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"Now that you have introduced limericks,' said Mother, "I have a good one. Listen to

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There was a young lady of Niger,

Who went for a ride on a tiger;

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside,

And a smile on the face of the tiger.

"I know a funny verse, " said Ben. "Here it


(After Longfellow)

He killed the noble Mudjokivis,
With the skin he made him mittens,
Made them with the fur side inside,
Made them with the skin side outside;

He, to get the warm side inside,

Put the inside skin side outside;

He, to get the cold side outside,

Put the warm side fur side inside;
That's why he put the fur side inside,
Why he put the skin side outside,
Why he turned them inside outside.

"Here's another," said Father, laughing. "Rich

ard Burton wrote it, though it is sometimes credited to President Wilson:"

In good looks I am not a star.

There are others more lovely by far.
But my face- I don't mind it,
Because I'm behind it —

It's the people in front that I jar.

"Well," said May, "I am little, but I learned one of Carolyn Wells's limericks in school that is harder than any that has been given."

"It's your turn, May," said Father. "Go ahead."

And this is May's limerick:

A canner, exceedingly canny,

One morning remarked to his granny,

"A canner can can

Anything that he can;

But a canner can't can a can, can he?"

And it was agreed that May's was the funniest of them all.

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It was 12:40 P. M. of the next day when the train pulled into Levis.

"Just on time. About six hundred and seventyfive miles in twenty-one and a half hours," said

Uncle Jack, as they walked into the cabin of the ferryboat that was to carry them over the St. Lawrence to Quebec.


1. Place each adjective in group 27, page 430, before an appropriate noun.

2. Compare the adjectives horizontal, better, hottest, cold, deep, smooth, most severe.


Exercise 1 should be oral, also Exercise 2.

This would be a good time to exhibit a United States map showing standard time, so as to fix the fact that each degree in longitude means four minutes in time.


"Now for sightseeing," said Uncle Jack next morning as they emerged from the hotel. "I think the best way for us to do will be to take carriages this morning, and in the afternoon we can go about on the trolley." And he hailed a cabman from the cab stand, near by.

The cabman drove up, saying, as he reined in his horse, "Good morning, sir. It's a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you and Mr. Warker."

"Indeed it is, McDermott," replied Uncle Jack. "It is not so cold this morning as when you drove us out to the Falls many years ago."


"Ah, that was a cold day! Cold enough to freeze the ears off a brass monkey, as they say in these parts. Where do you wish to go this morning, sir?"

"To the Citadel and to the Plains of Abraham," was the reply, "but one carriage is not enough for our party. You'll have to get another."


"All right, sir." And he immediately summoned another carriage, hailing the driver and giving him the necessary instructions in French.


'What did the cabman say when he spoke to the other cabman?" inquired May, as soon as they were comfortably seated and on their way to the Citadel.

"He spoke in French, lassie, and told the other man to drive up quickly," was the reply.

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