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June 8, 1905.

Demonstration of n-Rays by Photographic Methods, M.
Chanoz and M. Perrigot, 287; the Charge of the a Rays
from Polonium, Prof. Thomson, F.R.S., 166; Charge
Carried by the a Rays from Radium, Prof. E. Ruther-
ford, F.R.S., 413; Charge on the a Particles of Polonium
and Radium, Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., 438;
Frederick Soddy, 438; Method of Protecting the Hands
of the Operator from X-Ray Burns, Prof. W. F. Barrett,
F.R.S., 167; Secondary Röntgen Radiation, Dr. Charles
G. Barkla, 440; Glandular Atrophic Action of the
X-Rays, Foveau de Courmelles, 456; Polarised Röntgen
Radiation, Dr. Charles G. Barkla, 477; Note on Radio-
activity, W. Ternent Cooke, 176; Radio-activity of
Natural Waters, Bertram B. Boltwood, 233; Plant Radio-
activity, Paul Becquerel, 263; the Construction of Simple
Electroscopes for Experiments on Radio-activity, Dr.
O. W. Richardson, 274; Photogenic Radio-active Proper-
ties of Calcined Coral placed in a Radiant Vacuum and
submitted to the Influence of the Kathode Rays, Gaston
Séguy, 287; Action of very low Temperatures on the
Phosphorescence of Certain Sulphides, F. P. Le Roux,
287; a New Radio-active Product from Actinium, Dr.
T. Godlewski, 294; Fluorescence, C. Camichel, 311;
Secondary Radiation, Prof. J. A. McClelland, 390; Drift
Produced in Ions by Electromagnetic Disturbances, and
a Theory of Radio-activity, George W. Walker, 406;
Radio-active Muds from the Thermal Springs of Nauheim
and Baden, Messrs. Elster and Geitel, 448; Radio-active
Sediments of Thermal Springs, Prof. G. Vicentini and
Levi de Zara, 448; Radio-active Muds, Prof. G. Vicentini, |
543: Radio-active Water and Mud, H. S. Allen, 543;
Secondary Radiation and Atomic Structure, Prof. J. A.
McClelland, 503; Modern Theory of Physical Phenomena,
Radio-activity, Ions, Electrons, Augusto Righi, 558; New
Radio-active Element which Evolves Thorium Emana-
tion, Dr. O. Hahn, 574

Radium Presence of Radium throughout the Earth's
Volume as Compensating for the Loss of Heat by Con-
duction, C. Liebenow, 113; the Heating Effect of the

Rays from Radium, Prof. E. Rutherford, F.R.S., and
Prof. H. T. Barnes, 151; the Becquerel Rays and the
Properties of Radium, Hon. R. J. Strutt, Dr. O. W.
Richardson, 172; the Origin of Radium, Frederick Soddy,
294; W. C. D. Whetham, F.R.S., 319; a New Mineral
containing Radium, J. Danne, 335: Slow Transformation
Products of Radium, Prof. E. Rutherford, F.R.S., 341;
Action of Radium on the Electric Spark, Dr. R. S.
Willows and J. Peck, 358; Plumbiferous Earths of Issy-
l'Evêque contain Radium, M. Danne, 373; Charge
Carried by the a Rays from Radium, Prof. E. Ruther-
ford, F.R.S., 413; Charge on the a Particles of Polonium
and Radium, Prof. J. J. Thomson, F.R.S., 438;
Frederick Soddy, 438; the Infection of Laboratories by
Radium, A. S. Eve, 460; Radium Explained, Dr. W.
Hampson, 530; the Treatment of Cancer with Radium,
588; see also Radiography

Rádl (Dr. Em.), Untersuchungen über den Phototropismus
der Tiere, 265

Rain Drops, Super-cooled, Edward E. Robinson, 295; Cecil
Carus-Wilson, 320

Rainbow, a Lunar, J. McCrae, 366

Rainfall, on a Relation between Autumnal, and the Yield
of Wheat of the Following Year, Dr. W. N. Shaw,
F.R.S., at Royal Society, 470

Rambaut (Dr.), on a Very Sensitive Method of Determining
the Irregularities of a Pivot, 190

Ramsay (Sir William, K.C.B., F.R.S.), the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry Awarded to, 155

Randall (H. McAllister), Accurate Measurement of Co-
efficients of Expansion, 469

Rappoport (Dr. A. S.), a Primer of Philosophy, 27
Rats, Destruction of, and Disinfection on Shipboard with
Special Reference to Plague, Drs. Haldane and Wade,

[blocks in formation]

Rayleigh (Lord, O.M., F.R.S.), the Nobel Prize for Physics
Awarded to, 155; Compressibility of Gases between One
Atmosphere and Half an Atmosphere of Pressure, 358;
the Dynamical Theory of Gases, 559

Reade (T. Mellard), Study of Sands and Sediments, 161
Reason in Dogs, Arthur J. Hawkes, 54

Rebuffat (Prof. Orazio), Experiments with Radium Salts, 62
Red Spot on Jupiter, the Great, Mr. Denning and Rev.
T. E. Phillips, 211; Stanley Williams, 211
Reflector at Harvard, a New 24-inch, Prof. E. C. Pickering,

Refraction Constant, Value of the Astronomical, L. Cour-
voisier, 592

Refraction Tables, New, Dr. L. de Ball, 234

Règles internationales de la Nomenclature zoologique, 534
Reichsanstalt, die bisherige Tätigkeit der Physikalisch-
technischen, 388

Reichsanstalt, die Tätigkeit der Physikalisch-technischen,
im Jahre 1903, 388

Rein (J. J.), Japan nach Reisen und Studien, 603
Reinach (Dr. Albert von), Death of, 325

Reinach (S.), Recent Archæological Discoveries in Crete,
Proposed Chronology of Cretan Civilisation, 69
Relative Drift of the Hyades Stars, Dr. Downing, F.R.S.,

Religion: Religion und Naturwissenschaft eine Antwort an
Professor Ladenburg, Prof. Arthur Titius, 27: Ideals of
Science and Faith, 52; die orientalische Christenheit der
Mittelmeerlände, Dr. Karl Beth, 53

Renard (Colonel), Death of, 588

Rengade (E.), Cæsium Methylamide, 335
Resemblance, Protective, Mark L. Sykes, 520

Résultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897, 1898, 1899,
sous le Commandemant de A. de Gerlache de Gomery, 337
Retouching, Arthur Whiting, 100

Retouching, Practical, Drinkwater Butt, 317
Reversal of Charge from Electrical Induction Machines,
George W. Walker, 221; R. Langton Cole, 249;
V. Schaffers, 274

Reversal in Influence Machines, Charles E. Benham, 320

Wireless Telegraphy, C. H. Sewall, 1
Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture, Prof. S. Lem-
ström, I

Modern Electric Practice, I

The Theory of the Lead Accumulator, F. Dolezalek, 1
Electric Motors, H. M. Hobart, 1
Notices sur l'Électricité, A. Cornu, I

L'Année Technique (1902-1903), A. Da Cunha, 1
Adolescence, its Psychology and its Relations to Physiology,
Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, G. Stanley
Hall, 3

Notes of an East Coast Naturalist, Arthur H. Patterson, 4
Tables for Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Prof. A. Liver-
sidge, F.R.S., 4

Les Lois naturelles, Félix Le Dantec, 5

Nature Teaching, F. Watts and W. G. Freeman, 5
Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System, Sir
William R. Gowers, F.R.S., 6

Lectures Scientifiques, W. G. Hartog, 6

L'Industrie oléicole (Fabrication de l'Huile d'Olive), J.
Dugast, 6

The Floods of the Spring of 1903 in the Mississippi Water-
shed, H. C. Frankenfeld, 10

The Passaic Flood of 1902 and 1903, Water Supply and
Irrigation Paper, 11

The Pre-Glacial Raised Beach of the South Coast of Ireland,
W. B. Wright and H. B. Muff, Prof. Grenville A. J.
Cole, 17

Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, Annual Report of Pro-
ceedings under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries
Acts, &c., for the Year 1903, Frank Balfour Browne, 18
West Indian Madreporarian Polyps, J. E. Duerden, Prof.
Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 18

Monographieen aus der Geschichte der Chemie, Justus von
Liebig und Friedrich Mohr, 25

Handbuch der Blütenbiologie, Prof. Percy Groom, 26

A Primer of Philosophy, A. S. Rappoport, 27

Religion und Naturwissenschaft, Eine Antwort an Professor
Ladenburg, Arthur Titius, 27

Philosophische Propädeutik auf Naturwissenschaftlicher
Grundlage, August Schulte-Tigges, 27

Der Skeptizismus in der Philosophie, Raoul Richter, 27
Geschichte des Christentums in Japan, Dr. J. Haas, F.
Victor Dickins, 27

Lectures on the Diseases of Children, Robert Hutchinson,

Elementary Manual for the Chemical Laboratory, Louis
Warner Riggs, 28

Die Einheit der Naturkrafte in der Thermodynamik,
Richard Wegner, 29

The Science and Practice of Photography, Chapman Jones,
C. E. Kenneth Mees, 29

Ants and some other Insects, an Inquiry into the Psychic
Powers of these Animals, Dr. August Forel, 29
Annual Report of the Technical Education Board of the
London County Council, 34

Report on the Identification and Nomenclature of Hima-
layan Peaks, Captain H. Wood, Major S. G. Burrard,
F.R.S., 42

Introductory Treatise on Lie's Theory of Finite Continuous
Transformation Groups, John Edward Campbell, 49
The Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and
Varnish, A. H. Sabin, C. Simmonds, 50

Food Inspection and Analysis, Albert E. Leach, C. Sim-
monds, 50

Die Transpiration der Pflanzen, Dr. Alfred Burgerstein, 51
House, Garden, and Field, a Collection of Short Nature
Studies, L. C. Miall, 52

Ideals of Science and Faith, 52

Die orientalische Christenheit der Mittelmeerlände, Dr.
Karl Beth, 53

Tales of Sutton Town and Chase, with other Tales and
some Sketches, 53

The Glamour of the Earth, George A. B. Dewar, 53
Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, 53

Geological Survey of the Transvaal, Report for the Year

[blocks in formation]

Die Gefährdung der Naturdenkmäler und Vorschläge zu
ihre Erhaltung, H. Conwentz, 73

Smoke Prevention and Fuel Economy, Wm. H. Booth and
John B. C. Kershaw, 74

New School Arithmetic, Charles Pendlebury and F. E.
Robinson, 75

New School Examples in Arithmetic, C. Pendlebury and
F. E. Robinson, 75

A School Geometry, H. S. Hall and F. H. Stevens, 75
Theoretical Geometry for Beginners, C. H. Allcock, 75
Elementary Plane Geometry, V. M. Turnbull, 75
Mathematical Problem Papers, Rev. E. M. Radford, 75
Handbuch der Laubholzkunde, Camillo Karl Schneider,
Prof. Percy Groom, 76

The Cancer Problem in a Nutshell, Robert Bell, 76
Photography on Tour, 76

The Story without an End, Sarah Austin, 76

The Whalebone Whales of the Western North Atlantic,
Frederick W. True, 84

Dai Nippon, the Britain of the East, a Study in National
Evolution, Henry Dyer, 97

The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph
Sylvester, 98

An Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social
Measurements, Edward L. Thorndike, 99

Practical Chemistry, a Second Year Course, G. H. Martin,


Retouching, Arthur Whiting, 100

The Countries of the King's Award, Sir Thomas Holdich.
K.C.M.G., 102

The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, J. G. Millais,


Fire and Explosion Risks, Dr. von Schwartz, 122
Mineral Tables-for the Identification of Minerals by their
Physical Properties, Arthur S. Eakle, 123
Die Sinnesorgane der Pflanzen, G. Haberlandt, 123
Electricity in the Service of Man, R. M. Walmsley, 124
The Flora of the Presidency of Bombay, T. Cooke, 124
Quadratic Partitions, Lieut.-Colonel Allan Cunningham, 124
Advanced Hand-camera Work, Walter Kilbey, 124

A Treatise on Applied Anatomy, Edward H. Taylor, Dr. A.
Keith, 145

The Human Sternum, Andrew Melville Paterson, Dr. A.
Keith, 145

Der Gang des Menschen, Otto Fischer, Dr. A. Keith, 145
Earthquakes, Clarence Edward Dutton, 147

Die technische Mechanik, elementares Lehrbuch für mittlere
maschienentechnische Fachschulen und Hilfsbuch für
studierende höherer technischer Lehranstalten, P. Stephan,
Prof. George M. Minchin, 148

Machine Drawing, Alfred P. Hill, 149

An Elementary Class-book of Practical Coal-mining, T. H.
Cockin, 150

Bird Notes from the Nile, Lady William Cecil, 150
The Adventure of Cock Robin and his Mate, R. Kearton, 152
The Sea-fishing Industry of England and Wales, F. G.
Aflalo, 153

Conference Astrophotographique internationale de Juillet,
1900, Prof. H. H. Turner, F.R.S., 154

Report of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories
in the Philippine Islands for the Year ended September 1,
1903, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 162

Mark Anniversary Volume, 169

The Chemical Synthesis of Vital Products and the Inter-
relations between Organic Compounds, Prof. Raphael
Meldola, F.R.S., 170

The Becquerel Rays and the Properties of Radium, the
Hon. R. J. Strutt, Dr. O. W. Richardson, 172
Laboratory Studies for Brewing Students, A. J. Brown, 173
Morphologie und Biologie der Zelle, Dr. Alexander Gur-
witsch, 174

A New Geometry for Senior Forms, S. Barnard and J. M.
Child, 174

Studien über die Albuminoide mit besonderer Berück
sichtigung des Spongin und der Keratine, Dr. Eduard
Strauss, 174

Pages from a Country Diary, P. Somers, 175

A Scheme for the Detection of the more Common Classes
of Carbon Compounds, Frank E. Weston, 175
Photograms of the Year 1904, 175

Birds by Land and Sea, the Record of a Year's Work with
Field Glass and Camera, J. M. Boraston, 179
Memoire sur la Réproduction artificielle du Rubis par
Fusion, A. Verneuil, 180

The Glacial Geology of New Jersey, Rollin D. Salisbury,

Proceedings of the Anatomical and Anthropological Society
of Aberdeen, 186

Proceedings of the First Conference of Engineers of the
Reclamation Service, with accompanying Papers, 187
Hydrographic Manual of the U.S. Geological Survey, 187
On Destructive Floods in the United States in 1903, 187
On the Progress of Stream Measurements for 1903, 187
Underground Waters in Southern Louisiana, 187
Contributions to the Hydrology of the Eastern United
States in 1903, 187

The Underground Waters of Arizona, 187

Water Resources of the Salinas Valley, California, 187
Geology and Water Resources of the Lower James River
Valley, 187

The Natural Features and Economic Development of the
Sandusky, Maumee, Muskingum, and Miami Drainage
Areas in Ohio, 187

Destructive Floods in the United States in 1903, E. C.
Murphy, 187

Report on the Progress of Stream Measurements for the
Calendar Year 1903, J. C. Hayt, 187

Underground Waters of Southern Louisiana, G. D. Harris,

Contributions to the Hydrology of Eastern United States,
M. L. Fuller, 187

The Underground Waters of Gila Valley, Arizona, W. T.
Lee, 187

General Index to Experiment Station Record, 188
Mankind in the Making, H. G. Wells, 193
Anticipations, H. G. Wells, 193

The Food of the Gods, H. G. Wells, 193

A Treatise on the British Fresh-water Algæ, Prof. G. S.
West, 194

A Monograph of the British Desmidiaceæ, W. West and
Prof. G. S. West, 194

Leçons sur la Propagation des Ondes et les Équations de
l'Hydrodynamique, Jacques Hadamard, 196

June 8, 1905

[blocks in formation]

A Fauna of the North-west Highlands and Skye, J. A.
Harvie Brown and H. A. MacPherson, 202
Wanderings in the Great Forests of Borneo, Travels and
Researches of a Naturalist in Sarawak, O. Beccari, 203
An Elementary Treatise on Graphs, George A. Gibson,
Prof. George Minchin, F.R.S., 211

The Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the
West Indies, D. G. Elliot, 212

Die Bilderzeugung in optischen Instrumenten, vom Stand-
punkte der geometrischen Optik, Prof. G. H. Bryan,
F.R.S., 217

Grundzüge der Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach
Abbe, Dr. Siegfried Czapski, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S.,


Fecundation in Plants, David M. Mottier, 218
Contributions to the Knowledge of the Life-history of
Pinus, with Special Reference to Sporogenesis, the
Development of the Gametophytes, and Fertilisation,
Margaret C. Ferguson, 218

Het Natuurkundig Laboratorium der Ryks-Universiteit te
Leiden in de Jaren 1882-1904, 218

Manual of the Chemical Analysis of Rocks, H. S. Wash-
ington, 219

Application of some General Reactions to Investigations in
Organic Chemistry, Dr. Lassar-Cohn, 220

A Further Course of Practical Science, J. H. Leonard and
W. H. Salmon, 220

Die Drahtlose Telegraphie, Dr. Gustav Eichhorn, 220
Notes on the Natural History of the Bell Rock, J. M.
Campbell, 221

The British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1905, 221
Records of the Reign of Tukulti-Ninib I., King of Assyria
about B.C. 1275, L. W. King, F.S.A., 222

The Native Tribes of South-east Australia, A. W. Howitt,
A. Ernest Crawley, 225

Supplement Containing the Report of the Medical Officer
for 1902-3, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 237

A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century,
John Theodore Merz, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 241
Variation in Animals and Plants, H. M. Vernon, 243
The Mathematical Theory of Eclipses, according to Chau-
venet's Transformation of Bessel's Method, Roberdeau
Buchanan, 244

Flora of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight, Frederick
Townsend, 245

Small Destructors for Institutional and Trade Waste, W.
Francis Goodrich, 246

La Statique chimique basée sur les deux Principes fonda-
mentaux de la Thermodynamique, E. Ariès, 247

Die heterogenen Gleichgewichte vom Standpunkte der
Phasenlehre, H. W. Bakhuis Roozeboom, 247

The Timbers of Commerce and their Identification, H.
Stone, 247

Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft for
1904. 247

The Optical Dictionary, 248

Practical Professional Photography, C. H. Hewitt, 248
Solutions of the Exercises in Godfrey and Siddons's Elemen-
tary Geometry, E. A. Price, 248

The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, R. Campbell
Thompson, 249

Über das Studium der Sprach Kurven, E. W. Scripture,
Prof. John G. McKendrick, F.R.S., 250

The Geology of Spiti, with Parts of Bashahr and Rupshu,
H. H. Hayden, 251

Geographical Distributions of the Vegetation of the Basins
of the Rivers Eden, Tees, Wear, and Tyne, Francis J.
Lewis, 257

Report of the Commission appointed by Mr. Clifford
Sifton, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, to

Investigate the Different Electrothermic Processes for
the Smelting of Iron Ores and the Making of Steel in
Europe, Prof. J. O. Arnold, 258

Report of the Meteorological Council upon an Inquiry into
the Occurrence and Distribution of Fogs in the London
Area during the Winters of 1901-2 and 1902-3, with
Reference to Forecasts of the Incidence and Duration of
Fogs in Special Localities, to which is Appended the
Report by R. G. K. Lempfert on the Observations of
the Winter 1902-3, 295

Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Men-
schen, Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte, Ernst Haeckel,
Morphologische Studien, als Beitrag zur Methodologie
zoologischer Probleme, Tad. Garbowski, 265
Untersuchungen über den Phototropismus der Tiere, Dr.
Em. Rádl, 265

Graber's Leitfaden der Zoologie für höhere Lehranstalten,

Geology, Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury,


India, Colonel Sir Thomas Holdich, K.C.M.G., C.B., 268
Light Energy, its Physics, Physiological Action, and
Therapeutics, Margaret A. Cleaves, Dr. Reginald
Morton, 269

Inks, their Composition and Manufacture, C. Ainsworth
Mitchell and T. C. Hepworth, C. Simmonds, 269
Naturbegriffe und Natururteile, Hans Driesch, 270
Higher Text-book of Magnetism and Electricity, R.
Wallace Stewart, 270

Life and Energy-Four Addresses, Walter Hibbert, 271
Glossary of Geographical and Topographical Terms,
Alexander Knox, 271

Blackie's Handy Book of Logarithms, 271

Vier- und fünfstellige Logarithmentafeln, 271
Second Report on Economic Zoology, British Museum
(Natural History), Fred V. Theobald, 272

Les Heliozoaires d'Eau Douce, E. Penard, 289.
Trees, Prof. H. Marshall Ward, 290

The Recent Development of Physical Science, W. C. D.
Whetham, 291

Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores, H. Forbes Julian and
Edgar Smart, 292

Fireside Astronomy, D. W. Horner, 292

Observations océanographiques et météorologiques dans la
Région du Courant de Guinée (1855-1900), 293
Opere matematiche di Francesco Brioschi, 293
Opere matematiche di Eugenio Beltrami, 293
The Science Year Book for 1905, 293

Records of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine,

Destructive Floods in the United States in 1903, E. C.
Murphy, 308

The Wonders of Life, a Popular Study of Biological Philo-
sophy, Ernst Haeckel, 313

The Culture of Fruit Trees in Pots, Josh Brace, 314
Stanford's Geological Atlas of Great Britain (Based on
Reynolds's Geological Atlas), Horace B. Woodward,
F.R.S., 315

The Preparation of the Child for Science, M. E. Boole,

Special Method in Elementary Science for the Common
School, Charles A. McMurry, 316

The Basic Law of Vocal Utterance, Emil Sutro, 317
Duality of Voice and Speech, Emil Sutro, 317
Duality of Thought and Language, Emil Sutro, 317
A Select Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492-1902, H. C.
Bolton, 317

Hints on Collecting and Preserving Plants, S. Guiton, 317
Practical Retouching, Drinkwater Butt, 317
Stories from Natural History, Richard Wagner, 317
The Cultivation and Preparation of Para Rubber, W. H.
Johnson, C. Simmonds, 321

Remains of the Prehistoric Age in England, Bertram C. A.
Windle, F.R.S., 322

American Hydroids, Sertularida, C. C. Nutting, 331
Résultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897, 1898, 1899,
sous le Commandemant de A. de Gerlache de Gomery,

Trattato di Chimica Inorganica Generale e Applicato
all'Industria, Dr. E. Molinari, 339

Grundzüge der Kristallographie, Prof. C. M. Viola, Harold
Hilton, 340

The Arris and Gale Lectures on the Neurology of Vision,
J. Herbert Parsons, 340

The Twentieth Century Atlas of Microscopical Petrography,
Abbildungen der in Deutschland und den angrenzenden
Gebieten vorkommenden Grundformen der Orchideen-
arten, Dr. F. Kränzlin, 341

Intensification and Reduction, Henry W. Bennett, 341
Annals of Coal Mining and the Coal Trade, R. L. Gallo-
way, Bennett H. Brough, 361

Billiards Mathematically Treated, G. W. Hemming, S. H.
Burbury, F.R.S., 362

Morphologie und Biologie der Algen, Dr. Friedrich Olt-
manns, George Murray, F.R.S., 362

Game, Shore, and Water Birds of India, with Additional
References to their Allied Species in other Parts of the
World, Colonel A. Le Messurier, 363

The Species of Dalbergia of South-eastern Asia, Dr. D.
Prain, 363

The Process Year Book, Penrose's Pictorial Annual, 364
The Natural History of Animals, the Animal Life of the
World in its Various Aspects and Relations, J. R. A.
Davis, 369

Social England, 385

An Introductory History of England, C. R. L. Fletcher,

Studies on Anglo-Saxon Institutions, H. M. Chadwick,

Materialien der Stereochemie, C. A. Bischoff, 386

The Imperial Guide to India, including Kashmir, Burma,
and Ceylon, 387

Bacteriology and the Public Health, Dr. George Newman,
Dr. A. C. Houston, 388

Die Bisherige Tätigkeit
Reichsanstalt, 388



Die Tätigkeit der Physikalisch-technischen Reichsanstalt
im Jahre 1903, 388

The Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Wilhelm Ostwald,

Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster
Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, W. A. Herdman, F.R.S.,

Zur Theorie der Extinktion des Lichtes in der Erdatmo-
sphäre, Dr. A. Bemporod, 402

Elements of Electromagnetic Theory, S. J. Barnett,
G. F. C. Searle, 409

Astronomical Discovery, Herbert Hall Turner, 410
Zoological Results Based on Material from New Britain,
New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and Elsewhere, collected
during the Years 1895, 1896, and 1897 by Arthur Willey,


Flora of the County Dublin, Nathaniel Colgan, 412
Exercises in Practical Physiological Chemistry, Sydney W.
Cole, 412

Practical Exercises in Chemical Physiology and Histology,
H. B. Lacey and C. A. Pannett, 412

Laboratory Notes on Practical Metallurgy, being a Gradu-
ated Series of Exercises, Walter Macfarlane, 413
Le Liège, ses Produits et ses Sous-produits, M. Martignat,

The Country Day by Day, E. K. Robinson, 418
Morphology and Anthropology, a Handbook for Students,
W. L. H. Duckworth, 433

Studies from the Anthropological Laboratory, the Anatomy
School, Cambridge, W. L. H. Duckworth, 433
Die Schule der Chemie, W. Ostwald, 435

Praktikum für morphologische und systematische Botanik,
Dr. Karl Schumann, 436

Lawn Tennis, J. Parmly Paret, 436

Great Lawn Tennis Players, their Methods Illustrated,
George W. Beldam and P. A. Vaile, 436

New Streets, Laying Out and Making up, A. Tayler Allen,

A Popular Guide to the Heavens, Sir Robert S. Ball,
F.R.S., 437

Denkmäler mittelalterlicher Meteorologie, 438
The Birds of Calcutta, F. Finn, 438

Toning Bromide Prints, E. R. Blake Smith, 438
Laboratoire Scientifique International du Monte Rosa,

Travaux de l'Année 1903, A. Mosso, Sir M. Foster,
K.C.B., F.R.S., 443

Zinc and Lead Deposits of Northern Arkansas, G. I.
Adams, 450

The Copper Deposits of the Encampment
Wyoming, A. C. Spencer, 450

Economic Resources of the Northern Black Hills, J. D.
Irving, 450

A Geological Reconnaissance Across the Bitterroot Range
and Clearwater Mountains in Montana and Idaho, W.
Lindgren, 450

An Introduction to the Theory of Optics, Prof. A. Schuster,
F.R.S., 457

Manual of Chemical Analysis, E. Prost, 458
Techno-chemical Analysis, Dr. G. Lunge, 458

The Zoological Record, Volume the Fortieth, Relating
Chiefly to the Year 1903, 459

A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera, W. F. Kirby, 459
Percentage Tables for Elementary Analysis, Leo F. Gutt-
mann, 460

How to Photograph with Roll and Cut Films, John A.
Hodges, 460

The Telescope, Thomas Nolan, 460
Archæological Researches in Costa Rica, C. V. Hartman,
Colonel George Earl Church, 461

Die Kalahari, Dr. Siegfried Passarge, 481
Photography for the Sportsman

Brownell, 483

Naturalist, L. W.

Popular Star Maps, Comte de Miremont, 484

The History of the Collections Contained in the Natural
History Departments of the British Museum, 485
Scientific Fact and Metaphysical Reality, Robert Brandon
Arnold, 485

Index of Spectra (Appendix O.), W. Marshall Watts, 486
La Matière, l'Éther et les Forces physiques, Lucien
Mottez, 486

The Uses and Wonders of Plant-hairs, Kate E. Styan, 486
On an Ossiferous Cave of Pleistocene Age at Hoe Grange
Quarry, Longcliffe, near Brassington (Derbyshire),
H. H. Arnold Bemrose and E. T. Newton, F.R.S., 488
Tales from Old Fiji, Lorimer Fison, 490

Reports of the Trypanosomiasis Expedition to the Congo,
1903-1904, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Prof.
R. T. Hewlett, 498

The Thompson-Yates and Johnston Laboratories Report,
Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 498

Philosophy as Scientia Scientiarum and a History of
Classifications of the Sciences, Robert Flint, 505
Elementary Pure Geometry, with Mensuration, E. Buddon,

Lessons in Experimental and Practical Geometry, H. S.
Hall and F. H. Stevens, 507

The Elements of Geometry, Theoretical and Practical, B.
Arnett, 507

The Elements of Trigonometry, S. L. Loney, 507
Elementary Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 507
Clive's Shilling Arithmetic, 507

Graphic Statics, T. Alexander and A. W. Thompson, 507
Zur Bildung der ozeanischen Salzablagerungen, J. H.
van 't Hoff, 508

An Outline of the Theory of Organic Evolution, with a
Description of some of the Phenomena which it Explains,
Dr. Maynard M. Metcalf, 509

Précis de Chimie physiologique, Prof. Allyre Chassevant,

Unsere Pflanzen, F. Söhns, 510

Children's Wild Flowers, Mrs. J. M. Maxwell, 510
Superstitions about Animals, Frank Gibson, 510

City Development, a Study of Parks, Gardens, and Culture
Institutes, P. Geddes, 511

Peeps into Nature's Ways, being Chapters on Insect,
Plant, and Minute Life, J. J. Ward, 512

Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie, Wilhelm
Wundt, 529

Principles of Physiological Psychology, Wilhelm Wundt,

[blocks in formation]

June 8, 1905.

[blocks in formation]

A Primer of Physiology, Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S.,
Prof. B. Moore, 556

Elementary Practical Physiology, John Thornton, Prof. B.
Moore, 556

Terrestrial Magnetism and its Causes, F. A. Black, 557
Mechanical Appliances, Mechanical Movements and Novel-
ties of Construction, Gardner D. Hiscox, 557
Modern Theory of Physical Phenomena, Radio-activity,
Ions, Electrons, Augusto Righi, 558

The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 558
Mediæval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus, Robert Steele,

Ergebnisse und Probleme der Zeugungs- und Vererbungs-
lehre, Prof. Oscar Hertwig, 559

Antarctica, or Two Years amongst the Ice of the South
Pole, Dr. N. Otto G. Nordenskjöld and Dr. Joh. Gunnar
Andersson, 560

Landscape in History and Other Essays, Sir Archibald
Geikie, F.R.S., 577

A Magnetic Survey of Japan reduced to the Epoch 1895.0
and the Sea Level, A. Tanakadate, Prof. Arthur Schuster,
F.R.S., 578

The Spinning and Twisting of Long Vegetable Fibres
(Flax, Hemp, Jute, Tow, and Ramie), Herbert R. Carter,
Prof. Aldred F. Barker, 579

English Estate Forestry, A. C. Forbes, 580

Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogamarum, W. T.
Thiselton-Dyer, 581

Birds I have Known, Arthur H. Beavan, 581

The Elements of Chemistry, M. M. Pattison Muir, 582
Richard Jefferies, his Life and Ideals, H. S. Salt, 582
Lhasa, an Account of the Country and People of Central
Tibet, Perceval Landon, 585

The Algebra of Invariants, J. H. Grace and A. Young,
Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 601

The Dynamical Theory of Gases, J. H. Jeans, Prof. G. H.
Bryan, F.R.S., 601

A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and
Rigid Bodies, E. T. Whittaker, Prof. G. H. Bryan,
F.R.S., 601

Japan nach Reisen und Studien, J. J. Rein, Dr. Henry
Dver, 603

The Agricultural Changes required by these Times and Lay-
ing Down Land to Grass, R. H. Elliot, 604
Sociological Papers Published for the Sociological Society,

First Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories at
the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum,

Balfour, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 606

Till the Sun Grows Cold, Maurice Grindon, 606


A Short Introduction to the Theory of Electrolytic Dis-
sociation, J. C. Gregory, 606

Neolithic Dew-ponds and Cattle-ways, A. J. Hubbard and
G. Hubbard, 611

Reynolds's Geological Atlas, Stanford's Geological Atlas of
Great Britain based on, Horace B. Woodward, F.R.S.,

Rhodin (J. G. A.), Mass Analysis of Muntz's Metal by
Electrolysis and the Electric Properties of this Alloy, 381
Rhumbler (Prof. Dr.), Zellenmechanik und Zellenleben,


Ricco (Prof.), Gravitational Anomalies detected under
Mount Etna, 20

Richardson (Hugh). Attractions of Teneriffe, 415
Richardson (Dr. O. W.). the Becquerel Rays and the
Properties of Radium, Hon. R. J. Strutt, 172; the Con-
struction of Simple Electroscopes for Experiments on
Radio-activity, 274

Richter (Raoul), der Skeptizismus in der Philosophie, 27
Ridewood (Dr. W. G.), Cranial Osteology of the Fishes of
the Families Osteoglossidæ, Pantodontidæ, and Phracto-
læmidæ, 381

Riggs (E. S.), the Opisthocælian Dinosaurs, 515
Riggs (Dr. Louis Warner), Elementary Manual for the
Chemical Laboratory, 28

Righi (Augusto), Modern Theory of Physical Phenomena,
Radio-activity, Ions, Electrons, 558

Rindell (Prof. Arthur), Obituary Notice of Prof. Karl
Selim Lemström, 129

Risks, Fire and Explosion, Dr. von Schwartz, 122
Roaf (H. E.), Physical Chemistry of Anæsthesia, 499;
Absence or Marked Diminution of Free Hydrochloric
Acid in the Gastric Contents in Malignant Disease of
Organs other than the Stomach, 596

Roberts (D. J.), Esterification Constants of Substituted
Acrylic Acids, 550

Robinson (Edward E.), Super-cooled Rain Drops, 295
Robinson (E. K.), the Country Day by Day, 418

Robinson (F. E.), New School Arithmetic, 75; New School
Examples in Arithmetic, 75

Robson (Mayo), the Treatment of Cancer, 130

Rock-carvings: North African Petroglyphs, E. F. Gautier,

Rocks, Manual of the Chemical Analysis of, H. S. Wash-
ington, 219

Rogers (A. W.), the Glacial Conglomerate in the Table
Mountain Series near Clanwilliam, 168

Rogers (Dr. L.), Fevers in the Dinajpur District, 336
Ròiti (Prof. A.), Obituary Notice of Prof. Emilio Villari,

Rolfs (P. H.), Citrus Parasitic Fungus Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides, 542

Romanes (George), a Possible Explanation of the Form-
ation of the Moon, 143; Origin of Lunar Formation, 256
Röntgen Radiation, Secondary, Dr. Charles G. Barkla, 440
Röntgen Rays, Action on Plants of, and Radium Rays,
Dr. M. Koernicke, 373; see also Radiography
Roozeboom (H. W. Bakhuis), die heterogenen Gleich-
gewichte vom Standpunkte der Phasenlehre, 247

Rose (Dr. T. K.), Certain Properties of the Alloys of
Silver and Cadmium, 164

Rosenberg (H.), Real Path of a Bright Meteor, 569
Rosenhain (Walter), Further Observations on Slip-bands,
Novel Method of Investigating the Micro-structure of
Metals, 500

Rosenthal (Josef), Improvements in Mercury Air-pumps of
Sprengel Type, 233

Ross (Major Ronald, C.B., F.R.S.), Verb Functions or
Explicit Operations, 431; Mosquitoes and Malaria, 590
Rotation, Apparatus for Measuring the Velocity of the
Earth's, Prof. A. Föppl, 39

Rotch (A. L.), Present Problems of Meteorology, 423
Rotch (Dr. A. Lawrence), Inversions of Temperature and
Humidity in Anticyclones, 510

Roth (Dr. Walter E.), North Queensland Ethnography, the
Manufacture of Stone Implements, 68

Rotifera, New Family and Twelve New Species of, of the
Order Bdelloida, J. Murray, 383

Rowan (F. J.), Smoke Problem, 210

Royal Agricultural Society, the Journal of the, 558
Royal Astronomical Society, 118, 190, 311, 502, 622
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, the, 159

Royal College of Surgeons, Hunterian Oration at, John
Hunter and his Influence on Scientific Progress, John
Tweedy, 403

Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, the, 324
Royal Dublin Society, 167, 334, 503, 623
Royal Geographical Society, Geographical Results of the
Tibet Mission, Sir Frank Younghusband, 377
Royal Horticultural Society, the, 571

Royal Institution, Blood Pressures in Man, Prof. T.
Clifford Allbutt at the, 375; Fungi, Prof. H. Marshall
Ward, F.R.S., 496

Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 71, 431, 503
Royal Lombardy Institution, Prize Awards of, 446
Royal Meteorological Society, 119, 216, 334, 430, 503, 622
Royal Microscopical Society, 47, 142, 262, 358, 455, 550
Royal Sanitary Institute, London Conference on School
Hygiene, Sir Arthur Rücker, 377

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