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5. Destruction of boxes and barrels of waste material in garret or cellar. It should be against the rules of the house to enter a wardrobe or cellar with a match or candle; this should be done by day or by the light of a pocket electric candle.

6. General carelessness in the kitchen must be warned against, especially the use of kerosene in starting a fire, the hanging of towels over the range, and the use of inflammable cleaning fluids.

7. The particular carelessness of the family smokers must be patiently combated.

8. Finally, the fire escapes should be kept clear. If you live in an apartment and find that your neighbors will not keep their portion of it clear, send a postal to the Tenement House Commissioner reporting the facts. The highest-priced as well as the lowest-priced apartments come under his jurisdiction. And then step boldly out on the escape and try it up and down; don't wait until you may have to.


Before the Fire.

Keep the address of the nearest fire alarm pasted in a prominent place.

Have a pail of water and a dipper on every floor of the house.

Frequently inspect every danger point on the premises.
Plan a definite course of action in case of fire.

In Case of Fire.

Close every door and window in the room where fire breaks out.

Go yourself to the nearest fire alarm box; don't wait to telephone; warn the household as you go.

In general, go DOWN, not UP, to escape from the house. The Evening Sun, New York.

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"So," said Father, when Uncle Jack had finished, "the Fire Chief, too, believes in the old adage: 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'." "And rightly, too," remarked Mother, as she looked at her watch. "But we must not forget that we all have something to do this afternoon. Uncle Jack is going to show you children some of New York's historic spots, while Father and I are making a call. If we are to sail for Boston tomorrow afternoon, we must make use of every minute if we are to see points of interest."

"Shall we be able to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Mother?" asked Belle.

"I think so," was the reply. "What do you think, Uncle Jack?"

"We shall have time for that to-morrow morn

ing," was the reply. "For our history jaunt there is no time like the present. On with your things, children, and then we'll be off."

They were ready in a few minutes, and off they started, taking a car to the lower part of the city.


1. Responsible person is one who can be trusted; avenue of escape means a way out; extinguished, put out; critical moment, important time; receptacle, anything that will hold other things; unavailable, that cannot be reached; complications, mix ups; inevitable, that cannot be helped or avoided; jurisdiction, authority. 2. Copy the eighth paragraph.

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Much oral composition should be founded upon Chief Guerin's talk.

Review, pp. 419–424.


"Now," said Uncle Jack, after they had seated themselves in the car, "many of the historic landmarks of this city have been swallowed up in the progress of business. Some, however, are still left, and most of these have been marked by bronze tablets.

"This is the southern end of Broadway," continued Uncle Jack, as they got off the car. "On the north, it ends at Albany.

"Here is the Custom House. Note that the flag flying over the building shows vertical instead of horizontal stripes. It is the flag of the revenue service.

"On this same site the first fort, called Fort Amsterdam, was begun by the Dutch in 1626. You must not think that the fort was just a rough log house such as the early settlers usually built. Instead, it included several buildings: the Governor's house, the barracks, the jail, the church, and three grist mills. These were enclosed by a wall



and the whole enclosure was called Fort Amsterdam.

"It was on the ramparts of this wall that Governor Peter Stuyvesant, years later, stormed up and down, swearing that he'd die before he'd surrender to the British who were threatening the little city."

"Oh, Uncle Jack, I know about him!" said Belle. "I think they called him Peg-top Peter."

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"Yes, that's the man," said Uncle Jack. "He had only one leg. . . . Well, he did surrender without dying—and the British changed the name to Fort James, and later, to Fort George. The name of the town was also changed to New York.

"And here in front of the Custom House, at the starting point of Broadway, is Bowling Green. Everybody remembers that the Dutchmen enjoyed

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