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our sins, and rose again for our justifica- | a coach loaded with her trunks, chests, tion, and "ever liveth to make inter- and bandboxes, accompanied by her parcession for us. It shows us how the rot, (its cage being tied up in a large meanest state may be consecrated by silk handkerchief,) her tortoiseshell cat piety, and the humblest talents increased in a bag, and old Cesar, the Newa hundred fold by being laid out for foundland dog. Aunt Leonora was no God. It offers us strength against tempt- friend to domestic animals; aunt Prisation, comfort under trial, and hope for cilla was partial to Cesar, and wished to a dying hour. Other knowledge may be keep him; but as it was not convenient as the fatal tree was to our first parents; to keep so large a dog in town, it was it may puff us up with pride or draw us settled that he should be sent to Caway from duty; divine knowledge will where, old Deborah observed, he would be to us as the tree of life of which, if a be good company for her in the long man eat, he shall live for ever. While, winter evenings. My uncle and aunt therefore, we give to human learning its thought he would be useful as a protector due, let us be careful not to give it more of the premises; for they scarcely liked than Christian men ought. Let us re- Deborah to be in the house alone, almember that the child who loves its Bi- though she assured them she was never ble and clings to its Saviour, and, with a unked, and never timorsome." * patient, thankful, obedient spirit, fills up When dame Deborah, with her live its little round of duties, ranks in God's stock, was seated in the carriage, I reaccount immensely above the man who member thinking she resembled the fronis the world's wonder for his parts and tispiece of Robinson Crusoe. I had some gifts, if he have only the "knowledge" misgivings about poor puss; it seemed 'puffeth up," and wants the to me very cruel so to confine her, and I charity" which "edifieth." apprehended that she would be suffocated Thoughts like these, my friends, need before she reached her journey's end. not check our ardour, or repress our But Deborah assured me that there was honest endeavours to learn all we can; no danger of that kind; and that her but they may serve to sober and chasten being confined in the bag was a necesour minds, and will help us to make a sary precaution, to prevent her seeing wise and pious use of the good gifts of the way. Alas! the precaution was vain, our heavenly Parent. Thus prepared for, notwithstanding all Deborah's exerand fortified, you will not only admire tions to reconcile her to her new abode, the works of God, but will admire God by what she described as "the nicest mess in them and praise Him for them. You of bread and milk, and a bed fit for a will return from other springs of know- Christian to sleep upon," puss most unledge to drink more freely and more gratefully effected her escape, by breakthankfully of the fountain of living wa- ing a pane of glass, and presented herters. You will remind yourselves that if self in the area of the Queen square God in his providence multiplies your house, almost famished. Again and again means of improvement, and helps you to she was conveyed to C, but each make additions to your stock of know- time again effected her escape; and after ledge, it is that your new talent may be her third departure was heard of no more, employed for his glory, and made really except in the lamentations of her misprofitable to yourselves and others. tress, who never lost an opportunity of From the Rev. J. H. Gurney's Lecture setting forth her singular beauties and to the Lutterworth Mechanics' Institute. merits. She, however, consoled herself with the society of old Cesar, whom she accustomed to lie on the rug by the fireside, while she read aloud. Being well fed and very comfortable, Cesar had the good manners to lie very still at his mistress's feet; and sorely was she displeased with any one who should attempt to convince her that her canine auditor was in no wise instructed or edified by her good reading. There is no doubt, that old Deborah was edified by it



AT the time of my aunt Priscilla's marriage, I was between six and seven years of age; old enough to retain a distinct recollection of the bustle and preparation for the wedding; and leavetaking of aunt Leonora. I saw old Deborah take her departure for C-, in

"Solitary, dull." It is an expressive and comprehensive word, though now almost obsolete.

herself. She was one of that numerous | received their forgiveness, aunt Leonora

class, more numerous in the last century than in the present, who

"Just know, and know no more, their Bible true," and by its light are guided in the way of peace; yet whose minds are in many things but a chaos of ignorance and prejudice; and who would be perplexed and irritated, rather than instructed, by an attempt to teach them whether the world is round or square, whether the sun stands or moves, or whether water runs down hill or up. My aunt Priscilla never at tempted to reason Deborah out of her little harmless prejudices; but whatever time and attention she could bestow on her, she laboured to improve, in directing her mind to the simple, the soul-sustaining, and sanctifying truths of the gospel; and she had the happiness to see, that whatever feebleness and inaptitude there might be to the reception of general truths, there was the appetite of a newborn babe, to desire the sincere milk of the word, and grow thereby, 1 Pet. ii. 2.

Many of Deborah's lesser mistakes were never corrected; but she had a clear and saving apprehension of the truth, that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,” 1 Tim. i. 15, and that his blood cleanseth from all sin, 1 John i. 7; and on these truths she lived holily and died happily.

When the street door was closed, after the departure of Deborah and Cesar, and the cat and parrot, I felt an uncomfortable sense of loneliness. I strolled mournfully into Deborah's forsaken parlour, and taking up a Chinese mandarin of papier mâché, which she had given me at parting, perceived, to my no small amusement, that it was so constructed as to nod its head when moved. What a trifle beguiles the sorrows of childhood! While endeavouring to explore the principle of this movement, I almost forgot to weep for the departure of Deborah, or to sigh for the arrival of my uncle and aunt, who were expected to fetch me to Lincoln's Inn fields. But not many minutes were allowed me to pursue my speculations. The bell rang, and I was summoned to my aunt Leonora, in the library.

I believe my aunt had not been very cordial in my being received into the family. She was never particularly fond of children; and I was the child of a sister who had grievously offended, in her eyes almost unpardonably so. When my mother had visited her parents, and

maintained a degree of stiffness and reserve towards her, that did not seem altogether sisterly and of me she had taken very little notice, seldom speaking to me or of me, except occasionally to ask, in a grave magisterial tone, "Is the child at home?" "Is the child gone to bed?" or to remark, "The child makes too much noise.' And yet I think she entertained, both for my mother and myself, much more kindly feelings than her stiff notions of decorum and propriety allowed her to express. She now, I dare say, felt that I was left under her protection, and that it behoved her to take care of

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I replied in the affirmative.

"So!" The remark was uttered in a tone of satisfaction as well as of surprise; "Then lay down that trifling toy, and come and read to me."

I obeyed; and although the volume placed in my hands was so massive, that I could scarcely wield it, and though it contained long words that I could not understand, and laboured trains of thought, that I was utterly incapable of following, I managed to get through a page or two in so creditable a manner as to elicit the commendation—

"You are a very good child indeed: you may leave off now. I shall make you a present before you go.'

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My aunt was as good as her word; she presented me with a large silver cup and cover, which she said had belonged to my great, great grandfather; he who fought with a dragoon in the time of the civil wars, and never was well afterwards.

"Civil wars, civil fighting; what can that mean? what is a dragoon? I suppose it is like the dragon that fought with Christian, in Pilgrim's Progress?" Such were the speculations that passed through my wondering mind, as my aunt detailed the exploits of our ancestor of the silver cup. She proceeded to descant on the folly of a great aunt, who was so devoted to fine needlework, that, with her own hands, she wrought the history of Joshua in tapestry; and so many point ruffles and aprons, that she actually worked herself blind. Perhaps, when my aunt spoke with such contempt of the folly of her relative, it did not occur to her, that she might have read herself blind, without being one bit the wiser: however, the mention of this martyr to notability, was to introduce a further present of a diamond ring, which she had worn on her fore-finger.

Mary, from all of whom I had received kindnesses which I ought not to forget.

The different manner in which my two aunts referred to the intercourse of children with servants, forcibly struck me. I did not then understand that aunt Leonora's system was that of prohibition, aunt Priscilla's that of regulation. Aunt Leonora, in her care to avoid improper familiarity, fell into the opposite extreme of haughtiness and moroseness; though I must express my belief, that they were faults of manner rather than of heart. By the tone and manner in which the servants—yes, even good, trusty, respectable servants-spoke of and to their three young mistresses, I have no doubt that my own dear mother possessed their love and admiration; aunt Leonora excited their fear and homage; aunt Priscilla alone secured their affectionate reverence. A similar difference marked the characters of my two aunts, in almost every particular; that of my dear mother went through the severe discipline of the school of affliction; by which process its sterling excellences were brought out and matured, and its imperfections gradually softened down and rectified. She was one of the many who have reason to say, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted," Psa. cxix. 71.

My aunt moreover presented me with Milton's Paradise Lost, and the volumes of the Spectator, both superbly bound. I am afraid I was not half grateful enough for my aunt's costly presents. I did thank her, and felt pleased, too, that she should speak so kindly to me, and think of making me any present; but I could not appreciate a great silver cup, that appeared to me more fit to wash hands in, than to drink out of; or a ring, full It is one of the pleasures of childhood, large enough to contain two, if not three on entering a new abode, to explore every of my little fingers; or a set of books, far part of it, and give utterance to the vivid above my comprehension. One of New-feelings of admiration, of whatever wears berry's sixpenny story books, then in vogue, with rude pictures and gilt covers, would have pleased me far better. But aunt Leonora did not understand the heart of a child. I thanked her for her presents; but I turned from them, to play with my pretty mandarin. I believe my aunt, in her heart, retracted the commendation she had just expressed, and set me down for an incorrigibly stupid child. But, most opportunely, my aunt Priscilla made her appearance. She expressed all that I ought to have expressed, if I had but understood it, of admiration of the several articles; and engaged that they should be taken care of for me, until I was old enough to know their value.

At parting, aunt Leonora kissed me very affectionately, and said I should come and see her some day when she was at leisure, and read to her again. My aunt Priscilla desired me to go and bid good-bye to William, and Sarah and

the aspect of novelty. For a later period is reserved the more pensive feeling, arising from a disadvantageous comparison of the present with the past. I remember concluding, the very first evening of entering the house in Lincoln's Inn fields, that it was much more pleasant than that in Queen's square. There were not near so many rooms, nor were they so large; but they were much more lively; and what was lacking of old-fashioned grandeur in the furniture, was made up by extreme neatness and completeness. It was really a palace in miniature; every thing so well adapted and arranged for convenience and comfort; it seemed to be just upon the boundary line between elegance and splendour; there was nothing wanting, nothing superfluous. To the present day, that house in Lincoln's Inn fields, just as it was when my aunt Priscilla became mistress of it, is my beau ideal of a good and comfortable residence. It had only one deficiency; and where is

the earthly dwelling, condition, or possession of any kind, that is without its "but?" The "but" of the best of London houses, and of that among the rest, is, that they want the good, capacious outlet, the flourishing garden, the extensive and diversified views, that give such charms to the country. The only outlet to this house was a small yard, paved with flagstones; the only garden a few shrubs in the balcony. I have often speculated about the practicability and desirableness of having these flagstones removed, and converting the square patch into "a very little, tiny garden;" but I lived there long enough to be convinced of the correctness of my aunt's judgment, that the yard could not be spared; and that even if it were dug up, nothing would grow.

Much as I admired the neat, freshpainted rooms, new carpets, floorcloth, venetian shades, and handsome furniture of every description, all of which are as fresh in my mind as though I had seen them only yesterday, I was quite prepared to sympathize with my aunt in the pleasure she expressed, when we made our first visit to C, at once more beholding the woods and hills, and streams, and waving corn fields, and green pastures, enlivened with flocks and herds; or in the more secluded scenes of home, the garden, the orchard, the poultry yard. Rural scenes have ever been very dear to me; and I esteem it no small advantage, to have my first recollections of them associated with such a friend as aunt Priscilla. There are men, ay and women too, who have spent half a century in tilling the land or tending the dairy, in one of the loveliest spots of creation, who yet have no more perception of the beauties of nature than the oxen that draw their ploughs; who can admire nothing, except as it is a source of sordid gain. Nor is this brute indifference to the scenes of nature_confined to the dull unlettered clown. It was "the colossus of literature," Samuel Johnson, who said he admired no flower in the garden except a cauliflower. To enjoy nature, there is something wanting, that neither intellect nor literature can give, any more than a country residence, or country professions. It is a refined and cultivated taste, which may generally be traced back to the direction given to the opening powers of early childhood. This is a branch of

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education too much neglected. Children are naturally observant, but too often they are suffered to waste their vivacity on unworthy objects, for want of having better things pointed out to them; or their inquiries are checked and discouraged by the indolence and apathy of those to whom they are addressed. It seems to me, that a correct and cultivated taste is an indispensable requisite for those intrusted with the care of children. I would not employ a nursemaid who would listlessly drag a child by a tuft of primroses, or a bank of violets, that she might hasten to get a sight of the finery in a shop window, or the passing of a troop of soldiers. The mother or nurse who awakens the infant perceptions to the beauties of creation, opens one of the purest and most permanent sources of gratification; one that will afford solace under many of the ills of life; one that has a tendency to bring into operation the better feelings and dispositions of human nature, and one that is capable of sound and evangelical improvement. Oh that every child had such a companion, such a preceptress as my aunt Priscilla, to teach it to love the lilies of the field, and the birds of the air, and the insects that flutter or that creep; and to direct their thoughts to HIM who clothes and feeds them all, and gives them their several instincts, and crowns the earth with his goodness, and takes pleasure in the happiness of every living thing! Dear, kind instructress, I must, in a great measure, ascribe it to your early culture, that even now, in my waning days, I can still spring upon the violets of the hedge, or the daisy of the meadow, with a pleasure as vivid as that of infancy!

To the poor villagers of C― it was no small matter of rejoicing, that the house, so long the occasional residence of my grand parents, was to remain in the family, that it was become the property of her whose considerate kindness they had so often experienced; and that it was her intention frequently to take up her abode there.

My uncle was partial to the country, and found his occasional visits to it highly beneficial to his health and spirits. But his intervals of leisure were short: or, if sometimes a little prolonged, it was only by means of employing part of the day in the prosecution of some professional business that could be carried

on away from the office. He sometimes retired into the country, not merely to recreate, but, to pursue important business without interruption. He seldom had time to plan improvements, or to give directions for the various operations in house or garden, which times and seasons rendered necessary. All these cares devolved upon my aunt; and she cheerfully and judiciously discharged them; and she had the recompense-a recompense not always awarded, when it has been faithfully earned-of giving full satisfaction to him, for whose sake she undertook the task. I can never forget how she exerted herself to have every thing quite ready for my uncle's arrival; every thing arranged, just as she thought he would like best; and so as to secure him from interruption while engaged, and to promote and prolong to the utmost, his healthful recreations. Nor can I forget the expression of affectionate and grateful pleasure with which he acknowledged her attentions; nor how frequently, when she consulted him as to some little project, he replied, "The heart of her husband may safely trust in her. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.'

In her plans of benevolence my uncle always heartily concurred, and often regretted that it was not in his power to bestow that personal attention on the prosecution of such designs as he gladly would have done. He sometimes smilingly observed, that whatever good was to be done between them, five-sixths would fall to her share. He mentioned a gentleman of his acquaintance, who, contemplating a plan of benevolence, asked three of his friends what they would contribute towards it; and received this laconic, but efficient reply. "T. N. will give advice, T. P. will give money, and J. B. will give personal assistance.' "Now," said my uncle, "when any good work is jointly undertaken by Walter Maurice and Priscilla, his wife, the said Priscilla will have to produce all the wisdom for counsel, and all the energy for action, and half the pecuniary resources for carrying it into effect; at the same time, of her own free good will, admitting the said Walter to as large a share in the pleasure resulting, as he can possibly find time to enjoy.'

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My aunt never admitted the correctness of my uncle's calculations; she placed no low estimate on his sympathy and countenance, which were never withheld.

As the cares of an increasing family pressed upon her, she was not able to devote so much time and personal attention to charitable objects as she had formerly done; but then she had employed her influence, as well as her activity, in labours of love. She had trained her young friends, and the members of her household, to assist her in carrying out her benevolent designs; and she was still, by common consent, looked to as the presiding spirit. My aunt was considerably in advance of the benevolent movements of her day. Combined effort and systematic operation were then in their infancy. She was, perhaps, one of the first practically to admit the axiom, that "union is strength;" and though I do not think she would have gone the whole length of the present day, in the publicity of combined female efforts, (I am quite sure she would not have been induced, for the sake of supposed public claims on her time and attention, to neglect the care of her family and her home, a duty which cannot, without injury, be deputed to others,) yet she did more, by stimulating, directing, and encouraging the efforts of others, than could have been possible for any individual to effect, by means of her own exertions and re


My aunt witnessed the commencement of Sunday schools, and she hailed the benevolent design. She did not live to see that great movement in the system, the adoption of gratuitous teaching; but she collected some poor children, and paid a poor schoolmaster for the use of a room, and for instructing the children; and she personally inspected their progress, rewarded diligence and good conduct, and watched over them as they rose up in life, with an almost parental solicitude. Elizabeth Varney was one of her first scholars, and several others were taken into her own family, or recommended by her to those of her friends.

Bibles and tracts were not, in those days, distributed on any considerable scale; but my aunt made a point of seeing that every individual in her household was furnished with a Bible, and possessed the ability to read it. She also kept an assortment of small popular religious treatises, for lending or giving among her servants and neighbours. Oh, how would her benevolent heart have rejoiced in the abounding facilities of the present day, for the diffusion of useful knowledge in general, especially the

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