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Toton Talk.


ERY far from delighted must the LORD MAYOR have felt on the first day of his dignity. Hissing, hooting, and rotten eggs, were the only greetings he received. Well, I can't say I pity him much. He saw that MR. DISRAELI com

ing out in the new and unexpected rôle of a reformer was universally cheered and feted; and he appears to have thought a humble imitation of the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER by the worshipful the MAYOR Would be an equal success. And indeed to see the leader of the Conservative

party carrying a sweeping measure of reform, was scarcely more startling than to find the chief of the City Corporation trying to do away with tomfoolery and empty show. But the LORD MAYOR was not prepared to go such lengths as his model. A genius might "educate his party" right round from one point of the political compass to its exact opposite, but the corporate intelligence was not so bold. His worship could give up the man in brass and the wicker giants, but he could not fling over the escort of cavalry, and clung to a few shreds of the old show. The result was a miserable display-too shabby for a procession, too pretentious for anything less ceremonious. As touching the great question, "Shall the LORD MAYOR have a show?" there is as much division as about the old question, "Shall Cromwell have a statue ?" If he is to have a show (and there is much to be said for keeping-up ceremonials) for goodness' sake let us have something really imposing and in good taste. The greatest argument against his having a show is-not that a few people are checked for a few hours in the too general occupation of money-grabbing, but that the streets are for a time given up to ruffianism and robbery. If those elements could be eliminated, I don't see why the LORD MAYOR should not have his show, the sight-seers their treat, and the banner-men, watermen, and other assistants their yearly five shillings and feast.

As if the spectacle of a LORD MAYOR, hissed from the City to Westminster and back, were not enough to make one rub one's eyes and ask "Is this the Nineteenth Century ?" here we are, having bread riots, superadded to Fenian conspiracies in St. Giles's, and a general wearing of fire-arms. For this last evil the remedy would seem easy enoughlet there be a license for fire-arms-not a heavy one-and let all unlicensed weapons be impounded, when found. Accidents as well as crimes would be largely prevented, and a man would not care to pay for a license unless he wanted the fire-arms for sporting purposes or as a precaution against violent robbery. The boon such an enactment would confer on dwellers in the suburbs would be immense, for they would be relieved of the incessant popping-and-banging (Sundays and week-days) which goes on in such neighbourhoods, where roughs and idlers loaf about with guns, firing at every flying thing they see, to the disturbance, and no less to the peril of the inhabitants. I shall be told that the police have sufficient powers now to put a stop to this, but who ever saw a policeman (especially when he is wanted) in the suburbs ? I have lived a few miles out of London for some time past and the only policeman I have ever seen was one who called at the house and nearly frightened the servants into fits with a large printed handbill, headed "BURGLARY," and describing the supernatural devices of housebreakers for getting into houses through keyholes and down chimneys. London Society shows well this month with good "Thumbnail Sketch

ing," a clever block by Miss KATE EDWARDS, and an illustration by the vigorous pencil of MR. PASQUIER, to an ingenious and well-told "Story of a Mail Guard." Good Words is more than ordinarily good this month. There is a drawing, a charming one, by WALKER, and it illustrates a poem-a real poem-by Miss ISABELLA FYVIE. That's enough for the money, I think, without counting the rest of the number, though it contains a "Guild Court" instalment, with a picture by PINWELL. The Sunday Magazine keeps up its number of illustrations-and their excellence. "The Flight of Birds," by the DUKE OF ARGYLL, is concluded in this number. Tinsley's is good, too, this month. The editor has got his team well in hand now, and drives them, as he can drive-admirably. "The Detrimental" is capital, and the novels swing on well. The "Disadvantages of Convalescence has been better done by CHARLES LAMB. Routledge's Magazine for Boys is quite up to the mark. Le Follet seems on its mettle now that the regular mags. are going in for fashion plates. The Gardener's Magazine is full of wintry wisdom, and if it did nothing else, sent me off to CARTER'S Nursery, near Sydenham, where a peep into the houses was like getting back into the middle of summer-a very pleasant sensaSo tion when one's own garden has quite put on its winter weeds. there's an end of the periodicals for this month, I believe, though there's such a lot of them now that as soon as one has run through one batch a fresh set begins to accumulate.

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I SAYS to MRS. CHAUNCEY as I should feel obliged if she'd go along with me and see one of them Justices; as said she would with pleasure, through a wantin' to go and see MRS. LINKERN's clothes, as were for sale. I says, "Whoever's she?" "Why," she says, 66 the widder of our President, as were cruelly murdered of a Good Friday at the theayter." Oh," I says, "I never knowed as they was open, but," I says, "owever is it as he didn't take care on 'is widder, the same as PRINCE HALBERT, 'as left 'is'n werry comfortable, but," I says, "poor soul, if she's drove to sell 'er clothes, it must be Queer Street with 'er, as were the case with poor MRS. PAIN, as were left total unprovided, and drove to a arms' 'ouse without even the donkey-cart as poor PAIN did used to go round with wegetables, and a 'onest man, as I will say, for that time as I give 'im a 'arf-crown a-thinkin' as it were a penny between the lights, a buyin' of some taters for BROWN's supper, as is particular partial to 'em baked with a black pudding, as is pretty eatin' in cold weather, when you can trust them as sells 'em. So she says as this poor lady's clothes was for sale in Broadway, and off we went to see 'em, as I nat'rally expected would be 'er crownation robes the same as is shown in London at MADAM TUSSOR's as bought 'em 'erself of QUEEN VICTORIA, not as she were drove to it thro' want.

got oshuns of splendid clothes at 'ome, and won't never put 'em on,
tho' 'is wife, as 'is my own sister, goes down on 'er knees to 'im." I
says, "Indeed!" and was glad to ear as he were 'er sister's 'usband,
for I didn't 'arf fancy 'im, but didn't say nothink, but 'ome I
(To be continued.)

"THE sea gives her shells to the shingle,"-
Because they're no good to the sea;
And I beg to offer a jingle

That's not of the least use to me.
Some rhymes I have got on some fly-leaves,
Among the contents of my desk,
Which I took, neither with leaves nor by leaves,
From some one's burlesque.

I have weaved them to-day in a fashion,
Designed all their beauties to show.
They may put purists into a passion,

But that won't be my fault, you know.
Still, the harvest of rhyme to my sickle
That falls, though decidedly queer,
Is just of the right sort to tickle
The fine cockney ear.


I quitted Baden Baden,

But as to MRS. LINKERN as is 'er name, 'er clothes was all werry well, but nothing much to look at, and I should say as she might 'ave got rid on 'em on the quiet, as won't fetch much except the lace, and no doubt if she's that bad off as the 'Merrykins as is a noble-'arted lot will make it all right for 'er, and so I told the party as were a-showing 'em, as cut me rather short. So I says to MRS. CHAUNCEY as we'd better go, and so we did, and got downstairs and stood for a moment a-talkin' at the door when up comes a perliceman and tells us not to (Whom the Telegraph is hard on), and I journeyed next to Basle. stop the doorway. Well, I moves a little further and was a-restin' myself agin a iron rail, up comes the perliceman, and says, mustn't set 'ere." I says, "I ain't a settin,'" no more I wasn't, but Keep on always going farther; but I called the Kellner, Carl; only a-leanin', as proved too much for them railin's, as were only a a gate as opened with my weight, and if a man 'adn't been comin' up the steps with a basket of oyster-shells on 'is 'ead, I should 'ave gone down back'ards, as made that perliceman grin, and the coloured party as was a-carryin' them oyster-shells he said as it were lucky as I didn't bust 'im.


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Like a knight of good KING ARTHUR

I thought that I would rather

And I said, "In this here quarter
Are there boats upon the water?"
"Yes," says he, "but they the sort as you'd not like to sail in far."
Just then there comes a letter
From the beautiful ROSETTA

(No marvel that they pet her), who was there with her papa.
In London last I'd seen her
And her sister, fair GEORGINA,

But their cousin, sprightly SARAH,
Than both of them is fairer,

MRS. CHAUNCEY she were a-starin' in at a shop-winder a-talkin' to a friend as she'd met with, and she says, "MRS. BROWN, this 'ere is a gentleman as is a lawyer, and 'ave been a judge." "Oh," I says, Whose eyes are somewhat greener, though I fancy she's the star. indeed! Then," I says, "pre'aps he can tell me about that 'ere perliceman as 'ave got that pocket-book." "Yes," she says, "and he'll see you 'ave your rights thro' a-knowin' them perlice and their And her style of beauty's rarer, and her eyes were bright as Spa. ways, as is downright tyrants." So she says, a-turnin' to 'er friend, "MR. BOGISSON, this is MRS. BROWN," as I made my obedience to 'im, but was that friendly, as he shook 'ands and said as he'd 'eard a deal Though I told the same to LAURA, which was going much too far. about me, and quite looked on me as a old friend.

But I've flirted much with FLORA,
And have said that I adore her;

And my words to ARABELLA,
When my love I dared to tell her.

As sloops are to a liner
Were all those girls to DINAH,

He certainly did not look much like a lawyer, let alone a judge,
thro' bein' that shabby in 'is clothes, which was reg'lar rags in places, Were those I spoke to STELLA, who referred me to mamma.
with 'is boots as 'adn't seen blackin' for weeks, I should say, with a
shirt as was filthy, and matched 'is face and 'ands, and kep' a-chewin',
and smelt fearful of sperrits, and as pale as death. When he'd 'eard Who is infinitely finer than a fairy or a fawn;
my story, as he didn't seem arf to listen to, he says, "Ah, the rascal!
This must be looked into, and I'll make 'im pay; but," he says, "it will
cost you money." "Oh," I says, "I don't want to go to law, as may Whose other name is CLEAVER, and who's lovely as the morn.
cost me thousands, and end in the work'ouse the same as MRS. LAM-
BERT, as 'er father left thousands to, as never got 'er rights, tho' at
law over thirty years, and was sent to jail for the costs."


So I

And never would I leave her
Except perhaps for EVA,

When I'd twice perused the letter
From the beautiful ROSETTA,

I concluded I had better be off at once from Basle.

And, quick as shell from mortar,
Before papa had caught a

"I'll go home," said I, "and learn a
Lesson out of Mary Turner;

So he says, "Old up a minnit; you goes ahead too quick." "Excuse me, but 'ow much will it cost?" "Why," he says, "ten dollars to-day for me to search the records." "Why," I says, Likely husband for his daughter, I had taken leave of Carl. "they surely don't keep the perlice in the records, as will be easy found thro' me 'aving took 'is number." "Law," I says, "what is to be done?" Says the lawyer, "Never The rules of rhyming stern are in the school that I adore. mind; I'll ketch 'im sure. But," he says, "wait a moment; I must just step round 'ere and see a man; I won't be a minnit."

He says,

"Let's 'ave it."

And B. is not an author
In the class who third or fourth are,

Nor more he wern't, but smelt wuss of liquor than ever. So, when But from the well of CHAUCER doth continually draw.
he come back, he says, "'Ave you got the money about you?" I
says, "I've got fifteen dollars." He says, “That'll do for to-day.
Now," he says, "you meet me to-morrer, at twelve to the minnit, at
the City 'All, as is a large buildin' with a flight of steps up to as is
white marble, least ways would be but for tobaccer juice, as stains
everythink." So I says, "I'll be there to the minnit." He says,
Bring ten dollars, in case I should want to pay the fees, as is 'eavy
in sich cases."

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Well, he walks 'isself off all of a 'urry, without sayin' "Good morning," or anythink. So I says to MRS. CHAUNCEY as he were werry short. "Oh," she says, "bless you, the judges is a-waitin' for 'im, as can't get on without 'im." "Ah," I says, "I suppose he's got to go 'ome and dress." She says, "Bless you, no; that's 'is way, as 'ave

Sold Again!
Meeting at Newmarket, the "leading journal” says:—
COMMENTING on gentlemen-rider matches at the late Houghton

of in the old Newmarket days-somewhat provincial, we venture to think it, and
derogating from the legitimate form of head-quarters. One of them, between
Colonel Knox and Mr. Reginald Herbert, wound up the sport of the afternoon, the
former, on Shrapnell, squandering his opponent."

"There is rather a rage for gentlemen-rider matches here now, a thing unheard

We have too often heard of people being sold on the turf, but to "squander his opponent" is about the last act of which we supposed a gentleman jockey capable.

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Philosophical Damsel (with the peculiar chignon) :-" HOW ABSURD IT SEEMS THAT NATURE SHOULD COMPEL THAT POOR ANIMAL TO WEAR




It is not that I love you less devotedly than when

Your summers were but twenty-and your children were not ten.
You the queen of this poor bosom in my fancy still I crown,
As when your name was PARKER, and before you married BROWN.

No! I love you still as fondly as I did in days of yore,
When I used to call at tea-time, or a little bit before;
When I used to bring the kettle, pour the water in the pot;
When I proffered warm affections, and I handed muffins hot.
No! I love you still as fondly as I did in ancient days,
When we used to go out walking in our sentimental ways;
When I handed you politely over stile and over gutter,
And my feet were in a puddle and my heart was in a flutter.
Then there came a separation, and it cost us sighs and tears-
Our paths, they were divided, as you know, for many years.
And when at length we met again, the changes were not few!
I had taken a drysaltery-and BROWN had taken you.
But I love you still as fondly as I used to love you then,
And could I only wed you, should be happiest of men.
But the love of age is wiser than the love of youth by far-
It likes its shares at premium and does not care for par.
Your wedding BROWN I pardon-for they say that he died "warm,"
And wealth would guild the ravages of time on that dear form,-
Yet an obstacle arises-but one obstacle-and that's

That I'm told that all the money has been settled on the brats!

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A Slip "Not."

It is desirable and convenient, when a public writer happens to have a meaning to express, that he should express that meaning, rather than its very opposite. The author of the following sentences, quoted from a leading article in the Daily Telegraph, seems to say something quite contrary to common-sense, and therefore, let us charitably assume, to his own real opinion:

"The personal liberty which we all enjoy could hardly be maintained if the guardians of the streets were not, as a rule, inaccessible to bribery, and not to be hindered by fear or favour from discharging their duty."

"The personal liberty which we all enjoy" is, in fact, maintained despite the lamentable truth that "the guardians of the streets" are sometimes "hindered by fear or favour from discharging their duty;" and the proposition that, if they were not to be so hindered, there would be a consequently increased difficulty in the maintenance of our personal liberty is merely-a muddle.

Walk your Chalks.

A FOXHUNTER is to an Englishman the emblem of goodnature and geniality-one of the "right sort"-and certainly MR. SCRATTON, who hunts a country of very considerable extent, is no exception to the rule. Dining with the gentlemen of the hunt at the Royal Hotel, Southend, he is reported, in Bell's Life, to have said:

"He thanked those who had walked puppies for him."

We cordially endorse MR. SCRATTON's sentiments, and shall be only too happy to return our hearty thanks to the person who "walked" a watch for us some time since, if he will have the kindness to return it.

The Antiquity of Fenianism.

FENIANISM dates very much farther back than most people suppose. We would remind our readers that when HERODIAS's daughter was living there was a head-sent-her.

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