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grant not being yet received, it will be published in the September number of the Journal. It should be bound up in its place with this Paper.

VI-Grant of Ranastambhadeva.

By Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasad Shastri, M.A., C.I.E., F. A. S. B.

This is another plate of Ranastambhadeva of Sulkikula. It has a seal affixed to it, surrounded by a raised rim. The seal contains a crescent moon, the letters Śrī Ranastambhadevasya and a standing bull. This inscription measures 8" x 6" and the seal 2" x 1". The letters in the seal are three-fifths of an inch in height each and those in the inscription are two-fifths of an inch in height each. The inscription seems to be incomplete from the space left after the second imprecatory verse.

The metrical portion of the inscription, containing invocation. and genealogy, have verses which are common to all Sulki inscriptions. Like all grants of this family, this also was issued from Kodalaka. The officers addressed are the same as in other grants. The donee's name is Pauchuka, grand-son of Vaghu and son of Hari, belonging to the Kāṇva Śākhā of the Yajur-veda. The date is given as the seventh day of the waxing mocn of Aśvina. The land granted belonged to the village of Jara in the district of Jără in the Radha Mandala. The boundaries of the land are given thus :-Chakalikabhūmi on the south-east, Stambhakaraksettra on the East, Ahara on the North. Jaura on the West and Chintābhūmi on the South. There are two very interesting points in this inscription, one is the name of the village where the land was granted and the village and the district from wh ch the donee came. The land was granted in the district of Jārā and in the village of Jără in the Rāḍha country. There is such a village in the district of Hughli bordering on the district of Midnapur, both of which belong to Radha o Western Bengal. It is still the abode of a number of well-to-do families of Brāhmaṇas. But it would be worth

investigating how the Sulkis came to acquire land in this part of the country. There is an influential body of cultivating middlemen at Midnapore who call themselves Sukli and trace their origin to a place called Kedalaka. But Raṇastambhadeva the donor was a Sulki and his capital was Kodālaka. Can there be any connection between Sulki and Sukli and Kodalaka and Kedālaka ?

The donee belongs to Kasyapa Gottra and came from a village named Tellangalabhaṭṭagrama in the district of Radha. He was a student of the Kanva Sakha of the Śukla Yajur-veda. But he cannot be a Radhiya Brāhmaṇa of the Kāśyapa Gottra, because among Rāḍhiya Brāhmāņas, the only Veda studied was the Sāma Veda, and of the 15 villages from which the Brahmaņas of the Kasyapa Gottra among the Radhis derive their village names, Tellangalabhatta is not one.

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जयत्यसुरसिह विद्याधर सु (म) कुटघृष्टचरणान [:]
शशि (समि) मणिमयूख [ भासि ]

तपिंग जटाभासशे गिरिश : ॥

स्तम्भ श्वरीप्राप्तवश्प्रसादात् शौ (घौ) लोकुलेभूत् चितिप [:]

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तस्यात्मनोभू[च] जगदे (ये) कवी (वि) र[:] श्रीमां (कल) कुलस्तम्भ

इति चितौ (वि) न्द्र :

यस्योल्लसत्वख ?













ड्गनिपातभौता[:]खमंततो यति रणे दिषन्त [: ॥ ]

यो राजचक्रतिलक[:]स्वगुणं[1]शुपातैर्दि

क्का(का) मिनीमुखमनोहरकर्णपूरै [:]

संकुचिताद्दितवधूवदनार बिन्दे दोघान्धकारभि

दुरैः (र) शुशुभे शशीव (घुमां सखिभे) ॥

तस्माद्वलोत्मा(च्छा) रितवैरिवारिद[:] पराक्रमाक्रान्तसमस्तदिग्भट [:] ।


नष्टा कर: प्रतीतिमां दिवारणेन्द्रप्रतिमो भव[त्]

स्रुत [ : ]

कोदालोका (मण्डला ) त्सदेव

दिनगुराचरणाराधन [1] सक्तचेता [:]

श्रीमां (म ) दुर्वारवैरिश्वर (प्रतिभव) करिघंटा कुम्भकु

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विद्दह्वर्मैकनिष्ठो जगति जगरिपु[:] विक्रमोपार्जितश्री : (I) श्रीमानम्ला

नखड्गप्रकटभुजबलत्रासिताशेष (ख) शत्रु [: ॥]


हाशब्द [:] श्रीरणस्तम्भदेव [:] कुश (घ) लो एतं म[ड]

लेस्मिन्भाविनो राज [1] नकराजपुत्रम

हासामन्तकुमारामाता (कुमाराणांमात्य) (1) यात्यंतर 'गा [न् ]

राजवल्लभ[[] नन्यान (द) पि कालाध्यासि यथारिहं] बोध [य]ति कुशलयत्यादिश (स) यति (ती) च विदितमस्तु

भवतां जाराखण्ड जाराग्रामे

पूर्वदक्षिणदिशा) भागे चकलिकभूमिचतु [:] सौ (सि) मायन्तपूर्व दिशे स्तम्भकार

क्षेत्रसी (सि) उत्त (त) रदिशे ग्रहार दक्षिणा दिखिम

पश्चिमदिश जौरसिम दक्षि

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