December 14, 1905. Mathematics on the Traversing of Geometrical Figures, Menschen, Physiologie des, Dr. Luigi Luciani, Dr. J. A. Milroy (Dr. J. A.), Physiologie des Menschen, Dr. Luigi Naturwissenschaft, Prinzipienfragen in der, Max Verworn, Pflanzenreich, das, Supp. to October 19, ix Philology a Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Psychology: Prinzipienfragen in der Naturwissenschaft, ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The ANNIVERSARY MEETING of the Society for the ELECTION of PRESIDENT and COUNCIL, &c., will be held in the THEATRE, BURLINGTON GARDENS, on Monday, May 22, at 3 p.m., the PRESIDENT in the Chair. In place of the Annual Dinner of the Society a BANQUET in honour of the retiring President, Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B., will be held on the Evening of the Anniversary Meeting, May 22, at the Hotel Metropole, Whitehall Rooms, Whitehall Place, at 7.0 p.m. for 7.30. Dinner charge. LI IS. Friends of Fellows are admissible to the dinner as far as space will permit. Applications for tickets should be made to the Chief Clerk, 1 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens, W. Manresa Road, Chelsea, S. W., Day College Courses of thirty hours per week are conducted in preparation for the London University Degrees of B.Sc. in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, in Chemistry, Physics and the Natural Sciences. The composition fee for the Session of three terms, 1904-1905, is £15. These Courses are recog nised for "Internal Students of the University, and consist of lecture and laboratory instruction. The Courses are conducted by :MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, W. W. F. Pullen, A. Macklow Smith ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, A. J. Makower; CHEMISTRY, J. B. Coleman, J. C. Crocker, and F. H. Lowe; MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS, S. Skinner, W. H. Eccles, J. Lister and L. Lownds; BOTANY, H. B. Lacey and T. G. Hill; GEOLOGY, A. J. Maslen. In the evenings similar Courses will be conducted, but at £2 per Session. Also TECHNICAL DAY COURSES of three years' duration are arranged as a preparation for the Engineering, Electrical and Chemical and Metallurgical professions. The Laboratories and Workshop are open for RESEARCH under the direction of The Principal and the Heads of Departments. Further particulars may be obtained on application to The SECRETARY, who will send either the Day College Prospectus and Calendar or the Evening Class Prospectus for 3d. The Prospectuses may be had at the Office for id. each. EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. In view of the extension of Secondary Education in Egypt, applications are invited for new ASSISTANT-MASTERSHIPS in Secondary Schools under Ministry of Public Instruction. Masters to begin work in September, in Cairo or Alexandria, and to teach in English exclusively. Over 400 boys in each school, mainly Mohammedans. In the case of one of the Masters now required, the subject mainly essential is Science (Experimental Physics and Chemistry); six of the new Masters will be principally engaged in teaching Mathematics (Arithmetic, Geometry, and Algebra); the others will be concerned more particularly with the teaching of English. Candidates must be not less than 23 nor over 30 years of age, have a robust constitution, and have taken a University Degree in Honours. They must have experience as Teachers: preference will be given to applicants who hold a Diploma in Teaching. Salary, £295 per annum (Eg.24 per mensem), rising to £393 per annum (Eg.32 per mensem). Allowance for passage out to Egypt. Teaching hours, on an average, four daily, Fridays only excepted. Summer vacation not less than two months. Applications, with full statement of qualifications, and accompanied by copies only of testimonials, must be sent in before May 15, 1905, marked outside "Assistant Masterships," and addressed to the SECRETARYGENERAL, Ministry of Public Instruction, Cairo, Egypt, to whom candidates may apply for further information. GARTSIDE SCHOLARSHIPS of COMMERCE and INDUSTRIES. Three Scholarships may be awarded in June. Candidates must be of British nationality, and over the age of 18 and under the age of 23 at the date of election. The scholarships will be tenable for two years, and of the value of £80 the first year (which must be spent at the University) and from £150 to L250 the second year (which must be spent in the study of subjects bearing on Commerce in the United States, Germany, or other country or countries approved by the electors). Candidates must send in their application, together with testimonials of good character and record of previous training, on or before June 1, to the REGISTRAR, from whom further particulars can be obtained. Applications should be made in writing to the DIRECTOR, National CHEMISTRY, ENGINEERING. Separate Laboratories for Elementary, Advanced and Honours students, exceptionally large and well equipped. RESEARCH. Accommodation and apparatus provided for research in either Pure or Applied Chemistry and Physics, and Engineering, in rooms specially adapted for this purpose. Full particulars at the Institute or sent on receipt of postcard. REG. S. CLAY, D.Sc., Principal. BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.) YORK PLACE, BAKER STREET, LONDON, W. ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS. A Reid Scholarship in Arts, annual value 631 10s. first year, £28 75. second and third years, and an Arnott Scholarship in Science, annual value £48, both tenable for three years, will be awarded on the results of the examination to be held at the College on June 28 and 29. For further information apply to the PRINCIPAL. DEPARTMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN Students are admitted to the Training Course in October and January. Two Scholarships each of the value of 10, will be awarded for the course of Secondary Training beginning in October, 1905. Applications should reach the HEAD OF THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT not later than July 7, 1905. THE AGENT-GENERAL for the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE has been instructed to receive applications for the vacant post of PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY to the SOUTH AFRICAN COLLEGE, CAPE TOWN, up to June 1 next. Candidates must be under 35 years of age, and their applications should be supported by copies of testimonials and a medical certificate. The salary offered is £500 per annum on appointment, £600 per annum after three years' service, £700 per annum after ten years' service, together with a merit grant of £75 per annum after five years, increasing to 100 after ten years. An allowance of £50 will be made to cover the cost of the journey to the Colony. The accepted Candidate is to assume duty in Cape Town during the first week in July, or so soon thereafter as possible. 100 Victoria Street, London, S. W., May 2, 1995. In BIOLOGY, BOTANY, CHEMISTRY and PHYSIOLOGY for MEDICAL EXAMS. Especial Course of Instruction in THERAPEUTICS, PHARMACOLOGY and MICROSCOPY for INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY EXAM. Mr. FREDERICK DAVIS, The Laboratories, ! (Registered in Column B (Advanced Education), Teachers Registration Council, Board of Education, S.W.), uf original Construction, equipped with Optical parts made from the New ULTRA-VIOLET-GLASS, for Special Researches on the Ultra-Violet. Length of Spectrum on plate 16 cm. Also, similar Construction, of somewhat smaller Dimensions, for use in Technical Institutes, with three prisms. Length of Spectrum on plate 8 cm. Prices on application. A large Spectrograph of this kind can be seen and tested at my Showrooms by appointment. PETER HEELE, 115 High Holborn, London, W.C., Maker of Astronomical, Physical, Chemical, and other Instruments, and every kind of Polarimeter and Spectroscope. INSTRUMENTS TO SPECIAL DESIGNS A SPECIALITY. |