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Amyot (M.) Dictionnaire Tartare-Mantchou François, avec additions par L. Langlès. 4to. 3 vol. in 2.

Par. 1789-90

ANA. Choix des Meilleurs Morceaux tirés des Ana.

12mo. 2 vol.

Anacreontis Carmina, notis J. F. Fischeri. 8vo.

Lille, 1765

Lips. 1793

Anacreon's Odes, translated by T. Moore. 12mo. 2 vol.

Lond. 1806

Anacreon, trad' in versi Ital. di Paolo Rolli. 8vo.

Lond. 1761

Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musæus, trans

lated by F. Fawkes. 12mo.

Lond. 1760

Analecta veterum Poetarum Græcorum. edit. R. F. Ph.

Brunck. 4to. 3 vol.

Arg. 1772-6

Analecta Græca Minora, cum notis And. Dalzel. 8vo.

Edin. 1804

Analecta Græca Majora, cum notis A. Dalzel. 8vo. 2 vol.

Edin. 1805

Anburey's (Thos.) Travels through the interior Parts of

America. 8vo. 2 vol.

Lond. 1789

Andersen's (A.) Tour in Zealand in 1802. Sm. 8vo.

Lond. 1805

Anderson's (Dr. James) Present State of the Hebrides and Western Coasts of Scotland. 8vo.

Edin. 1785

Anderson's (A.) History of Commerce. 4to. 4 vol.

Lond. 1787

Anderson's (Robert) Collection of British Poets from

Chaucer to Blacklock, with Translations from the Classics. Svo. 15 vol.

Edin. 1793

Anderson's (Dr.) Practical Treatise on Chimneys. 12mo.

Edin. 1776

of Scots. 4to. 4 vol.

Anderson's (James) Collections relating to Mary Queen Edin. 1727-8

Anderson's (Wm.) Speeches and Judgment on the Dou

glas Cause. 8vo.

Edin. 1768

Anderson (Jac.) Diplomata et Numismata Scotiæ. Folio.

Edin. 1739

Anderson's (John) Observations upon Roman Antiquities

discovered between the Forth and Clyde. 4to.

Edin. 1800

Andreossi (Fr.) Hist. du Canal du Midi. 8vo. Par. 1800 Andres (Giov.) Origine, Progressi e Stato attuale d'ogni Letteratura. 4to. 6 vol.

Parma, 1782-99

Andrews's (John) History of the American War. 8vo.

4 vol.

Lond. 1785

Andrews's (James Pettit) Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain from Hen. VIII. to James I. 4to.

Lond. 1796

Andrews's (J. P.) History of Great Britain connected with the Chronology of Europe. 4to. 2 vol. in 1.

Lond. 1794

Andronici Rhodii Ethicorum Nicom. Paraphrasis, cum interpret. D. Heinsii. Subjungitur Andronici Libellus de Animi Affectionibus. 8vo.

Oxon. 1809 Andronicus Rhodius's Paraphrase on the Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle, translated by Wm. Bridgman.


Lond. 1807

Anecdota Græca et Latina, L. A. Muratorii. 4to. 4 vol.

in 2.

Mediol. 1697-8

Anecdota Græca, edidit D'Ansse De Villoison. 4to. 2 vol. in 1.

Anecdota Græca, J. C. Wolfii. 4 vol. 12mo.

Hamb. 1722. Venet. 1781

Anecdotes. Dictionary of Anecdotes. 2 vol. sm. 8vo.

Lond. 1809

Anecdotes of the House of Bedford to the Year 1797.


Lond. 1797

Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic.

12mo. 2 vol.

Lond. 1797-8

Anecdotes Inédites de la Fin du 18me Siecle. 12mo.

Par. 1801

Angelini (T.) Orazione pel Riaprimento della Pubblica Libreria di Palermo recitata il di 25 Aprile 1775. 4to.

Palerm. 1780

Angelis (S. De) Miscell. Hyperbolicum et Parabolicum.


Ven. 1659

Angelis (Baldi) de Admirabili Viperæ Natura et de mi-
rificis ejusdem Facultatibus. 12mo. H. Com. 1660
Angelis (Paulus de) Basilicæ Veteris Vaticanæ Descriptio.
Rom. 646
Angeloni (Franc.) Historia di Terni. 4to. Rom. 1646
Anglesea's (Arthur Earl of) Privileges of the Houses of
Lords and Commons argued and stated in Two Con-
ferences, Ap. 9-22, 1671. 12mo.

Lond. 1702

Anglorum Speculum; or the Worthies of England in Church and State. 8vo.

Lond. 1684

Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. 4to. 10 vol.

Par. 1806-1810

Annales de Chimie; ou Mémoires concernant la Chimie et les Arts qui en dépendent. 8vo. avec Tables. Par. 1789-jusqu'à la présente année.

Vol. 1.

Annales des Arts et Manufactures par R. O'Reilly. 8vo. vol. 21 to 39.

Par. 1805-11 Anne. The Life of Queen Anne (of England). 8vo.

Lond. 1721

2 vol.

Annesley's (Alex.) Compendium of the Law of Marine

Insurances. 8vo.

Lond. 1808

Anno Feliz, y Jubilo particuler con que la Nacion Indica de Lima solemniso la exaltacion al Trono de Don Carlos IV. en Feb. 1790. 4to.

Lima, 1790

Annual Register (The) from 1758 to the present time. 8vo. with Indexes.

Annual Register (The New) from 1780 to the present time. 8vo.

Anquetil (Louis Peir.) Vie du Maréchal Duc de Villars. 12mo. 4 vol. Par. 1784

Anquetil (L. P.) Louis XIV, sa Cour et le Regent.

Par. 1793

12mo. 4 vol. Anquetil (L. P.) Histoire de France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à la fin de la Monarchie. 12mo. 14 vol. Par. 1805 Anquetil (L. P.) Motifs des Guerres et des Traités de Paix de la France depuis 1648 jusqu'à l'Année 1783. 12mo. Par. 1798

Anquetil (L. P.) L'Intrigue du Cabinet sous Henri IV et Louis XIII; terminée par la Fronde. 12mo.4 vol. Par. 1780

Anquetil (L. P.) Histoire de la Ville de Reims. 12mo.

3 vol.

Reims, 1756

Anquetil Du Perron (Abr. Hyac.) L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe. 8vo. 2 vol. in l.

Anquetil Du Perron (A. H.) Theologia et Philosophia Indica. 4to. 2 vol.

Par. 1798

Argent. 1801

Anson's (Lord) Voyage round the World in 1740: by Rich. Walter. 4to.

Lond. 1776

Anstey's (Christ.) New Bath Guide. 8vo. Lond. 1791 Anstis' (John) Register of the Order of the Garter. Folio. 2 vol.

Lond. 1724

Anstis' (John) Observations upon the Knighthood of the

Bath. 4to.

Lond. 1725

Antes' (John) Observations on the Manners and Customs

of the Egyptians. 4to.

Lond. 1800

Anthing's (Fred.) History of the Campaigns of Count

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Anthologiæ Græcæ à Constantino Cephala conditæ Libri tres: edidit J. J. Reiske. 8vo.

Охоп. 1766

Anthologiæ Græcæ à Constant. Cephala conditæ Lib. 111. Gr. Lat. cum comment. et notitia Poetarum; cura J. J. Reiske. 8vo.

Lips. 1754


Anthologia Græca, sive Poetarum Græcorum Lusus; ex recens. Brunckii, cum notis et indicibus Fr. Jacobs. -Analecta Critica in Anthologiam Græcam, à J. G. Huschke. 8vo. 13 vol. in 11.

Lips. 1794-1803, et Jence 1800 Anthologia Veterum Latinorum Epigramm. et Poematum. cum notis var. cura P. Burmanni Secundi. 4to. 2 vol.

Amst. 1759-73

Anthologia Sententiarum Arabicarum; edidit H. Schul

tens. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1772 Anthologia, sive Epigrammatum Græcorum Lib. VII.

Græcè. Folio.

Par. ap. H. Steph. 1566

Anthology. Translations from the Greek Anthology,

&c. 8vo.

Lond. 1806

Anti-Jacobin, (The) or Weekly Examiner. 8vo. 2 vol. Lond. 1799

Anti-Jacobin (The) Review, from 1806 to the present time. 8vo.

Antigoni Carystii Hist. Mirabilium Collectanea; recens. et notis J. Meursii.


Lugd. Bat. 1619

Antilles. Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises.


12mo. Antiquarian (The) Repertory. 4to. 4 vol. Lond. 1807-9 Antiquity. History of the Colonization of the Free

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Antoninus's Meditations, with notes by R. Graves. 8vo.

Bath, 1792

Antoninus (Marcus) de Rebus suis, Gr. Lat. T. Gatakeri.

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