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NOTICE.-Advertisements and business letters for NATURE should be addressed to the Publishers; Editorial Communications to the Editor. The telegraphic address of Nature is “ PHUSIS," LONDON. THE NEW HIGH POTENTIAL APPARATUS (GRISSON RESONANCE TYPE). Illustrated Descriptive Pamphlet now ready, post free. THE NEW GRISSON VALVE Illustrated Descriptive Pamphlet also now ready, post free. ISENTHAL & CO., 85 Mortimer Street, London, W. Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 & 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and published by MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED, at St. Martin's Street, London, W.C., and THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, May 18 1905. be neatest, simplest, smallest and cheapest calculating machine ever designed. For adding up columns of figures rapidly and accurately. Can be used by anyone. "A necessity for all who have to add." Made entirely in steel and aluminium. Price 31/6 complete in leather case 6" x 33" x 1". 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