December 14, 1905. The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Felspars, part i., Thermal Study, Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen, 258 Decorative Art of the Sioux Indians, Clark Wissler, 260 The Geese of Europe and Asia, Sergius Alpheraky, 266 Greology-Processes and their Results, Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury, 289 The Mechanical Handling of Material, G. F. Zimmer, 290 The rauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, Die Stellung Gassendis zu Deskartes, Dr. Hermann Schneider, 292 A Text-book of Physics, Heat, Prof. J. H. Poynting, F.R.S., and Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., 293 The Oxford Atlas of the British Colonies, 293 High Temperature Measurements, H. Le Chatelier and Glacial Studies in the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks, Dr. Étude sur le Développement des Méthodes géométriques, Sur le Développement de l'Analyse et ses Rapports avec diverses Sciences, Emile Picard, 313 Introduction à la Géométrie générale, Georges Lechalas, 313 Introduction à la Théorie des Fonctions d'une Variable, Jules Tannery, 313 Correspondance d'Hermite et de Stieltjes, 313 Species and Varieties, their Origin by Mutation, Hugo de Vries, 314 The Modern Asphalt Pavement, Clifford Richardson, 316 Die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Seen, Dr. Otto Freiherr von und zu Aufsess, 316 A Catalogue of North American Diptera or Two-winged Flies, J. M. Aldrich, 317 Elementary Experimental Science, an Introduction to the Study of Scientific Method, W. Mayhowe Heller and Edwin G. Ingold, 317 Astronomischer Jahresbericht, Walter F. Wislicenus, 317 Die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblätter, Dr. G. Haberlandt, 323 Concimi, Mangimi, Sementi, &c., Commercie frodi e repressione delle frodi, Specialmente in Italia, Italo Giglioli, 324 Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1903. 325 Abhandlungen zur Didaktik und Philosophie der Natur- Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R. Burdon, 339 Report on the Injurious Insects and Other Animals observed in the Midland Counties during 1904, Walter E. Collinge, 340 Studies of the Museums and Kindred Institutions of New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Chicago, with Notes on some European Institutions, A. B. Meyer, 340 Notes on Assaying and Metallurgical Laboratory Experiments, Prof. Richard W. Lodge, 340 The Practical Photographer, 341 The Geology of South Africa, F. H. Hatch and G. S. Corstorphine, 346 Manuel Pratique de Cinematique navale et maritime, Captain Leon Vidal, Sir W. H. White, K.C.B., F.R.S., 361 (Euvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, 362 Manual of Psychiatry, J. R. de Fursac, 363 Mathematical Recreations and Essays, W. W. Rouse Ball, 364 Explorations in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, Raphael Pumpelly, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 366 Bird Life Glimpses, E. Selous, 367 Clays and Clay Industries of Iowa, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams, J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388 The Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, H. Ries and The Rudiments of Practical Mathematics, A. Consterdine and A. Barnes, 393 Elementary Practical Mathematics, H. A. Stern and W. H. A First Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 393 The American Thoroughbred, C. E. Trevathan, 395 Wasps, Social and Solitary, George W. Peckham and X-Rays, their Employment in Cancer and Other Diseases, Richard J. Cowen, 395 Neue Abhandlungen über den menschlichen Verstand, G. W. v. Leibniz, 396 Immanuel Kant's Logik, G. B. Jäsche, 396 Lazarus der Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, Dr. Alfred Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of the Elements, Drs. Houille Blanche, Raymond Catalogus Mammalium, tam viventium quam fossilium, E. L. Trouessart, 427 How to Know Wild Fruits, a Guide to Plants when not in Flower by Means of Fruit and Leaf, Maude Gridley Peterson, 428 Marine Engines and Boilers, their Design and Construction, Dr. G. Bauer, 453 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt Islands, B. Hantzsch, 454 Die Bedeutung des Experimentes für den Unterricht in der Chemie, Dr. Max Wehner, 455 Monographie des Cynipides d'Europe et d'Algérie, l'Abbé The Gum-bichromate Process, J. Cruwys Richards, 455 A Laboratory Guide in Elementary Bacteriology, Dr. L'Évolution de la Matière, Dr. Gustave Le Bon, 505 The Færöes and Iceland, Studies in Island Life, N. Annandale, 506 Le Système des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies des Israélites d'apres la Bible, B. P. Moors, 506 A Primer on Explosives, Major A. Cooper-Key, 507 A Note-book of Experimental Mathematics, C. Godfrey and G. M. Bell, 507 Science Teaching in Elementary Schools, 512 A Treatise on Plague, Dr. W. J. Simpson, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 529 Our Stellar Universe, a Road-book to the Stars, Thomas Edward Heath, 531 Our Stellar Universe (Six Stereograms of Sun and Stars), Thomas Edward Heath, 531 The Crystallisation of Iron and Steel, an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, Dr. J. W. Mellor, A. McWilliam, 532 Latins et Anglo-Saxons, Races supérieures et Races inférieures, Prof. N. Colajanni, 533 Machine Construction and Drawing, Frank Castle, 533 The Topography and Geology of the Fayum Province of Ice or Water, another Appeal to Induction from the Scholastic Methods of Modern Geology, Sir Henry H. Howorth, F.R.S., 553 Theoretical Chemistry, Prof. Walther Nernst, 555 Mathematical and Physical Papers by the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., 555 Notes on the Drawings for Sowerby's F. N. A. Garry, 556 English Botany," A Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic, Horace L. Wells, 556 The Physics and Chemistry of Mining, T. H. Byrom, 557 The Annual of the British School at Athens, H. R. Hall, 558 Two Reports on the French Glacier Commission, 561 Palaeozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, R. I. The Citizen, a Study of the Individual and the Government, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, 578 A Systematic Course of Practical Organic Chemistry, Lionel Guy Radcliffe, 579 Die Entwickelung der electrischen Messungen, Dr. O. Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1904, 579 Mechanics, a School Course, W. D. Eggar, 601 Elements of Mechanics, Prof. Mansfield Merriman, 601 An Intermediate Course of Mechanics, A. W. Porter, 601 Field Book of Wild Birds and their Music, F. Schuyler Mathews, 602 Studien Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. Geo. J. Burch, F.R.S., 602 An Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena, Joseph W. Lovibond, 603 Index Phytochemicus, Drs. J. C. Ritsema and J. Sack, 603 Yearbook and Calendar for 1905-6, Essex Field Club, 606 A Guide to the Study of Fishes, David Starr Jordan, 625 Handbuch der Spectroscopie, Prof. H. Kayser, 627 Science in South Africa, a Handbook and Review, 628 Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidité sur la Variation des Papillons, Arnold Pictet, 632 Report of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year ending March 31, 1905, 634 LITERARY SUPPLEMENT. A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, Sarat Chandra Das, Lieut.-Colonel L. A. Waddell, Supp. to October 19, iii Guide to Finger-print Identification, Henry Faulds, Supp. to October 19, IV Mécanisme et Éducation des Mouvements, Prof. Georges Demeny, Supp. to October 19, v On the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, J. Cook Wilson, Supp. to October 19, vi The Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Pro- Das Pflanzenreich, Supp. to October 19, ix Rhinoceros Skull, History of a White, Prof. Henry Fair- Richthofen (Ferdinand Baron von), Death of, 588 Riding and Driving, E. L. Anderson and P. Collier, 197 Riekie (John), New Form of Compound Locomotive, 65 Ries (H.), Clays and Clay Industries of New Jersey, 388 Righi (Prof. A.), Connection between Atomic Weight of a Substance and the Amount of Secondary Radiation which it Emits when Subjected to the B and y Rays of Radium, 350 Rigidity of the Earth's Interior, the, Rev. A. Irving, 8 Rist (Dr. A.), la Philosophie naturelle intégrale et les Ritchie (James), Alcyonarians of the Scottish National Antarctic Expeditions, 287 Ritsema (Dr. J. C.), Index Phytochemicus, 603 Rival Parents, Kennedy J. P. Orton, 8 Riviera, Streifzüge an der, Eduard Strasburger, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 171 Roberts (Dr. A. W.), Observations on the Light Fluctuations of Certain Southern Binary Stars, 641 Roberts (Dr. Frederick T.), Harvey and the Progress of Medical Science, 258 Roberts (James), the Inventor's Guide to Patent Law and the New Practice, 53 Robertson (W.), Sanitary Law and Practice, 97 Rogers (A. W.), an Introduction to the Geology of Cape Rogers (Mr.), a Glacial Conglomerate, the Pakhuis Bed, in the Table Mountain Series, 285 Rogers (F.), the Elastic Properties of Steel at High December 14, 1905. Rogovski (E.), Difference in Temperature of Bodies in Rogovsky (E.), a Phenomenon of Cooling Silver Wires Rolfs (P. H.), Diseases of Citrous Plants and Fruits 277 Rolston (William E.), Aboriginal Methods of Determining Romanes Lecture at Oxford, Nature and Man, Prof. E. Röntgen Rays: Apparatus for Measuring X-Rays, G. Rosen (F.), Money-boxes in the Form of Mammæ, 386 Ross (Dr. Frank E.), Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites, Ross (Major Ronald, F.R.S.), Verb Functions, with Notes Rossi (E.), Efficiency of Method of Synthesising Nitric 109 Rostoski (O.), Manual of Serum Diagnosis, 27 Rota (Lieut.-Colonel B.), Experiments with Models of Rotating Bodies, Properties of, E. W. Rowntree, 8 Routh (Dr. E. J.), Fictitious Problems in Mathematics, Roux (M.), the Microbe of Syphilis, 85 Roux (Eug.), Potatoe Starch, 95 Rowntree (E. W.), Properties of Rotating Bodies, 8 Royal College of Physicians, Medal Awards, 15; Harvey Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines, Pre- Royal Commission on Coal Supplies (1901-1905), Digest of Royal Institute of Public Health, Congress of the, 306 Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 23, 240, 359 Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 216 Royal Society, Dublin, 142, 167, 288 Royal Society, Edinburgh, 143, 167, 191, 286, 391 Royal Society, New South Wales, 240, 504, 576, 648 Rücker (Sir Arthur, F.R.S.), Higher Education in London, Rudge (W. A. Douglas), Action of Radium Salts on Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine Snakes, the, Frank Rudler (F. W.), a Handbook to a Collection of the Russell (A.), Alternating Currents, 99 Russell (James), Magnetic Properties of Demagnetised and Russell (Sir Peter Nicol), Death of, 275 Sabatier (Paul), Synthesis of the Three Tertiary Dimethyl- Saccheri (Padre Gerolamo), the Theorems of, on the Sum Safeguard, an Omitted, Richard Bentley, 269 S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, Periods of the Variable Stars, Salet (M.), French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, Salisbury (Rollin D.), Geology-Processes and their Salmon (E. S.), a Gooseberry Mildew introduced from the Salter (Dr. A. E.), the Sources of the Superficial Deposits Salvin (Osbert, F.R.S.), Biologia Centrali-Americana, Samuelson (Arnold), Projects of Artificial Flight, 329 Sanitation Report on the Sanitation and Anti-malarial Sap in Trees, the Mechanics of the Ascent of, Prof. J. Sarajevo, Geologie der Umgebung von, Ernst Kittl, 51 Satellite to Saturn, Discovery of a Tenth, Prof. W. H. Satellites, Brightness of Jupiter's, Prof. W. de Sitter, Satellites, Observations of, Dr. C. W. Wirtz, 465 Saussure (René de), "Helicoptère Aéroplane A. Dufaux, 329 of H. and Sauton (M.), Ammonia in Milk, Evidence of Pollution, 72 Schneider (Dr. Hermann), die Stellung Gassendis zu School Teaching and School Reform, Sir Oliver Lodge, Schools, Science Teaching in Elementary, 512 Schott (Dr. O.), a New Ultra-violet Mercury Lamp, 513 Schröder (H.), Desmotropic Form of Substances of the Schroeder (O.), the Abdominal Sense-organ of the Palolo Schultz (E.), Rejuvenation, 385 Schulz (W. A.), Hymenopteren-Studien, 7 Science Science at the Royal Academy Banquet, 14; viii Scientific Worthies, Eduard Suess, Sir Arch. Geikie, Sclater (Dr. P. L., F.R.S.), the Transposition of Zoo- Scott (Andrew), Work of Sea Fish Hatchery at Piel, Scott (Dr. T.), Free-swimming Crustacea found in the Scott (Mr.), Two-foot Rule Designed by, 329 Screws, the Standardisation of, 431 Sea Fisheries, Reports on, Frank Balfour Browne, 138 Sedgwick (A., F.R.S.), Researches on Ovulation, 176; See (Dr. T. J. J.), Current Theories of the Consolidation Seen, die physikalischen Eigenschaften der, Dr. Otto, Seismology: Earthquake in Switzerland, Prof. F. A. Forel, Sell (W. J.), Chlorination of 2-Methylpyridine, 141 Serotherapy: Manual of Serum Diagnosis, O. Rostoski, Sewage Effluents, Simple Method of Testing, George Sewage Problem, the, Arthur J. Martin, 97 Sewage, a Study of the Process of Nitrification with Seward (A. C.), Plant Remains, 539 Seyewetz (M.), Action of Sodium Sulphite upon Ethanal, Shackleton (W.), Mechanical Lantern Slide Illustrative of 66 Shadow-bands," the Problem of, Catharine O. Stevens, Sheep, the So-called Gold-coated Teeth in, Prof. A. Liver- Sheffield, the University of, 282 Shelford (R.), Decorative Objects Worn by the Natives of Shell-fish, the Transplantation of, 430 Sheppard (S. E.), the Theory of Photographic Processes, Sherzer (Dr. William H.), Glacial Studies in Canada, Shorto (Dr. E.), Algebraical Grounding, 393 66 Shull (G. H.), the Law of Biogenesis that Ontogeny Sibley (T. F.), Carboniferous Limestone of the Weston- 149 Simon (Charles E.), a Text-book of Physiological Chem- Simon (Edouard), Death of, 155 Simonsen (J. L.), Replacement of Hydroxyl by Bromine, Simpson (George C.), Atmospheric Electricity Observed Simpson (Dr. W. J.), a Treatise on Plague, 529 Sioux Indians, Decorative Art of the, Dr. Clark Wissler, 260 Sitter (Prof. W.), Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, 207 Skull, History of a White Rhinoceros, Prof. Henry Fair- Pember 14, 1905 Sladen (F. W. L.), Queen-rearing in England, and Notes Sladen, the Percy, Expedition in H.M.S. Sealark, the Slaty Cleavage, Experiments on Schistosity and, George Side Rule, a New, Messrs. John Davis and Son, 45, 102 Slipher (Mr.), Water Vapour in the Martian Atmosphere, Slugs, the British, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 245 Smith (A. B.), Poisonous Plants of all Countries, 243 Smith (Henry G.), Calcium Oxalate in the Eucalyptus Smith (H. L.), Thermal Decomposition of Formaldehyde Smith (Dr. R. Greig), Possible Relationship between Seruth (Worthington G.), British Archæology and 152 Smyth (W. Woods), the Inheritance of Acquired Characters, Snell (F. C.), the Camera in the Fields, 153 Sociology: a Modern Utopia, H. G. Wells, 337; la Soils, Field Operations of the Bureau of, 1903, 325 Solar Activity, the, 279 Solar Activity, the, January-June, Prof. Mascari, 518 Solar Eclipse: Proposed Observation of Mercury during the Solar Parallax, a Spectrographic Determination of the, Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition, the, Dr. Solar Radiation, a Proposed New Method for Determining Solar Research, International Union for Cooperation in, Solar Spectrum, Observations of "D," " in the, Dr. H. Solar Spectrum, Visibility of D, as a Dark Line in the, Sorensen (Dr. W.), on Two Orders of Arachnida, Flocculi," Prof. Julius, 19; Observations of D1 " in the Solar Spinthariscope and Retinal Excitability, the, Prof. Francis Spirit-level as a Seismoscope, the, G. T. Bennett, 80 Spring (Prof. W.), the Limit of Visibility of Fluorescence, 350 Squire (Charles), the Mythology of the British Islands, Staffordshire Coalfields, the North, Memoirs of the Geo- Stansfield (H.), New Method of Producing Coloured Plate Stapf (Dr. Otto), an Indian Garden, Mrs. Henry Cooper Stapleton (H. E.), Sal-ammoniac, a Study in Primitive Starke (Dr. H.), Experimentelle Elektrizitätslehre, 170 |