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CAUCASIAN HISTORY.-Ancient India-Eastern Nations-The Egyptians-Arabians-Syria-The Phoeni-

cians-Palestine-The Jews-The Assyrians and Babylonians-The Medes and Persians-States of Asia Minor

-The Lydians-The Persian Empire.

GRECIAN HISTORY.-Early History and Mythology-Religious Rites-Authentic History-Sparta-Lycur-

gus-Athens-Persian Invasion-Pericles-Alcibiades-Decline of Athenian Independence-Alexander the

Great-Concluding Period.............

GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-Conquest by the Romans; by the Saxons; by the Normans-Early Norman

Kings-William the Conqueror-Henry-Richard Coeur de Lion-John-Magna Charta-Origin of Parlia-

ment-Edwards-Conquest of Scotland-Richard II-House of Lancaster-House of York-House of Tudor

-Henry VIII-The Reformation-Edward VI-Queen Mary; Elizabeth-Mary, Queen of Scots-The Stuarts

-Gunpowder Plot-Revolution-Irish Rebellion-Oliver Cromwell-Trial and Execution of Charles I-The

Commonwealth-Subjugation of Ireland and Scotland-The Protectorate-The Restoration-Charles II—

Dutch War-Plague and Fire in London-The Rye House Plot-Death of Charles II-James II-Expedition

of Monmouth-Arbitrary Measures of the King-The Revolution-William and Mary-Establishment of the

Bank of England-Queen Anne-Union of England and Scotland-Marlborough's Campaigns-House of

Hanover-George I-Rebellion of 1715-16-George II-Rebellion of 1745-46-George III-American Stamp

Act-American War of Independence-French Revolution-Rebellion in Ireland-Union with Great Britain

-War with U. States-George IV-William IV-Queen Victoria-War with Russia-Alliance with France-

Attack on Odessa-Operations in the Baltic-The Crimea-Battle of the Alma-Sebastopol described-Allies

opening Trenches-Bombardment-Explosion of French Batteries and Russian Powder Magazine-The Allied

Fleet-Cannonade-Battle of Balaklava-The Turks-The Highlanders--The Russian Cavalry-Capt. Nolan

-Battle of Inkermann-Morning of the Battle-The Attack-The Zouaves-Chasseurs-Night after the Bat-

tle-Council of War-Determination to Winter-Reinforcements demanded........

HISTORY OF FRANCE.-Clovis, A. D. 486; division of his Empire-The Merovingian Kings-The Carlovin-
gians-Pepin-Charles Martel-Charlemagne ; his Empire-Louis-Division of the Empire-Charles-Arnulf
-Charles the Simple-Invasion of the Normans-Hugh Capet and his Successors-Philip VI of Valois-Wars
with England, 1328-1415-Charles VI-Maid of Orleans-Louis XI-Francis II-France during the War of
Religion-Persecution of the Huguenots-Coligni-The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572-Henry III-
Henry IV-Edict of Nantes-The Age of Louis XIV-Richelieu and Mazarin-Persecution of the Calvinists-
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685-The Last Days of Absolute Monarchy-Louis XV-Louis XVI-The
French Revolution- National Assembly -- Mirabeau, Dante, Marat, Robespierre--The 10th of August-De-
thronement of the King--National Convention-Trial and Execution of the King-Jacobins and Girondists-

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GERMANY AND AUSTRIA.-Division of the Empire of Charlemagne, and formation of the German Empire-

Succession of Henry the Fowler to the throne of Conrad of Franconia-The Germans build cities-Accession

of Hildebrand-Pope Gregory III-His Excommunication of Henry IV-Strife of Guelphs and Ghibelines—

Pope Adrian IV-Tancred-Richard III of England-The House of Hapsburg succeeds that of Swabia-

Death of Albert-Charles IV issues the Golden Bull-Council of Constance-Martyrdom of John Huss and

Jerome of Prague-Invention of Printing-Luther; the Reformation-Thirty Years' War-Peace of West-

phalia-Insurrection of Hungarians aided by Turks-The War of Succession-Prince Eugene-Maria The

resa-Pragmatic Sanction-Revolt of the Netherlands-Confederation of the Rhine-Congress of Vienna-

Hungarian Revolution of 1848..

HISTORY OF RUSSIA.-Russia rescued from the Tartars by John Basilowitz-Michael Theodorowitz, First of

the House of Romanoff, Czar of Muscovy-Reorganization of Russia by Alexis-Reign of Peter the Great-

Foundation and embellishment of St. Petersburg-Succession of the Czarina Catherine-Catherine II-An-

nexation of the Crimea-Dismemberment of Poland-Kosciusko-Suwarrow-Resignation of Stanislaus-

Paul-War against the French Republic-Assassination of Paul-Alexander-Coalition against Napoleon, by

Austria and England-Peace of Tilsit-Napoleon declares war against Russia-Smolensko-Burning of Mos

cow-Constantine-Nicholas-Extirpation of Poland-Siege of Sevastopol by France, England, and Turkey-

Death of Nicholas-Succession of Alexander II.....

III. THE REVOLUTION.-Stamp Act-N. Y. Congress-War of publications against Britain-Boston Mas-

sacre-Tea Party-Lexington-Declaration of Independence-Franklin, Lafayette, Kosciusko-Trenton-

Brandywine-Burgoyne's Defeat-Alliance of France and America-Baron Steuben-D'Estaing-Stony Point

-Arnold-Col. Hayne-Capitulation of Cornwallis--Treaty at Paris-Washington-Paralyzed condition of

the Government-Massachusetts Rebellion 1786-Formation of Government by the Constitutional Conven-


IV. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY.-Federalists and anti-Federalists-Defeat of Harmar and St. Clair-Prohi
bition of the Slave Trade-Death of Washington-Purchase of Louisiana-War with Tripoli-Embargo Acts
-War with England-Campaign of 1812-American Naval Victories-Perry's victory on Lake Erie-Gen.
Harrison-Treaty at Ghent-Battle of New Orleans-Seminole War-Lafayette-Tariff-U. S. Bank--Nulli-

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