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Shir Shab, is fixed over the doorway of the tomb of Shah Juman Madāri at Hilsa in the Patna District of Bihar and Orissa. The record was noticed by Cunningham.1 attendants at the shrine did not allow me to take an inked estampage at the time of my visit so I am unable to present a facsimile of this record. It records the renovation of the tomb of the saint Miran Sayyid Juman Madari at the request of Sultan Sher Shah under the supervision of Miyan Shaikh 'Alam 'Adam Shah Juman Madari, which was completed by Darya Khan Zangi Hūd Nühānī Khās Khel on the 29th of Safar of A.H. 950 3rd June 1543 A.D.



بسم الله الرحمن الرحــ

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله تذكره مرمت

گنبد بندگی حضرت میران سید جمن مداري قدس الله روحه بعضور بندگی میاں شیخ عالم آدم شاه جمن مداری در عمل ( ارباب ) م حضرت سلیمان شیر شاه سلطان خلد الله ملكه وسلطانه ه برآورده دریا خان رنگی هود تو حانی خاص خیل التاسع والعشرين من ماه صفرختم الله بالخير و الظفر سنه ۹۵۰ کار فرمان شمس مداری

"In the name of


God, the merciful, the forbearer! There is no God but Allah! This is the record of the renovation of the tomb of the slave His Holiness Miran Sayyid Juman Madārī, may God sanctify his spirit. (This) was done, under the authority of the slave Miyān Shaikh 'Alam Ādam Shah Juman Madārī, at the instance of the Lord, (equal to) Solomon, Shir Shah Sultan, may God perpetuate his kingdom and reign. It was completed by Darya Khăn Zāngi Hūd Nūhànī Khās Khel. (The date of the record is) the 29th of Safar (May God end it with welfare and victory) the year 950. The work (was) done by order of Shams Madari."

A. S. R, Volume XI, page 164.

XIII.-Inscription of the time of Ghiyath-ud-din Bahadur ` Shah.-A. H. 967.

This inscription was found in the inscription room of the Archæological Section of the Indian Museum without any label or number. Consequently, there is very little chance of determining its findspot. Most probably it comes from Bihar and was originally collected by the late A. M. Broadley for his Museum at Bayley Sarai in Bihar. Probably it was removed to Calcutta by the late Mr. P. C. Mukherji in 1895-96 when the entire collection at Bihar was transferred to the Indian Museum. The record has been incised on three different slabs of stone and the total inscribed surface measures 3'41" × 1'8". The writing is very beautiful and well executed and the record is in a very good state of preservation.

The record is one of great interest and it is one of the oldest inscriptions which contains a reference of Kararānī Afghans, who became prominent in the political sphere of North-eastern India immediately before its conquest by the Mughals. The inscription records the erection of a masjid by Masnad-i-'Āli Tāj Khan son of Jamāl Kararāni in A.H. 967=1559 A.D. Tāj Khan Kararāni comes into prominence during the reign of Sultan Muhammad Shah Sur, surnamed 'Adli or Andhlī. He left the court of Muhammad Shah at Gwalior on the day of the murder of Sarmast Khan Sarwani, Shah Muhammad Farmuli and Sikandar Khan Farmuli in the audience hall of Muhammad Shah 'Adil. When Taj Khan's flight became known, Muhammad Shah 'Adil ordered his Hindu General, Himū to pursue him. Himů overtook Tāj Khin Kararānī at Chāprāmau1 and defeated him. Taj Khan then sought the shelter of his brother, Sulaiman Khan Kararāni in Bihar. Taj Khan's brother, Sulaimān Kararānī, had been appointed Governor of Bihar by Islam Shah in the year of his accession (945 A.H. 1532 A.D.) and had


1 Elliot's History of India, Volume IV, page 506.

2 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. LXIV, 1875, Part I, page 295.

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