NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA'S LONG RANGE BAROMETERS THE DIAGONAL BAROMETER.-In this instrument the tube is much longer than usual, and at the point on the vertical column where in ordinary Mercurial Barometers the 28 inches would be marked, the tube is bent at an angle and the remaining 3 inches of the scale-viz.: 29, 30, and 31are extended over a tube 36 inches long. The mercury now moving diagonally instead of vertically, travels over 12 inches of the tube to every inch on the vertical scale The slightest variation. even or" to which the scale is Further Particulars and Prices of this and other long 38 BRANCHES 45 CORNHILL, AND 122 REGENT STREET Fee, including Hospital Practice, 80 Guineas if paid in one sum, or 82 Guineas in two instalments of 50 and 32 Guineas. Composition Fees for the Curriculum required for L.R.C. P. and M. R.C.S.: For the First Examination, Parts I., II., III. 20 Guineas. For the First Examination, Part IV., and for the Second Examination : 50 Guineas in one sum, or 60 Guineas in two instalments of 30 Guineas each. For the Third Examination: 80 Guineas in one sum, or 82 Guineas in two instalments of 50 and 32 Guineas. The full Prospectus, containing information as to Prizes, Entrance and other Scholarships, of a total value of £800 a year, may be obtained from the SECRETARY, University College, Gower Street, W.C. J. RISIEN RUSSELL, M.D., F.R.C.P., Dean. EAST LONDON COLLEGE (LATE EAST LONDON TECHNICAL College), MILE END ROAD, E. New SESSION commences SEPTEMBER 18. Mathematics Physics Chemistry Botany Engineering Electrical Engineering Mathematics Latin and Greek ... *J. L. S. HATTON, M.A., and *W. F. S. CHURCHILL, M.A. (*R. A. LEHFELDT, B.A., D.Sc., and *W. H. WHITE, B.A., B.Sc. J. T. HEWITT, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., and C. SMITH, D.Sc. *V. H. BLACKMAN, M.A. *D. A. Low, M.I.M.E., and J. A. DAVENPORT, M.Sc. *J. T. MORRIS, M.I.E.E. ARTS SIDE. JJ. L. S. HATTON, M.A., and *W. F. S. CHURCHILL, M.A. *F. R. EARP, M.A. English Language and Literature KATE M. WARREN. MANCHESTER. CHEMISTRY COURSE. Full particulars of the Courses qualifying for the Degrees in Chemistry and for the Certificate in Applied Chemistry will be forwarded on applica (Close to Holloway Stn., G. N. R., and Highbury Stn., N. L. R.) LONDON UNIVERSITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DEGREES. Day and Evening Courses in the above under recognised teachers inMATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, ENGINEERING. Separate Laboratories for Elementary, Advanced and Honours students, exceptionally large and well equipped. CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C. ENGINEERING DAY COURSES IN MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND HOROLOGICAL ENGINEERING. FULL DAY COURSES in the THEORY and PRACTICE of the above subjects will commence on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1905, ENTRANCE EXAMINATION on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 and 28. The Courses for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering include periods spent in Commercial Workshops, and extend over four years. They also prepare for the degree of B.Sc. in Engineering at the University of London. Fees for either of these Courses, £15 or £1 per annum. Three Entrance Scholarships of the value of £52 each, giving free tuition for the full course in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, will be offered for competition at the Entrance Examination in September next. Conditions can be obtained from the PRINCIPAL. Full particulars as to fees, dates, &c., and all information respecting the work of the Institute, can be obtained at the Institute or on application to R. MULLINEUX WALMSLEY, D.Sc., Principal. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BRISTOL. Professor-MORRIS W. TRAVERS, D.Sc., F.R.S. Lecture Assistant-J. H. STURGESS. The SESSION 1905-6 begins on October 3. Lectures on Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry will be delivered during the Session. The Laboratories are fitted with the most recent improvements for study and research in Chemistry and Metallurgy in all its branches. Several Scholarships are tenable at the College. CALENDAR, containing full information, price 1s. (by post, Is. 4d.). For prospectus and further particulars apply to JAMES RAFTER, Registrar and Secretary. For other Scholastic Advertisements, see pages clxxix, clxxx, CHEMISTRY (Harrison Professor-W. H. WATKINSON, M.Inst. C. E., M.I.Mech. E., M.I.E.E. JDavid Jardine Professor-E. W. MAR CHANT, D.Sc. Professor F. S. CAREY, M.A. (Lyon Jones Professor-L. R. WILEER. FORCE, M.A. Grant Professor-J. CAMPBELL BROWN, D.Sc., F.C.S., F.I.C. For use with the above"HOW TO FORETELL THE WEATHER WITH THE POCKET SPECTROSCOPE." By F. W. CORY, F.R.M.S., M.R.C.S., &c. With 10 Illustrations. In paper cover, 1s.; in cloth, 1s. 6d. STUDENTS' SPECTROSCOPES, £7, £8 16s., and £15. Illustrated Catalogues of Spectroscopes or Telescopes post free. Man'fg. RAILWAY ENGINEERING (Associate Professor-J. A. F. ASPINALL, JOHN BROWNING, Optician, 78 STRAND, LONDON. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING... M.Inst.C.E. Associate Professor-J. ... M. Inst.C.E. A. BRODIE, MUNICIPAL ELECTRICAL/Associate Professor -A. BROMLEY HOLMES, M. Inst. C. E., M.I.E.E. ENGINEERING DESIGN Lecturer -J. WEMYSS ANDERSON, AND DRAWING... . Assoc. M. Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech. E. APPLIED MECHANICS Lecturer-J. H. GRINDLEY, D.Sc. The courses of study in the Faculty leading to the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Engineering or the certificate in Engineering are so arranged as to afford a general scientific training for those intending to become engineers or to enter any allied profession. The Honours course enables students to specialise in some branch of the profession, and opportunities are afforded for post-graduate work and research. The special prospectus of the Faculty may be obtained on application to the REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES (BANGOR). SESSION 1905-6 will open on OCTOBER 3. DEPARTMENTS of MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, and BIOLOGY. MATHEMATICS Prof. G. H. BRYAN, SC. D., F.R.S. PHYSICS CHEMISTRY... BIOLOGY Assistant Lecturer, H. HILTON, M. A. Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators, D. FARRAR, Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators, Miss A. E. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator, J. The Classes and Laboratory Courses of this College are arranged to suit the requirements of Students of Practical Science, as well as of Students preparing for University and other Examinations. The Lectures in Chem. istry, Physics, Botany, and Zoology are recognised for the first year of medical study. The extensive Laboratories (Physical, Chemical, and Biological) are fully equipped for Study and Research. Inclusive Tuition Fee, L11 15. Laboratory Fees (per Term) on the scale of 61 15. for six hours a week, in each Department. A considerable number of Scholarships and Exhibitions are open for com. petition at the beginning of each Session, and several are awarded at the close of each Session on the result of the year's work. For full information as to Courses, apply for Prospectus to the Secretary and Registrar, J. E. LLOYD, M.A. ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY. CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. SESSION 1905-1906. The COURSES of INSTRUCTION at the Institute's CENTRAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE (Exhibition Road) are for Students not under 16 years of age; those at the Institute's TECHNICAL COLLEGE, FINSBURY, for Students not under 14 years of age. The Entrance Examinations to both Colleges are held in September. Particulars of the Entrance Examinations, Scholarships, Fees, and Courses of Study, may be obtained from the respective Colleges, or from the Head Office of the Institute, Gresham College, Basinghall Street, E.C. OITY AND GUILDS CENTRAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Professor-G. H. LEONARD, M.A. (Camb.). English Literature and Professor-R. P. Cowl, M.A. (Trinity Coll., Language Classics Dublin). Professor-FRANCIS BROOKS, MA (Oxon.). Lecturers in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Botany, Physiology, Logic and Economics, History and Literature, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Oriental Languages, and Music. Lady Tutor--Miss MARGARET J. TUKE, M.A. Full courses in preparation for the Engineering, Medical, Scientific and Teching Professions. For full information see Prospectus, which will be forwarded free on application. JAMES RAFTER, Registrar and Secretary. THE GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE, GLASGOW. SESSION begins TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1905, in the new buildings recently erected for the College. The Diploma of the College is granted in the following Departments:CIVIL ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ELEC. TRICAL ENGINEERING, MINING, NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, CHEMISTRY, METALLURGY, MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS. In conjunction with the Glasgow School of Art a Course for a Joint Diploma in Architecture has been arranged. The Courses of Study for the Diploma usually extend over three Sessions. The Average Fee per Session is £12 125. Special Courses for individual Students are arranged as required. Holders of the Diploma are eligible for the Degree of B.Sc. in ENGINEERING of the UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW after attendance for at least one Session upon prescribed University Classes. New and well-equipped Laboratories in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Technical Chemistry, Metallurgy, Mechanics, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering have been provided." The Preliminary Examination for Candidates for the Diploma begins on September 18. Names of intending candidates must be lodged not later than September 15, on forms which will be sent on application. CALENDAR (price, by post, 15. 4d.) and PROSPECTUS (gratis) will BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.) YORK PLACE, BAKER STREET, LONDON, W. The SESSION 1905-6 will open on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. Students are requested to enter their names on Wednesday, October 4 Lectures are given in all branches of General and Higher Education Taken systematically, they form a connected and progressive Course; but a single Course in any subject may be attended. Courses are held in preparation for all Examinations of the University of London in Arts and Science, for the Teachers' Diploma (London) and for the Teachers' Certificate (Cambridge), and also a special Course of Scientific Instruction in Hygiene. Six Laboratories are open to Students for Practical Work. Two Entrance Scholarships will be offered for competition in June, 1996. The Early English Text Society's Prize will be awarded in June, 1956. Students can reside in the College. TRAINING DEPARTMENT FOR SECONDARY TEACHERS. A Scholarship of the value of £20 for one year is offered for the Course of Secondary Training, beginning in October, 1905. The Scholarship will be awarded to the best candidate holding a degree or equivalent in Arts or Science. Applications should reach the HEAD OF THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT not later than September 18. BOROUGH POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE (Five minutes from Blackfriars, Waterloo, and Westminster Bridges), 103 BOROUGH ROAD, S. E TECHNICAL CHEMISTRY AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY DAY COURSE. A complete Day Course extending over two years has been arranged in Technical Chemistry. With the object of providing as complete a course of training as possible, instruction will be given in MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, ENGINEERING DRAWING, PRACTICAL MECHAN ICS. FRENCH, GERMAN, METAL and WOOD WORKING, and in GENERAL CHEMISTRY, and throughout the Course particular attention will be paid to ELECTROCHEMISTRY, for which a Special Laboratory has been fitted. FEE FOR THE COURSE, OCTOBER TO JULY, £10. Intending students must give evidence that they are capable of following the Course with advantage, or they may be required to attend a Preliminary Course. Full particulars can be obtained on application to C. T. MILLIS, Principal MERCHANT VENTURERS' TECHNICAL COLLEGE, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL-Prof. J. WERTHEIMER, B.Sc., B.A., F.I.C., F.C.S. ENGINEERING-Prof. J. MUNRO, A.R.C.S., M.1. Mech. E.; Prof. D. ROBERTSON, B.Sc., A.I.E.E. CHEMISTRY-Prof. J. WERTHEIMER, B.Sc., B.A., F.I.C., F.C S Lecturer: G. P. DARNELL-SMITH, B.Sc., F.I.C., F.C.S. MATHEMATICS-E. S. BOULTON, M.A.; J. W. PULSFORD, BA. In addition to the above the College Staff includes seventy-nine Assistant Lecturers, Demonstrators, and Skilled Artisans. There are elven Lhuratories, eight Workshops, a Dynamo Room, an Engine House, and an extensive Electric Light Installation. COURSES for CIVIL, MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS, and BUILDERS. UNIVERSITY of LONDON-COURSES for MATRICULATION and INT. and FINAL B.Sc. (including the Engineering Degree). FEE: TEN GUINEAS A YEAR. Calendar (6.) or short Prospectus (free) on application to the REGISTRAR. WIGAN MINING & TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Principal-THOMAS T. RANKIN, C. E., B.Sc., SANDWICH SYSTEM OF MINING TRAINING. Opening date, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, at 9 a.m. Candidates for Colliery Managers' Certificates of Competency holding the above Diploma will be exempt from two out of the five years practical experience required by the Coal Mines Regulation Act. The Home Secretary has approved for the purposes of the Coal Mines Regulation Act (1887) Amendment Act, 1993, the Diplomas of this College. Prospectus post free on application to the PRINCIPAL, OF T. RATCLIFFE ELLIS, Hon Sec. For other Scholastic Advertisements, see pages clxxviii, clxxix, clxxxi, and clxxxii. THE MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL A SCHOOL OF LONDON UNIVERSITY. Two Entrance Scholarships (value £100 and £60) will be competed for on September 25. 26, 27. One Entrance Scholarship (value (60), open to Students of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, will be competed for on September 25 and 26. Notice in writing to be sent to the Dean on or before September 15. There are annually Nineteen Resident Hospital Appointments open to Students without extra fee. Composition Fee for General Students for whole Medical Curriculum, 135 guineas; for London University Students, 145 guineas; for Dental Students, 54 guineas. Special terms in favour of University Students who have commenced their medical studies, and of University of London Students who have passed Prelim. Sci. The Residential College adjoins the Hospital, and provides accommo dation for thirty Students. Prospectuses and all particulars may be obtained from J. MURRAY, M.B., F.R.C.S., Dean. WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, CAXTON STREET, S.W. A SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. The WINTER SESSION will commence on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1905. Scholarships of the aggregate value of £320 are offered to students entering in October. Examination on September 26 and 27. Fees 110 Gns. if paid in one sum on entrance. For University Students and those who have completed their anatomical and physiological studies 70 Gns. Special opportunities for Clinical work and for holding the various hospital appointments, Dental students are specially provided for. Prospectus and further particulars may be obtained from the DEAN. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.) CONNAUGHT ROAD, ALBERT DOCK, E. (IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOSPITALS OF THE SEAMEN'S HOSPITAL SOCIETY.) The next SESSION commences on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1905. For Prospectus, Syllabus, and other particulars, apply to the Secretary, P. MICHELLI, Esq., Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, S.E. THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS. The next SESSION will begin on OCTOBER 2. University Degrees are conferred in Arts, Law, Science, and Medicine. The Classes als prepare for the following professions:-Chemistry, Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, Mining, Textile Industries, Dyeing, Leather Manufacture, Agriculture, School Teaching, Commerce, Law, Medicine and Surgery. Lyddon Hall has been licensed for the residence of students. TUITION BY CORRESPONDENCE by an especial unique method for all Examinations in BIOLOGY, BOTANY, CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, HYGIENE, MATERIA MEDICA, PSYCHOLOGY and ZOOLOGY. Writing reduced to a minimum. Work directed. Test Papers corrected and returned. Address Mr. FREDERICK DAVIS, 49 and 51 IMPERIAL BUildings, luDGATE CIRCUS, E.c. COUNTY OF LONDON. EDUCATION ACTS, 1870 TO 1903. The LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL invites APPLICATIONS for the appointment of a DISTRICT INSPECTOR, under the Chief Inspector (Education). He will be required to inspect public elementary day schools and evening schools, and, if necessary, any other educational institutions within the district allotted to him. The salary is £400 a year, rising by annual increments of 25 to a maximum salary of £600 a year. The person appointed will be under the control of the Chief Inspector, and will be required to give his whole time to the duties of the office, and will in other respects be subject to the usual conditions attaching to the Council's service, particulars of which are contained in the form of appli cation. to sex. In connection with this appointment there is no restriction with regard Applications should be made on the official form to be obtained from the CLERK OF THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, at the County Hall, Spring Gardens, S. W., or at the Education Offices, Victoria Embankment, W.C. The applications must be sent in not later than 10 am. on Saturday, September 23, 1905, addressed to the Education Offices as above, and accompanied by copies of not more than three recent testimonials. Canvassing, either directly or indirectly, will be held to be a disqualifi cation for appointment. The County Hall, Spring Gardens, S. W., G. L. GOMME, Clerk of the London County Council. The Committee require the services of an ASSISTANT MISTRESS for the above Centre. Subjects: English Language and Literature, History, Geography. Salary, £100 per annum. Applications must be sent on the proper form (a copy of which will be forwarded on receipt of a stamped addressed foolscap envelope), and returned to the undersigned so as to be received not later than Wednesday, September 20. JEFF. J. BROOMHEAD, Education Office, September 4, 1905. Director of Education. SCHOOL OF PHARMACY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. The post of ASSISTANT LECTURER and SENIOR DEMONSTRATOR in the DEPARTMENT of CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS is now vacant. The duties include the delivery of short courses of lectures in Physics to those entering for the Minor and Major Examinations. Salary, £150. Applications are invited and should be sent, accompanied by testimonials, not later than September 14, to Professor CROSSLEY, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. For other Scholastic Advertisements, see pages clxxviii, clxxix, clxxx, and clxxxii. |