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Seydel, 79, 400.

Shakespeare, 134.

Shelley, 111, 318.

Sheol, 278.

Sidgwick, Prof., 417, 419, 434, 449.

Siebeck, 79, 400.

Siloa, 81.

Simmel, 437.

Sin, 69, 439, 459, 461, 462.

pantheism and, 29, 461, 462.

ravages of, 69, 462, 464.

reality of, 459, 461, 462, 464.

religious development and, 69, 464, 470.

Sinnenwesen, 246, 424.

Sittlichkeit, 445.

Smith, Prof. H. B., 90.

Smith, Prof. Robertson, 51.

Socialism, 73, 447.

Sociological aspects, 393, 439.

manuals, 12.

Sociology, Spencer's, 47.

Solidarity, 452.

Solipsism, 374.

Son of Man, 396.

Soul, the, 359, 360, 366-369, 494, 511, 512,

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Steffens, 305.

Steigerung, 283, 310.
Sterret, Prof. M., 79, 296.

Stirling, Dr H., 79, 128, 176.
Stöckl, 237.

Stout, G. F., 424.

Strauss, 520, 525.

design and, 215.

Divine personality and, 290, 326.
fear and, 48.

life and, 41.

philosophy and, 133.


'Study of Religion,' Martineau's, 257, 453.
Subjectivism, 11, 12, 43, 96, 100, 101, 164,
177, 268, 297, 302, 303, 322, 354, 379, 385,
436, 469, 523.

Substance, category of, 7, 8, 103, 115, 286,
324, 491.

unity of, 366.

Suffering, 128-132, 136, 137, 140, 200, 475.
Sully, Prof. James, 421.

Summum bonum, Kant's, 250.
Supernatural, the, 67, 76, 267.
natural and, 66.

necessity of the, 66, 267.
revelation and, 51, 53, 67.
science and, 76, 267.

'Supernatural Religion,' 25.

Supernaturalism, 67, 76, 267.

Superpersonal, the, 298, 300, 302-304.

Supramanent, God as, 3, 313.

Survival, law of, 180, 181, 193, 194, 254,

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Teleological argument, 168, 175, 189, 208,

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of the self, 41.

Teleology, æsthetic, 199.

essence of, 197, 201.

unconscious, 198, 199, 214.

Telepathy, 393.

Tennyson, 26.

'Teodicea,' Rosmini's, 132, 236.

'Teosofia,' 235.

Thathandlung, 285.

Thätigkeit, 372.

Theism, abstract, 264, 265, 308.

anthropocosmic, 65, 122.
Biblical, 483, 488.

Christian, 238.

cosmic, 273.

ethical, 243, 246, 249, 257, 259, 261,

Kantian, 245, 247-250, 261.

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Umfassende Macht, 205.
Unconditioned, the, 96, 230, 239.
Unconscious, the, 198, 272, 273, 292.
Unendliches persönliches Gute, 289.
Uniformity of nature, 186, 442, 483.
Unity, psychic, 370, 371, 374-

of consciousness, 371.

of God, 32, 33, 91, 94, 265.
of law, 483.

of nature, 103, 489.

of self or ego, 374, 375.

of substance, 366.

of truth, 334, 335, 338.

of universe, 33, 325, 489.

Universal, the, 12, 56, 57, 105, 278, 321, 337.

342, 347, 426, 441.

Universality of religion, 12, 56, 57.

Universe, theory of the, 149, 157, 213, 366,

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