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alienate ourselves from those old heroick virtues of true English men, to prostitute our freedom and privileges, to which we are borne, to the will and opinion of any one; neither do we thinke our number so contemptible, nor our resolution so weake, to be forced or persuaded to so ignoble a submission, and we cannot think, that there are any amongst us, who are soe simple, and soe unworthily minded, that they would not rather chuse a noble death, than forsake their ould liberties and privileges.”



ABOLITION of slavery, Buxton's motion
for, 457; act for the, 459; proclamation
of the, in Barbados, 460.

Accounts of the public to be kept in sterling
money, 509.

Acres, number of, in Barbados, 152; in cul-
tivation, 152.

Acts and statutes published by Jennings,
203; by Rawlins, 203; by Hall, 204;
passed by the legislature to be printed,
and copies to be sent to the Colonial office,

Acts of the legislature, and assented to by
the Governor, valid although they have not
been confirmed especially by the king, 414
(and note); of the British Parliament do
not extend to the colonies, 420; passed for
the termination of the apprenticeship, 483.
African company, royal, 296, 298.
African institution, 457.
Agents appointed for Barbados in England,

304, 310, 335, 337, 349, 368, 416, 426.
Agriculture and commerce, 140; great fer-
tility of the soil during the 17th century,
141; introduction of sugar-cane, 143; In-
dian slaves, 143; European labourers, 144;
African slaves and slave-trade, 145; royal
African company, 145; other chartered
companies for carrying on the slave-trade,
145; number of slaves in Barbados at dif-
ferent periods, 145, 146; compensation
received, 146.

Albemarle, duke of, arrives at Barbados,

Alien act disallowed, 425.

Alleyne, Colonel, in the interest of the com-
monwealth, 271; killed on landing to at-
tack Lord Willoughby's forces, 278.
Alleyne, Colonel, tears his cockade from his
hat and resigns his commission, 335.
Alleyne, John Foster, administers the go-
vernment, 401.
Anabaptists, 97.

Animal-flower cave, 226.

Antillia, Antilles, names of the West Indies,
2, 3.

Ants-sugar ant, 643; cushi or great-
headed ant, 643; small red ant, 644; wood
ant or wood-lice, 644.
Ants' eggs or ground-pearl, 644.
Apes' hill gully, 236.

Apprenticeship, unsatisfactory working of
the, 477; of children repealed by a colo-
nial act, 479; petition for the cessation

of, 480, 481; R. B. Clarke's opinion re-
specting the abolition of the, 482; James
S. Bascom introduces a bill for the termi-
nation of the, 483; termination of the,

Archer, J. G., found guilty of manslaughter,
having been indicted for the murder of his
slave, 422.

Arnold, William, one of the first settlers,


Assembly, the first general, 266, 267; the
first under the commonwealth, 283; li-
mited to one year, 285; address to the
throne under Sir Richard Dutton's admi-
nistration, 298; assumes the right of ap-
pointing a store-keeper, 308; defection of
one-third of the members, 310; thirteen
members to constitute a quorum, and the
house to be locked when a number suffi-
cient have met, 311; vote citron-water to
the members of her majesty's privy coun-
cil in England, 312; dissolved illegally by
President Sharpe, 312; Queen Anne con-
firms their authority of appointing a trea-
surer, 313; confers a salary of six thousand
pounds upon Governor Worsley, 317;
claims the unconstitutional control over
public money, 319; President Barwick
sends the provost-marshal to adjourn the,
319; members assemble privately, 319;
the house dissolved, 319; vote two thou-
sand five hundred pounds to Lady Howe,
323; John Adams expelled from the
house and his re-election, 330; expulsion
does not create disqualification, 331; the
Speaker claims the privileges enjoyed by
the House of Commons for the assembly,
331; rule that a member by leaving the
island vacates his seat, 332; address to
the king in consequence of the great
scarcity, 334; declare their undoubted right
to address the throne, 335; refuse to
burden their constituency with taxes for the
defence of the island, 336; sums voted for
the defence of the island, and various other
arrangements for that purpose, 336, 337;
encroachment of the Council upon their
privileges, 337; condemn the Council's
proceeding as indecent and unparliament-
ary, 338; attacked with invectives and
threats by Governor Cunninghame, 339;
declare their being determined to insist
upon their privileges, 339; refuse to pass
a levy-bill, 340, 345; condemn the Gover-

nor's illegal extortion of fees, 340; ad-
journ of their own authority, 341; dis-
solved by proclamation, 341, 346; vote
two thousand pounds sterling for the re-
lief of the sufferers in Ireland, 344; ad-
dress of thanks to the king for having
removed General Cunninghame, 348; un-
becoming haste in passing a money-bill,
350; the repeal of a rule only to be moved
at the first meeting or in a full house, 350;
vote Prince William Henry a sword, 351;
condemn the plan of raising black troops,
356; pass several bills for putting the
island in a state of defence, 360; authorize
the Governor to proclaim martial law, 360;
consider his having declared martial law
highly unconstitutional, 362; declare the
Governor's answer unsatisfactory and dis-
respectful, 363; attempt to introduce a
bill to extend the continuance of the as-
sembly to three years, 374; public meet-
ings held to remonstrate against this mea-
sure, 374; a silver mace provided, 380;
protest against the interference of the
British parliament in legislating for the
colonies, 394; address a petition to the
Prince Regent to prevent the passing of the
registry bill, 394; disapprove of Lord Com-
bermere's having made a grant to St.
Lucia, 402; rupture between the Governor
and the house, 402, 404; enter a regula-
tion to the effect that an indignity had
been offered to the house by not being
officially informed of the king's death,
407; a committee appointed to inquire
into the causes of the dismissal of Moe and
Lane from the magistracy, 407; the Go-
vernor dissolves the house by proclama-
tion, 408; censures the conduct of the le-
gislative council, 410; an especial call of
Governor Warde's, without explanation,
considered an attempt to dictate, 415;
harsh resolution against the free coloured
inhabitants, 417; decide that the Speaker
should not make or second a motion un-
less in committee, 426; apply to the pre-
sident for the official despatch which con-
tained the Rev. W. M. Harte's pardon, which
is refused, 428; revive the proceeding in
the Court of Common Pleas by an espe-
cial act, 430; request that all messages
from the Council should be in writing,
430; proceedings and steps taken on the
occasion of the great hurricane in 1831,
436; vote an address of thanks to the
king for the suspension of import duties
after the great hurricane in 1831, 439;
vote of thanks to Mr. Mayers, 439; vote
of thanks to the Governor, to the Lord
Bishop, and to the sister colonies, for as-
sistance, 443; object to the order in Coun-
cil, 443; apply for documents to the pre-
sident respecting the reasons which led to
respite the sentence of the slave James,
445; resolutions in consequence of the
president's refusal, 445; resolve on a pe-
tition to the throne to remove the pre-


sident, 445; protest against the decision
of the Lords of the Treasury to pay the
salaries of the custom-house officers, 446;

legal proceedings against the collectors of
the customs resolved upon, 447; allow the
deduction of 10 per cent. from the import
duties to defray the expenses of collection,
449; legal proceedings stayed, 449; pro-
test against the undue interference of the
Imperial Parliament, and Lord Stanley's
opinion, 450 (and note); reply to Sir Lionel
Smith, and their opinion on the changes in
the government, 454; angry despatch to Sir
Lionel Smith, 462; altercations between
Sir Lionel Smith and the, 465; their re-
solutions in consequence of the Governor's
dictatorial messages, 468; address to Sir
Lionel Smith on his departure, 474; reply
to the speech of Sir Evan MacGregor,
476; rent a house for a new town-hall,
477; Sir Evan MacGregor communicates
the satisfaction of the Colonial minister
with legislative proceedings, 479; resolve
to wait in a body upon the representative of
the Crown, 495; address to the Governor
Sir Charles Grey, 495; address to the Lord
Bishop, 499; first session after the new
franchise act, 499; new session for 1845,
506; reply to the Governor's speech in
1845, 507; resolve that the presence of
strangers at their sessions is upon suffer-
ance, 508; resolutions in favour of a rail-
way, 512; committee appointed to report
upon the common jail, 512; address Sir
Charles Grey upon his communication of
his probable departure, 516, 519.
Atkins, Sir Jonathan, appointed as Governor,
294; fixes his seat at Fontabelle, 295; the
island reaches its greatest prosperity, 297;
recalled from the government, 297.
Atkinson, government contractor, his dis-
interested conduct in the time of scarcity,

Attorney-General, a resident, appointed for
Barbados, 492.

Ayscue, Sir George, appointed to the com-
mand of a squadron against Barbados, 272;
arrives at Barbados, 276; attacks the
castle and is repulsed, 277; storms Fort
Royal, 278; lands at Barbados and pro-
claims the authority of parliament, 279;
consents to a treaty, 279; articles of
agreement, 280; leaves Barbados, 284.
Bachelor's Cave, 227.

Banks :-West India, 169; colonial, 169.
Baptisms, 90; of adults, 101.

Barbados, its geographical position, 5; de-
rivation of its name, 6; is mentioned at an
earlier period than stated in geographies.
6, 255; climatology and meteorological
phænomena, 28; capitulates to Sir George
Ayscue, 195, 280; past and present state,
196; Barbudos, Baruodo, &c., early names
of Barbados, 256, 257; permanently inha-
bited by Indians, 257; taken possession of
by the crew of the Olive Blossom, 258;
settled by Englishmen, 259; inhabitants

of, declared traitors to the commonwealth,
271; the charter of, or articles of agree-
ment at the surrender, 280; royalists of,
banished from the island, 283; statutes
published in the churches, 284; inhabit-
ants of, dispute the claim of the earl of Car-
lisle, 287; great prosperity under Sir Jona-
than Atkins, 297; great distress and de-
crease of the number of whites, 305; about
forty sugar estates abandoned, 308; com-
merce of, burdened by restrictions, 318;
inhabitants of, refuse to pay the heavy
tax for raising Governor Worsley's salary,
318; Gazette, the first newspaper printed
in the island, 321; inhabitants contribute
to supply the troops before Martinique,
353; a rendezvous for the troops destined
against the French islands, 354; upwards
of thirteen thousand pounds contributed
for the prosecution of the war by private
subscriptions, 356; preparations for de-
fence against the French, 360; merchants
purchase a brig called the Brave and fit her
out as the Barbados frigate, 367; erected
into an episcopacy, 418; inhabitants sub-
scribe a sum of money as a token of esteem
for Sir James Lyon, 450; declared the seat
of the Windward government, 451; inha-
bitants of, address Sir Lionel Smith on his
departure, 475.

Barbados frigate fitted out by the merchants,
367; laid up, 368; refitted and recom-
missioned, 380.

Barbados, head-quarters of her Majesty's
forces in the Windward and Leeward Is-
lands, 195.

Barbados regiments, under Sir Timothy
Thornhill, 301; under Colonels Salter and
Boteler, 305; under Sir John Yeamans,
330; under Mr. Thornhill, 348.
Barbados green tar or petroleum, 12, 571.
Barometer, its rise and fall in Barbados, 30,
35; its regular rise and fall within the
tropics, 32; supposed influence of the
moon on the, 32, 33, 34; its tropical hours
in Barbados, 33; affected by particular
winds, 34, 35.

Baronets made by Charles the Second in
Barbados, 286.

Barracks erected for the accommodation of
the 89th regiment, 337.
Barwick, Samuel, appointed Deputy-go-
vernor, 290; administers the government,
319; dissolves the assembly, 319; ad-
dresses the legislature in his own house,
319; his death and character, 320.
Bascom, James S., gives notice and intro-
troduces a bill for the termination of the
apprenticeship, 483.

Bath, the, 219.

Bathsheba and Tent-bay, 240.

Beckles, John, Attorney-general and Speaker
for twenty years, his death, 416.
Beckwith, Lieut.-General Sir George, ap-
pointed Governor of Barbados, 376; com-
mands the expedition against Martinique,
376; receives the Order of the Bath, 377;

assumes the government, 379; convenes
the legislature for important business and
declares the ports open, 382; takes leave
of the legislature, 388; the legislature
vote him a service of plate, 388.
Beek, Captain James, one of the first set-
tlers, erects a public wharf, 294.
Bell, Captain Philip, Lieutenant-Governor,
266; receives a commission as Governor,
266; his judicious government, 267; is
superseded by Lord Willoughby, 271.
Belhaven, Lord, appointed as Governor, is
lost in the Royal Anne galley, 317.
Birds, list of, 681.

Bishop, William, administers the government,
352, 356; suspends Mr. Weekes, judge of
the Court of Vice-Admiralty, for mal-prac-
tices, 352.

Bishop's hill, sad accident in 1809, 217.
Bissexhill, 239.

Bituminous coal or asphalt, 550, 569.
Black regiments raised in the West Indies,
353, 355.

Blenman, Jonathan, committed by Governor
Lowther to jail, 315; his triumph over
the Governor, 315; Attorney-general, 318;
Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court, 353.
Blight, the, or blast, 646.
Boiling spring, 12, 223, 570.

Bond, Francis, administers the government,

Borer, the, or yellow blast, 645; the large,

Boscobelle, 238, 543.

Botany of Barbados :-Thallogens, 580;
Acrogens or Ferns, 582; Rhizogens, 583;
Endogens, 585; Dictyogens, 591; Gym-
nogens, 591; Exogens, 591; Index of
vernacular names, 621.

Bounty upon the importation of fish and
lumber, 367, 368, 380.

Bovell, James, prosecuted for publishing an
essay, 381.

Bridge, Sir Tobias, arrives with a regiment
of troops, 292.

Bridgeman, Orlando, appointed as Governor,
but declines, 317.

Bridgetown, description of, 240; called In-
dian bridge, 240; and the town of St.
Michael's, 241; its appearance in 1656,
241; in 1700, 242; Fontabelle, the Go-
vernor's residence, 242; Pilgrim purchased
for the Governor's residence, 243; its
situation, 249; erected into a city, 244;
number of houses, 244; Trafalgar-square,
245; Nelson's statue, 245; the cathedral,
247; St. Mary's church, 247; St. Paul's
chapel, 247; chapels, 248; Central and
Harrison's school, 248; Queen's house,
248; Commercial hall, 248; masonic
lodges, 249; Bishop's court, 249; mar-
ket-place, 249; Indian river, 249; Hast-
ings, 250; Worthing, 250; injured by
fire, 241, 243, 293, 332, 505; outrages
for want of a police, 418; attempts to pro-
cure a royal charter of incorporation, 421;
petition of the inhabitants for increased

representation, 455; establishment of a
police, 461, 471; by-laws, ordinances and
regulations, 471 (note); establishment of
a market-place, 472; sends for the first
time two representatives, 499; heavy taxes
in, 509, 511.

Brougham, Lord, his opinion of the 44 per
cent. duty, 484.

Bruce, Judge, his motion for retrenchment,

Building materials, 572.

Bulkley, S., one of the first settlers, 262.
Burch, Colonel, one of the leaders of the
moderate party, 277.

Burials, 90.

Chigo or Jiger, 652.

Cholera, Asiatic, precautions adopted against
its introduction, 444.
Christian servants, their bad treatment, 144.
Citadel of St. Anne, 193, 195.

Clark, Sir James, advice to invalids, 78.
Clarke, Robert B., refuses to produce the do-

cuments of the prothonotary's office, 411.
Clarke, R. B., Solicitor-general, his opinion
respecting a complete emancipation of
the apprenticed labourers, 482; receives
knighthood, 489; is installed as Chief-
justice, 492; perspicuity of his charge on
Thomas's trial, 501 (note).

Clarkson, Adam, his prize essay, 357, 456.

Burnt district purchased by the legislature, Claims of the colonies upon the mother-
244, 506.

Burnt-hill, 233, 553.

Butterflies and moths, list of, 615.
Buxton, Sir Thomas F., his imputation of
the Barbados legislature and letters to the
Solicitor-general of Barbados, 479.
Byng, Hon. Robert, appointed as Governor,
325; his disappointment at a reduced
salary, 325; his death, 326.

Byron's, Lord, groundwork of his description
of the shipwreck in Don Juan, 323.
Cane-fly or Vine-fretter, 646; insect, 648.
Carburetted hydrogen, 569.

Carliola, name of the Caribbean islands, 261.
Carlisle, Earl of, receives a grant of the Ca-
ribbean islands, 260; becomes the sole
proprietor of the Caribbee islands, 261;
receives a second patent as proprietor of
Barbados, 263; his death, 268; his son,
the second earl, enters into negotiations
with Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham,
268, 269; his right to Barbados dis-
puted, 287; the second earl dies and be-
queathes his right in the West Indies to
the Earl of Kinnoul, 287.

Carriages and vehicles in Bridgetown, 245.
Carrington, George, elected colonial agent,

416; his protest against defraying the ex-
pense of the West India bishopric out of
the 4 per cent. duty, 419; resigns as
agent, 426.

Caterpillars, large number of, 651.
Catholics, 97.

Cattle and provisions prohibited from being
exported, 323.

Census of Barbados in 1844, 86, 502.

Central manufactories, 526.

Chalky mount, 223, 548.

Chalybeate waters, 12, 571.
Charter of Barbados, 280.
Cherry hill, 238.

Chetwynd, Walter, appointed as Governor,

but dies previous to his departure, 325.
Children, great mortality of, 75, 491.
Churches, chapels and schools in Barbados

in 1837, 100; cost of building and repair-
ing, 101; churches and chapels in 1846,
103; act for rebuilding, 470; size and cost
of, Appendix, No. 9.

Chief Justice, a permanent, appointed for
Barbados, 492.

country, 384.

Clays of Barbados prohibited from being
exported, 323.

Clergy, stipends of the, 92, 94, 102, 424;
comparative number of the, in the diocese
of Barbados in 1812, 1825 and 1834, 99,
101; in Barbados in 1846, 102.
Climate in general, 13; mean temperature,
14; evaporation, 14; dew, 15; clouds, 15;
rain, 16; electricity, 16; trade-wind, 17;
sea and land breezes, 18; rotatory motion
of the wind, 18; volcanoes and earth-
quakes, 20; zone of rains, 21; rainy sea-
son, 22; table of the limits of the trade-
winds, 23; highest degree of heat under
the tropics, 24; influence of forests on the
humidity of a district, 25; size of drops of
rain, 27; its influence on the human health,
74; number of deaths in Barbados, 74;
healthy state of Barbados, 76.
Climatology in Barbados, 28; weather and
range of the thermometer during the dif
ferent months, 28, 29; Dr. Hillary's ob
servations on the climate, 29; Mr. Young's
observations, 30; half-hourly observations,
Appendix No. 2; rain during the different
phases of the moon, 31; the supposed
influence of the moon on the barometer,
32, 33, 34; rise and fall of the barometer,
30, 35; range of thermometer, 30, 35;
table of prevailing winds, 35; rain, 36;
evaporation, 37; observations on hurricanes
in general, 37; hurricanes in Barbados,
45; thunder-storms, 63; waterspouts, 64;
great waves, 65; land-slips, 67; remark-
able phænomenon on the 1st of May, 69.
Cobblers' rocks, 9, 218.

Cochrane, Admiral, his arrival in Barbados,

361; five hundred pounds voted to him
by the underwriters in Barbados, 367.
Cockroaches, 653.
Cocoa-nut insect, 649.

Codrington, Colonel Christopher, Deputy-
governor, 293, 294; numerous laws passed
during his administration, 294; removes
to Antigua, 294 (note); probable reason of
his absence from the board of Council,
295; appointed Governor of the Leeward
islands, 301; applies for assistance against
the French, 301; appointed Commander-
in-Chief, 302.

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