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Perkin (F. Mollwo), Practical Methods of Electrochemistry,
5; Duty-free Alcohol, 344

Perkin (W. H., jun.), Preparation of Terpenes and Related
Substances, 23; Replacement of Hydroxyl by Bromine,

Perkins (R. C. L.), Sugar-parasites, 254; Leaf-hoppers
and their Enemies, 539

Perman (E. P.), the Romance of the Nitrogen Atom, 176
Perrine (Prof.), Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites, 135
Perrot (F. Louis), Expansion and Density of some Gases
at High Temperatures, the Application to the Determin-
ation of their Molecular Weights, 168

Perry (Prof. John, F.R.S.), Nature and Man, 199
Perry (Prof.), Teaching of Elementary Mechanics, 640
Perry-Coste (F. H.), Education in Belgium and Holland,


Persei, Magnitudes of Nova, and Nova Geminorum, Prof.
A. A. Nijland, 110

Perseids, Observations of, Robert Dole, 279

Perseids, Observations of August, 640

Peterson (Maude Gridley), How to Know Wild Fruits, a
Guide to Plants when not in Flower by Means of Fruit
and Leaf, 428

Peterson (O. A.), Dinochoerus hollandi from the Loup-
Fork Beds of Nebraska, 492

Petit (Prof. G.), Tuberculosis of Dogs, 582

Petrie (Prof. Flinders), Results Obtained in Egypt by, 228
Petronievics (Dr. Branislav), Principien der Metaphysik, 75
Pflanzenreich, das, Supp. to October 19, ix

Pharmacology of Indaconitine and Bikhaconitine, Dr. J.
Theodore Cash, F.R.S., and Prof. Wyndham R.
Dunstan, F.R.S., 551

Pharmacy, Standardisation in, Presidential Address at
British Pharmaceutical Conference, W. A. H. Naylor,

Pharmazie, Geschichte der, Hermann Schelenz, 27
Philibert (Dr.), Acid-fast Bacilli, 582

Philistinism, British Archæology and, Worthington G.
Smith, 294

Phillips (Rev. T. E. R.), Eye-estimates of the Transits of
Jupiter's Spot, 518

Philology: Keltic Researches, E. W. B. Nicholson, 145;
the Literature of the Celts, its History and Romance,
Magnus Maclean, 145; Death of Prof. Jules Oppert, 421;
Obituary Notice of, 432; Notes from Karpathos, Mr.
Dawkins, 560; a Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sans-
krit Synonyms, Sarat Chandra Das, Lieut.-Colonel L. A.
Waddell, Supp. to October 19, iii

Results, Dr.

Philosophy: Naturalistische und Religiöse Weltansicht,
Rudolf Otto, 77; Neue Abhandlungen über den mensch-
lichen Verstand, G. W. v. Leibniz, 396; Immanuel
Kant's Logik, G. B. Jäsche, 396; Lazarus der
Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, Dr. Alfred Leicht,
396; Death of Prince Serge Troubetzkoi, 607
Phisalix (C.), Presence of Poison in the Eggs of the Viper,
240; Presence of Poison in the Eggs of Becs, 336
Phoebe, Observations of, 330
Photography: Recent Spectroheliograph
William J. S. Lockyer, 9; the Swingcam Camera Stand,
W. Butler, 89; the Bruce Telescope Reference Photo-
graphs, Prof. Pickering, 89; the Practical Photographer,
No. 16, Pictorial Composition, No. 17, Animal Photo-
graphy, 54; View that Hydrogen Peroxide gives Rise
to a Special Radiation Capable of affecting a Photo-
graphic Plate, L. Graetz, 109; Profs. Precht and Otsuki,
109; Photographic Reality of the Martian Canals, Mr.
Lowell, 135; Photographs of the Martian Canals, Mr.
Lampland, 302; Mr. Lowell, 302; the Theory of Photo-
graphic Processes, part ii., on the Chemical Dynamics
of Development, including the Microscopy of the Image,
S. E. Sheppard and C. E. K. Mees, 141; the Camera
in the Fields, F. C. Snell, 153; Photographs in Colour
of the Spectrum, Negative by Transmission, G. Lipp-
mann, 167; Monochromatic Photographs of the Orion
Nebula, Prof. Hartmann, 230; the Practical Photo-
grapher's Annual, 1905, 268; the Latent Image, Prof. |
J. Joly, F.R.S., Address to the Photographic Convention |
of the United Kingdom, 1905, 308; the Practical Photo-
grapher, 341; the Gum-bichromate Process, J. Cruwys
Richards, 455; Properties of Photographic Plates Exposed

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Society's Exhibition, 536; the Three-colour Process,
Pinatype," 537; a Focusing Screen for Use in Photo-
graphing Ultra-violet Spectra, Prof. W. N. Hartley,
F.R.S., 581

Physical Deterioration, being the Report of Papers and
Discussions at the Cambridge Meeting of the British
Association, 1904, on the Alleged Physical Deterioration
of the People and the Utility of an Anthropometric
Survey, 152

Physical Deterioration, Dr. Dawson Williams, 331; Prof.
R. J. Anderson, 331; W. D. Spanton, 332; Mrs. F. M.
Dickinson Berry, 332; Influence of Environment on
Physical Development, William Hall, 331

Physical Improvement, National League for, 235
Physics: the Rigidity of the Earth's Interior, Rev. A.
Irving, 8; Properties of Rotating Bodies, E. W. Rown-
tree, 8; the Measurement of Mass, Dr. W. Hampson, 8;
Current Theories of the Consolidation of the Earth, Dr.
T. J. J. See, 30; Rev. A. Irving, 79; Lomonósoff as a
Natural Philosopher, B. N. Menshútkin, 42; Permea-
bility of Tubes of Fused Silica, M. Berthelot, 47;
Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre, 53; Death
of M. Fernet, 62; Death of Prof. Victor René Muller,
62; Osmosis through Tubes of Fused Quartz, G. Belloc,
72; Notes and Questions in Physics, Prof. John S.
Shearer, 74; the Spirit-level as a Seismoscope, G. T.
Bennett, 80; Researches on the Permeability of Fused
Glass Vessels to Gases at High Temperatures, M.
Berthelot, 88; Electrostatic Rigidity of Gases at High
Pressures, Ch. Eug. Guye and H. Guye, 95; Experi-
mental Researches on the Flow of Steam through
Nozzles and Orifices, A. Rateau, 101; the Dynamical
Theory of Gases and of Radiation, Lord Rayleigh, O.M.,
F.R.S., 54; J. H. Jeans, 101; Determination of the
Specific Heat of Superheated Steam by Throttling, &c.,
A. H. Peake, 116; Physical Society, 118, 142, 215, 286;
a Simple Method of Determining the Radiation Con-
stant, Dr. A. D. Denning, 118; a Bolometer for the
Absolute Measurement of Radiation, Prof. H. L.
Callendar, 118: Compressibility of Different Gases below
Atmospheric Pressure, Adrien Jaquerod and Otto
Scheuer, 119; Physical Experiments, N. R. Carmichael,
126; the Calculation of the Coefficient of Re-combination
of the Ions and the Size of the Ions, Prof. Thomson,
142; Physical Properties of Sodium Vapour, P. V. Bevan,
142; Leitfaden der Physik für die Oberen Klassen der
Realanstalten, Dr. F. Bremer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson,
170; Recueil d'Expériences élémentaires de Physique,
Henri Abraham, 172; the Pressure of Radiation on a
Clear Glass Vane, Prof. Gordon F. Hull, 198; T. H.
Havelock, 269; the Hydrometer as a Seismometer, G. T.
Bennett, 198; C. V. Burton, 269; the " Bubbling
Method and Vapour Pressures, the Earl of Berkeley and
E. G. J. Hartley, 222; the Constant of Radiation as
Calculated from Molecular Data, the Right Hon. Lord
Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S.. 243; Application of Statistical
Mechanics to the General Dynamics of Matter and Ether,
J. H. Jeans, 261; die Stellung Gassendis zu Deskartes,
Dr. Hermann Schneider, 292; a Text-book of Physics,
Heat, Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S., and Prof. J. J.
Thomson, 293; a Comparison between Two Theories of
Radiation, J. H. Jeans, 293; Effect of Membranes in
Liquid Chains, M. Chanoz, 312; Experimental Researches
on the Effect of Membranes in Liquid Chains, M.
Chanoz, 336; der Naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht bei
uns im Auslande, Dr. Karl T. Fischer, 333: Wie sind die
physikalischen Schülerübungen praktisch gestalten?
Oberlehrer Hahn, 333; on the Thermoelectric
Junction as a Means of Determining the Lowest
Temperatures, and on Liquid Hydrogen and Air Calori-
meters, Sir James Dewar at Royal Society, 352; Re-
searches on Explosives, Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., K.C.B.,
F.R.S., 358; State of Matter in the Neighbourhood of
the Critical Point, Gabriel Bertrand and Jean Lecarme,
360; Death of Dr. T. R. Thalén, 384; Obituary Notice
of, 403; Interesting Application of the Mathematical
Theory of Elasticity, Prof. Vito Volterra, 387: Evapor-
ation of Musk and Other Substances, John Aitken, 391;
Artificial Diamonds, Dr. C. V. Burton, 397; Atlas of
Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements, Drs. Hagen-

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. 1905


Electron, Oliver Heaviside, F.R.S., 429; Electrons and
Matter, Prof. C. H. Wind, 574; the Elastic Properties
of Steel at High Temperatures, Prof. B. Hopkinson and
F. Rogers, 480; Death and Obituary Notice of H. R.
Noble, 491; an Electric Micrometer, Dr. P. E. Shaw at
Royal Society. 495: l'Evolution de la Matière, Dr.
Gustave Le Bon, 505; Physical Changes in Iron and
Steel, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A, McWilliam, 532; Helmert's
Formula for Gravity, Ottavio Zanotti Bianco, 534; Van 't
Hoff's Hypothesis of Osmotic Pressure of Solutions,
Prof. A. Battelli and A. Stefanini, 541; Device for Illus-
trating the Superposition of Simple Harmonic Motions
of Different Periods, W. C. Baker, 541; Mathematical
and Physical Papers by the late Sir George Gabriel
Stokes, Bart., 555; Physical Chemistry, Prof. Walther
Nerost, 555; the Physics and Chemistry of Mining,
I. H. Byrom, 557; Messrs. Michelson and Morley's Ex-
periments on Ether, Prof. Fitzgerald and Prof. Lorentz,
566; E. W. Morley and D. C. Miller, 566; a Polarisa-
tion Pattern, T. Terada, 581; Physical Laboratories in
Germany, Prof. G. W. Küchler's Report to Director-
General of Education in India, 605; International Con-
gress on Radiology and Ionisation, 611; Handbuch der
Spectroscopie, Prof. H. Kayser, 627; Death of Prof.
DeWitt Bristol Brace, 636


Physiology: Reciprocal Innervation of Antagonistic
Muscles, Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., 22, 189; a
Text-book of Physiological Chemistry, Charles E. Simon,
29, the Physiology of the Pancreas, H. G. Chapman, 47;
on the Spontaneous Action of Radio-active Bodies on
Gelatin Bodies, John Butler Burke, 78; Cellular Con-
stituents Peculiar to Cancerous and Reproductive
Tissues, Prof. J. B. Farmer, F.R.S., J. E. S.
Moore, and C. E. Walker, 92; Resemblances between
Plimmer's Bodies" of Malignant Growths and Certain
Normal Constituents of Reproductive Cells of Animals,
Prof. J. Bretland Farmer, F.R.S., J. E. S. Moore, and
C. E. Walker, 164; the Simplest Kind of Protoplasm,
Dr. Charlton Bastian, F.R.S., 92; Researches on Animal
Lactase, Ch. Porcher, 119; Weather Influences,
Empirical Study of the Mental and Physiological Effects
of Definite Meteorological Conditions, Dr. E. G. Dexter,
147: New Form of Bolometer for Physiological Investi-
gations, Dr. W. Colquhoun, 167; Protagon and the
Cerebrines, and the Cerebric Acid Preexisting in the
Nervous Tissue, N. A. Barbieri, 168; the Spinthariscope
and Retinal Excitability, Prof. Francis Gotch, F.R.S.,
174: Researches on Ovulation, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S., 176;
Ovulation and Degeneration of Ova in the Rabbit, Walter
Heape, 188; Nature of the Silver Reaction in Animal and
Vegetable Tissues, Prof. A. B. Macallum, 188; Structure
and Function of Nerve Fibres, Prof. J. S. Macdonald, 189;
Distribution of the Nerve Cells in the Intermedio-lateral
Tract of the Dorso-lumbar Region of the Human Spinal
Cord, Dr. A. Bruce, 191; Action of Radium Bromide
on the Electromotive Phenomena of the Eyeball of the
Frog, Prof. McKendrick and Dr. W. Colquhoun, 287;
Estimation of the Red Corpuscles in Human Blood
made at the Summit of Mont Blanc, Raoul Bayeux,
288; Distribution of Sugary Substances in Blood between
the Plasma and the Corpuscles, R. Lépine and M.
Boulud, 311; Ascending Currents in Mucous Canals and
Gland Ducts, C. J. Bond, 331; Growth in Weight of the
Chicken, Mlle. M. Stefanowska, 336; Intra-organic
Combustions measured by the Respiratory Exchanges as
affected by Residence at an Altitude of 4350 Metres,
G. Kuss, 336; Breathing in Living Beings, Dr. William
Stirling at Royal Institution of Great Britain, 355:
Contributions to the Physiology of Mammalian Repro-
duction, part i., the Estrous Cycle in the Dog, part ii.,
the Ovary as an Organ of Internal Secretion, F. H. A.
Marshall and W. A. Jolly, 358; the Cerebellum, its
Relation to Spatial Orientation and Locomotion, Boyle
Lecture at Oxford, Sir Victor Horsley, F.R.S., 389;
Toxic Extract from the Cerebral Substance, A. Marie,
424: Physiological Effects of Rarefaction on the Respira-
tion of the Orang-utan, Prof. Angelo Mosso, 436; Physio-
logical Activity of Substances Indirectly Related to
Adrenalin, H. D. Dakin, 551; Synthesis of a Substance
Allied to Adrenalin, H. D. Dakin, 575; Inquiry into the
Nature of the Substance in Serum which Influences

Phagocytosis, Dr. George Dean, 551; the Phagocytosis
of Red Blood-cells, Dr. J. O. Wakelin Barratt, 600;
Study of the Blood in the Case of a "Bleeder," P. Émile
Weil, 624; Guide to Finger-print Identification, Henry
Faulds, Supp. to October 19, iv; Mécanisme et Education
des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to
October 19, v; Physiologie des Menschen, Dr. Luigi
Luciani, Dr. J. A. Milroy, Supp. to October 19, x;
Plant Physiology: Investigations on Intumescences, with
Observations on Nuclear Division in Pathological
Tissues, Elizabeth Dale, 22; die Lichtsinnesorgane der
Laubblätter, Dr. G. Haberlandt, 323; Beiträge zur
physiologischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter
von Guttenberg, E. R. Burdon, 339

Physique, Education and, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to
October 19, V
Phytochemicus, Index, Drs. J. C. Ritsema and J. Sack,

Picard (Émile), sur le Développement de l'Analyse et ses
Rapports avec diverses Sciences, 313

Pickering (Prof. E. C.), the Bruce Telescope Reference
Photographs, 89; a Remarkable Variable Star, 110;
Stars with Spectra of the Orion Type, 135; a Probable
Nova in Ophiuchus, 158; Stars with Peculiar Spectra,
183; Harvard College Observatory Annual Report, 256;
Discovery of a Nova, 465; Nova Aquila No. 2, 640
Pickering (Spencer, F.R.S.), British Fruit Growing, 396
Pickering (Prof. W. H.), Discovery of a Tenth Satellite
to Saturn, 19; the Formation of the Martian Snow-caps,

Pickles (S. S.), Preparation of Terpenes and Related Sub-
stances, 23

Pictet (Arnold), Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité
sur la Variation des Papillons, 632

Pictorial Composition, 54

Picture, Number of Strokes of the Brush in a, 198

Piette (Ed.), the Evolution of Engraving in the Stone Age,

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Pike (Colonel N.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 38
Pilzgallen, Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der,
Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R. Burdon, 339
Pinatype,' the Three-colour Process, 537
Pintza (Alexandre), Densities of Carbonic Anhydride,
Ammonia, and Nitrous Oxide, 264
Pizzetti (Paolo), Trattato di Geodesia Teoretica, 242
Plague, a Treatise on, Dr. W. J. Simpson, Dr. E. Klein,
F.R.S., 529

Planets Discovery of a Tenth Satellite to Saturn, Prof.
W. H. Pickering, 19; Discovery of Saturn's Tenth
Satellite, 135; Observations of the Satellites of Saturn
and Uranus, Messrs. Frederick and Hammond, 230; the
Rings of Saturn, MM. Amann and Rozet, 388; Light-
Variation of Saturn's Satellites, Dr. P. Guthnick, 611;
Variability of Minor Planet (15) Eunomia, Prof.
Wendell, 43; Observations of Jupiter, MM. Flammarion
and Benoit, 43; a Suspected Sudden Change on Jupiter,
Major Molesworth, 207; Observations of Jupiter's Great
Red Spot, Stanley Williams, 330; Eye-estimates of the
Transits of Jupiter's Spots, Rev. T. E. R. Phillips, 518;
Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, Prof. Wendell, 66;
Provisional Elements for Jupiter's Sixth Satellite, Mr.
Crommelin, 66; Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites,
Prof. Perrine, 135; Dr. Albrecht, 352; Dr. Frank E.
Ross, 352; Observations of Jupiter's Seventh Satellite,
Prof. Albrecht, 424; Observations of Jupiter's Satellites,
Profs. A. A. Nijland and J. van d. Bilt, 567; a Projec-
tion on Mars, Mr. Lowell, 279; Double Canals on
Mars in 1903, Mr. Lowell, 89; Photographic Reality of
the Martian Canals, Mr. Lowell, 135; Photographs of
the Martian Canals, Mr. Lampland, 302; Mr. Lowell,
302; the Formation of the Martian Snow-caps, Prof.
W. H. Pickering, 255; the North Polar Snow-cap on
Mars, 1904-5, Messrs. Lowell and Lampland, 303; the
Formation of the New North Polar Cap on Mars, Mr.
Lowell, 352: the Planet Mars, Mr. Wesley, 388; Mr.
Denning, 388; Major Molesworth, 388; Water Vapour
in the Martian Atmosphere, Mr. Lowell, 465; Mr.
Slipher, 465; Faintness of Planetary Nebulæ, J. E. Gore,
43; Telescopic Work for Observers of Planets, W. F.
Denning, 208; Proposed Observation of Mercury during
the Solar Eclipse, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 244;

the Planet Uranus, W. F. Denning, 244; Visibility of the Dark Hemisphere of Venus, M. Hansky, 303; an Interesting Asteroid, Occlo [475], R. H. Frost, 330; the Minor Planet Ocllo (475), R. H. Frost, 388; Observations of Planets, Mr. Denning, 436; Observations of Satellites, Dr. C. W. Wirtz, 465; Variation of a Newly Discovered Asteroid, Dr. Palisa, 494; the Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., Dr. Palisa, 518; Prof. Berberich, 518; Ephemeris of the Variable Asteroid (167) Urda, A. Berberich, 542; see also Astronomy

Plankton, the Protist, and the Diatoms in Bottom Samples, E. Jørgensen, 45

Plant Physiology: Investigations on Intumescences, with Observations on Nuclear Division in Pathological Tissues, Elizabeth Dale, 22; die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblätter, Dr. G. Haberlandt, 323; Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R. Burdon, 339

Plants Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czapek, F. Escombe, 169; Poisonous Plants of all Countries, A. B. Smith, 243; Experiments with Plants, Dr. W. J. V. Osterhout, 364; the Preservation of Native Plants and Animals, Prof. W. B. Benham, 534

"Plimmer's Bodies," Resemblances between, of Malignant Growths and Certain Normal Constituents of Reproductive Cells of Animals, Prof. J. Bretland Farmer, F.R.S., J. E. S. Moore, and C. E. Walker, 164 Pochettino (A.), Luminescence Emitted by Certain Crystals under the Action of Radium and Röntgen Rays, 300 Pocock (R. I.), on Two Orders of Arachnida, Opiliones, especially the Suborder Cyphophthalmi, and Ricinulei, namely, the Family Cryptostemmatoidæ, Dr. H. J. Hansen and Dr. W. Sörensen, 577; Palaeozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, 577; a Parasite of the House-fly, 604

Poincaré (H.), Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Telegraphy,


Poisonous Plants of all Countries, A. B. Smith, 243

Polar Cap on Mars, the Formation of the New North, Mr. Lowell, 352; see Astronomy

Polar Stars, Declinations of Certain North, Dr. Auwers, 388; Harriet Bigelow, 388

Polarisation Pattern, a, T. Terada, 581

Polistes, Coloration in, Wilhelmine M. Enteman, 19
Pony, the Celtic, Dr. Francis H. A. Marshall, 558
Poor (Dr. Charles L.), the Alleged Identity of Comets
"Brooks 1889 and Lexell, 19

Poor (C. Lane), the Figure of the Sun, 567
Porcher (Ch.), Researches on Animal Lactase, 119
Porter (A. W.), an Intermediate Course of Mechanics, 601
Porter (Charles), Sanitary Law and Practice, 97
Position, Geometry of, Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 629
Power (F. B.), Constituents of the Seeds of Hydnocarpus |
Wightiana and of Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, 165; Con-
stituents of the Seeds of Gynocardia odorata, 165
Power, the Distribution of, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S.,


Poynting (Prof. J. H., F.R.S.), a Text-book of Physics, Heat, 293

Poynton (Dr. F. J.), Experience of Milk to which Sodium Citrate had been Added in the Feeding of Infants, 354 Precht (Prof.), View that Hydrogen Peroxide gives Rise to a Special Radiation Capable of affecting a Photographic Plate, 109

Preece (Sir W. H., K.C.B., F.R.S.), New Sundial that Tells Standard Time, 209

Preservation of Native Plants and Animals, the, Prof. W. B. Benham, 534

Pressure of Radiation on a Clear Glass Vane, the, Prof. Gordon F. Hull, 198; T. H. Havelock, 269

Preumont (G. F. J.), Geological Aspect of North-eastern Territories of the Congo Free State, 46

Prideaux (E. B. R.), Refractive Index of Gaseous Fluorine, 480

Primitive Religious Art, 260

Prior (G. T.), Chemical Composition of Hutchinsonite, 215 Projection on Mars, a, Mr. Lowell, 279

Prominences on the Sun's Limb, Observations of, Prof. Mascari, 158

Properties of Photographic Plates Exposed to Light, L. H.


Properties of Rotating Bodies, E. W. Rowntree, 8
Protective Coloration of the Inside of the Mouth in Nest-
ling Birds, W. Ruskin Butterfield, 534
Protoplasm, the Simplest Kind of, Dr. Charlton Bastian,
F.R.S., 92

Przibram (Dr. Hans), Einleitung in der experimentelle
Morphologie der Tiere, 426

Psychiatrie, Metaphysik in der, Dr. P. Kronthal, 29
Psychiatry, Manual of, J. R. de Fursac, 363
Psychology: Contributions to the Study of the Behaviour
of Lower Organisms, Prof. Herbert S. Jennings, 3;
Metaphysik in der Psychiatrie, Dr. P. Kronthal, 29;
Völkerpsychologie, Wilhelm Wundt, 126; die Stellung
Gassendis zu Deskartes, Dr. Hermann Schneider, 292;
Lazarus der Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, Dr. Alfred
Leicht, 396; the Synthetic Factor in Tactual Space Per-
ception, T. H. Haines, 464; Consciousness and its
Object, F. Arnold, 464; Prinzipienfragen in der Natur-
wissenschaft, Max Verworn, Supp. to October 19, viii
Puiseux (M.), the Reality of Supposed Changes on the
Moon's Surface, 230

Pumpelly (Raphael), Explorations in Turkestan, with an
Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, 366
Pumpelly (R. W.), Explorations in Turkestan, with an
Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, 366
Pycraft (W. P.), Osteology of the Eurylæmidæ, 95; the
Story of Reptile Life, 395

Quartaroli (A.), the Gradual Dissociation of Mellitic Acid, 302

Quartic Equations, Graphical Solution of Cubic and, H. Ivah Thomsen, 295

Quaternions, a Manual of, Prof. Charles Jasper Joly, F.R.S., 121

Queen-rearing in England, and Notes on a Scent-producing Organ in the Abdomen of the Worker-bee, the Honeybees of India and Enemies of the Bee in South Africa, F. W. L. Sladen, 126

Quincke (Prof. G., For. Mem. R.S.), the Formation of Ice and the Grained Structure of Glaciers, Paper at Royal Society, 543

Rabinowitsch (Dr. Lydia), Specimens Indicating the Results of Inoculation of Bovine, Human, and Avian Tubercle, 582

Radcliffe (Lionel Guy), a Systematic Course of Practical
Organic Chemistry, 579

Radial Area-scale, R. W. R. Edwards, 150
Radial Velocities of Thirty-one Stars, Prof. Lord, 110
Radiants, Determination of Meteor, M. Eginitis, 303; Prof.
Nijland, 303

Radiation, a Comparison between Two Theories of, J. H.
Jeans, 293

Radiation, the Constant of, as Calculated from Molecular Data, the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S.,


Radiation, the Dynamical Theory of Gases and of, Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 54; J. H. Jeans, 101 Radiation, the Pressure of, on a Clear Glass Vane, Prof. Gordon F. Hull, 198; T. H. Havelock, 269 Radiography: on the Spontaneous Action of Radio-active Bodies on Gelatin Media, John Butler Burke, 78; on the Spontaneous Action of Radium on Gelatin Media, John Butler Burke, 294; Action of Light and of Radium upon Glass, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 90; Phosphorescence Caused by the 8 Rays of Radium, G. T. Beilby, 90; Action of Radium Bromide on the Electromotive Phenomena of the Eyeball of the Frog, Prof. McKendrick and Dr. W. Colquhoun, 287; Luminescence Emitted by Certain Crystals under the Action of Radium and Röntgen Rays, A. Pochettino, 300; Connection between Atomic Weight of a Substance and the Amount of Secondary Radiation which it Emits when Subjected to the 8 and y Rays of Radium, Prof. A. Righi, 350; the Rate of Formation of Radium, Hon. R. J. Strutt, F.R.S., 365: the Effect of Radium on the Strength of Threads, Hilda P. Martin and Prof. W. B. Morton, 365:



528: Action of Radium Salts on Gelatin, W. A. Douglas
Rudge, 631; Action of Actinium or Emanium Emanation
a Sensitive Screen, Sir William Ramsay, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., 90; Relation between the Atomic Structure and
Secondary Radiating Power of Substances, Prof. J. A.
McClelland, 158; New Method of Protection against the
Röntgen Rays, J. Bergonié, 168; Apparatus for Measur-
ing X-Rays, G. Contremoulins, 264; X-Rays, their
Employment in Cancer and Other Diseases, Richard J.
Cowen, 395; the Radio-active Minerals, Hon. R. J.
Strutt, F.R.S., 190; a Collection of Papers Communi-
cated to the Academy of Sciences, with Additional Notes
and Instructions for the Construction of Phosphorescent
Screens, Prof. R. Blondlot, Prof. John G. McKendrick,
F.R.S., 195; an Intensely Radio-active Substance,
Actinium X, T. Godlewski, 206; Method for Establishing
Coloured Screens to Isolate Groups of Radiations, F.
Monpillard, 264; Activity of Radiotellurium, Prof. B.
Walter, 277; Minimum Potential of a Point Discharge
is Increased by the Discharge, Blunting is not Re-
sponsible for Rise in Potential, F. R. Gorton, 387; a
New Ultra-violet Mercury Lamp, Dr. O. Schott, 513
Radiology and Ionisation, International Congress on, 611
Radium on the Spontaneous Action of Radium on Gelatin
Media, John Butler Burke, 294; the Rate of Formation
of Radium, Hon. R. J. Strutt, F.R.S., 365; the Effect
of Radium on the Strength of Threads, Hilda P. Martin
and Prof. W. B. Morton, 365; see also Radiography
Railways: Superheating for Locomotives, M. Flamme, 212;
Mr. Robinson, 212; Wear of Steel Rails on Bridges,
Thomas Andrews, F.R.S., 573

Rainbow (W. J.), Social Spiders, 385

Rainfall Changes, the Thames Flow and British Pressure
and, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 178

Raisin (Miss C. A.), Microscopic Structure of Minerals
forming Serpentine, 215

Ramsay (Sir William, K.C.B., F.R.S.), Determination of
Neon and Helium in Atmospheric Air, 21; Action of
Actinium or Emanium Emanation on a Sensitive Screen,

[ocr errors]

Rand (Dr. H. W.), Importance of Selecting Generalised
Species for Anatomica! Demonstrations, 302

Random Walk, the Problem of the, Prof. Karl Pearson,
F.R.S., 294, 342; the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, O.M.,
F.R.S., 318

Ransome (F. L.), Cripple Creek Gold Deposits in Colorado,

Rare Game Bird, a, John Sawbridge, 605; Sir Herbert
Maxwell, Bart., F.R.S., 630

Rastall (R. H.), the Blea Wyke Beds and the Dogger in
North-east Yorkshire, 46

Rate of Formation of Radium, the, Hon. R. J. Strutt,
F.R.S., 365

Rateau (A.), Experimental Researches on the Flow of
Steam through Nozzles and Orifices, 101

Ravenel (Prof.), the Infection of Man by Bovine Tubercle
Bacilli, 582

Raw (Dr. Nathan), Human and Bovine Tuberculosis,
Bovine Infection in Children, 354

Rayleigh (the Right Hon. Lord, O.M., F.R.S.), the
Dynamical Theory of Gases and of Radiation, 54; the
Constant of Radiation as Calculated from Molecular
Data, 243; the Problem of the Random Walk, 318; In-
fluence of Collisions and of the Motion of Molecules in
the Line of Sight, upon the Constitution of a Spectrum
Line, 575

Reality of Supposed Changes on the Moon's Surface, the,
M. Puiseux, 230

Reclus (Elisée), Death and Obituary Notice of, 252
Recoura (A.), Hydrolysis of very Concentrated Solutions of
Ferric Sulphate, 239; Molecular Transformations of
Hydrated Ferric Sulphate, 288

Red Spot, Jupiter's Great, Observations of, Stanley
Williams, 330

Reed (W. Allan), Ethnography of the Philippines, 300
Reese (Prof. Albert M.), the Alligator in Florida, 349
Reese's (Dr. H. M.) Observations of Enhanced" Lines
in the Fe, Ti, and Ni Spectra, F. E. Baxandall, 134
Reeves (E. A.). Tangent-micrometer for Theodolites, End-
less-tangent Screw for Sextants, 91

Refraction Tables, New, Prof. Eichelberger, 110
Reich (Dr. Otto), Karl Ernst Adolf von Hoff, der Bahn-
brecher moderner Geologie, 123

Reid (Dr. G. Archdall), the Causation of Variations, 318
Religiöse Weltansicht, Naturalistische und, Rudolf Otto, 77
Religious Art, Primitive, 260

Renan (H.), Determination of Constant of Aberration by
Observation of Three Stars Close to the Pole, 239
Rendle (A. B.), the Botanical Congress at Vienna, 272
Rengade (E.), Cæsium Amide, 47; Action of Oxygen upon
Cæsium-ammonium, 168; Action of Ethylamine and Iso-
butylamine on Casium, 312

Reptiles: the Story of Reptile Life, W. P. Pycraft, 395
Respiration: Breathing in Living Beings, Dr. William
Stirling at Royal Institution of Great Britain, 355
Retinal Excitability, the Spinthariscope and, Prof. Francis
Gotch, F.R.S., 174
Reuleaux (Prof. Franz), Death of, 421


Contributions to the Study of the Behaviour of Lower
Organisms, Prof. Herbert S. Jennings, 3
Mechanism, Prof. S. Dunkerley, 4

Practical Methods of Electrochemistry, F. Mollwo Perkin, 5
Das Alter der wirtschaftlichen Kultur der Menschheit, ein
Rückblick und ein Ausblick, Ed. Hahn, 6

Infantile Mortality and Infants' Milk Depôts, G. F.
McCleary, 6

A Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus, J. H.
Maiden, 6

Hymenopteren-Studien, W. A. Schulz, 7

Natural History in Zoological Gardens, being some Account
of Vertebrated Animals, with Special Reference to those
usually seen in the Zoological Society's Gardens in
London and Similar Institutions, F. E. Beddard, 13
Coloration in Polistes, Wilhelmine M. Enteman, 19
Experiments on Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage, George
F. Becker, 20

Essais d'Hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, Edmond
Maillet, 25

Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, William
Anthony Granville, Prof. George M. Minchin, F.R.S., 26
Manual of Serum Diagnosis, O. Rostoski, 27
Geschichte der Pharmazie, Hermann Schelenz, 27
Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the British Museum, 28
A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry for Beginners,
Dr. A. F. Holleman, 28

Metaphysik in der Psychiatrie, Dr. P. Kronthal, 29

A Text-book of Physiological Chemistry, Charles E. Simon,


Astronomy for Amateurs, Camille Flammarion, 29
An Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony, A. W.
Rogers, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 35

Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in Norwegian
Fjords, O. Nordgaard, 45

The Protist Plankton and the Diatoms in Bottom Samples,
E. Jørgensen, 45

Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, Osbert Salvin, F.R.S.,
and Frederick Ducane Godman, F.R.S., 49

Die Grundlagen der Bewegungslehre von einem modernen
Standpunkte aus, Dr. G. Jaumann, 51

Geologie der Umgebung von Sarajevo, Ernst Kittl, 51
Economic Essays by Charles Franklin Dunbar, 52
Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre, 53

The Inventor's Guide to Patent Law and the New Practice,
James Roberts, 53

A Manual of Mining, M. C. Ihlseng and E. B. Wilson, 53
The Practical Photographer, No. 16, Pictorial Composition,
No. 17, Animal Photography, 54

Determination des Espèces minérales, L. M. Granderye, 54
Report on the Sanitation and Anti-malarial Measures in
Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and Freetown, Prof.
Rubert Boyce, F.R.S., Arthur Evans, and H. Herbert
Clarke, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 67

A Monograph of the Anopheles Mosquitoes of India, S. P.
James and Dr. W. G. Liston, Dr. J. W. W. Stephens,

Notes and Questions in Physics, Prof. John S. Shearer, 74
Principien der Metaphysik, Dr. Branislav Petronievics, 75

A Handbook to a Collection of the Minerals of the British
Islands in the Museum of Practical Geology, F. W.
Rudler, 76

Moths and Butterflies, Mary C. Dickerson, 76
Second Stage Magnetism and Electricity, Dr. R. Wallace
Stewart, 77

Memoria sobre el Eclipse Total de Sol del dia 30 de Agosto de 1905, D. Antonio Tarazona, 77

Naturalistische und religiöse Weltansicht, Rudolf Otto, 77 An Introduction to Projective Geometry and its Applications, Dr. Arnold Emch, 77

The Masai, their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis, Sir H. H. Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83

Sanitary Law and Practice, W. Robertson and Charles Porter, 97

The Sewage Problem, Arthur J. Martin, 97

Simple Methods of Testing Sewage Effluents, George Thudicum, 97

University of Pennsylvania, Transactions of the Department of Archæology, Free Museum of Science and Art, H. R. Hall, 98

Maxwell's Theory and Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincaré and F. K. Vreeland, Maurice Solomon, 99

Alternating Currents, A. Russell, Maurice Solomon, 99 What Do We Know Concerning Electricity? Antonia Zimmern, Maurice Solomon, 99

Modern Electricity, J. Henry and K. J. Hora, Maurice Solomon, 99

Modern Electric Practice, M. Maclean, Maurice Solomon, 99

Electricity Control, a Treatise on Electric Switch-gear Systems of Electric Transmission, Leonard Andrews, Maurice Solomon, 99

Vegetationsbilder, 100

Author and Printer, an Attempt to Codify the Best Typographical Practices of the Present Day, F. Howard Collins, 100

Highways and Byways in Derbyshire, J. B. Firth, 100
The Tower of Pelée, New Studies of the Great Volcano
of Martinique, Prof. Angelo Heilprin, 101
Experimental Researches on the Flow of Steam through
Nozzles and Orifices, A. Rateau, 101

Introductory Mathematics, R. B. Morgan, 101

Hemichordata, Ascidians, and Amphioxus, Fishes, Drs.
Harmer, Herdman, Bridge, and G. S. Boulenger, the
Cambridge Natural History, 103

The Story of an Indian Upland, F. B. Bradley-Birt, 105
A Manual of Quaternions, Prof. Charles Jasper Joly,
F.R.S., 121

New Methods of Treatment, Dr. Laumonier, 122

The Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix Vermiformis and their Complications, W. H. Battle and E. M. Corner,


Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases, E. M. Corner, 122

A Short Treatise on Anti-typhoid Inoculation, Dr. A. E. Wright, 122

The Suppression of Tuberculosis, Prof. E. von Behring,


Karl Ernst Adolf von Hoff, der Bahnbrecher moderner Geologie, Dr. Otto Reich, 123

The Investigation of Mine Air, Sir C. Le Neve Foster, F.R.S., and Dr. J. S. Haldane, F.R.S., 124

An Indian Garden, Mrs. Henry Cooper Eggar, Dr. Otto
Stapf, 125

Animals I Have Known, A. H. Beavan, 125
Queen-rearing in England, and Notes on a Scent-producing
Organ in the Abdomen of the Worker-bee, the Honey-
bees of India, and Enemies of the Bee in South Africa,
F. W. L. Sladen, 126

Physical Experiments, N. R. Carmichael, 126

An Introduction to Elementary Statics (Treated Graphically), R. Nettell, 126

The Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, D. F. Campbell, 126

Völkerpsychologie, Wilhelm Wundt, 126

Extracts from the Narrative Reports of the Survey of India for the Season 1902-3, 129

Report for 1904 on the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Labor

atory at the University of Liverpool and the Sea-fish Hatchery at Piel, Frank Balfour Browne, 138 Keltic Researches, E. W. B. Nicholson, 145

The Mythology of the British Islands, Charles Squire, 145 The Literature of the Celts, its History and Romance, Magnus Maclean, 145

Weather Influences, an Empirical Study of the Mental and Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions, Dr. E. G. Dexter, 147

Le Leman, Monographie Limnologique, Prof. F. A. Forel,
Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses, Henry Sidgwick, 149
The Insulation of Electric Machines, H. W. Turner and
H. M. Hobart, Prof. Ernest Wilson, 150

Insect Life, a Short Account of the Classification and
Habits of Insects, Fred. V. Theobald, 150
The Radial Area-scale, R. W. K. Edwards, 150

A Preparatory Course in Geometry, W. P. Workman and
A. G. Cracknell, 150

The Evolution of the World and of Man, George E. Boxall, 150

Physical Deterioration, being the Report of Papers and
Discussions at the Cambridge Meeting of the British
Association, 1904, on the Alleged Physical Deterioration
of the People and the Utility of an Anthropometric
Survey, 152

The Camera in the Fields, F. C. Snell, 153
The Bahama Islands, 154

Biochemie der Pflanzen, Prof. Friedrich Czapek, F.
Escombe, 169

Mathematische Einführung in die Elektronentheorie, Dr. A. H. Bucherer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170 Experimentelle Elektrizitätslehre, Dr. H. Starke, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170

Leitfaden der Physik für die oberen Klassen der Realanstalten, Dr. F. Bremer, Dr. Harold A. Wilson, 170 Streifzüge an der Riviera, Eduard Strasburger, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 171

Recueil d'Expériences élémentaires de Physique, Henri Abraham, 172

The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men, Major Charles E. Woodruff, 172

Handbuch der Heidekultur, Dr. P. Graebner, 173

I Nuovi Indirizzi e le Promesse della Odierna Antropologia, Fabio Frassetto, 173

Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ in the British Museum, Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 174

The Coral Side rastraea radians and its Post-larval Development, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 185

The Face of the Earth (Das Antlitz der Erde), Prof. Eduard Suess, 193


A Collection of Papers Communicated to the Academy of
Sciences, with Additional Notes and Instructions for the
Construction of Phosphorescent Screens, Prof.
Blondlot, Prof. John G. McKendrick, F.R.S., 195
School Teaching and School Reform, Sir Oliver Lodge, 195
British Bird Life, W. Percival Westell, 196
Riding and Driving, E. L. Anderson and P. Collier, 197
Der Oeschinensee im Berner Oberland, Max Groll, 197
Manual of the Trees of North America (exclusive of
Mexico), C. S. Sargent, 197

Vorträge über Deszendenztheorie gehalten an der Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau, Prof. August Weis

mann, 200

Les Sarccdinés des Grands Lacs, Eugène Penard, 218
Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on Gas Turbines, Dr.
A. Stodola, 219

Bau der Dampfturbinen, Prof. A. Musil, 219
An Angler's Hours, H. T. Sherringham, 220
Botany of Cook's First Voyage, Illustrations of Australian
Plants, Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., and Dr. D. Solander,
F.R.S., 221

Structural and Field Geology, Dr. Jas. Geikie, 223
The New Knowledge, Robert Kennedy Duncan, 241
Trattato di Geodesia Teoretica, Paolo Pizzetti, Captain
W. J. Johnston, 242

The Food Inspector's Handbook, Francis Vacher, 243
Manuale dell'Ingegnere Elettricista, Attilio Marro, 243
Poisoncus Plants of all Countries, A. B. Smith, 243

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