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COMPLETION OF THORPES - DICTIONARY OF Ja Poised in ime Volume Large Crown 8vo, with Stellar Photographs APPLIED CHEMISTRY."

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and suver I rastrace. 154 post free), Cloth bevelled. Gilt Top.



By J. ELLARD GORE, FRA.S., Author of "Star Groups,"
The Scenery of the Heavens," &c., &c.


"Mr. Gore's Visible Universe' is one of the best books of the season, and will be equally acceptable to the specialist in astronomy and to the maticade of general readers who feel an interest in that subject The Metering Hypothesis of Mr. Lockyer is subjected to a searching The pith of all that has been said in its support by Mr.

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By T. E. THORPE, B.Sc. (Vict., Ph.D., F.R.S.. Treas.C.S. Lockyer himself, and the leading obje.tions tha' have been urged azainst

Professor of Chemistry in the Normal School of Science ind Royal School of Mines, South Kensington. ASSISTED BY EMINENT CONTRIBUTORS.


CHEMICAL NEWS-"Will be universally appreciated by technical and manufacturing chemists."

JOURNAL OF SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY.-"The list of the names of contributors and the selection of their subjects inspires confidence at o ice."

IRON AND STEEL TRADES JOURNAL.—“Should be in the hands of every manufacturer who wishes to be well posted in the subjects with which he has to do."


CHEMICAL TRADE JOURNAL.-"We are much pleased with the Descriptions of processes are brought down to as recent a date as it is well-nigh possible to achieve.... Will form a handy book of reference for years to come."

SCIENCE AND ART-"Is by far ahead of anything of the kind in our language. The book is clearly written, appropriately illustrated, and an honour to all concerned in its production. Undoubtedly, it will occupy the first place as a work of reference on the shelves of our libraries for many years to come, and will be found very useful to all members of the profession, as well as to people engaged in the arts and the numerous branches of industry throughout the country."

SIR H. E. ROSCOE in NATURE.—“It is probable that this volume will have even a larger sale than that of the corresponding Dictionary of Pure Chemistry,' and, as with that important work, so with this, the public may well be congratulated on possessing snch a valuable book of reference so creditable to all concerned in its production. . . An examination of the important articles written by specially qualified contributors indicates that each subject is brought up to the level of the present state of our knowledge. Is a welco ne addition to our scientific books of reference, and forms an admirable companion to 'Watts' Dictionary of Theoretica! Chemistry.""

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tin van < 1 arters, are so caref illy weighed in the balance that on neither sude is there room for the sightest complaint of unfairness or partiality." SATURDAY REVIEW (December 31, 1892). "Mr. Gore evidently possesses the great advantage of an unbiassed mand his judgments, so far as they gain expression, are moderate and reasonable; and he neither caters for popularity nor strains after effect. His book has a serious value as a contribution towards the history of thought." NATURE (December 24,-1892).

"Mr. Gore has already acquired considerable success as a popular wher on astronomical subjects, and the scheme of the present volume is, as we might expect, a very good one.. The Meteoritic Hypothesis is deal: with in considerable detail, and here Mr. Gore is most seriously in error. ... The whole of the objections' of the 'opponents' of Prof. Locky recorded by Mr. Gore are on matters of secondary importance, and have been insisted upon by him owing to his complete misconception of the theory. As a guide to the Meteoritic Hypothesis his chapter is misleading and utterly valueless, either as exposition or criticism. . . He gives a interesting and valuable su nmary of the present state of our knowledge as to star distribution and move nent and the construction of the universe. For this portion of the book we have nothing but praise." ATHENEUM (March 25, 1893).

"The author's previous astronomical works are well known, and the present can hardly fail to be welcomed, as giving an interesting explanatio men of science regarding the construction of the heavens and the extent of and discussion of the theories which have been evolved and supported by the visible universe.. The so-called Meteoritic Hypothesis is fell discussed, as well as the objections, which, as has already been pointed out in these columns, are fatal to its acceptance. We must conclude with ac earnest recommendation to our readers to study the book for themselves." CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON. 7 Stationers' Hall Court, London. EL





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HE long procession of witnesses which for months past has been defiling before the "Gresham University Commission " has at length come to an end. The Commissioners are now, we suppose, engaged in constructing a scheme for the constitution of the University. Their manner of performing the first portion of their task has been open to criticism. More may be heard hereafter of the extraordinary refusal to furnish the witnesses with copies of their own evidence, and of the still more remarkable fact that, though the majority were denied copies of what they themselves had said, exceptions were made in the case of certain favoured persons who were allowed to see and to contradict the evidence of others.

While the Commission has been sitting several schemes for the constitution of the new University have been proposed. In spite of certain important differences there is one most important point on which they are generally in accord. It is not too much to say that with no more exceptions than are necessary to prove the rule-every one interested in the future development of the higher education in London agrees that there should be but one university in the metropolis, and that it should not (as was proposed in the discredited Gresham scheme) be a loose federation of competing colleges. It cannot be too strongly urged that the object of a university is the promotion and the diffusion of learning, not the aggrandisement of educational institutions. Every student in London who can pass the prescribed examinations can at present obtain a degree. No change in existing arrangements need be made unless it can be shown by some other method students could be attracted in greater numbers, or could be turned out at the end of their university careers with a greater mastery of the branches of knowledge which they have studied. These ends will not be attained by giving to the existing colleges the right to agree among themselves as to the conditions on which degrees are to be bestowed, and leaving the existing university as a rival whom they will immediately be tempted to undersell. If public money were bestowed on such a university it would merely be scrambled for by the constituent colleges, and would be spent in a rivalry in which the minimum advantage to learning would be produced by the maximum waste of funds.

If London is to have a University worthy of the name, if Parliament, the City Companies, and the London County Council are to provide it with the means absolutely necessary for its proper equipment, the University, must be endowed with powers which will enable it to fashion the Colleges to meet the needs of London. It must be freed from, not fettered and hampered by, the necessity of maintaining in precisely their present form arrangements which are themselves in large measure the result of the religious animosities of fifty

years ago.

But while this fundamental fact must in every way be

insisted on, it would, of course, be absurd to attempt to compel the governing bodies of existing institutions to surrender all their rights off hand, or to treat as hostile men who have been doing their best for the public good amid great difficulties and with too little public sympathy. We cannot, therefore, but hope that the Commission may recommend, and the Colleges accept, some such plan as that recently proposed by the Professorial Association.

In this scheme a praiseworthy attempt has been made to combine a rigid insistance on the conditions necessary for the future success of the University, with a due regard for the susceptibilities of the Colleges out of which it will in part be constituted. It is proposed that the Governing Body shall consist of the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor, and twenty-five Professors (each of whom shall be elected annually by the Professors of a definite group of cognate subjects), together with fourteen members nominated by the Crown, four members nominated by its Corporation and the London County Council, three representatives of Convocation, and four members, not being teachers in the University, nominated by the Governing Body itself.

The last provision would enable the Court-as the Governing Body is called-to give temporary or permanent representation to public or semi-public bodies which it might be desirable to attach to the University. It is also proposed that the arrangements between the University and the existing colleges shall be negociated by a Statutory Commission with very wide powers, subject always to the condition that every Professor of the University, wherever he may teach, shall be appointed and paid by the University. To this Commission is entrusted the task of selecting in the first instance the fourteen members of the Court, whose successors will be nominated by the Crown. The choice is to be made "from among the existing members of the Senate of the University of London, and from members of the governing bodies of those colleges which may be incorporated, in such proportion as may seem advisable to the Commission, having regard to the importance of the vested interests involved, and to the magnitude of the educational resources which may be placed by each at the disposal of the new University. These initial appointments are to last for ten years, and at the end of ten years, or in the event of vacancy through death or resignation, the appointments are to be made by the Crown." Subject to the general control of the Court the Professors of the University are to have charge of all purely educational matters.

The colleges named as those which it is desirable to bring into connection with the University are (in alphabetical order) Bedford College, the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute, Gresham College, King's College, the Medical Schools, the Royal College of Science, and University College, while there are other institutions, especially those giving instruction in Fine Arts and in Law, with which it may be possible for the University to establish relations. It is also proposed that the University should have the power to appoint or to recognise teachers giving instruction of a more or less academic character at institutions or colleges, the objects

or the standing of which render complete incorporation with the University undesirable, and to institute "University Extension" lectures, always, however, subject to the condition that the teaching functions of the University are to be confined to the metropolitan area, The examinations of the existing University of London would of course be carried on, so that in this part of its work the University would maintain its connection with all parts of the kingdom, and indeed of the empire.

In all these points the suggestions of the Association appear to us to be eminently practical. It is hopeless to expect a solution of the problem to which every one will agree. The first desideratum is to secure the establishment of a new non-federal teaching University, and then to give a statutory commission the power to make bargains with the existing colleges, which must either assent to reasonable terms or be left outside the University altogether. If any Governing Body consents to a close incorporation with the University it will secure representation on the Court both from among its lay members and its Professors. When the University is fairly started the Crown will select persons who are or are not connected with the Colleges as may seem desirable. The Medical Schools will be free to make terms with the Statutory Commission or to remain independent as they please. Of course the Commission ought to be as strong as possible, and much will depend on it, but with the suggested constitution it would be impossible to make the University a federation. It would be independent of and superior to the Colleges. It would be powerful and important enough to bulk large even in London, and to attract help both from the State and the Municipality.


Text Book of Comparative Geology. By E. Kayser, Ph.D., Professor of Geology in the University of Marburg. Translated and edited by Philip Lake, M.A., F.G.S., late Harkness Scholar in the University of Cambridge. With 596 Illustrations (73 plates and 70 figures in the text). (London: Swan Sonnenschein. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893.)


MONG works dealing with stratigraphical or historical geology, Dr. E. Kayser's "Lehrbuch der geologischen Formationskunde" holds a deservedly high place. The account given in this work of the several geological systems, as displayed in Germany, is very full and complete; and the comparisons of the German strata with their equivalents in other parts of Europe are for the most part judicious and accurate. A very striking and admirable feature of the book is its wealth of illustration; carefully selected specimens of the characteristic fossils of the several formations, are figured in such a way as to be clearly recognisable, and there is probably no text-book of the kind in which the number of forms thus represented is anything like so great.

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of the book is made, however, it is impossible not to be struck with a certain inequality of treatment on the par of the editor: and as we sincerely hope this excelle book may reach a second edition, it may be well to ca attention to points in which it is certainly susceptible improvement.

There are two ways in which a teacher of geology any particular country may advantageously introduce be students to the comparative study of the several forma tions. He may, in the first instance, describe the for mation as displayed in an area where his students can make direct acquaintance with it, and then proceed to poin out the resemblances and differences presented by the various foreign equivalents of the formation; and there's certainly much to be said in favour of thus making geolog "begin at home." But, inasmuch as the several syster ́s of strata are very unequally developed in different areas there is often a very obvious advantage in following a different plan. If the district in which the met perfect exhibition of a system of strata can be stude be selected as the type, and all other areas be direc compared with this typical representation of the syste it is evident that a more satisfactory account of a fortion can thus be given in a limited space than is possible by the other method.

Now as regards the Palæozoic formations, we think that Mr. Lake has been very happy in the methods ie has adopted. In the case of the Cambrian, Ordovicar Silurian, and Carboniferous systems, he has commente. with an account of their development in the Brit


The Devonian and Permian are, however, differently dealt with, the type of the first being sougt in the Eifel and of the second in Central Germany Nothing could be better for the purpose aimed at than this blending of the two different methods of treatmer to which we have referred.

received from Mr. Marr and Prof. Lebour in preparinı In his preface the author acknowledges the assistance the account of the Paleozoic rocks; and every one mas be satisfied with the general accuracy and fulness of trea ment of the British strata and their equivalents, so far as the great Paleozoic systems are concerned.

The most serious criticism which we have to offer wi respect to this earlier portion of the work is as regards the limits adopted for the Cambrian. Mr. Lake divides this system into three portions, characterised by ti Olenellus, the Paradoxides, and the Olenus fauna re spectively; he nevertheless takes away from the Cambran the Tremadoc beds, in which Olenus is so abundant, an makes them the base of the Ordovician. We think tha'. in a work intended for English students, it would he been better to have followed the practice which has hitherto prevailed in this country, and to have include the Tremadoc in the Cambrian, giving a reference to I Kayser's views in a footnote.

We also find in the preface an admission that “add. tions are most numerous in the first half of the work while in the latter half the greatness of the subject at We cannot but think that Mr. Lake has rendered a the limits of space have made themselves more severe great service to geological students in this country by felt." In the account of the Jurassic and Cretaceo translating Dr. Kayser's admirable text-book; and for the strata there are not a few important facts with respect general manner in which he has performed his task we the British representatives of those systems that ar have nothing but praise. When a detailed examination | altogether omitted; while there is, we think, a disprop


tionate amount of space given to some foreign equivalents. It is when we come to the Tertiary strata, however, that "e are most painfully impressed by the inadequacy of the treatment of some very essential matters. The British Eocenes have about half a page devoted to them; there is no mention of the Hampshire Basin as distinct from that of London; and the table of strata given is neither that of one basin nor the other, but an awkward combination of beds from both. The English Oligocene is dismissed in about a dozen lines, and no mention is made of the rich and varied marine fauna of the New Forest. About the same amount of space is devoted to the Pliocene of East Anglia (that of the South Downs and Cornwall not being even mentioned), while the highly-developed Pliocene of Belgium has assigned to it only a single line. We make these remarks, not with any desire to find fault, but in order to call the author's attention to the fact that, in its present state, the work would be almost useless to an English student, unless he used it in conjunction with another geological text-book, in which the British formations had received more adequate treatment. If the more vigorous editing, which has made the first part of this book so excellent, were applied to the latter half of the volume, we should then have an almost perfect work, and one which would find a place in every scientific library.

With all its faults, however, we have a text-book of stratigraphical geology which is superior to all its predecessors in respect to its illustrations, and its thoroughness. The copious index is of the greatest value, though the work would be improved by some additions to the references and the substitution in all cases of citations of original memoirs in the place of works giving information at second hand.

The plan of treatment of the several geological systems is excellent. The historical account of the establishment of the particular division and grouping of the strata is followed by sketches of the development of the system in the chief European areas, concluding in certain cases with shorter notices of some of the extra-European equivalents. This account of the stratigraphy of the system is followed by an admirable sketch of its palæontology.

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Although we have felt it to be our duty to call attention to certain imperfections and blemishes in this book, we must repeat our verdict concerning its general excellence, and the hope that an opportunity will soon be afforded to its editor of preparing a second edition, in which these imperfections and blemishes may be removed.

Der Nord-Ostsee-Kanal. Von C. Beseke.
Leipsic Lipsius and Tischer, 1893.)


(Kiel and

OREMOST among the engineering works of the latter part of the nineteenth century must assuredly be placed the magnificent maritime canals, which afford such conspicuous evidence of industrial skill and enterprise; and of these great works few will yield in point of size and importance to the new sea-way between the North Sea and the Baltic, the history and progress of which is so ably described by Herr Beseke in the present volume.

The idea of such a canal has been under consideration for five centuries, and one of the most interesting chapters in the book is that which enumerates no less than sixteen schemes which have from time to time been propounded for the accomplishment of this difficult problem. These different projects are rendered all the more intelligible by means of a sketch-map, indicating the various lines proposed, the majority of which, having their origin in the estuary of the Elbe, passed transversely across the Schleswig-Holstein peninsula to points in the vicinity of Kiel or Lübeck.

The inception of the present undertaking dates from October 19, 1883, when the Chancellor of State was directed by Imperial rescript to report upon the execution of a canal from Kiel to the mouth of the Elbe. The plans, prepared in conform ty with this decree, were adopted, with trifling modifications, on March 16, 1886, the execution of the works being entrusted to a State Com mission in July of the same year, and the first stone was laid by the Emperor William I. with an imposing ceremony on June 3, 1887.

The total length of the projected canal is about 61 English miles, the width at the water-line is 197 feet, and at the bottom, at the toe of the slopes, 72 feet; the total depth is nearly 28 feet. It is shown by means of a diagram that not only will two of the largest Baltic merchan t vessels pass one another without difficulty, but also that there is room for a vessel of this type to give way to one of the finest ironclads of the German navy, such as the König Wilhelm, with a displacement of 9757 tons. Special passing stations have, however, also been arranged at intervals, similar to those on the Suez Canal.

There are two portions of the book which, to make the work suitable as a manual for English students, require to be greatly modified, if not altogether rewritten. These are the chapters relating to the Archæan and the "Diluvium" respectively. We can readily understand that the editor would shrink from so drastic a remedy as we suggest, and yet the views expressed in the book before us, upon the oldest and youngest of the formations respectively, are so entirely at variance with those which the beginner is likely to hear from any recognised teacher of geology in this country, that it is scarcely fair to students to allow them to stand in their present form. In the same way the uncompromising statements concerning the difference between the eruptive rocks associated with the tertiary and those of older geological epochs require serious qualification. If the editor felt that he could not, in fairness to the original author, make the necessary omissions or alterations in the text, he might have ap- A most curious chapter is that which deals with the pended notes in which the attention of the student is called provision made for the conduct of the enterprise, and for to statements that are at variance with the instruction he the housing and accommodation of the large staff of would ordinarily receive in this country.

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The cost of the works was originally estimated at £7,800,000, which provides for 77,400,000 cubic metres of excavation, and all requisite contractors' plant and materials, entrance locks, bridges, and harbour works, as also for the forts needed to protect the western approach to the canal.

workpeople engaged therein. The sub-contractors for

terms applied to matter, and with the principal properties which matter possesses, and contains chapters upon un of measurement, force and motion, work and energy, the forms of matter and of energy, and upon the properties solids, liquids, and gases.

the various sections into which the works were divided- | John Lubbock. It is concerned with the meaning of the 15 in number—hid, under conditions carefully specified, to construct barracks for the staff of workers. The canteen arrangements were all carefully thought out, and the prices of food were regulated by fixed tariffs. The sizes of dormitories were prescribed; hospitals and laundries have to be provided, and all the sanitary arrangements appear to be most complete.

It was a condition of their engagement that the workpeople should be at least seventeen years of age, no Socialists or Anarchists might be employed, and all drunken and dissolute persons were liable to instant dismissal. Some of the regulations appear slightly autocratic, but doubtless with a population of from 6000 to 8000 persons brought together from all parts of Germany, such as was to be found on certain of the sections, it was necessary to insist upon a very severe discipline. We are assured by the author that hitherto these rules have worked satisfactorily. A detailed account is given of the four bridges required for the railway crossings, also of the numerous ferries and of the massive constructions needed to form the entrance-locks of the canal at either end. The water-level of the canal is almost coincident with that of the Baltic. So that on 340 days in the year the sluices can remain open, and the lock-gates into the Elbe can be opened daily at certain states of the tide ; the water in the canal is to be at one uniform level throughout.

In consequence of the advanced state of the works it seems probable that the undertaking may be formally opened for traffic at the period originally contemplated, in the summer of 1895. Steamers will be permitted to propel themselves at a mean speed of about six miles an hour, and sailing vessels and barges will be towed in train through the canal by steam-tugs provided for this purpose. Herr Beseke presents us with most exhaustive statistics showing the saving in time caused by the use of the canal as contrasted with the dangerous passage round the coast of Denmark, and a wreck chart of the entrance of the Baltic serves as an effective object-lesson of the value to navigation of this new sea-way.

In the concluding chapters we find most ample details of the volume of Baltic commerce and of the tonnage engaged therein, both in the form of steamers and sailing vessels, and excellent diagrams and charts have been specially prepared by the author to render these facts readily intelligible to the public. Nor does Herr Beseke omit to treat of the industrial value of these works and of their importance to the Fatherland, both from the military and naval aspects; in fact their political significance is shown to be enormous.

The volume contains a mass of well-digested information upon an undertaking concerning which but little has hitherto been heard in this country, but which is destined to exert a powerful influence upon the commerce of the states bordering upon the Baltic.


Laws and Properties of Matter. By R. T. Glazebrook,
M.A., F.R.S. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner
and Co., 1893.)

THIS is the latest addition to the manuals on " Modern
Science" which are appearing under the direction of Sir

The book is an excellent introduction to the study the physical properties of substances, and meets the mac difficulty of the beginner by supplying him with soun ideas on the ground-work of his subject. It is indeed matter for regret that there are so few similar books o other branches of science.

Although the properties discussed are almost entire mechanical or physical, the author occasionally touche upon the subject matter of chemistry, and here the chemical reader may perhaps be puzzled to find the tera "molecule" applied in cases where he has been taught to use the term "atom." The molecular weights given o p. 184, for example, are the ordinary atomic weights t the chemist. It is impossible, however, to correctly dis cuss even such chemical phenomena as are given in the book, without employing the conception of atom as we as that of molecule. Thus on p. 183 it is stated that "b adding to each molecule of carbonic oxide a second clusion is not in harmony with Avogadro's hypothesis, fr molecule of oxygen we get carbonic acid." This con carbonic oxide unites with half its volume of oxygen: form carbonic acid.

The value 411° is much higher than those recenth obtained for the critical temperature of water. On p.: "dynes in a given mass" should be "dynes in a give weight." The formulæ on pp. 164 and 180 are not co rectly printed.

J. W. R.

The Partition of Africa. By J. Scott Keltie. (London
Edward Stanford, 1893.)

THE author of this book does not wish it to be regarde
as a contribution either to the geography of Africa or
the history of African exploration. His object has bee
to present "a brief connected narrative of the remarkab
events which, during the last eight years, have led to he
partition of the bulk of Africa among certain of the power
of Europe." In carrying out this purpose, Mr. Ket
displays wide knowledge, sound judgment, and an a
mirable power of lucid and effective exposition. Th.
details of his narrative do not come within the scope
NATURE, but we may note that in his occasional references
to the scientific aspects of the subject he invariably give-
evidence of a thorough grasp of the principles which ca
alone be of vital service in the study of geography. The
is especially true of a luminous and interesting chapter o
"the economic value of Africa." The importance of the
work is greatly increased by a large number of caref
selected and well-executed maps.

Forest Tithes, and other Studies from Nature. By
Son of the Marshes. Edited by J. A. Owen. (London)
Smith, Elder, and Co., 1893.)

By "forest tithes" are meant the quantities of food
secured at the expense of rural folk by wild creatures (
the moorlands. The subject is an attractive one, and
dealing with it the author of this little volume pre
sents many bright and lively sketches of animal fe
The essays on other subjects are in their own way ro
less pleasant. They all display an ardent love of nature
and a remarkable power of minute and accurate observa
tion-qualities which have won for "a Son of th
Marshes" a place of his own among the popular writer-
of the day. Some of the articles have already appea
in various publications; others are now printed for the
first time.

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