John Laurence and John Dunton,' and dedicated to his son andsuccessor. P. 178. Sir Peter Pett was Advocate


General for the Kingdom of Ireland.

P. 178. "Tyrrel is much cried up by the favourers of a Republican scheme, and is a strong opposer of the principles of Dr. Brady and others, but comes no farther than the death of K. Richard II." Rawlinson's Method of studying History.

P. 179. Tom Brown was born in Shropshire, and educated in Christ Church, Oxford, which he was obliged to quit on account of his irregular conduct. He loved low abuse, and seattered it every where with a liberal hand. He died in 1704, and was interred in the Cloister of Westminster Abbey.

P. 179. Thomas D'Urphy, a facetious English poet, was born at Exeter in 1628; he resided frequently with the Earl of Dorset, at Knowle, where is a portrait painted of him when he was asleep after dinner; for he had such an ordinary visage that he could not bear to have his portrait taken. His ballads, of which many are of a licentious nature, were printed in 6 vols. duodecimo, under the title of "Pills to purge Melaneholy." He died in 1723.- "He has made the world merry," says Addison; "and I hope they will make him easy as long as he stays amongst us."

P. 180. Ridpath and Roper, were authors of the Flying Post, and Post Boy, two scandalous papers on different sides, for which they equally and alternately deserved to be cudgelled, and were so.


There Ridpath, Roper, cudgell'd might ye view,

The very worsted still look'd black and blue." Dunciad.

P. 180. True-born Englishman was a coarse, but characteristic satire. In 1702, De Foe published his " Shortest way with the Dissenters," for which he was pilloried, fined, and imprisoned, "Earless on high stood unabash'd De POPE,


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P. 181. Fuller's "Life" was written, during his confinement in the Queen's Bench, by himself, being an impartial account of his birth, education, relations, and introductions to the service of King James and his Queen. he was the rival of Titus Oates. See Noble. This William Fuller was led to the pillory with unblushing effrontery, from which he hardly escaped with his life.

P. 181. Charles Gildon, a writer of criticisms and libels, ridiculed by Pope: "Safe, where no critics damn, no duns molest, [don rest." Where wretched Withers, Ward, and GilHe was found guilty of publishing Sir Rowland Gwynne's letter to Lord Stamford, and fined 1001.-He died in 1724.

P. 182. Yesterday was published 'An Essay on Reason and the nature of Spirits,' by Dr Burthogge, dedicated to Mr. Locke. Printed by John Dunton.--Athenian Mercury, May 1, 1694.

P. 182. Turkish Spy] In the Athenian Mercury of July 21, 1691, the following question is discussed: "Whether the letters and story of the Turkish Spy be a fiction, or reality? If true, whether passed, and how long since?" Whoever wrote it must be, they say, exquisitely acquainted with the Oriental customs and language; he must be a man of clear sense, wit, good humour, and possessed of a valuable collection of history.

Ρ. 183. Εlkanah Settle was Poet to the City of London, on whose demise there was no successor to that place. Mr. Dennis says, "Settle was a formidable rival to Dryden;" and Mr. Milbourn exclaims, "How little was Dryden able, even when his blood run high, to defend himself against Mr. Settle!"

P. 184, See Cowley's letter to Thomas Sprat, in his life, by Dr. Johnson, dated Chertsey, May 21, 1665.

P. 189. Smith's Coffee-house.] "Our Society met at his house every Tuesday and Saturday, and there our querists directed all their letters."


P. 193. Dr. Jonathan Swift, afterwards the famous Dean of St. Patrick's. At that time he lived with Sir William Temple, and, as he says himself, was growing into some confidence with him. Swift afterwards praised Dunton's 'Neck or Nothing,' but most probably ironically. See Memoir of Dunton,' p. xxviii.

Mr.Malone, in his Life of Dryden, says, it is curious to observe the different aspects under which celebrated men appear at different periods of their lives. John Dunton, the original projector of the Athenian Society, gives a list of the Authors of that day, and characterises Swift as "a Country Gentleman."

P. 193. George Saville Earl of Halifax died in 1695. His "Advice to a Daughter," Daughter," says Granger, "contains more goed sense, in fewer words, than is perhaps to be found in any of his contemporary authors."

P. 193. Sir William Temple died at one o'clock in the morning, Jan. 27th, 1699; " and with him all that is great and good among men," says Swift.-In a letter from Dr. Thomas Swift to Mr. Bentley, Bookseller, dated Moor-park, 1694.5, he says, "It was my design to communicate Sir W. Temple's directions to you, and your associates; but I was willing to do it cautiously, that you might not publish unless you follow them; for this was the folly of Dunton and his party, to attribute to Sir William what he never wrote.

P. 194. Sir Thomas Pope Blount compiled the Censura celebriorum Authorum, with several other ingenious tracts. He died at Tittenhanger in Hertfordshire in the year 1697.

P. 197. Of all which Dunton wrote on the subject of Platonic Love, the following verses are alone worth preserving: Since Love hath kindled in our eyes

A chaste and holy fire,
It were a sin if thou and I

Should let this flame expire.
What though our bodies never meet,
Love's fuel's more divine;

The fixt stars by their twinkling greet,

And yet they never join. False meteors, who still change their

place, Though they seem fair and bright; Yet, when they covet to embrace, Fall down and lose their light. If thou perceiv'st thy flame decay, Come light thy eyes at mine; And when I feel mine fade away, I'll take fresh fires at thine. Thus, when we shall preserve from waste

The flames of our desires,

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DEAR NEPHEW, C--, Aug. 3,17...

THOUGH I have had little opportunity of seeing and conversing with you since you came into the world, I have all along, since you grew up from a child, been diligently inquiring about your character and behaviour; and it has often given me great pleasure to hear you well spoken of by those who take notice how you go on; that you have serious and proper notions concerning your Christian duty to God, your neighbour, and yourself; that you are obedient to your parents, charitable to the poor, affectionate to your relations, gentle and affable to all men, and diligent in your business at school, and duly careful of that precious talent, your time, which God hath committed to your care.

It hath also given me great satisfaction to hear that God hath blessed you with a good understanding, which your friends who know you tell me is capable of making you master of whatever you heartily undertake.

I had flattered myself that such dispositions and abilities would hereafter enable you to do no small service to the cause of Christ and his Religion, as a Minister of the Gospel. And accordingly I always advised that you might be sent to the University of Oxford, where, when I came from thence to C-, I chose out a large collection of such books as might be useful to you, as they had been to me in the earlier part of my life, and left them there in a friend's hands, hoping that you would in a few years come and take possession of them.

And having all along flattered myself with this expectation, I was the more surprized to hear from my sisters that you have lately entirely laid aside the thoughts of taking upon you the Ministry of the Gospel of Christ, and are now, with some degree of anxiety, waiting for the time when you may be entered into some other way of life.


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