THE HEIR-PRESUMPTIVE AND THE HEIR-APPARENT. OLIPHANT. 3 vols. Crown 8vo. 31s. 6d. By M ** A new Novel which has already created a great sensation in America, where it has been described "as the greatest in many respects which has appeared within the present decade." NEW BOOK BY SIR JAMES FITZJAMES STEPHEN, BART. HORÆ SABBATICA. Reprint of Articles contributed to the Saturday Re by Sir JAMES FITZJAMES STEPHEN, Bart., K. C.S.I. Third Series. Globe 8vo, cloth. 5s. The First and Second Series still on sale. UNIFORM WITH "CRANFORD" AND "THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD.” DAYS WITH SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY. Reprinted from the “ Spectat With Illustrations by HUGH THOMSON. New Edition. Crown 8vo, elegant, 6s. buckram. Edition de Luxe (limited to 250 Copies, 50 of which are for America), printed on hand-made super-royal, and beer THE GIRLS AND I. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH, Author of "Carrots," &c. Illustra by L. LESLIE BROOKE. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. SCOTSMAN:-"The simplicity, naturalness, and good nature of the girls and the chronicler of their actions makes the b always interesting and charming." THE LIBRARY. BY ANDREW LANG. With a Chapter on Modern English Illustra Books, by AUSTIN DOBSON. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 45. 6d. NEW BOOK BY SIR JOHN LUBBOCK. THE BEAUTIES OF NATURE; and the Wonders of the World we Live By the Right Hon. Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M. P., F. R. S., D. C.L., LL.D. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, c PALL MALL GAZETTE :-"Is eminently readable. His wide range of knowledge gives him the means of telling us the and present position of the latest scientific discoveries. Will be widely read, we have little doubt; and that it w deserve the popularity in store for it is equally evident." BY MR. CHARLES BOOTH. LIFE AND LABOUR OF THE PEOPLE IN LONDON. Edited by CHAR BOOTH, in four monthly volumes. Vol. I. EAST CENTRAL AND SOUTH LONDON. Crown 8vo. 35. 6d. The following volumes will be Vol. II. STREETS AND POPULATION CLASSIFIED. Vol. III. BLOCKS OF BUIL SCHOOLS AND IMMIGRATION. Vol. IV. EAST LONDON INDUSTRIES. NEW BOOK ON THE THEORY OF WAGES. THE THEORY OF WAGES AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE EIGH A New and Cheaper Edition in Monthly Volumes from October, 2s. 6d. each. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT. By H. D. TRAILL. THE ELECTORATE AND THE LEGISLATURE. BY SPENCER WALPOLE MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. NEW BOOK BY MR. FRANCIS GALTON. NGER PRINTS. BY FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S. TIMES:-" The whole subject is handled with that rare patience and thoroughness in investigation, and that keen but ous acumen in interpretation which are characteristic of all Mr. Galton's work." EREDITARY GENIUS: An Enquiry into its Laws and Consequences. By FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S. New Edition. BY DR. S. H. KELLOGG. Now ready, crown 8vo, Cloth, 6s. HE GENESIS AND GROWTH OF RELIGION. The L. P. Stone Lectures for 1892 at Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey. By the Rev. S. H. KELLOGG, D.D., of Toronto, ODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. By OLIVER J. LODGE. D.Sc., LL.D., Professor of Physics in University College, Liverpool. With Illustrations. NEW VOLUME. Now ready, Crown 8vo, Cloth, 5s. [Nature Series. XPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION. Lectures delivered in the "Summer School of SECOND EDITION, REVISED. GHT: A COURSE OF EXPERIMENTAL OPTICS, CHIEFLY WITH The present edition is somewhat enlarged and in some respects modified. Further consideration has led me to revise the method and order of 'ment as regards some of the phenomena of polarised light. Some attempt has been made, though briefly, to show the general relation and bearing ent discoveries by Hertz, Lippmann, and others. Having also received many proofs of the delight and instruction afforded by the beautiful polarising preparations first described by Mr. C. J. Fox, and having carried the designing and preparations of such illustrations very much her since the work originally appeared, I have added full details of everything of the kind devised to the present date, and of the practical ipulation of mica films. These paragraphs will constitute perhaps the principal additions. NEW BOOK ON MECHANISM. ODERN MECHANISM. Exhibiting the latest progress in Mechanics, Motors, and the Transmission of Power. Edited by PARK BENJAMIN, LL.B., Ph. D., Editor of " Appleton's Cyclo of Applied Mechanics" Edition of 1880, Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and of the British Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. Illustrated. FOR TECHNICAL AND HANDICRAFT CLASSES. HE GRAMMAR OF WOODWORK. A Graduated System of Manual Training for Elementary, Secondary, and Technical Schools, designed for the Pupils of the Whitechapel Craft School by WALTER E. DEGERDON, Head Instructor in Woodwork at the Whitechapel Craft School, formerly Woodwork Instructor in the Cambridge University Engineering Workshops. With a Preface by H. LLEWELLYN SMITH. NEW WORK BY MR. A. H. HORNS. Now Ready, Globe 8vo, 5s. ETAL COLOURING AND BRONZING. BY ARTHUR H. HIORNS, Principal, Metallurgy and Engineering Department, Birmingham Municipal Technical School. A NEW FIRST ALGEBRA. Globe 8vo, 25. ; with Answers, 2s. 6d. GEBRA FOR BEGINNERS. By H. S. HALL, M.A., formerly Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, Master of the Military Side, Clifton College, and S. R. KNIGHT, B. A., M.B., Ch. B. formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, late Assistant Master at Marlborough College. A NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Now ready, Crown 8vo, Cloth, 65. E PRINCIPLES OF ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. By N. F. DUPUIS, Coscinodiscus-200 Species on one Slide, 155.; Surirella-100 Species... £ s. d. 2 10 2 2 6 2 о 15 O MICROSCOPES AND APPARATUS. Of Highest Quality and Werkmann W. & SONS' EDINBURGH STUDE MICROSCOPE is now made with the form of foot, and is suitable for work of s delicate and precise nature. W. & SONS' VAN HEURCK MICROSC W. & SONS' ACHROMATIC CONDEN W. WATSON & SONS, OPTICIANS TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT, 313 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W ESTABLISHED 1837. AND 78 SWANSTON STREET, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA AWARDED-2 GOLD MEDALS, Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889; 2 DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR for MICROSCOPES and MICROSO OBJECTS, Antwerp International Microscopical Exhibition, 1891; and 24 GOLD AND OTHER MEDALS at the Principal International Exhibi of the World. FRY'S Pure COCOA 60 Prize Medals Awarded to the Firm. BE CAREFUL TO ASK FOR FRY'S PURE CONCENTRATED COCOA. "OPTIMUS" MAGIC LANTERNS Adapted for use with limelight. For dissolving, two lanterns are necessary "OPTIMUS" ENLARGING APPARATU Patent Quick-Acting Rack Adjustment. THIS Apparatus comprises superior Mahogany Body Lantern and Bellows Cainera. adjusted by Rack and Pinion. The La fitted with powerful Refulgent Lamp, with three wicks, giving illumination. Compound Condensers. Condenser. .. £1 10 5in., no front lens Student's Lantern to take demon- Tube ... 5in., with superior portrait lens 6in., no front lens ... 6in., with superior portrait lens 7in., with superior portrait lens 2-Panelled Door, Brass Stages, and 8in., gin., If with Russian Ira of Mahogany bar sin., no lens sin., and lens 133/ 6in., no lens 151/ 6in., and lens 155/ 7in., no lens 173/6 7in., and leas 256/ 8in., no lens 1oin., 360/ Ioin., 580/ 12in.. "Optimus" Bi-Unial Lantern, brass fittings, £8 8s. PERKEN, SON, & RAYMENT, 99 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON HOLBORN VIADUCT, Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Pub MACMILLAN AND Co., at 29 Bedford Street, London, W.C., and 112 urth Avenue, New York.-THURSDAY. November 24, rig Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office.] NEW POLARISCOPE OBJECTS. These are all mounted between circular glasses to fit the standard 1-inch tating frames. Natural Twin Crystals of Selenite, 5s. each. Whole-plates of Selenite and Mica combined, 12s. 6d. each. Crossed Selenite Triangles on a Mica Plate, 8s. 6d. each. NEWTON & CO., SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS TO THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, 3 FLEET STREET, LONDON. PROJECTING POLARISCOPES. New Pattern, complete with square end Iceland Spar Polarizer, 2 inches PROJECTING POLARISCOPES of highest quality, with Sleeman- OPTICAL LANTERNS AND SLIDES. Detailed Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, and Special Apparatus for NOW READY.-1s., Post Free. GRIFFIN'S LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF [All Rights are Reserved. NALDER BROS. & CO. 16 RED LION STREET, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C. OUR NEW CATALOGUE OF ELECTRICAL TESTING AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IS NOW READY. NALDER BROS. & Co. (WHITESIDE-COOK'S PATENT). ELECTRICAL, MAGNETIC, ces reduced to date. (Seventh Edition) & GALVANIC APPARATUS. Royal 8vo, 144 Pages, with over 400 Illustrations. 1s. Post Free. JOHN J. GRIFFIN & SONS, L. 22 GARRICK STREET, LONDON, W.C. bo 1000 15 00 2000 2600 With this Aneroid no calculation or technical knowledge is required. It Made only by NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS to THE QUEEN, BRANCHES: 45 CORNHILL; 122 REGENT ST., LONDON. Telegraphic Address: "NEGRETTI, London." CHRISTMAS LECTURES. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, ALBEMARLE STREET, PICCADILLY, W. " SIR ROBERT STAWELL BALL. D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Lowndean Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge, will deliver a Course of Six Lectures (adapted to a Juvenile Auditory) on "Astronomy, commencing on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1892, at 3 o'clock; to be continued on December 29, 31 and January 3, 5. 7, 1893. Subscription (for Non Members) to this Course, One Guinea (Children under sixteen, Half-a-Guinea); to all the Courses in the Season, Two Guineas. Tickets may now be obtained at the Institution. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LONDON, S.E. TWO NATURAL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS of £150 and £60 respectively pen to First-year Students on entrance in OCTOBER. Special Classes in CHEMISTY and PHYSICS, BOTANY and ZOOLOGY, are held throughout the Year, and may be joined at any time. Free Scholarships are given to distinguished Pupils of MERCHANT TAYLORS SCHOOL, the CITY OF LONDON SCHOOL, and EPSOM COLLEGE. Other Scholarships and Prizes of the Value of upwards of £300, the Mead Medal for Medicine, and the Ches-lden Medal for Surgery are awarded annually. The Solly Medal and Prize biennially, for Surgical Reports. Prospectuses and all Particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, Mr. GEORGE RENDLE. G H. MAKINS, Dean. SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS. Special facilities are afforded by the extensive Laboratories of 2 PENYWERN ROAD, EARL'S COURT, S.W. G. W. DE TUNZELMANN, B.Sc. (Lond Univ.), M.I.E.E. Students are regularly sent to the College by Leading Educational Authorities, whose Names are given on the Prospectus. OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. A Junior Demonstratorship in PHYSIOLOGY and HIST LGY is Vacant. Annual Salary ioo. Duties to commence JANUARY 10. Applications with Testimonials or References should be sent on or before DECEMBER 12 to the REGISTRAR, who will furnish further information. H. W HOLDER. M.A., Registrar. A TAXIDERMIST, having Completed Five Years' Apprenticeship, requires PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. Is thoroughly used to Business.-Address, 18 Elmwood Road, Croydon. To Collectors and Buyers of Pecious and Fancy Stones.-R. C NOCKOLD, Diamond a d Oriental Stone Merchant 12 Frith Street, S ho. W.. has a very large assortment of Specimen Stones, cut and uncut. Inspection invited. ALBERT EDWARD JAMRACH (Late CHARLES JAMRACH), 180 ST. GEORGE STREET EAST. Implements f Savage Warfare. Idols Sacred Masks, Peruvian Pottery Netsukis, China, Lacquer, Gongs, Shells, and other Curios. BIOLOGY. Specimens for Dissection. Finely-preserved Specimens of all the Types required for Science Courses -especially the Lond n B. Sc. SPECIAL AT PRESENT: -Aurelia, Calcareous sponge, Holothurians, Echinus, Uraster Ascaris, Distomum. Nereis. Astacus, Apus, Lepas, Haliotis, Sepia, Amphioxus, Seyllium, and fully 300 other forms for dissection. Also Chara, Vaucheria, Spirogyra, Fucus Peziza, &c. MICROSCOPICAL SLIDES. Recent mounts include some very lovely expanded Zoophytes (Pennaria, Endendrium Obelia, Alcyonium, &c.), in eresting Larval forms (eg of Lobster Prcel ain Crab, Ás idian, Squid, Goby, Comatula, &c., the rare Pelagic Wrm- (Syllis, &c.). Also many specially New and Beautiful Slides such as Fruits of Selaginella and Chara, and Sections of Flower and Fruit Buds, &c. Price Lists free on Application. Sale by Auction. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, instead of TUESDAY, as previously announced. THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTER FORMED BY R. S. STANDEN, ESQ., F.E.S. MR. J. C. STEVENS will sell by Auction at his Great Rooms, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, on MONDI DECEMBER 12, at half-past 12 precisely, the Valuable Collectio British Lepidoptera formed by R. S. STANDEN, Esq.. F. E S., ox ing many rarities. Also, Exotic Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, B flies in papers as received, Birds' Eggs, Skins, and Nests, Heads Horns and Skins of Animals, Shells, Minerals, Fossils, Books, Cz sities, &c., &c. On View the Saturday prior, from 10 till 4, and Morning of Sale, and Catalogues had RECENT SHELLS. HELIX FULTONI, Godwin-Ansten. Latest additions to stock. New species of Diplomatina and Opisthostoma from Bornes, includi a most lovely little hell, Opisthostoma mirabile. A splendid consignment of Philippine land shells. GLASS-TOPPED BOXES, CARD TRAYS, &c CONTAINING MANY NEW AND INTERESTING SPECIMEN ALL LISTS FREE OF JAMES R. GREGORY, 88 CHARLOTTE ST., FITZROY SQUARE, W F. H. BUTLER, M.A. Oxon., Assoc. R. S. Mires NATURAL HISTORY AGENCY, 158 BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON. Dealer in Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and other Objec of Scientific Interest. NOW ON VIEW-A large and varied assortment of Rock-specimen cently obtained from West Shropshire and North Wales, incluiting a cha Diabases, variegated Volcanic Ash, Agglomerate, and Breccia, Quarz from the Stiper Stones, Spotted Schists, and Granitite; also, a C dec exceptionally fine plished examples of Labradorite, Green Avr Quariz, Agate, Jasper, and other Örnamental Stones; Pyri e after Pet tite from Cornwall: Chalk Polyzoa from Kent; and a Consigɛats = Ostrich Eggs. MINERALOGY. SAMUEL HENSON, 97 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W ESTABLISHED 1840 Late 277 STRA Choice Mineral Specimens, Gem Stones, Carved Opals, Polished Apa Rock Crystal Balls, Fossils, Rocks, and Rock Sections. LATEST ARRIVALS. Ruby and other Varieties of Cassiterite on Quartz, Australia, Br Blue and White Calamine, Adamite, Laurium, Crystallized Bracite, M phlogite, Rosco lite with Gold. Apophylite, Mexico, very Beautiful Terminated Vanadinite, Arizona, Phenacite on Quartz, Colorado, Lần aceous Earth, Hakodati, Japan. SINEL & HORNELL, Biological Laboratory, Trial of Pyroxene, Pink Grossular, Ruby on Matrix, Burma, las JERSEY. |