MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S EW AND RECENT SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. OF. BARKER.-PHYSICS: ADVANCED COURSE. By GEO. F. BARKER, Professor of Physics in the University of Pennsylvania. 8vo, 215. ATION:-"The arrangement of subjects treated and the names given them make the work specially noteworthy as an ent of modern views in physics. While these views are not in themselves new, they here form what we believe is essentially classification of the subject for purposes of study and instruction, based on the most recent views of energy considered as ultimately a phenomenon of the aether. . . . The work deserves hearty praise for its fulness, its thoroughly modern spirit, arness, and a certain freshness in the treatment which adds to its real value as well as to its attractiveness." THE SECOND VOLUME OF PROF. GRAY'S WELL-KNOWN WORK. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OF GRAY-THE ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENTS IN ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. By ANDREW GRAY, M. A., Professor of Physics in the University College of North Wales. Vol. II., in two Parts, 8vo, 25s. Vol. 1., already published, price 12s. 6d. I have given, in this second volume," Prof. Gray explains in his Preface, "accounts of experimental investigations in which I ried to place before the reader, not merely a skeleton of the method followed and the result arrived at, but such a statement in ase as may serve to show the procedure adopted, the difficulties met with, the mode in which they were overcome, the corrections and the reduction of the observations to the final result. Thus I have described the researches of Lord Rayleigh, Rowland, Thomson, and others, on the absolute measurement of currents, the determination of the ohm and of v, the practical ds of testing and measurement devised by Hopkinson, Ayrton, Perry, and other engineers, the magnetic researches of Hopkinson wing, and the discoveries of Hertz in electrical radiation. In all cases it has been my aim, avoiding really unimportant detail, ribe the events of the investigation, and especially the manner in which practical difficulties were met as they arose; for in this nly is it possible I think to learn fully the true lessons of physical experimental science. This plan of proceeding has however ed the matter, though compressed as far as possible, almost too extensive for a single volume." FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS IN ELECTRICITY. 2. 0. HEAVISIDE-ELECTRICAL PAPERS. 2 vols., 8vo., 30s, net. By OLIVER HEAVISIDE. MANCHESTER GUARDIAN:-"One is struck in looking through these papers by the author's acquaintance with mathematics, and the ease with which he introduces and deals with functions like those of Bessel, the properties of which tle known even to mathematicians of high attainments." OF. HOSKINS.-THE ELEMENTS OF GRAPHIC STATICS. A TextBook for Students of Engineering. By L. M. HOSKINS, Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics in the Leland Stanford Junior University, formerly Professor of Mechanics in the University of Wisconsin. 8vo, Ios. net. LASGOW HERALD :—“The definitions are well put, and the whole discussion of the subject is quite satisfactory. . . . be found of great value, both in facilitating the work of the student, and, on account of its consistent notation, in guarding aughtsman against mistakes." COTSMAN:-"The book is clear and explicit. It should serve admirably as an elementary text-book for students of NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. :ering." '. D. E. JONES. EXAMPLES IN PHYSICS. late Professor of Physics in the University College of Wales, Aberystwith. 18mo. 35. 6d. By D. E. JONES, B.Sc., Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. The present edition," says the author in the Preface," has been carefully revised, and some sixty pages of additional matter een added. The examination questions at the ends of the chapters have been replaced by new sets of problems from recent papers." OF. LODGE. NEW BOOK BY PROF. OLIVER LODGE. PIONEERS OF SCIENCE. By OLIVER LODGE, F.R.S., Professor of Physics in the Victoria University College, Liverpool. With Portraits and other Illustrations. Extra Crown 8vo. 75. 6d. ourse of lectures on the lives of epoch making men, principally in the Department of Astronomy, giving an account of their and tracing their influence on the development of human thought. The first part of the course, called "From Dark to Day'consists of nine lectures on the men from Copernicus to Newton, especially Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and aims at ning the scientific aspect of their work in a clear and intelligible manner with copious illustrations. The second part of the consists of nine lectures on such subjects as the Velocity of Light, Herschel and the Stars, the discoveries of Asteroids and of ne, Comets, and Meteors, and the Tides, with some biographical details, and much scientific exposition addressed to persons of y education. ATIONAL OBSERVER.-"The present work is in marked contrast with most popular science; it is accurate, yet it is ully written." ATURE.-"An admirable introduction to the study of astronomy, and no better gift for a beginner could well be chosen ; to those to whom many of its details are already familiar, the picturesque clearness with which they are presented will make nowledge more real and more complete. The standard of excellence maintained in the lectures makes distinction difficult nvidious, or we would distinguish the lectures on Newton and those on tides as models of what such popular scientific tions should be." MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. PERKEN, SON, AND RAYMENT, MANUFACTURERS. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUE. 11 IS SENT POST FREE. OPTIMUS" UBIQUE CAMERA. OPTIMUS" OUTFITS. PERKEN, SON, CONCHOLOGY. Opisthostoma mirabile. E. Smith. HELIX FULTONI. COLLECTIONS AND SPECIMENS BOUGHT. COLLECTIONS Opisthostoma G. Austen. FOR MUSEUMS FROM £5 TO £300. EXCHANGES MADE FOR SPECIES NOT IN STOCK. GLASS-TOPPED BOXES, CARD TRAYS, &c. HUGH FULTON (Conchologist), 216 KING'S ROAD, LONDON, S.W. STANLEY Mathematical Instrument Manufacturer to H.M. Government, Council of Mathematical, Drawing, and Surveying Instruments Of the Highest Quality and Finish, at the most Moderate Prices. W. F. S. obtained the only Medal in the Great Exhibition of 1862 for Address:-GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. £10 £19 £15 99 HATTON CARDEN, LONDON, MINERALOGY. SAMUEL HENSON, 97 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. LATEST ARRIVALS. Mr. HENSON has just received some good Groups of Japanese Stran interesting Quartz Crystals inclosing Rutile and other Substances, aVery Fine Rock Crystal Ball, 44 inches diameter, perfectly free from fer small Crystal Balls, with inclosures, Rock Crystal Carvings, &c. Crystallised Hydrargillite, Bertrandite, Polybasite, Diamonds, Cham trichite, Arizona, Yellow Terminated Beryls, Geikielite, and Yttrotam Diatomaceous Earth from Hakodati, Japan. F. H. BUTLER, M.A. Oxon., Assoc. R.S. Mins NATURAL HISTORY AGENCY, 158 BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON. Dealer in Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and other Objects of Scientific Interest. NOW ON VIEW:-A large and varied assortment of Rock-species cently obtained from West Shropshire and North Wales, including Ba Diabases, variegated Volcanic Ash, Agglomerate, and Breccia, Qe from the Stiper Stones, Spotted Schists, and Granitite; also, a Collec exceptionally fine polished examples of Labradorite, Green Aven Quartz, Agate, Jasper, and other Ornamental Stones; Pyrite after P tite from Cornwall: Chalk Polyzoa from Kent; and a Consign Ostrich Eggs. TO SCIENCE LECTURERS. See Mr. HUGHES'S PATENT COMBINATION OPTICAL L TERN, used by late W. LANT CARPENTER, Esq., Prof. FORSES Triple constructed for B. J. MALDEN, Esq., this season. New Or gen Microscope. Grand Results. Docwra Triple, Prize Medal Award. Supplied to the Royal Polytechnic Institution, Dr. H. Gam GUINNESS, Madame ADELINA PATTI, &c. Patent Pamphagos La Science Lecture Sets. Novelties Cheapest and Best. Elaborately trated Catalogue 300 pages, IS.; Postage, 5d. Smaller do.. 6. P lets Free.-HUGHES, SPECIALIST, Brewster House, Mortimer Kingsland, N. HARVEY & PEAK, By Appointment to the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 56 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. COMBINED AMMETER AND VOLTMETER FOR LABORATORY PURPOSES, Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Pa MACMILLAN AND Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London. W.C., and 112 Fourth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY, March 9, 183 BROWNING'S SPECTROSCOPES. John Browning. London COLLINGS THE MINIATURE SPECTROSCOPE. This instrument will show many of Fraunhofer's lines, the bright lines of the metals and gases, and the absorption bands in coloured gases, crystals, or liquids. Price, with Plain Slit, 1 2s. ; ditto, with Adjustable Slit in Morocco Case, I 15s.; ditto, with Achromatic Lens, &c., &c., in Morocco Case, 2 6s. New Illustrated Catalogue of Spectroscopes, Post Free. JOHN BROWNING, 63 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. STANDARD METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Now ready, Negretti & Zambra's Encyclopædic Catalogue of Mathematical, Philosophical, Optical, and Standard Meteorological Instruments, containing numerous Comparative Tables of Reference, and Illustrated by Twelve Hundred Engravings, Royal 8vo, Cloth, Gilt Lettered, price 5s. 6d. BRASS LENSES NING 0 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 80 60 70 80 90 100 100 130 HILL ALUMINIUM R. & J. BECK 68, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers To Her Majesty the Queen, HOLBORN VIADUCT, 45 CORNHILL, & 122 REGENT STREET, LONDON. PRICE LISTS FREE BY POST TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. BURLINGTON HOUSE, LONDON, W. The NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at Notting. ham, commencing on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. President-Elect, Dr. J. S. Burdon Sanderson, M.A., M.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Professor of Physiology in the University of Oxford. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS OF MEMOIRS.-Authors are reminded that the acceptance of Memoirs, and the days on which they are to be read, are as far as possible, determined by Organising Committees for the several Sections before the beginning of the Meeting. Memoirs should be sent to the Office of the Association. Information about Local Arrangements may be obtained from the Local Secretaries, Nottingham. G. GRIFFITH, Assistant General Secretary. TECHNOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS, 1893. CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. The Institute's Examinations in Technology will be held on APRIL 29, and on MAY 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 26, and 27, and in MANUAL TRAINING on JUNE 3, 7, 8, and 10. Candidates in Technology not attending any registered Class should apply to the Secretary of the nearest Science Centre. Forms of application for Examination in Technology are now ready, and can be obtained by Local and School Secretaries from the EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT of the City and Guilds Institute, Exhibition Road, S W. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, London. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. The SUMMER SESSION begins on MAY 1. The work is arranged so that a Student may advantageously begin the Science part of the Medical Curriculum then. Full information may be obtained from either of the undersigned. E. A. SCHAFER, F. R.S., Dean of the Faculty. PUBLIC SCHOOL OF SCIENCE The Committee invites applications for the post of HEAD MASTER in the above school. The Stipend will be £150, with a Capitation, and one-third of the Government Grant, the Committee guaranteeing for the first year a minimum total of £250. All particulars will be furnished on request. Applications, stating Qualifications, and enclosing Eight Copies of Testimonials, should reach the undersigned not later than MARCH 30, 1893. LOUIS W. MONTAGNON, Hon. Sec. 6 Wellington Square, Cheltenham. Sale by Auction. TUESDAY, MARCH 28. NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS. MR. J. C. STEVENS will Sell by Auction at his Great Rooms, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, on TUESDA MARCH 28, at 12.30 precisely, Natural History Specimens prising:-Small Collection of British Lepidoptera, Exotic and Coleoptera, Insects in Papers, Cabinets, Animal Skins, Heal Horns of Animals, Birds' Eggs and Skins, Shells, Minerals, Cr Curios, &c. On View day prior, 10 till 4, and Morning of Sale, and Catalogues THE ELECTRICAL AND GENERAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. PENYWERN HOUSE, 2 PENYWERN ROAD, EARL'S PRINCIPAL-G. W. DE TUNZELMANN, B.Sc., M.I.EE. The Complete Courses qualify Students for entry into Electricaler Engineering Works. The First Year's Course is arranged to qualify Students frem Cooper's Hill, the Central Institution Engineering College, or the he School of Mines. Thirty-seven Students have entered these Institutions during the three years, and two Entrance Scholarships have been obtained t Central Institution. The College is provided with very complete Laboratories an! [n room, and also with an extensive Geological Collection for the Prime Courses for Civil and Mining Engineering Students. Students are regularly sent to the College by Leading Engineer Scientific Authorities, whose Names are given in the Prospectus. MINERALOGY. SAMUEL HENSON, 97 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. ESTABLISHED 1840. Late 277 STRA'. Choice Mineral Specimens, Gem Stones, Carved Opals, Polished Apr Rock Crystal Balls, Fossils, Rocks, and Rock Sections. LATEST ARRIVALS. Mr. HENSON has just received some good Groups of Japanese Scarm interesting Quartz Crystals inclosing Rutile and other Substances, Very Fine Rock Crystal Ball, 4 inches diameter, perfectly free from small Crystal Balls, with inclosures, Rock Crystal Carvings & Crystallised Hydrargillite, Bertrandite, Polybasite, Diamond Car trichite, Arizona. Yellow Terminated Beryls, Geikielite, and Yttr Diatomaceous Earth from Hakodati. Japan. F. H. BUTLER, M.A. Oxon., Assoc. R.S.Mines NATURAL HISTORY AGENCY, 158 BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON Dealer in Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and other Obje of Scientific Interest. NOW ON VIEW:-A large and varied assortment of Rock-specime cently obtained from West Shropshire and North Wales, including m Diabases, variegated Volcanic Ash, Agglomerate, and Breccia from the Stiper Stones, Spotted Schists, and Granitite; also, a Co exceptionally fine polished examples of Labradorite, Green Ast Quartz, Agate, Jasper, and other Ornamental Stones: Pyrite after y tite from Cornwall: Chalk Polyzoa from Kent; and a Consign Ostrich Eggs. JAMES R. GREGORY, SPECIAL AND TYPICAL COLLECTIONS for St NEW LISTS NOW READY. And may be had post free on application at the Repository and M 88 CHARLOTTE ST., FITZROY SQUARE, LONA TEXT-BOOKS OF SCIENCE. 'HOTOGRAPHY. By Captain W. DE WIve- INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY. By Sir A Description of Details of Railway Construction subsequent to the Completion of THEORY of HEAT. By J. CLERK MAXWELL, Price Price TECHNICAL ARITHMETIC and MEN- M.I.C.E., and Sir J. SIVEWRIGHT, K.C.M.G. With 255 Wood- THE STUDY OF ROCKS: an ELE- WORKSHOP APPLIANCES, including With Descriptions of some of the Gauging and Measuring Instruments- SYSTEMATIC MINERALOGY. By HILARY HILARY BAUERMAN, F.G.S., &c. With 236 Woodcuts. Price 65. METALS, THEIR PROPERTIES AND QUANTITATIVE TREATMENT. By C. L. BLOXAM, and A. K. HUNTING- PRACTICAL PHYSICS. By R. T. Glaze BROOK. M.A., F.R.S., and W. N. SHAW, M.A. cuts. Price 75. 6d. With 134 Wood PHYSICAL OPTICS. By R. T. GLAZEBROOK, The ART of ELECTRO-METALLURGY, ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY. By WILLIAM NATHANIEL GRIFFIN, B.D. THE STEAM ENGINE. HOLMES. With 212 Woodcuts. Price 6s. ANALYSIS. By T. E. THORPE, F.R.S., Ph. D. With 88 Woodcuts. Price 4s. 6d. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS and LABO RATORY PRACTICE. By T. E. THORPE, Ph.D., F.R.S., and INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of CHE- The ELEMENTS of MACHINE DESIGN. PRELIMINARY SURVEY. By THEODORE GRAHAM GRIBBLE. Including Elementary Astronomy, Route Surveying, Tachometry, Curve-ranging, Graphic Mensuration, Estimates, Hydrography, and Instruments. With 130 Illustrations, Quantity Diagrams, and a Manual of the Slide-Rule. Price 6s. PLANE and SOLID GEOMETRY. By H. W. WATSON, M.A. Price 38. 6d. ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMENS FOR DISSECTION. REVISED PRICE LIST NOW READY, POST FREE. Attention is called to the following as indicating the Range and Price of the Series: Alcyonium gd. per colony. Adamsia rondeletii 5s. per dozen. Lucernaria 38. 105. 58. 38. Clavellina 38. 6d. 2s. 6d. HELIX FULTONI. COLLECTIONS AND SPECIMENS BOUGHT. G. Austen. COLLECTIONS FOR MUSEUMS FROM £5 TO £300. GLASS-TOPPED BOXES, CARD TRAYS, &c. HUGH FULTON (Conchologist), Scyllium (preserved) 6s. Foetal Acanthias 6s, 6d. 40s. per hundred. 55. " ... 125. SINEL & HORNELL, Biological Laboratory, Jersey.. |