God's Call to Planet EarthGod¿s Call to Planet Earth looks at the Bible¿s great themes of redemption, the Christian experience, and last-day events. All these themes are explored in the context of the last chapters of the book of Revelation. God gave a judgment message in Noah¿s day before the flood. Scripture reveals God is giving a similar message today. In the pages of this book you will learn God¿s message for you. You will also learn how to be victorious today and how to be one of God¿s faithful in the midst of the great events destined to shake this planet in the years ahead. |
Introduction | 5 |
Chapter | 27 |
Chapter Three | 47 |
Chapter Four | 63 |
Chapter Five | 83 |
Chapter | 97 |
Chapter Seven | 123 |
Chapter Eight | 145 |
Chapter Thirteen | 247 |
Chapter Fourteen | 265 |
Chapter Fifteen | 285 |
Chapter Sixteen | 303 |
Chapter Seventeen | 321 |
Chapter Nineteen | 349 |
Common terms and phrases
accept angels apostasy Babylonian captivity behold believe Bible blasphemy book of Revelation called children of God Christian church Colossians commandments Corinthians created Creator Daniel death declares Deuteronomy devil doctrines earth Egypt Ephesians eternal everlasting gospel evil faith of Jesus fallen false worship falsehood fear flesh follow fornication give glory glorify God's Word gods grace hath heart heaven Hebrews holy human idols iniquity Isaiah Israel James Strong Jeroboam Jesus Christ John judgment king kingdom leads little horn live mankind Matthew means mercy message of Revelation mind Noah Webster obedience obey patience prophet Psalm receive the mark reject religion of Babylon religious Revelation 14 Revelation 14:7 righteousness Romans Sabbath saith the Lord salvation Satan saved Savior Scripture seal seek sins speak spirit surrender teachings thee Thessalonians things thou hast true truth unto verse word and law worship the beast wrath