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mouth, and round the ear; for the beard, fold the bottom portion four or five times, and cut it in long slips, open out, fix the two long side ends round the head, and by rolling the eyes, and moving the tongue about from side to side, you will find it give a most comic and grotesque appearance.

FIG. 2.


TAKE a piece of paper the size of two squares (fig. 1), double it to dotted line a, turn the corner b to c, and the corner d the same way to the other side; then turn down the piece e to the dotted line f, and





pull it out to a diamond shape (fig. 2), taking care to fold the corners nicely under each other; turn down the top piece to the dotted line a, and the hat will be finished.

TAKE a piece of paper about six inches square,

fold it to dotted lines in fig. 1,

after this the four corners meet in the centre (fig. 2), which will give the square as dotted lines, each fold to be firmly pressed; then at each turn fold again to the corners the centre of the outside dotted lines, to form fig. 3. Fold the corners again to

FIG. 2



FIC. 4.

the outer dotted line (fig. 4); cut out the pieces marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8: cut through all the black lines, being very careful not to touch the dotted lines. Fold over the corners to form fig. 6, insert this in the opposite sides of the box a, a,

these again being inserted into bb, insert again c into d, and again into ƒ will form the box, fig. 7.

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PROCURE a few sheets of well woven tissue paper, and cut out the gores (fig. 1); paste these carefully together, making in all fourteen strips; look carefully over the surface, and see that there is no slit or hole left. Fig. 2 cut the bottom end equally off all round, take a piece of thin wire and make it to a circle the size of the neck of the balloon, then have two cross pieces a little bent in the middle to hold a piece of soft cotton, which must afterwards be dipped in spirits of wine, the circular wire being then pasted on to the bottom of the balloon.

To inflate the balloon, some one must hold it up by the top, and having thoroughly saturated your piece of cotton, place in the centre of the wires and set fire to it, being very careful not to set fire to the balloon; when the air is well heated with

FIG. 2

in, the balloon will rise to a great height, and in a dark night will have a very fine effect.

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