Hydrogenation of the Ketoximes, a Synthesis of New Amines, A. Mailhe, 288; New Preparation of Rubidium and Cæsium, L. Hackspill, 288; Molecular Transform- ations of Hydrated Ferric Sulphate, A. Recoura, 288; the Gradual Dissociation of Mellitic Acid, A. Quartaroli, 302; Explosions of Mixtures of Coal-gas and Air in a Closed Vessel, L. Bairstow and A. D. Alexander, 311; Action of Ethylamine and Isobutylamine on Casium, E. Rengade, 312; der Naturwissenschalftliche Unterricht bei uns und im Auslande, Dr. Karl T. Fischer, 333: Wie sind die physikalischen Schülerübungen praktisch zu gestalten? Oberlehrer Hahn, 333; Influence of Water Vapour on the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Carbon, O. Boudouard, 336; Sub-iodide of Phosphorus and its Part in Allotropic Transformation of Phosphorus, R. Boulouch, 336; Action of Sodium Sulphite upon Ethanal, MM. Seyewetz and Bardin, 336; Gentiine, George Tanret, 336; Chemical Equilibrium of the System: Ammonia Gas, Isoamylamine Chlorhydrate, Félix Bidet, 336; Catalytic Decomposition of Monochlor-derivatives of Methane Hydrocarbons in Contact with Anhydrous Metallic Chlorides, Paul Sabatier and A. Mailhe, 336; Duty-free Alcohol, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 344; Connec- tion between Atomic Weight of a Substance and the Amount of Secondary Radiation which it Emits when Subjected to the B and y Rays of Radium, Prof. A.
Righi, 350; Researches on Explosives, Sir Andrew
Noble, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., 358; a Secondary Reaction of the Halogen Organo-magnesium Compounds, Paul Sabatier and A. Mailhe, 359; Conversations on Chem- istry, W. Ostwald, 364; Thermochemistry of the Hydr- azones, Ph. Landrieu, 392; Sterigmatocystis nigra and Oxalic Acid, P. G. Charpentier, 392, 480; Gases Pro- duced by Actinium, A. Debierne, 424; Production of Heavy Liquids with the Alkaline Iodo-mercurates, M. Duboin, 424; Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements, Drs. Hagenback and Konen, 426; Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Albumin, Emil Abder- halden, 437; Sal-ammoniac, a Study in Primitive Chem- istry, H. E. Stapleton, 452; Cause of Accumulation of Starch in Bruised Apples, G. Warcollier, 452; die Bedeut- ung des Experimentes für den Unterricht in der Chemie, Dr. Max Wehner, 455; a New Formation of Diamond, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 527; Physical Units of Albuminoid Material and on the Part Played by Lime in its Coagulation, G. Malfitano, 528; the Calcium Carbide Industry in France, 541; Apparatus for Generation and Automatic Compression of Oxygen, Prof. d'Arsonval, 541; van 't Hoff's Hypothesis of Osmotic Pressure of Solutions, Prof. A. Battelli and A. Stefanini, 541; the Isolation of Terbium, G. Urbain, 552; Theoretical Chemistry, Prof. Walther Nernst, 555; a Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic, Horace L. Wells, 556; the Physics and Chemistry of Mining, T. H. Byrom, 557; a System- atic Course of Practical Organic Chemistry, Lionel Guy Radcliffe and Frank Sturdy Sinnatt, 579; Isostrychnine, A. Bacovesco, 600; Index Phytochemicus, Drs. J. C. Ritsema and J. Sack, 603; Derivatives of Cyclohexane, P. Freundler and E. Damond, 624: Sambunigrin, Em. Bourquelot and Em. Danjou, 624; Report of the Prin- cipal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Labor- atory for the Year Ending March 31, 1903, 634; the Absolute Desiccation of Vegetable Products, L. Maquenne, 648; Halogen Compounds of Dinaphthopyryl with Metals and Metalloids, R. Fosse and L. Lesage, 648; Develop- ment of Amylase during the Germination of Seeds, Jean Effront, 648; the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Inter- mediate Products from which they are Derived, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii
Chester (Rear-Admiral), Standard Time in Various Coun- tries, 256
Chick (Dr. Harriette), a Study of the Process of Nitrifi- cation with Reference to the Purification of Sewage, 117 Chrétien (Paul), Combinations of Ferrocyanides Sulphuric Acid, 264
Christophers (Lieut.), Parasites of Indian Field Rat, 515 Chromospheric Spectrum, the Ultra-violet, H. Deslandres, 542
Chronology: Utilisation of the Telephone System for the
duction of a Standard Time on the Railways of India, 181; New Sundial that Tells Standard Time, Prof. Albert Crehore, Sir W. H. Preece, K.C.B., F.R.S., 209 Chrysler (M. A.), Regeneration in Zamia, 65 Circumzenithal Apparatus, MM. Nušl and Frič, 230 Citizen, the, a Study of the Individual and the Govern- ment, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, 578
Clarke (C. B., F.R.S.), Fictitious Problems in Mathe- matics, 102
Clarke (H. Herbert), Report on the Sanitation and Anti- malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Freetown, 67
Clay (Charles M.), Examples in Algebra, 393
Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams, J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388
Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, H. Ries and H. B. Kümmel, 388
Clayton (John), the Cowthorpe Oak, 43 Cleavage, Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty, George F. Becker, 20; Alfred Harker, 152 Cleavage of Slates, the, Rev. O. Fisher, 55 Cleve (Prof. P. T.), Death of, 226
Cliffs near Cromer, Chalk Masses in the, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 8
Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases, E. M. Corner, 122
Clock and Chronometer by Thomas Mudge, A. Mallock, F.R.S., 91
Clowes (Dr.), the Immunisation of Mice against Cancer,
Coal Digest of the Evidence given before the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies (1901-1905), 395 Coalfields, the North Staffordshire, Memoirs of the Geo- logical Survey of England and Wales, W. Gibson, G. Barrow, C. B. Wedd, and J. Ward, H. W. Hughes, 612 Coal-tar Colour Industry, Organic Preparations and the, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii
Cockayne (Dr. L.), Vegetation of Open Bay Islands, New Zealand, 540; Thorns merely Xerophytic Structures, 565 Cockerell (Prof. T. D. A.), the British Slugs, 245; the Spread of Injurious Insects, 397
Cogshall (Prof. W. A.), Double Star Observations, 135* Cohen (J. B.), Action of Chlorine on Boiling Toluene, 230 Colajanni (Prof. N.), Latins et Anglo-Saxons, Races supérieures et Races inférieures, 533
Cole (Prof. Grenville A. J.), Growth of Crystals in the Contact-zone of Granite and Amphibolite, 23; an Intro- duction to the Geology of Cape Colony, 35: Glacial Studies in Canada, Dr. William H. Sherzer, 310; Ex- plorations in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, Raphael Pumpelly, R. W. Pumpelly, Prof. W. M. Davis, and Ellsworth Hunt- ington, 366
College of Applied Science, the Proposed, 250 Collet (Dr. Leon W.), les Concrétions phosphatées de l'Agulhas Bank (Cape of Good Hope), 286-7 Collie (Prof. J. N., F.R.S.), Synthesis by Means of the Silent Electric Discharge, 238; the Ultra-violet Absorp- tion Spectra of Aromatic Compounds, part i., Benzene and Certain Monosubstituted Derivatives, 239; the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Ultra-violet Region, 630
Collier (Dr.), the Treatment of Sleeplessness, 331 Collier (P.), Riding and Driving, 197 Collieries, Outbursts of Gas and Coal at the Morrissey, British Columbia, James Ashworth, 131 Collinge (Walter E.), Report on the Injurious Insects and other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, 340
Collins (F. Howard), Author and Printer, an Attempt to Codify the Best Typographical Practices of the Present Day, 100
Coloration in Polistes, Wilhelmine M. Enteman, 19 Coloration, Protective, of the Inside of the Mouth in Nestling Birds, W. Ruskin Butterfield, 534
Colour, Luminosity and, Dr. F. W. Edridge-Green, 222 Colour Phenomena, an Introduction to the Study of, Joseph W. Lovibond, 603
logical Investigations, 167; Action of Radium Bromide on the Electromotive Phenomena of the Eyeball of the Frog, 287
Comets: the Alleged Identity of Comets "Brooks 1889 and Lexell, Dr. Charles L. Poor, 19; Ephemeris for Comet 1905a, M. Ebell, 43; Orbit of, Miss Lamson, 66; Elliptical Elements for the Orbit of Comet 1905a, Prof. Banachiewicz, 207; A. Wedermayer, 207; Comets 1005 i (1904e) and 1904 i, Dr. Strömgren, 43; Herr Nijland and Herr van d. Bilt, 43: Comet 1904 ii (1904 4), M. Ebell, 89; the Motion of the Tail of Borrelly's Comet (1903 iv), Prof. Jaegermann, 135; Elements of Comet 1886 viii, E. Fagerholm, 567 Cencimi, Mangimi, Sementi, &c., Commercie, frodi, e repressione delle frodi, Specialmente in Italia, Italo Giglioli, 324
Conference at Innsbrück, International Meteorological, 510, 562
Congresses: an Optical Congress and Exhibition, 112; the Fourth International Ornithological Congress, 177; the Botanical Congress at Vienna, Dr. A. B. Rendle, 272; Congress of the Royal Institute of Public Health, 306; First International Congress of Anatomists, 400; the International Congress on Tuberculosis, 581; Inter- national Congress on Radiology and Ionisation, 611 Consolidation of the Earth, Current Theories of the, Dr. T. J. J. See, 30; Rev. A. Irving, 79 Constant of Aberration, the, Prof. Doolittle, 592 Consterdine (A.), the Rudiments of Practical Mathematics, 393
Contremoulins (G.), Apparatus for Measuring X-Rays, 264
(nway (R. S.), the "Aryanism" of the Minoans, 560 Cooke (W. Ernest), Islands for Weather Forecasting Pur-
Cooper (W. R.), Cause and Prevention of Dust from Automobiles, 485, 507
Cocper-Key (Major A.), a Primer on Explosives, 507 Copper Foil, Oligodynamical Action of, on Certain Intes- tinal Organisms, Mr. Kraemer, 462
Corals: the Coral Siderastraea radians and its Post-larval Development, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 185
Corner (E. M.), Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases, 122; the Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix Vermiformis and their Com- plications, 122
Corona, Dutch Observations of the, Prof. Julius, 303 Corona Borealis, the Orbit of, Mr. Doberck, 424 Corstorphine (Dr. G. S.), the Large Diamond found in the Premier Mine, Transvaal, 41; the Geology of South Africa, 346
Cosentini (François), la Sociologie génétique, 482 Cosmic Dust of Solar Origin, Prof. Schaeberle, 424 Cosmical Evolution, J. H. Jeans, 591
Cothen, the Naumann Festival at, Prof. Alfred Newton, F.R.S., 36
Cotton (A.), Magnetic Double Refraction, New Active Liquids, 392
Coulter (Dr. J. M.), Regeneration in Zamia, 65; Interest- ing Taxonomic Characters of the Gymnospermous Genus Torreya, 133
Couréménos (A.), Cyanocampho-acetic, Cyanocampho-a- proprionic, Cyanocampho-a-butyric Acids and
Courtot (A.), the Acid y-Aldehydes, 264
Cowen (Richard J.), X-Rays, their Employment in Cancer and other Diseases, 395
Cowper-Coles (Sherard), Rapid Electro-deposition Copper, 359
Cowthorpe Oak, the 43, 182; John Clayton, 43 Cracknell (A. G.), a Preparatory Course in Geometry, 150 Craniology: History of a White Rhinoceros Skull, Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, 127; Dr. C. Stewart, F.R.S., 175
Crehore (Prof. Albert), New Sundial that Tells Standard Time, 200
Creighton (Dr. Charles), Plague in India, 86
Critical Temperature and Pressure of Living Substances, the, Dr. F. J. Allen, 7
Croghan (E. H.), Fuel Ashes as Manure in the Midland Districts of South Africa, 643
Cromer, Chalk Masses in the Cliffs near, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 8
Cromlech, an Inverted Slab in a, Edward Greenly, 152 Crommelin (Mr.), Provisional Elements for Jupiter's Sixth Satellite, 66
Crookes (Sir William, F.R.S.), Action of Light and of Radium upon Glass, 90; a New Formation of Diamond, 527; Diamonds, 593
Crosland (P. F.), Action of Chlorine on Boiling Toluene, 239
Crossley (Mr.), Large Gas-engines, 213
Crowell (H. C.), Water Jet Method of applying the Power carried by High-pressure Water, the Doble Needle Regulating Nozzle, 42
Crystallography: Mechanical Properties of Iron in Isolated Crystals, F. Osmond and Ch. Frémont, 392; the Crystallisation of Iron and Steel, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A. McWilliam, 532.
Cubic and Quartic Equations, Graphical Solution of, H. Ivah Thomsen, 295
Cubic Surfaces, on the Class of, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 484 Cuboni (Prof.), Brusca a Disease of the Olive, 276 Cunningham (Lieut.-Colonel A.), High Pellian Factor- isation, 95
Cunningham (Prof. D. J.), Cape Hunting Dogs in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Ireland, 287 Currelly (Mr.), Excavations at Palafkastro, 559 Currents at the Entrance of the Bay of Fundy and Southern Nova Scotia, Report on the, for the Year 1904, Bell Dawson, 205
Cuthbertson (C.), Refractive Index of Gaseous Fluorine, 480
Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, Monographie des, l'Abbé J. J. Kieffer, 455
Czaki (Prof. Friedrich), Biochemie der Pflanzen, 169
d. Bilt (J. van), Comet 1904 I, 43; Observations of Jupiter's Satellites, 567
Dakin (H. D.), Physiological Activity of Substances In- directly Related to Adrenalin, 551; Synthesis of a Sub- stance Allied to Adrenalin, 575
Dale (Elizabeth), Investigations on Intumescences, with Observations on Nuclear Divisions in Pathological Tissues, 22
Dall (W. H.), Relation of the Miocene of Maryland to that of other Regions and to the Recent Fauna, 162 Damond (E.), Derivatives of Cyclohexane, 624 Dampfturbinen, Bau der, Prof. A. Musil, 219 Danjou (Em.), Hydrocyanic Glucoside in the Leaves of the Elder, 264; Sambunigrin, 624
Darányi (Dr. Ignatius), the State and Agriculture in Hungary, 291
Darboux (Gaston), Étude sur le Developpement des
Méthodes géometriques, 313
Darby (J. H.), Recent Developments in the Bertrand- Thiel Process of Steel Manufacture, 68
Dark Hemisphere of Venus, Visibility of the, M. Hansky, 303 Darwin (Prof. G. H., M.A., LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.), In- augural Address at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, part i., 368; part ii., 439
Das (Sarat Chandra), a Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, Supp. to October 19, iii Davey (Henry), Efficiency of the Steam Jacket, 213 Davis (F.), the Sleep of Fishes, 133
Davis (Prof. W. M.), Explorations in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, 366 Davis (Messrs. and Son), a New Slide Rule, 45, 102 Dawkins (Mr.), Excavations at Palaíkastro, 559; Notes from Karpathos, 560
Dawson (Bell), Report on the Currents at the Entrance of the Bay of Fundy and Southern Nova Scotia for the Year 1904, 205
Dawson (H. M.), Action of Chlorine on Boiling Toluene,
Dean (Dr. George), Inquiry into the Nature of the Sub- stance in Serum which Influences Phagocytosis, 551 Debierne (A.), Gases Produced by Actinium, 424 Dejust (Henri), Action of Carbon Monoxide upon Silver Oxide, 71
Delage (Yves), Experimental Parthenogenesis in Asterias,
Demeny (Prof. Georges), Mécanisme et Éducation des Mouvements, Supp. to October 19, v
Deniker (Dr.), les Six Races composant la Population actuelle de l'Europe, 464
Denis (Prof.), Results obtained by Treatment in Tubercu- losis, 583
Denning (Dr. A. D.), a Simple Method of Determining the Radiation Constant, 118
Denning (W. F.), Winter Fireballs in 1905, 66; Determin- ation of Meteor Radiants, 158; Telescopic Work for Observers of Planets, 208; the Planet Uranus, 244; the Planet Mars, 388; Observations of Planets, 436; Real Paths of Lyrid Meteors, 465
Derbyshire, Highways and Byways in, J. B. Firth, 100 Derrien (E.), a Combination of Methæmoglobin containing Fluorine, 47
Desfontaines (M.), Increase of the Rotatory Power of Fatty Molecules in Passing to the State of Cyclic Compounds,
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=26qGk_i5oYQC&output=html_text&pg=PR14&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&q=experiments&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3JY5o56tDgWWVb7tvUOKur0Tuvdw&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=59,515,474,77)
Deslandres (M.), Further Results obtained by French Eclipse Expedition, 567 Deszendenztheorie,
Vorträge über, gehalten an der Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau, Prof. August Weismann, 200
Determination of Meteor Radiants, M. Eginitis, 303; Prof. Nijland, 303
Dewar (Sir James), on the Thermo-electric Junction as a Means of Determining the Lowest Temperatures, and on Liquid Hydrogen and Air Calorimeters, Papers read at Royal Society, 352
Dexter (Dr. E. G.), Weather Influences: an Empirical Study of the Mental and Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions, 147
Diamond, a New Formation of, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 527
Diamonds, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 593 Diamonds, Artificial, Dr. C. V. Burton, 397 Dickerson (Mary C.), Moths and Butterflies, 76 Differential and Integral Calculus, Elements of the, William Anthony Granville, Prof. George M. Minchin, F.R.S., 26; D. F. Campbell, 126
Digby (Miss L.), Cytology of Apogamy and Apospory, 623 Dillner (G.), Magnetic and Electric Properties of Sheet Steel and Steel Castings, 69
Dinesmann (Adolphe), Condensation
Aromatic Hydrocarbons under the Influence of Aluminium Chloride, 312 Diplodocus Skeleton, the New, 82
Diptera or Two-winged Flies, a Catalogue of North American, J. M. Aldrich, 317
Diseases: Diseases of Forest Trees, 163; the Treatment of Diseases of the Eye, Dr. Victor Hanke, 292; the Advance in our Knowledge of the Causation and Methods of Prevention of Stock Diseases in South Africa during the Last Ten Years, Opening Address in Section I at the Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, Colonel D. Bruce, M.B., F.R.S., C.B., 496 Dixon (Prof. H. B., F.R.S.), Atomic Weight of Chlorine, 165; Researches on the Propagation of Explosions in Gases, 642; the Atomic Weight of Chlorine, 642 Dixon (Prof. H. H.), Supply of Water to Leaves on a Dead Branch, 288; Toxic Effect of Heat on Stems, 435 Doberck (Mr.), the Orbit of y Corona Borealis, 424 Doflein (Dr. F.), Ants, the Habits of E. smaragdina, 422 Dole (Robert), Observations of Perseids, 279 Donitch (M. N.), Interpretation of Spectroheliograph Pic tures, 495
Donner (Prof.), Proper Motions of the Hyades, 436 Doolittle (Prof.), a Lost Double Star, 567; the Constant
Double Star Observations, J. A. Miller and Prof. W. A. Cogshall, 135
Double Star, a Lost, Prof. Doolittle, 567
Double Stars, Catalogue of New, Prof. Hussey, 90
Douglas (J. W.), the Plague of Flies, Dilophus febrilis, at Cardiff Docks, 87
Douglas (J. W.), Death of, 461
Dourlen (Jacques), Acidity of some Ethyl Alcohols of Com- merce, 143
Downing (Dr. A. M. W., F.R.S.), Perturbation of the Bielid Meteors, 189; Eclipse Predictions, 629 Drawing, Machine Construction and, Frank Castle, 533 Drawings of Celestial Phenomena, Ancient, Dr. W. Lehmann, 19
Drawings for Sowerby's "English Botany," Notes on the, F. N. A. Garry, 556
Driving, Riding and, E. L. Anderson and P. Collier, 197 Dublin Royal Irish Academy, 23, 240, 359 Dublin Royal Society, 142, 167, 288
Duboin (M.), Production of Heavy Liquids with the Alkaline Iodomercurates, 424
Duchemin (René), Acidity of some Ethyl Alcohols of Com-
Duclaux (J.), Conductivity of Colloidal Solutions, 143 Dudeney (H. E.), a New Problem on Superposition, 92 Duerden (Dr. J. E.), the Coral Siderastraca radians and its Post-larval Development, 185; Morphology of the Madreporaria, the Fossula" of the Extinct Rugose Corals, 515
Dufaux (H. and A.),
de Saussure, 329
Hélicoptère Aéroplane" of, René
Duhem (P.), Origin of the Principles of Virtual Displace- ments, 576
Dumas (L.), Reversible and Irreversible Transformations of Nickel Steel, 573
Dunbar (Charles Franklin), Economic Essays by, 52 Duncan (Robert Kennedy), the New Knowledge, 241 Dunkerley (Prof. S.), Mechanism, 4
Dunn (E. J.), the Mount Morgan Gold Mine, Queensland, 41
Dunstan (Prof. Wyndham R., F.R.S.), Pharmacology of Indaconitine and Bikhaconitine, 551
Duparc (Prof. Louis), Eruptive Rocks of the Chain of Tilai-Kanjakowsky-Cérébriansky, Perm, 18 Duparc (L.), Gladkaïte, 192
Dust, Cause and Prevention of, from Automobiles, W. R. Cooper, 485, 507; J. Vincent Elsden, 507
Dutch Observations of the Corona, Prof. Julius, 303 Dutton (Everett), Human Tick Fever, 332
Dutton (Dr. J. E.), Death of, 15; Obituary Notice of, 37
Duty-free Alcohol, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 344 Dyestuffs, the Synthetic, and the Intermediate Products from which they are derived, J. C. Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Walter M. Gardner, Supp. to October 19, vii Dynamics: the Dynamical Theory of Gases and of Radi- ation, Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 54; J. H. Jeans,
Earth, Current Theories of the Consolidation of the, Dr. T. J. J. See, 30; Rev. A. Irving, 79 Earth, the Face of the (Das Antlitz der Erde), Prof. Eduard Suess, 193
Earth Sculpture, the Agents of, Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury, 289
Earth's Interior, the Rigidity of the, Rev. A. Irving, 8 Earthquakes Earthquake Shocks in Italy, 16, 514; Earth- quake of April 29, M. Mascart, 47: Earthquakes in the Vale of Llangollen, in the Rhone Valley, 16; Earth- quake in Switzerland, Prof. F. A. Forel, 16, 63; at Chamonix, 384; at Bandar Abbas, 38; in Montenegro, 131; at Bombay, 229; in Siberia, 298; in Scotland, 298, 537 at Macao, at Hong Kong, 384; the Kangra Earth- quake of April 4, 1905, T. H. Holland, F.R.S., 428; Earthquake at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A.. 461; at Calabria, 491; at Lundby, 563: Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption at Samoa, 563; Earthquake at Monte- leone, 608; Earthquakes at Constantinople, at Batum, at Kutais, and at Sukhum-Kaleh, 636
Ebell (M), Ephemeris for Comet 1905a, 43; Comet 1904 ii Tru044), 89
Ebert (W), Determination of Constant of Aberration by Observation of Three Stars close to the Pole, 239 Eclipses: Memoria sobre el Eclipse Total de sol del dia 30 de Agosto de 1905, D. Antonio Tarazona,, 77; Pro- posed Magnetic and Allied Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse on August 30, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 342; the Forthcoming Total Solar Eclipse, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 309; the Total Solar Eclipse, August 30, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 457; the Solar Physics Observ- atory Eclipse Expedition, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 508; Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse in Tripoli, Barbary, Prof. David Todd, 484; French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, Prof. Janssen, 518; M. Bigourdan, 518; M. Stephan and M. Trépied, 518; M. Bourget, 518; M. Nordmann, 518; M. Salet, 518; M. Moye, 518; Further Results obtained by French Eclipse Expeditions, MM. Deslandres and Andoyer, 567 : Further Eclipse Results by French Observers, M. Salet, 501: M. Bigourdan's Eclipse Results, 610; Further Results of the French Eclipse Expeditions, Prof. Janssen, go: E. Stephan, 640; Geodetic Measurements from Solar Eclipses, C. E. Stromeyer, 230; Proposed Observation of Mercury during the Solar Eclipse, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 244; Eclipse Shadow Bands, A. Lawrence Rotch, 307; Eclipse Predictions, J. Y. Buchanan, F.R.S., 603; Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 629; Eclipse Phenomena, Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S.,
Economic Essays by Charles Franklin Dunbar, 52 Edgar (E. C.), Atomic Weight of Chlorine, 165 Edinburgh Royal Society, 143, 167, 191, 286, 391 Edridge-Green (Dr. F. W.), Luminosity and Colour, 222 Education: the State and Higher Education, 58; Death of M. Fernet, 62; Higher Education in London, Sir Arthur Rücker, F.R.S., 69; Lord Londonderry, 70; School Teaching and School Reform, Sir Oliver Lodge, 195: the Empire and University Life, 217; Gunga- runga, 319; Education in Belgium and Holland, F. H. Perry-Coste, 221; the Needs of Our Oldest University, 251; Preliminary Report of the Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines, 232; the Academic Side of Technical Training, Dr. Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., 256; Entrance Ex- amination to the Indian Forest Service, 274: Death of Alexander Bell, 347; Death of Rev. Dr. J. Keith, 384: Colony of Natal Report of the Technical Education Com- mission, 460; Science Teaching in Elementary Schools, 512: Physical Laboratories in Germany, Prof. G. W. Küchler's Report to Director-General of Education in India, 605; Connection between Scientific Training and Industrial Development, W. Burton, 608; Mécanisme et Education des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to October 19, v
Edwards (R. W. R.), Radial Area-scale, 150 Effront (Jean), Development of Amylase during the Germination of Seeds, 648
Fggar (Mrs. Henry Cooper), an Indian Garden, 125 Eggar (W. D.), Mechanics, a School Course, 601 Eginitis (M.), Determination of Meteor Radiants, 303 Egypt: Summary of the Dimensions of the Nile and its Basin, Captain H. G. Lyons, 349: the Relations of the Eocene and Cretaceous Rocks in the Esna-Aswan Reach of the Nile Valley, H. J. L. Beadnell, 263; the Topo- graphy and Geology of the Fayum Province of Egypt, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535
Egyptology: Results obtained in Egypt by Prof. Flinders Petrie, 228
Eichelberger (Prof.), New Refraction Tables, 110 Eldridge (George H.), Death of, 275
Electricity Practical Methods of Electrochemistry, F. Mollwo Perkin, 5: the High-frequency Electrical Treat- ment, Rev. F. J. Jervis-Smith, F.R.S., 7; Messrs. Isenthal and Co.'s Installation for the Production of High-tension Electricity, 18; Variations of Lustre given by a Crookes's Tube, S. Turchini, 23; the Voltameter," A. G. Betts and E. F. Kern, 42; Electrical Charge of the Sun, Prof. Svante Arrhenius, 43: Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Sheet Steel and Steel Cast- ings, G. Dillner and A. F. Enström, 69; Electrolytic
Reduction of the Nitrocinnamic Acids, C. Marie, 71; Second Stage Magnetism and Electricity, Dr. R. Wallace Stewart, 77; Use of Electric Valves for the Production of High-tension Continuous Current, Sir Oliver Lodge, 90; Oscillation Valve for Rectifying Electrical Oscilla- tions, Prof. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., 91; (1) Resonance Induction Coil and High Potential Apparatus, (2) Re- sonance Electromagnet, Messrs. Isenthal and Co., 91; New Models of Laboratory Electric Furnaces, R. S. Hutton, 91; Atmospheric Electricity observed from Balloons, George C. Simpson, 92; Normal Electrical Phenomena of the Atmosphere, G. C. Simpson, 216; Observations of the Electric Conditions of the Atmo- sphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, Prof. F. Elster and Prof. H. Geitel and F. Harms, 490; Continuous Observations of the Rate of Dissipation of Electric Charges in the Open Air, Dr. C. Coleridge Farr, 94: New Type of Electric Furnace with a Re-determination of the Melting Point of Platinum, Dr. J. A. Harker, 94; Effects of Foucault Currents and the Hysteresis of Iron on Oscillatory Sparks, G. A. Hemsalech, 95; Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland, Maurice Solomon, 99; Experiments with the De Forest Wireless Telegraphy in Moving Trains, 228: Experiments with Different Methods of Earth Connection for Wireless Telegraphic Installations, Lieut. Evans, 492; Alternating Currents, A. Russell, Maurice Solomon, 99; What Do We Know Concerning Electricity? Antonia Zimmern, Maurice Solomon, 99; Modern Electricity, J. Henry and K. J. Hora, Maurice Solomon, 99: Modern Electric Practice, Maurice Solomon, 99; Electricity Control a Treatise on Electric Switch-gear Systems of Electric Transmission, Leonard Andrews, Maurice Solomon, 99; Electrical Phenomena: Shoals of Dead Fish thrown up at Karachi, 106; Application to Electro- lytes of the Hydrate Theory of Solutions, Dr. T. Martin Lowry, 142; a Null Method of Measuring Small Ionisa- tions, N. R. Campbell, 142; Striation of the Positive Column in Electric Discharges, Prof. Thomson, 142; the Calculation of the Coefficient of Re-combination of the Ions and the Size of the Ions, Prof. Thomson, 142; Electrolytic Production of very Fine Wires, Henri Abraham, 143; Conductivity of Colloidal Solutions, J. Duclaux, 143; the Insulation of Electric Machines, H. W. Turner and H. M. Hobart, Prof. Ernest Wilson, 149; Mathematische Einführung in die Elektronentheorie, Dr. A. H. Bucherer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170; Ex- perimentelle Elektrizitätslehre, Dr. H. Starke, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170; Leitfaden der Physik für die oberen Klassen der Realanstalten, Dr. F. Bremer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170; Electric Discharges, the Poisonous Action of Ozone, Prof. E. Wiedemann, 182;
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Osmi" Incandescent Lamp, 208; Electric Winding Machines, Paul Habets, 212; Ratio between the Mean Spherical and the Mean Horizontal Candle-power of Incandescent Lamps, Prof. Fleming, 215; Electrical Con- ductivity of Flames, Dr. H. A. Wilson, 215; Contact with Dielectrics, Rollo Appleyard, 215; Synthesis by Means of the Silent Electric Discharge, J. N. Collie, 238; Manuale dell'Ingegnere Elettricista, Attilio Marro, 243; le Four Electrique: son Origine, ses Transform- ations et ses Applications, Adolphe Minet, R. S. Hutton, 267; Gaiffe Auto-motor Mercury-jet Interrupter, 277: the Comparison of Electric Fields by Means of an Oscillating Electric Needle, D. Owen, 286; Electric Furnace for the Direct Production of Steel from Mag- netic Iron Sands of Taranaki, New Zealand, D. R. S. Galbraith, 299; the Effect of Membranes in Liquid Chains, M. Chanoz, 312; Experimental Researches on the Effect of Membranes in Liquid Chains, M. Chanoz, 336; Contribution to the Study of Liquid Dielectrics, P. Gourée de Villemontée, 312; Death of Prof. Bichat, 347: Compact Form of Direct-reading Cymometer for the Measurement of Wave-lengths and Frequencies in Con- nection with Electric-wave Telegraphy, Prof. J. A. Fleming, 350; a New Carbon, Mr. Howell, 351: Rapid Electro-deposition of Copper, Sherard Cowper-Coles, 359: Passage of Electricity through Gaseous Layers of Great Thickness, E. Bouty, 360; Special Form of Voltameter, D. Albert Kreider, 387; Minimum Potential of a Point Discharge is Increased by the Discharge, Blunting is
not Responsible for Rise in Potential, F. R. Gorton, 387; the Transverse Momentum of an Electron, Oliver Heaviside, F.R.S., 429; Electrons and Matter, Prof. C. H. Wind, 574; an Electric Micrometer, Dr. P. E. Shaw at Royal Society, 495: Death of Dr. Oscar May, 514; Alternate Current Electrolysis, Prof. E. Wilson, 517; Earth in Collieries, Electricity in Mines, Sydney F. Walker, 519; Setting Type by Telegraph, Donald Murray, Maurice Solomon, 568; die Entwickelung der electrischen Messungen, D. O. Frölich, 579; Studien ueber Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. George J. Burch, F.R.S., 602; a New Thermojunction, A. de Forest Palmer, 610; the Distribution of Power, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., 612; a Phenomenon of Cooling Silver Wires Plunged into Water and through which Electric Currents are Passing, E. Rogovsky, 648
Elements of Comet 1886 viii, E. Fagerholm, 567
Ellerman (Mr.), Interpretation of Spectroheliograph Pic- tures, 495
Elliptical Elements for the Orbit of Comet 1905a, Prof. Banachiewicz, 207; A. Wedemayer, 207
Elsden (J. V.), Igneous Rocks between St. David's Head and Strumble Head (Pembrokeshire), 166; Cause and Prevention of Dust from Automobiles, 507 Elster (Prof. F.), Observations of the Electric Conditions of the Atmosphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, 490 Emch (Dr. Arnold), an Introduction to Projective Geometry and its Applications, 77
Empire and University Life, the, 217; Gunga-Gunga, 319 Engineering Mechanism, Prof. S. Dunkerley, 4; a Manual of Mining, M. C. Ihlseng and E. B. Wilson, 53; Death and Obituary Notice of Sir Bernhard Samuelson, P.C., Bart., F.R.S., 60; New Form of Compound Locomotive Engines, John Riekie, 65; Iron and Steel Institute, 68; High-speed Tool Steels under Varying Thermal Treat- ment, Dr. H. C. H. Carpenter, 69; Experimental Re- searches on the Flow of Steam through Nozzles and Orifices, A. Rateau, 101; the Investigation of Mine Air, Sir C. Le Neve Foster, F.R.S., and Dr. J. S. Haldane, F.R.S., 124; Death of Edouard Simon, 155; Death and Obituary Notice of James Mansergh, F.R.S., 181; Death of Archibald P. Head, 202; the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 212 Superheating for Loco- motives, M. Flamme, 212; Mr. Robinson, 212; Electric Winding Machines, Paul Habets, 212; Ferro-concrete, Ed. Noaillon, 213; Efficiency of the Steam Jacket, Mr. Mellanby, 213: V. Pendred, 213; Mr. Saxon, 213; Henry Davey, 213; Mark Robinson, 213; Large Gas-engines, R. Mathot, 213; Mr. Crossley, 213; Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on Gas Turbines, Dr. A. Stodola, 219; Bau der Dampfturbinen, Prof. A. Musil, 219; Absence of Vibration in a Turbine Steamship, Prof. David Todd, 603; Death of Sir Peter Nicol Russell, 275; the Mechanical Handling of Material, G. F. Zimmer, 290; Manuale dell'Ingegnere Elettricista, Attilio Marro, 243; the Academic Side of Technical Training, Dr. Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., 256; the Modern Asphalt Pavement, Clifford Richardson, 316; Problems of the Panama Canal, Brig.-General Henry L. Abbot, 394; Death of Prof. Franz Reuleaux, 421; History of the Steam-engine, 423: the Standardisation of Screws, 431; Marine Engines and Boilers, their Design and Construc- tion, Dr. G. Bauer, 3; Institution of Mining Engineers, 518; Machine Construction and Drawing, Frank Castle, 533: Death and Obituary Notice of Sir Edward H. Carbutt, 588
Engraving in the Stone Age, the Evolution of, Ed. Piette,
Enock (Fred), Life-history of Wood-boring Wasps, 200 Enström (A. F.), Magnetic and Electric Properties of Sheet Steel and Steel Castings, 69
Enteman (Wilhelmine M.), Coloration in Polistes, 19 Entomology: Hymenopteren-Studien, W. A. Schulz, 7: Coloration in Polistes, Wilhelmine M. Enteman, 19; Life-history of Wood-boring Wasps, Fred Enock, 209; Wasps, Social and Solitary, George W. Peckham and Elizabeth G. Peckham, 395: Flower-gardens "made by Ants in the Crowns of Trees in Amazonia and Peru, E. Ule, 64; Elephant Mosquito Larva is Carnivorous,
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quitoes of India, S. P. James and Dr. W. G. Liston, Dr. J. W. W. Stephens, 73; Memorias do Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Histoire Naturale Ethnographia, iv., Os Mosquitos no Pará, Prof. Dr. Emilio Augusto Goeldi, 607; Moths and Butterflies, Mary C. Dickerson, 76; Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum, Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 174; the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Butter- flies, Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Bingham, 290; Origin of Slavery among Ants, Rev. Father Wasmann, 86; Social Spiders, N. S. Jambunathan, 86; W. J. Rainbow, 385; the Plague of Flies, Dilophus febrilis, at Cardiff Docks, Ernest E. Austen, 87; J. W. Douglas, 87; Entomological Society, 95, 238, 647; Queen-rearing in England and Notes on a Scent-producing Organ in the Abdomen of the Worker-bee, the Honey-bees of India and Enemies of the Bee in South Africa, F. W. L. Sladen, 126; Life- history of the Pine Sawfly, 133; Insect Life, a Short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects, Fred. V. Theobald, 150; Sugar-parasites, R. C. L. Perkins, 254; a Catalogue of North American Diptera or Two- winged Flies, J. M. Aldrich, 317; Fights between Two Species of Ants, J. A. Hill, 326; Remarkable Habit of Oriental Ant Ecophylla smaragdina, 385; Ants: the Habits of E. smaragdina, Dr. F. Doflein, 422; Report on the Injurious Insects and Other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, Walter E. Collinge, 340; the Spread of Injurious Insects, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 397; a Parasite of the House-fly, M. D. Hill, 397; Prof. Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 429; R. I. Pocock, 604; Chelifers and House-flies, Prof. Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 629; Monographie des Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, l'Abbé J. J. Kieffer, 455; Death of J. W. Douglas, 461; the "Bee-hole Borer of Teak in Burma, E. P. Stebbing, 493; Death of George Bowdler Buckton, F.R.S., 537; Obituary Notice of, W. F. Kirby. 587; Leaf-hoppers and their Enemies, R. C. L. Perkins, 539; Insect Pests of Field and Garden Crops, Prof. Theobald, 539; Dimorphism in the Female of Ischnura heterosticta, R. J. Tillyard, 552; on Two Orders of Arachnida, Opiliones, especially the Suborder Cypho phthalmi, and Ricinulei, namely, the Family Crypto- stemmatoidæ, Dr. H. J. Hansen and Dr. W. Sörensen, R. I. Pocock, 577; Palæozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, R. I. Pocock, 577
Entwickelung der electrischen Messungen, die, Dr. O. Frölich, 579
Environment, Experiments on Variations of Lepidoptera by, Arnold Pictet, F. Merrifield, 632
Eoliths, on the Origin of, M. Marcellin Boule, 438, 635: Dr. Hugo Obermaier, 636; Machine-made Eoliths, Marcellin Boule, 538
Eros, Recent Observations of, Prof. Millosevich, 256 Eros, Recent Positions of, Mr. Manson, 207
Errera (Prof. L.), Death of, 347; Obituary Notice of, Prof. Jean Massart, 537
Escombe (F.), Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czaki, 169
Essays and Addresses, Miscellaneous, Henry Sidgwick, 149 Essex Field Club, the, 606
Ethnography of the Philippines, W. Allan Reed, 300 Ethnology: Das Alter der wirtschaftlichen Kultur der Menschheit, ein Rückblick und ein Ausblick, Ed. Hahn, 6; the Masai, their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis, Sir H. H. Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83; the Story of an Indian Upland, F. B. Bradley-Birt, 105: Decorative Art of the Sioux Indians, Dr. Clark Wissler, 260; Decorative Art of the Huichol Indians, Dr. Carl Lumholtz, 260; the Aryanism" of the Minoans, R. S. Conway, 560
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Eucalyptus, a Critical Revision of the Genus, J. H. Maiden, 6
Eunomia, Variability of Minor Planet (15), Prof. Wendell, 43
Europe the Geese of Europe and Asia, Sergius Alpheraky, 266; Monographie des Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, l'Abbé J. J. Kieffer, 455
Evans (Arthur), Report on the Sanitation and Anti- malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Freetown, 67
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