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श्रीरणभं जख्य[1]तः

सानुन (न्व) [] [T]ह भूपालान् ॥०॥

श्रीरणभं नाख्यः

तस्य चौ (चो) पयि (यौ)कात्मज (जः) श्रीपृथ्वोभंजसुत-श्री नरेन्द्रभंजदेवो भूतः । स च मातापित्रोरा

त्मनश्च पुण्ययशोभिवृद्धये सलिलधारया

ताम्त्रशासनीकृत्य भगवन्तं महादे

भट्टारकमु (म) द्दिश्य सिधा हिम्बाविशयप्रतिबद्ध उ
तरगड संबद्ध बोनुला ग्राम [ : ] । शालिगोत्र
सखिल प्रवर भट्टपुत्र त्रिविक्रमस्य पपौत्राय भ
'हपुत्रव्ग्रनन्तस्य पुत्राय भट्टपुत्र रान्छो व्याभिधा
नाय प्रतिपादितो ग्रस्माभिः तदस्म (स्मद्दा) हौर

वत्त्वाच्चन्द्राकंचतिसमकाल पालनीय भवद्भि [:] [1]
उक्त ं च धर्मशास्त्र ॥

बहुभिर्वसुधा दत्ता राज


यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य

भि: बगरा [[ ] दभिः ।

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· (प्रचच)

चितिरिय कुलदेव


इतशरीरमिद' [च] विनश्वर ।

[ocr errors]

तमत्र न चेत्क्रियते घुवं

विपदि धयति वो

न शयानलः ॥

इति कमलदलाम्ब बिंदुलो (लो)


श्रि (श्री) यमन, वीच्य (उदीच्य) मनुष्य जीवित ं च (न्द) । सकल मिद

मुदाहृत [च] श्रुत्वा

न हि पुरुषैः परकीर्तय [7] विलोष्या [:] ॥

VIII.-Some Unpublished Records of the Sultans of Bengal.

By R. D. Banerji, M. A.

The majority of these inscriptions were lying in the Archaological Section of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and the remainder were collected by me in Bihar and Orissa and in Bengal proper during the last fifteen years, except one inscription, a tombstone, which was found by Babu Nagendra Nath Basu in the Bogra District and presented by him to the Museum of the Vangiya Sihitya Parishad. These inscriptions aid us in determining the area over which the Sultans of Bengal ruled as well as in calculating the extent of their reigns which differ in the accounts given by Muhammadan Historians.

I.-Inscribed tombstone from Mahasthāngaḍh.

This inscription was found among the ruins of Mahasthāngadh in the Bogra District of Bengal some years ago by Babu Nagendra Nath Vasu. It was presented by him to the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad in 1911 or 1912. There is no record in that Society about the exact findspot or the date of find and no attempt has ever been made by anybody to decipher it. The record is incised on one face of a slab of black flint, the top of which has been rounded. The inscribed surface has been divided into four rectangular sunken panels while in the space above is a cinqfoiled pointed arch with an eight-petalled lotus-rosette in it. The first three lines contain three lines of writing, while the fourth and the last has five. The slab measures 1'10" × 71′′ and the inscribed surface 1'4 13′′ × 61′′.

Mahasthangadh is a well-known ruin in the Bogra District, where according to the discoverer, Babu Nagendra Nath Vasu, the record was found. It was visited by Cunningham and

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