SOME GOOD AND CHEAP REMAINDERS. Though I call these books "Remainders" I have, as a matter of fact, only a quite limited number to dispose of; and therefore those who desire to have them are recommended to make early application. DOBSON'S (Austin) The Story of Rosina, and other verses, illustrated by HUGH THOMSON; the few remaining copies of the First Edition, 1895, in the original cloth, as issued, now offered at 1/6 net per copy. LETTERS FROM THE LAKE POETS: SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE, WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, and ROBERT SOUTHEY, to DANIEL STUART, Editor of The Morning Post and The Courier, 1800-1838. 463 pp., 8vo, unbound, 10/6. Only a few copies of this interesting volume were printed for private circulation. MANGAN'S (James Clarence) Prose Writings, edited by D. J. O'DONOGHUE with an Essay by LIONEL JOHNSON, with a portrait. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s (pub. 3/6 net). POWELL'S (G. H.) Excursions in Libraria: being retrospective reviews and bibliographical notes, illustrated. Sq. cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s (pub. 6s net). GAY'S (John) Poetical Works, edited, with a life and notes, by JOHN Underhill. Portrait, LARGE PAPER, 200 copies only printed, 2 vols, sm. 8vo, half vellum, the choice "Muses Library" Edition, 5s (pub. £1 1s net). BROWNE'S (William, of Tavistock) Poems, edited by GORDON GOODWIN, with an Introduction by A. H. BULLEN. Front., LARGE PAPER, 200 copies only printed, 2 vols, sm. 8vo, half vellum, the choice "Muses Library" Edition, 5s (pub. £1 1s net). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES. 2/6 each (pub. 10/6 each net): ACCESSION OF QUEEN MARY, edited by Richard Garnett. DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE WISE KING SOLOMON AND MARCOLPHUS. BREVIARIUM ANAGRAMMATICUM: the Latin Hymns of the Breviary, and other famous Latin Hymns of the Early Church turned into Metrical Anagrams; also some of the Offices of the Latin Church transmuted into pure Anagrams in Prose and in Verse; together with the Lives of many famous Saints similarly treated, collected from very rare books and manuscripts, some of which are unique, by the late REV. WALTER BEGLEY. 4to, pp. 200, Printed for private circulation only; price for the few remaining copies, 3/6. BIBLIA CABALISTICA, or The Cabalistic Bible: showing how the various numerical Cabalas have been curiously applied to the Holy Scriptures, with numerous textual examples, collected from books of the greatest rarity; with Introduction, Appendix of Curios, and Bibliography, by the late REV. WALTER BEGLEY. 4to, pp. 164; price for the few remaining copies, 3/6. BACON'S NOVA RESUSCITATIO, or the Unveiling of his Concealed Works and Travels, by the late REV. WALTER BEGLEY. 3 vols, cr. 8vo, originally published at 18s; the few remaining copies now offered at 4/6 only. THE GREEN WINDOW, by VINCENT O'SULLIVAN, cr. 8vo, cloth, Smithers, 1899, 2s. PASITELES THE ELDER, and other Poems, by COSMO MONKHOUSE, with a Prefatory Note by AUSTIN DOBSON, cr. 8vo, cloth, 1901, 1/6. TUDOR REPRINTED AND PARALLEL TEXTS. IMPATIENT POVERTY: a Moral Play, first printed 1560, and now reprinted from the only known copy. Price 1s (pub. 5s net). THE MAYDES METAMORPHOSIS: a Pastoral Play, reprinted from the very rare edition of 1600, of which only three copies are known to exist, Price 1s (pub. 5s net). CATALOGUE OF AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOOKS, ON VIEW AT 77, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. 1 ABBOTT's (E. A.) Through Nature to Christ, or the ascent of worship through illusion to the truth, 8vo, cloth, 3s 1877 2 ABERCROMBIE's (Lascelles) Emblems of Love, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 28 6d 1912 3 ARIEL SERIES.-An Essay on Nothing, attributed to Arnot-The Death-Song of Lodbroc, translated from the IcelandicThe Murder of Rizzio-Sir Roger de Coverley, by Addison and Steele, 4 parts -The Bloody Assizes, 3 parts-together 11 parts, roy. 8vo, parchment wrappers, 10s 6d Goldsmid, v.Y. 4 AERONAUTICS.-Wilkins's (Bishop John) Mathematical and Philosophical Works, with life of the Author, portrait and illus trations, 8vo, half calf, binding defective, G. A. Sala's copy, with autograph on title, 7s 6d 1708 Contains chapters on the Art of Flying, the several ways whereby this hath been, or may be attempted; a resolution of the two chief difficulties that seem to oppose the possibility of a flying chariot; concerning the possibility of framing an ark for submarine navigations, and other interesting subjects. 66 5 AERONAUTICS. 'Flight,' a weekly journal, illustrated, 84 parts of, from Part 4, Jan., 1909, to Part 117, March, 1911 (not consecutive) "Aeronautics," edited by Baden-Powell, illustrated, 14 parts of, from Sept., 1909, to May, 1911 (not consecutive) "The Aero," illustrated, 6 odd Nos., 1909-" Aeronautics," edited by M. N. Forney, illustrated, 4 odd nos., New York, 1893-together 108 periodicals devoted to aeronautics, in the original parts, the lot, 15s 1826 11 AGREEABLE VARIETY (The), containing discourses, characters and poems, extracted from many worthy authors and letters, poems, &c., by private persons, never before printed, 8vo, calf, 88 6d 1717 ALLINGHAM (William) Letters to, edited by H. Allingham and E. Baumer Williams, portrait and facsimiles of Burne-Jones' Letters, 8vo, cloth, slight blind stamp on title, otherwise a nice copy, 4s (pub. 7s 6d net) 12 13 14 16 1911 ALPINE.-Notes of a Tour on the Conti- AMERICA.-History of the Colonization 15 AMERICA.-Tucker's (J.) Cui Bono? or an inquiry what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans from the victories in the present war, SECOND EDITION, with a plan for a general pacification, 8vo, bds., 4s 6d Glocester, 1782 AMERICA.-Memoirs of Wm. Sampson, an Irish exile, written by Himself, including his adventures in Europe, his confinement in the Dungeons of the Inquisition, &c.; also a sketch of the British connexion with Ireland and observations on America, 16mo, bds., 28 6d AMERICA.-Legg's (J. H.) The Ocean Monarch, a poetic narrative, with an account in prose of the ill-fated vessel, by J. H. Legg, 12mo, cloth, 2s 6d AMERICA.-Bartlett's (W. H.) The Pilgrim Fathers, or founders of New England, woodcuts and plates, engraved by A. Willmore, C. Cousen, and others, roy. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1854 17 18 19 20 8 AFRICA. Denham and Clapperton's Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, 1822-24, map and plates, thk. 4to, half calf, binding cracked, 68 6d 9 AFRICA.-Ashbee's (H. S.) A Bibliography of Tunisia, from the earliest times to the end of 1888, map, roy. 8vo, bds., 28 6d 1889 | 21 10 ALCHEMY. Valentinus's (Basil.) The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony, with the commentary of T. Kerckringius, the Latin version of 1685, translated into English, with a biographical preface, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d With J. H. Shorthouse's bookplate. AMERICA.-Cornwallis's (K.) Royalty in the New World, or the Prince of Wales in America, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d New York, 1860 AMERICA.-Stedman's (E. C.) The Prince's Ball a brochure from "Vanity Fair," illustrated by Stephens, post 8vo, cloth, scarce, 78 6d New York, 1860 AMERICA.-A Selection of War Lyrics, with illustrations on wood by F. O. C. Darley, 8vo, cloth, 3s New York, 1964 : 4 2 B. DOBELL, Bookseller, character and incident, 1387-1649, selected by W. E. Henley and C. Whibley, cr. 8vo, buckram, UNCUT, 38 1894 23 AMERICA, &c.-Charteris's (Hon. Francis) | 35 ANTHOLOGY.-A Book of English Prose: Letters and Journal during a Journey in America across the Pacific, Japan, China, and home by Mongolia, in fourteen months, and in Italy, 4to, limp roan, gilt edges, 78 6d Printed for private circulation, N.D. [1870] 24 AMERICA.-Vidocq's (U. S.) The Secrets of Internal Revenue, exposing the whiskey ring, gold ring, &c., edited by F. E. Felton, illustrated, 8vo, calf, binding rubbed, 4s 6d Philadelphia, 1870 25 AMULET (The), or Christian and literary remembrancer, edited by S. C. Hall, plates, 16mo, silk bds., gilt edges, presentation copy to T. Crofton Croker from the Editor, 28 1829 Original contributions by S. T. Coleridge, Horace Smith, Fred. Muller, &c. 1737 1845 1852 26 AMUSEMENS DE SPA (Les), or the gallantries of the Spaw in Germany, 2 vols, 12mo, calf, nice copy, 4s 6d 27 ANDERSEN's (Hans C.) The Improvisatore, or life in Italy, from the Danish, translated by Mary Howitt, 2 vols, 8vo, bds., uncut, autograph of J. H. Shorthouse and bookplate in each vol, 4s 6d 28 ANGELO (Michael), considered as a philosophic poet, with translations by J. E. Taylor, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d 29 ANGLING.-Prime's (W. C.) I go a-fishing, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d 1873 30 ANGLING.—[Dennys's (J.)] The Secrets of Angling, practised and familiarly opened in three books, by J. D., edited by "Piscator," 2 vols, fcap. 8vo, wrappers, 2s 6d 1613, reprinted Edinb., 1885 31 ANGLING.-Badminton Library: Fishing, by H. Cholmondeley-Pennell; Salmon and Trout, Pike and Coarse Fish, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d (pub. £1 1s net) 32 ANNIVERSARY (The), or poetry and prose for 1839, edited by Allan Cunningham, portrait of Sir Walter Scott and plates after Gainsborough, E. Landseer, &c., cr. 8vo, silk, gilt edges, 2s 1889 1839 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Contains pieces by Lord Byron, James Hogg, Barry Cornwall, and others. 33 ANNUALS.-Warne's Christmas Annual: the 5 alls, a collection of stories, edited by Tom Hood, 2 coloured plates and woodcuts, N.D.-Twelfth night, No. 1 of the Chameleon, an Anglo-Indian periodical, edited by Phil Robinson, Allahabad, 1872-The Dublin Annual (contributions by W. C. K. Wilde, Lady Wilde, &c.), illustrated, 1874 -The Coming K- illustrated-Beeton's 49 Annual, scarce [1873]-The Siliad, or the siege of the seats, illustrated [1874]-Jon Duan, by the authors of the Coming Killustrated [1876]-and others, 20 in 1 vol, thk. 4to, half calf, a very curious collection, 108 6d 34 ANTHOLOGY.-Latter-Day Lyrics: being poems of sentiment and reflection by living writers, selected and arranged, with notes, by W. Davenport Adams, cr. 8vo, cloth, two-page A.L.8. from W. D. Adams inserted, 28 1878 50 ANTI-GALLICAN (The), or the history and adventures of Harry Cobham, Esq., front., sm. 8vo, calf, 3s 1757 Dedicated "To the Man whom the World calls Louis XV., who calls himself, Most Christian King, and whom I call most infamous TreatyBreaker, Disgrace to Empire, Foe to Honour, Scourge of France, and the Scorn of England." ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles and Churches now existing, descriptions in English and French, 50 plates by T. Hearne, oblong folio, half calf, 128 1786 ARGYLE's (Archibald, Marquis of) Instructions to a Son, written in 1660 during his confinement, 12mo, calf, 38 Glasgow, R. and A. Foulis, 1762 ARISTOPHANES, The Comedies of, by T. Mitchell, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, autograph signature of J. G. Lockhart on title of Vol 2, 3s 6d ARISTOPHANES'S PLUTUS, recensuit et 1820 annot. F. H. Bothe, interleaved, with many MS. notes (? Shorthouse's), 8vo, half calf, 38 Lipsia, 1828 With J. H. Shorthouse's bookplate. ARISTOTLE (The Politics of), with English notes, by R. Congreve, 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d 1874 ARMS AND ARMOUR (European) in the University of Oxford, catalogued, with introduction and notes, by C. Ffoulkes, plates and cuts, 4to, cloth, as new, 12s (pub. £1 1s net) Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912 ARNOLD's (Matthew) Poems, FIRST SERIES, SECOND EDITION, 1854-Poems, SECOND SERIES, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, 12mo, original cloth, J. H. Shorthouse's autograph and bookplate in each volume, 158 Merope, a tragedy, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, original cloth, with bookplate of J. 1858 H. Shorthouse, 10s 6d 1854 St. Paul and Protestantism, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, autograph and bookplate of J. H. Shorthouse, 5s 1870 Culture and Anarchy, SECOND EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, bookplate of J. H. Shorthouse, 38 1875 ARNOLD's (Matthew) Poems, SECOND EDI TION, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 38 6d ARNOLD (Matthew) Two Essays upon, with some of his letters to the Author, by Arthur Galton, cr. 8vo, bds., uncut, 2s 1897 ART.—Smith's (J.) A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, &c., Part IV. only, portrait of Jan Steen, roy. 8vo, cloth, 38 6d |