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(1) معنی کے تئیں ہم نے تو صورت ھی میں پایا نقاش همیں نقش کے اندر نظر آیا

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( ۲ ) شمع اسکر ھیں ھم تم کیا بود و باش یاں کی روشن ھے بے بقائي اس مجاس رواں کي (۳) دامان دل اس باغ کا اسلوب کشان هے یاں پرده هر رنگ میں اک دام نہاں ھے ( ۴ ) تماشائی کو غیر از داغ یاں سے کچھ نہیں حاصل سراسرھم نے تو یہ گلستان لاله ستان پایا (٥) سر بازار و جود آپ سے آیا نہیں میں جلوہ دکھلا نے کو اپنا کوئی لا یا ھے مجھے

Verses embodying admonition and advice are also very copiously met with in his writings. He misses no opportunity to convey his sound counsel and so in a very effective manner.

advice to his readers, and does Here are some such verses :

(۶) که سلامت کسو کے تئیں زنہار (۷) عمر من كان ظلم رانی میں فنا بعد ه (۸) گر بقا چاهتا

تو درپئے آزار نه هرگز هر يعني تو اس جہاں فانی میں و طوبی جات میں اور عقبی عمل ساتهه ليجـــــا جــزات حسن (۹) چهوز جا نام نیک اپنے بدل رگهه اسے یاد تا اک پند (۱۰) تجهلو كا في هي بس يهي (11) نهو مغرور تو اس ایک دم کي زندگاني پر

تار خرسند

هواكي سطح پر نادان بنات قصر دستي هے

(1) I found out the latent in the patent,

The painter became visible to me in the painting.

(2) We are morning lamps. What is the value of staying here?

Transitoriness of this fleeting congregation (i.e., world) is too apparent.

(3) The expanse of the heart of this garden is very tidy,

Here under the cover of each colour a net is placed.

(4) The spectator gets from here nothing but a wound,

I found this orchard totally a bed of lala (which looks covered over with blood).

(5) I have not come to the marketplace of existence by my ownself; Some one has brought me here in order to exhibit himself.

(6) By no means oppress any one :

Never think of doing a bad turn.

(7) Do not waste thy life in tyranny,

I mean in this transitory world.

(8) If thou aimest at immortality after death, And in the future life, paradise,

(9) Leave behind thee a good name,

Carry with thee reward of good deeds.

(10) Only this one advice suffices thee.

Keep it in thy mind, and be happy.

(11) Do not pride upon this life of one breath,

O ye, fool! the foundation of the fabric of cxistence rests on the surface

of air.

(1) نه قدر جمع زر میں اے دني اتنا پریشاں هو

مال اسکا سمجهه لے نسخه احوال قاروں سے

کا (۲) اس کاروان سرا میں تو ھے کوچ هي كا شور

کا یه مقام هے کیا کوئی یاں رھے عبرت

ه شرط ادب کو تو گنہگار نہوے (۳) هان معترف جرم هي ره پیش خداوند

منعم متاع دنيا كتني هے اسقدر هے (۴) وه سعي کرکه تجهکو حاصل هو د ولت دیں

(0) ان تھیس کھائے شیشوں کی کچھہ اب بھی سمجو قدر پاس دل شکسته اهل وفا کرو

(۶) چس


دھر کي رنگيني کا عاشق مت هو عقل رکهتا هے تو دل دے چی اراک نئیں

اس باغ میں جوں نکہت گل رہ تو سبک سار تا یاں سے جو چلنا ھو تو دشوار نہوے

ھاں دیکہیں پا مال کوئی خار نہوے (۸) کورانه نه طى كيجيو تو راه طلب یار

شنا سا گو نہر تیرا کوئی پر تو تو گوهر هو (۹) هنر مستغنی اس سے هے که قدر افزا میسر هو

(1) O mean-minded! do not bother thyself so much to hoard money, Think of its result from the story of Quarun's account.

(2) In this Karvansarai (i.e., this world) there is but fuss and bustle of departure,

It is a place to take a lesson from and not to stay in.

(3) Yes, plead guilty before God,

Such is the condition of reverence, albeit thou mayest be not guilty.

(4) So try that thou mayest gather religious wealth,

O ye, wealthy! how much and what amount is the riches of this world?

(5) Set a value even no v on these cracked glasses,

Have consideration for the broken heart of the man of faith. (6) Do not be enamoured of the beauties of the orchard of the world,

If thou hast any brain give thy heart to the embellisher of the orchard.

(7) Stay on in this garden like the aroma of flower,

So that there may be no difficulty at thy departure.

(8) O friend! do not tread blindly on the path of seeking (your object), Beware! not even a thorn be crushed under thy feet.

(9) Virtue is independent of appreciation,

No matter if there is none to appreciate it, but try to be a gem.

In his several works he has touched on many abstruse subjects also. Here are extracts from what he has written on

) عشق ( and love ( سخن) ' Speech ،

سلطان سخن اگر نه یاں هو (1) بر همزده شهریه جهاں هو دفتر یه ظهور کا سرا شیرازه نسخه دو عالم معشوق مزاجدان سان هي

(۲) هورے نه سخن تو هــو ابتر (۳) رشته سے سخن هي كے هي محكم (۴) روح تن انس و جان سخن هے

کیفیت اسکی قوت روح (0) یه باده هی هم طبیعت ررح تو آدم مرده کی خموشی (۶) اردیکھ تک به تیزهوشی تسکین ده عاشقان سنی ھے (۷) کهتي هي يهي که جان ســــغـــــن هے عاشق کرے حال کیونکر اظهار (۸) گر هو نه سخن تو پیش دلدار با لکل ہے اس آئینہ میں پیدا (۹) عشاق کی صورت تمنا منعکس اس سے ھے آئينه جان (10) نے سخن گو هر گنجینه جان سحر افسوں ہے عبارت اس سے (۱۱) منتظم کار سفارت اس سے


(1) The world would be a ruined city,

If the Kingly speech' be not there.

(2) If there be no speech,'

The whole manifestation will be topsytury.

(3) It is the thread of speech' which binds tightly,

The ends of the stitching of the two worlds.

(4) The soul of the bodies of the man and the genie is 'speech,' It is the sweetheart who knows the temper (of the lover).

(5) It is the wine which is congenial to the soul,

Its elation is the support of the soul.

(6) If thou lookest deep,

The silence of the dead man.

(7) Speaks that 'speech' is life,

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Speech' is solace of the lovers.

(8) If there be no 'speech' how before the sweetheart The lover can pour forth his heart?

(9) The photo of the lover's yearnings,

Is fully visible in this mirror.

(10) 'Speech' is a gem from the treasure of life,

The mirror of life owes its reflection to this.

(11) The crrand of embassy is settled by this,

The composition is charming and magical on account of this.

همه تاثیر ه یه پرنیرنگ (۱) گرمکی معرکه صلح و جنگ (۲) اسکي ترکیب کہیں مہر انگیز نظم اسکا ھے کہیں وجه ستیز


(1) عشق سمجھو تو عجب کچهه هی چیز درد و داغ اسکے بھی کتنے میں عزیز (۲) ایک ھے دل میں چھپا رکھنے کے گوں ایک چھاتی سے لگا ر کھنے کے گوں (۳) عاقلوں سے ھے بہت عشق نفور عقل سمجھے ایسے کب سے شعور (۴) ان سے جو وحشی ہیں مانوس ھے عشق آتش خرمن ناموس نے عشق اسکا (0) کار پسر داز جنوں سے اسکا محرم راز جنوں ہے اسے چاک گریبایوں سے (1) ربط رکھتا هے یه دیوانوں سے راہ (۷) عشق کا مرتبه هي بسکه بسیط کب قیاس و خرد اسپر ھوں محیط (۸) جس نے کچھ بھی اسے پیچھانا ھے وہ سری خبطی دیرانا آئے (۹) لاگو اسکے متحیر پاے وے لئے گزرے ادھر جو جوگي درے لوگ ( ۱۰ ) لاگ سے اسکے بزرگي هرے لوگ جوگ لینے گئے

(1) It is glow of war and peace,

This magic is fully effective.

(2) Its mode is sometimes love exciting.

Its device is sometimes quarrel-causing.


(1) Lo! what an extraordinary thing is love, How dear are its pain and wound!

(2) One is worth concealing in the heart,

One is worth grappling to the breast.

(3) Love keeps aloof from the wise,

Wit has no power to grasp it.

(4) Love is intimate with the wild,

Love is fire for the barn of reputation.

(5) Madness is its agent,

Lunacy is its intimate friend.

(6) It has intimacy with mad men,

It has communion with those that have torn collars.

(7) The position of 'love' is very high,

How can imagination and wit comprehend it ?

(8) He who has even comprehended a bit of it, Is crazy, insane and lunatic.

(9) I found its victims confounded,

Those that came over this side were done with.

(10) By its communion men have parted from themselves, They went to seek union, but turned into hermits.



اتش هي يـــه كاله ایک پر کش هے یه سنگ کو موم

دیتی ھیں بنا

(1) کچهه عجب (۲) گرمیاں اسکي گھلا دیتی ھیں سحر پر داز فسوں ساز هے :یه (۳) هوش کا خانه برانداز هی یه

کا و جه تخریب

عات روح




(۴) گرچه هے جسم تعین سارے عشق آنها رے ھے (0) عشق میں جيت و هي جو ها رے

محبوب یه صحب هي بهي ( 4 ) عشق طالب بهي هي مطلوب ابهي هي



(۷) اسکے وار فتوں کو محویت ھے (۸) ابتداء اسكي هی گریان رهنا

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سارے عالم میں ايسي كي هے دھرم


عاشقي هاي (۱۰) عاشقي رنج و تعب محنت هے عاشقی دل کي (۱۱) عاشقي مايه صد خواری هے

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له له

لوگ ان نے تو چنکے بناے ھیں (۱۳) عاشقی ھے عجب اک جی کا روگ گرم مقال کوئی خاموش کوئی گرم ( ۱۳ ) عاشقوں میں منلوں ھیں حال

(1) It is a wonderfully rebellious flame,

It is a spark of fire.

(2) Its heat melts,

Renders stone wax.

(3) It is destructor of intelligerce,

It is enchanter and sorcerer,

(4) Though it is cause of the wasting of the body, Yet it is panacea for the malady of the soul. (5) In love he who is vanquished triumphs,

Love removes every bar.

(6) Love is secker as well as sought after, It is lover as well as beloved.

(7) Its enamoured ones have perplexity, Love is a power and an elation,

(8) Its inception is to wail,

Its end is to be confounded and perplexed.

(9) It is sum total of the intentions of the book of beauty, There is in the whole universe a bustle of it only.

(10) Love is pains, afflictions and trouble,

Oh, love is a tremendous affliction !

(11) Love is a fund of hundred distress. Love is the captivity of the heart.

(12) Love is a malady of the mir.d.

It has befriended by selections.

(13) Lovers are of diverse cor.ditions,

Some are silent and some prating.

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