< mf > mf f Took our nature and our place, 4 Sing we too the Spirit's love ;- 5 Great the joy, the union sweet, 228 m 1 HYMN 228, 7s. Communion with the Triune God. IN thy presence we appear; mf 2 While thy glorious name is sung, < f < mf Touch our lips, and loose our tongue; 3 While to thee our prayers ascend, Hear us, for thy Spirit pleads; mp 4 While thy word is heard with awe, < mf 6 From thy house when we return, HYMN 229, 8s and 7s. 229 mf 1 TO the Source of every blessing, ; f Move on the waters' face, "Let there be light!" 4 Holy, holy, holy, 226 mf 1 f > P > > < Most glorious Trinity, - HYMN 226, L. M. Praise to the Father, Son and Spirit And rills of comfort here below nature and our place, oo the Spirit's love ;- joy, the union sweet, HYMN 228, 7s. munion with the Triune God. presence we appear; we love to worship here, ithin the veil, we meet on thy mercy-seat. y glorious name is sung, ar lips, and loose our tongue ; joyful souls shall bless e Lord, our righteousness. thee our prayers ascend, ear in love attend; for thy Spirit pleads ; r Jesus intercedes. ay word is heard with awe, tremble at thy law, gospel's wondrous love Houbt and fear remove. Thy ministers proclaim nd pardon through thy name, - voices, let us own peaking from the throne. hy house when we return, - hearts within us burn; t evening, we may say, Lave walked with God to-day." HYMN 229, 8s and 7s. Praise to Father, Son and Spirit. HYMN 235, 11s. - not, delay not; O sinner draw near, waters of life are now flowing for thee; is demanded, the Saviour is here, aption is purchased, salvation is free. ot, delay not; why longer abuse ve and compassion of Jesus, thy God? ain is opened,-how canst thou refuse ash, and be cleansed in his pard'ning bod? ot, delay not; O sinner! to come, mercy still lingers and calls thee to-day; ce is not heard in the vale of the tomb; message, unheeded, will soon pass away. ot, delay not; the Spirit of grace, grieved and resisted, may take its sad ght; ve thee in darkness to finish thy race, nk in the gloom of eternity's night. HYMN 236, L. M. One Thing needful. will ye waste, on trifling cares, nat life which God's compassion spares, in the various range of thought, e thing needful is forgot? od invite you from above? esus urge his dying love? roubled conscience give you pain, 1 these pleas unite in vain? your eyes will always view objects which you now pursue; will heaven and hell appear, death's decisive hour is near. hty God! thy grace impart; eep conviction on each heart: et us waste, on trifling cares, ifo which thy compassion spares |