Notes of the Quarter. I.--Proceedings of the Council Meeting of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, held on 9th November 1918, at 3 p.m. at the Society's Office. PRESENT: The Hon'ble Mr. E. H. C. Walsh, c.s.I., 1.0.S., VicePresident, in the chair. V. H. Jackson, Esq., м A. Professor J. N. Samaddar, B.A., F.R.E.S., F. H.S. K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A., Honorary Secretary. 1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and confirmed. With reference to the purchase of a typewriter the VicePresident said that Mr. Jayaswal's typewriter had been valued by the Local Agent of the Remington Typewriter Company at Rs. 150 and had been purchased for that amouut. 2. The following new members were elected (1) K. P. Mody, Esq., Ahmedabad. : (2) The Hon'ble Mr Keane, Secretary to the Government of United Provinces, Allahabad. (3) Nar. Bohidar, Esq., Deputy Inspector, Kalahandi State. (4) Babu Ramanand Singh, B. L., P. O. Parsa, District Saran. (5) Babu Sambhu Saran Varma, M. A., B. L., Vakil, High Court, Patna. (6) Babu Girijapati Sahay, M. A., B. L, Near Dean's Tank, Arrah. (7) Babu Padamraj Jain Raniwal, 7-9, Jugomohan Mullick's Lane, Calcutta. (8) Babu Govinda Das, Benares. (9) Babu Jainath Pati, Nawada, Gaya. (10) Babu Shiva Prosad Gupta, Nandan Sahu Street, Benares City. (11) Dr. Hari Chand, LITT D., Superintendent of Sans krit Studies, Bihar and Orissa, Patna. (12) Babu Manoranjan Ghosh, M. A., Curator, Patna Museum. 3. The note dated 10th August, 1918, of the Hon'ble VicePresident regarding withdrawal of Rs. 500 granted by Government for Babu Sarat Chandra Roy's office establishment and to deposit the sum in the Chota Nagpur Bank at Ranchi, was read and confirmed. 4. Read letter, dated 25th May 1918, from Messrs. Luzac & Co., offering to accept the agency for the sale of the Society's publications on the terms mentioned therein, Resolved that the offer be accepted and also that Messrs. John Grant, Edinburgh, Messrs. Edwards, London, and Messrs. Blackwell, Oxford, be asked for their terms and that agents be also approved in America and Paris. 5. Read letter from Mahamahopadhya Hara Prasad Shastri to His Honour the President, dated 18th June 1918, recommending the appointment of an Assistant on Rs. 25 to the Orissa Pandit. Mr. Jayaswal said that he had seen the Pandit when at Puri recently, who had shown him Pandit Jagarnath Hot Kabyathirta, the assistant whom he wished to have, who is well qualified in Sanskrit and knows English and who is willing to accept Rs. 20, Resolved that Pandit Jagarnath Hota Kabyathirta be appointed Assistant to the Orissa Pandit on Rs. 20 per mensem. 6. Read a letter, dated 7th November 1918, from Pandit Bisvanath Rath, Kabyathirta, who is engaged in cataloguing manuscript in Orissa, addressed to the Director of Public Instruction. Resolved that the letter be forwarded to the Director of Public Instruction with recommendation. 7. Read letter No. 1877-E., dated 2nd November 1918, from Under-Secretary to the Government of Bihar and Orissa, Education Department, sanctioning the extra grant of Rs. 400 in connection with the catalogue of Sanskrit manuscript in Bihar districts. Resolved that the thanks of the Council be submitted to Government. 8. The list of books purchased for the Library since the last meeting, amounting to Rs. 379-2-6, was sanctioned. 9. Read an application from the clerk for an increase of his pay (Rs. 35) on account of the present high prices. Resolved that an allowance of Rs. 5 per mensem be given so long as abnormally high prices continued. 10. Read a letter from Dr. Spooner, dated 9th November 1918, resigning his membership of the Council as he has been recently transferred from Bankipur. Resolved that the resignation be accepted with regret that Dr. Spooner can no longer continue a member. GENERAL INDEX TO J. B. O. R. S, VOLU ME IV. Anderson, C. W., The Rock Paintings of Singanpur Banerji, R. D., Some Unpublished Records of the Sultans of Bengal Banjara women Bāpla Bandhayana Sutra Fentres Bhadrabahu ... Bhavishya Purana Bheli Birhors-Birth, Child and Puberty Ceremonies among the Death and Funeral Customs of the- The Marriage Customs of the- |