Self-recording Barometers, Self-recording Thermometers, Self-recording Hygrometers, Self-recording Galvanometers, Self-recording Rain-gauges, &c., Should see that they are marked TRADE RE MARK. This mark has been entered by the Inventors and Manufacturer No articles without this Mark are genuine. TO SCIENCE LECTURERS. See Mr. HUGHES'S PATENT COMBINATION OPTICAL LANTERN, used by late W. LANT CARPENTER, Esq., Prof. FORBES. New Triple constructed for B. J. MALDEN, Esq., this season. New Oxyhydrogen Microscope. Grand Results Docwra Triple, Prize Medal, Highest Award. Supplied to the Royal Polytechnic Institution, Dr. H. GRATTAN GUINNESS, Madame ADELINA PATTI, &c. Patent Pamphagos Lantern Science Lecture Sets Novelties Cheapest and Best. Elaborately Illustrated Catalogue 300 pages, 15.; Postage, 5d. Smaller do., 6d. Pamphlets Free.-HUGHES, SPECIALIST, Brewster House, Mortimer Road, Kingsland, N. NO BELLADONNA NEEDED. FOURNET'S REFRACTOMETER. OCULIST'S APPARATUS (PATENT), SILVER MEDAL, PARIS, 1889. See "ENGINEERING," July 18, 1890. Shown before the Royal Institution. ON SALE BY MACMILLAN & BOWES, CAMBRIDGE. COMPTES RENDUS HEBDOMADAIRES DES SÉANCES DE L'ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES. Vols. 4 to 23, 26 to 33, 42, 43, 45 to 87, 90, 91. 28 Vols. Half Calf, the rest in Numbers. (4 Tables, 2 Titles, and 7 Numbers wanting.) In all 75 Vols. 1837 to 1880. 10 10s. A long Series of this important Work, containing Articles by Aoust, Arago, Bailly, Berthelot, Bertrand, Biot, Cauchy, Chasles, Dupin, Encke, Faye, Gauss, Hermite, Jacobi, Janin, Jordan, Lacroix, Leverrier, Libri, Moigno, Monge, Poinsot, Poisson, Poncelet, Saint Venant, Secchi, Serret, Sylvester, Verdet, and many others. COSMOS, Revue encyclopédique hebdomadaire des progrès des Sciences et de leurs applications aux Arts et l'Industrie. Fondée par B. R. de Monfort, redigée par l'Abbé Moigno. (First Series), 1859 to 1863, to Vols (Second Series), Les Mondes. 1863 to 1881, 56 Vols. Third Series. Vols. 1 to 3. In all 69 Vols. 8vo, Half Calf. 1859 to 1882. L10 105. EDUCATIONAL TIMES. A Monthly Journal of Edu- CURATIVE cation, Science, and Literature. Vols. 4 to 43- 1850 to December 1890. 41 Vols. in 20, Cloth, and 2 in Numbers. £4 10s. Sets of this important Journal are very scarce. It contains valuable mathematical questions and solutions, the republication of which, in book form, did not commence until 1864 Pages 25 to 48 of Vol. 4, and the Title and Contents of Vol. 40 are want ng: otherwise it is perfect. Instrument Company, Cambridge. Price List of Scientific Instruments, sent post free. CURATIVE SPECTACLES FOR UNEASY SIGHTS. MR. A. FOURNET (The Inventor), 18 BENTINCK STREET, WELBECK STREET, W. (Hours 11 till 7.) Consultation Fee, 5s. Spectacles, Steel Frames, from 7s. 6a. Morning Post:-"Is bad sight on the increase?' is answered by A. Fournet with much common sense. .. Homeopathic Review:-"If you need to see better, yet shrink from glasses, read A. Fournet's 'Philosophy of Sight."" (15 Stamps, from the Author.) NOTICE.-Advertisements and business letters NATURE should be addressed to the Publish Editorial communications to the Editor. The graphic address of NATURE is "PHUSIS, LOND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO "NATURE." Yearly. Half-yearly. Quarterly TO ALL PLACES ABROAD:- CHARGES FOR Three Lines in Column Per Line after £ s. d. 1 8 0 0 14 6 076 110 6 0156 0 80 ADVERTISEMENTS One Eighth Page, or Quarter Column . 026 . 009 0 18 6 1150 THE ENTOMOLOGIST'S MONTHI MAGAZINE. Price Sixpence, Monthly. Edited by C. G. BARRETT, G. C. CHAMPION, F.ZS. J. W. [e W. W. FOWLER, M.A., F L.S., R. McLACH AN, F.R S., E S F.L.S., and LORD WALSINGHAM, M A., LL D., F.R.S. This Magazine, commenced in 1864, contains standard articles an on all subjects connected with Entomology, and especially on the the British Isles. Subscription-Six Shillings per Annum, post free. London: GURNEY & JACKSON (Mr. Van Voorst's Succes N. B.-A Second Series was commenced with the Number for Ja STANLEY Wathematical Instrument Manufacturer to H. M. Government, Council of Kathematical, Drawing, and Surveying Instruments Of the Highest Quality and Finish, at the most Moderate Prices. V. FE strained the only Medal in the Great Exhibition of 1862 for NEW LIST OF MICROSCOPIC SECTIONS OF CONTAINING MANY NEW AND INTERESTING SPECIMENS Now Reduced to 1s. 6d. each. All one Price. Ast Lists of Collections of Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils. Apparatus and ALL LISTS FREE OF JAMES R. GREGORY, 28 CHARLOTTE ST., FITZROY SQUARE, W. COLLECTIONS OF MINERALS, ROCKS, OR FOSSILS, For the Use of Students, Science Teachers, Prospectors, &c., and to ROCK SECTIONS for the MICROSC PE from 1s. 6d. each, Post Free CABINETS, GLASS-CAPPED BOXES, TRAYS, HAMMERS, &c., THOMAS D. RUSSELL, 78 NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. THROAT AND COUGH Soreness and Dryness, Tickling and Irritation, inducing Cough, and affecting the Voice. For these symptoms use EPPS'S GLYCERINE JUJUBES. In contact with the glands at the moment they are excited by the act of sucking, the Glycerine in these agreeable Confections becomes actively healing. Sold only in Boxes, 7d., and Tins, 15. 1d., Labelled. JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, LONDON. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. Volvox globator. Epistylis flavicans. Spongilla fluviatilis, Lophopus crystallinus. Ova of Trout for showing the Circulation of B ood, and other objects. Amoeba, Vorticella, Hydra, and other types (Animal and Vegetable) for Students. Specimen Tube, with Drawing and Description. One Shilling, Post Free. T. E. BOLTON, FARLEY ROAD, MALVERN LINK. r R. BILLUPS, F.E.S. London: WEST, NEWMAN, & CO., 54 Hatton Garder i MESSRS. MACMILLAN AND CO.'S NEW BOOKS. NATIONAL LIFE AND CHARACTER: a Forecast. By CHAS. H. PEARSON, 4 late Minister of Education, Victoria. 8vo, 10s. net. By IONEERS OF SCIENCE. BY OLIVER LODGE, F.R.S., Professor of Physics in the Victoria University College, Liverpool. With Portraits and other Illustrations Extra Crown 8vo, Cloth, 7s. 6d. A course of lectures on the lives of epoch-making men, principally in the Department of Astronomy, giving an account of their wrk, and tracing their influence on the development of human thought. The first part of the course, called From Dusk to Daylight," asists of nine lectures on the men from Copernicus to Newton inclusive, especially Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and aims at blaining the scientific aspect of their work in a clear and intelligible manner with copious illustrations. The second part of the urse consists of nine lectures on such subjects as the Velocity of Light; Herschel and the Stars; the discoveries of Asteroids and of ptune; Comets and Meteors; and the Tides; with some biographical details and much scientific exposition addressed to persons literary education. 'HE CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. An Appendix to Fifth Edition. By A. SHERIDAN LEA, M. A., D.Sc., F.R.S., University Foster's "Text-book of Physiology." Lecturer in Physiology in the University of Cambridge; Fellow of Caius College. 8vo, Cloth, 7s. 6d. The following appendix has been written upon the same lines as in former editions, save that it has been enlarged, and in reality w constitutes a treatise on the chemical substances occurring in the animal body. As in former editions it is entirely the work of . A. Sheridan Lea. The references given, though extensive, are not intended to be exhaustive. An effort has been made to make e references to recent works as complete as possible, other references are to papers, which them elves give full references, and will theree serve as a guide to literature of the subject; and some have been inserted in order to inform the student of the dates at which portant results were first described."-From the Preface. LECTRICAL PAPERS. BY OLIVER HEAVISIDE. 2 vols., 8vo, 30s. net. TEXT-BOOK OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. By H. A. ALFORD NICHOLLS, M.D., F.L.S. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 6s. ICTIONARY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Edited by R. H. INGLIS PAL GRAVE, F. R. S. Part IV., Concourse-Debts, Public. Royal 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. HE ECONOMIC JOURNAL. The Journal of the British Economic Association. Edited by F. Y. EDGEWORTH. Vol. II. for 1892. Royal 8vo, Cloth, 215. HE A.B.C. OF THE FOREIGN EXCHANGES. BY GEORGE CLARE, Crown 8vo, 35. net. REVIEW OF THE SYSTEMS OF ETHICS FOUNDED ON THE SCIENTIFIC WORTHIES. The following is a list of the Steel Portraits that have appeared in the above Series : MICHAEL FARADAY. THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY. CHARLES DARWIN. JOIN TYNDALL. GEORGE GABRIEL STOKES, SIR CHARLES LYELL. SIR CHARLES WHEATSTONE. SIR WYVILLE THOMSON. ROBERT WILHELM BUNSEN. ADOLF ERIK NORDENSKJÖLD. HERMANN L. F. HELMHOLTZ. SIR GEORGE B. AIRY. J. LOUIS R. AGASSIZ. JEAN BAPTISTE ANDRÉ DUMAS. SIR RICHARD OWEN. JAMES CLERK MAXWELL. WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE. ARTHUR CAYLEY. SIR C. W. SIEMENS. JOHN COUCH ADAMS. JAMES JOSEPH SYLVESTER. DMITRI IVANOWITSH MENDELEEFF. Proof impressions of these, printed on India paper, may be had from the Publishers, price each; or the Set of 27 Portraits in a Handsome Por.folio for £7, carriage paid. THE PORTFOLIO MAY BE HAD SEPARATELY, PRICE 6s. Cheques and Money Orders payable to MACMILLAN & CO., roof Impressions of the Portrait of Sir ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., issued with TURE for January 5, may be obtained from the Publishers at 5s. each. N.B.-This Portrait is the first of a New Series. OFFICE OF "NATURE," 29 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND. CADBURY'S COCOA "A light, refreshing, and digestible beverage,absolutely pure Cocoa of the highest quality." Medical Annual, 1890. NO "The typical Cocoa of English manufac absolutely pure."-The Analyst. Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Pather MACMILLAN AND Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London, W.C., and 112 Fourth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, January 12, 1 to £7 MADE HSIZE. Amongst many unsolicited Testimonials the following has been received by the maker: [All Rights are Reserved. BROWNING'S New 3-Wick Lantern. EDINBURGH, May 31, 1889. DEAR SIR,-I have just returned from a six weeks' stay at the Ben Nevis Observatory, and while there had an opportunity of testing the admirable qualities of your new "Watkin" Aneroid. The result has been most satisfactory, the extreme error noted being only about ro of an inch. During my stay at the Ob. servatory the Aneroid was frequently tested by taking it down 2000 feet and then comparing it with the stan dard on my return. The results obtained speak volumes for the high-class workmanship and great accuracy you have attained in the manufacture of this instrument. R. C. MOSSMAN, Japanned Tin Body; 4-inch Compound Condensers; Double Achromatic Front Lenses, with Rack Adjustment; and powerful Three-wick Lamp, in Strong Wood Case, complete, price £1 12s. 6d. o be obtained of all Opticians and Wholesale Houses. HICKS, 8, 9, & 10 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Or with Four-wick Lamp, £1 16s. 6d. This is an admirable Lantern for making Photographic Enlargements. Illustrated Catalogue of Lanterns, 352 pp., Post free. JOHN BROWNING, Optical & Physical Instrument Maker, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. BECK 68, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. Barometers, Microscopes, Telescopes, Illustrated Price Lists posted free to all parts of the World. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, OPTICIANS AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS TO THE QUEEN, Branches :-45 CORNHILL; 122 REGENT STREET. N. & Z.'s Large Illustrated Catalogue, 1200 Engravings. Price 5s. 6.7 |