previous enquiries. The clerk's present pay as Museum clerk is Rs. 30-4-50. Resolved that Government be asked to make an annual grant of Rs. 600 to Babu Sarat Chandra Roy which will provide for a clerk on a pay up to Rs. 30, a peon on Rs. 8 and monthly contingencies of Rs. 12. Babu Sarat Chandra Roy asked that the amount of contingencies may be fixed at Rs. 12 as he has no typewriting machine and will therefore have to incur extra expense in getting his matter type-written. It was also resolved that Government be asked to grant Travelling Allowance at First Class rates to Babu Sarat Chandra Roy, which he at present draws as Curator of the Museum and also Travelling allowance to the clerk and peon at the usual Government rates. Also as Babu Sarit Chandra Roy's enquiries may require him to halt for more than 10 days in one place, that he and his clerk and peon when accompanying him, be exempted from Article 1056, Civil Service Regula tions. It was also resolved that, as Babu S. C. Roy is returning to Ranchi, which will be his headquarters, the grant now recommended, may be paid to him direct, rather than to the Society for payment to Babu S. C. Roy. 8. Professor Samaddar brought to notice that the Honorary Treasurer has no peon and that a considerable part of the time of his own servant is taken up in taking money to and drawing money from the Bank, and other work of the Honorary Treasurer. Professor Samaddar was willing to use his own servant for this purpose. It was resolved that an allowance of Rs. 4 per month be paid to the Honorary Treasurer for remuneration of his servant for these duties commencing from the 1st April. 9. Professor Samaddar requested permission to translate into Bengali some of the articles in the Journal and to use the blocks of the illustrations. He said that permission had already been granted to him to do this in the case of Dr. Spooner's papers on the Buddha Gaya Plaque. It was resolved that as the copyright of the papers in the Society's Journal belongs to the authors, the Council cannot give a general permission, but will consider any particular case, for which the permission of the author will have to be obtained. 10. It was resolved that the Journal bo not sent to those members who have not paid their arrears of subscription. This will not, however, apply to the subscription for the current year. But notices should be sent to all members who have not paid their subscription for the current year, requesting them to do so at once. 11. The Honorary Treasurer asked to be authorized to compound with some defaulters by permitting them to pay off their arrears by instalments. 12. It was resolved that Rs. 3,000 be deposited in the Bank of Bengal on 12 months' deposit. 13. It was resolved that a bicycle be purchased for the Chaprasi at a cost of Rs. 120. . 14. It was resolved that a hand-list of the books in the Library be prepared and be published as early as possible. 9-T.-4 of 1918' 15. Government memo. No. 8453 dated the 18th March 1918, forwarding a copy of Government order No. 141-E., dated the 8th March 1918, sanctioning the extension of deputation for a period of one year with effect from the 1st October 1917, of the Pandit Biswanath Rath Kavyatirtha in connection with the preparation of a catalogue of the palm-leaf manuscripts in the district of Puri, was read and recorded. 1918. PATNA Published by the Bihar and Orissa Research Society. Printed by the Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa. OF THE BIHAR AND ORISSA RESEARCH SOCIETY For the year 1918. Patron. His Honour Sir Edward Albert Gait, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S The Hon'ble Sir Edward Vere Levinge, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C S. The Hon'ble Sir William Henry Hoare Vincent, Kt., I.C.S. The Hon'ble Maharaja Bahadur Sir Rameswar Singh, G.C.I.E., of The Hon'ble Maharaja Bahadur Sir Ravaneswar Prasad Singh, K.C.I.E., Maharaja Sir Bir Mitrodaya Singh Deo, K.C.I.E., of Sonepur State. The Hon'ble Sir Thomas Fredrick Dawson Miller, Kt., K.C. Raja Kamaleswari Prasad Singh. President. His Honour Sir Edward Albert Gait, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. Vice-President. The Hon'ble Mr. E. H. C. Walsh, C.S.I., I.C.S. General Secretary. K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A., Bar -at-Law. Joint Secretary. R. W. F. Shaw, Esq., M.A. Treasurer. Professor Jogindra Nath Samaddar, B.A. Departmental Secretaries. Secretaries for History Section-K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A. (Oxon.) Secretary for Archæology and Numismatics-The Hon'ble Mr. E. H. C Secretary for Anthropology and Folk-lore-Babu S. C. Roy, M.A., B.L. (Continued on page 3 of cover.) |