Page images

Royal Society, 46, 94, 141, 164, 189, 238, 261, 333, 357,
379, 406, 429, 454, 475, 500, 548, 573, 596, 621; Medal
Awards, 35, 105; Anniversary Meeting of the Royal
Society, 105; Samuel Pepys and the Royal Society, Sir
Arch. Geikie, F.R.S., 415; on a Relation between
Autumnal Rainfall and the Yield of Wheat of the Follow-
ing Year, Dr. W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., 470; Bakerian
Lecture at Royal Society, the Reception and Utilisation
of Energy by a Green Leaf, Dr. Horace T. Brown,
F.R.S., 522

Royal Society, Edinburgh, 263, 382, 431, 623; Prize
Awards, 285

Royal Society, New South Wales, 72, 168, 335, 384
Royds (C. W. R.), Meteorological Conditions of the
Antarctic Discovery Expedition, 568

Rozet (Cl.), Secondary Shadow on the Rings of Saturn,
359; Secondary Shadow on Saturn's Rings, 401
Rubber, the Cultivation and Preparation of Para, W. H.
Johnson, 321, 352; C. Simmonds, 321
Rubies Memoire sur la Réproduction artificielle du Rubis
par Fusion, A. Verneuil, 180
Rücker (Sir Arthur), London

Hygiene, 377

Conference on School

Rudaux (M. L.), the Pic du Midi Observatory, 354
Rudzki (M. P.), Propagation of Earthquake Waves, 534
Russian Geographical Society Medal Awards, 231
Rutherford (Prof. E., F.R.S.), the Heating Effect of the
y Rays from Radium, 151; Slow Transformation Pro-
ducts of Radium, 341; Charge Carried by the a Rays
from Radium, 413

Ryan (J.), a Bright Meteor, 329

Sabat (Bronislas), Action of Radium Bromide on the
Electrical Resistance of Metals, 479
Sabatier (Paul), the Three Methylcyclohexanones and the
corresponding Methyl-cyclohexanols, 383: Catalytic Power
of Reduced Nickel, 423; Reduction of Nitriles to Amines,
423; Monochloro-derivatives of Methylcyclohexane, 551
Sabin (A. H.), the Industrial and Artistic Technology of
Paint and Varnish, 50

St. Bernard, Across the Great, the Modes of Nature and
the Manners of Men, A. R. Sennett, 197
St. Javelle (M.), Tempel's Comet (1904 c), 185
St. Louis International Exhibition List of Awards, 36; the
International Electrical Congress at
St. Louis, 41;
German Educational Exhibits at St. Louis, 513
St. Margaret's Bay, Dover, Landslip on January 10 at,
253, 279

Salet (M.), Application of the Iris Diaphragm in As-
tronomy, 455; the Iris Diaphragm in Astronomy, 545
Salisbury (Rollin D.), the Glacial Geology of New Jersey,
186; Geology, 267



Salmon (E. S.), Plants and Spore-infection, 157;
Forms" of Erysiphe graminis, 468; Endophytic Adapta-
tion shown by Erysiphe graminis, DC., under Cultural
Conditions, 598

Salmon (W. H.), a Further Course of Practical Science, 220
Salmon Fisheries of England and Wales, the, Messrs.
Archer and Fryer and Dr. Masterman, Frank Balfour
Browne, 18

Salomonsen (M.), Effect of the Radium Emanations on
certain Protozoa and on the Blood, 279

Salt (H. S.), Richard Jefferies, his Life and Ideals, 582
Salt-beds and Oceans, 508

Salts and their Reactions, Dr. L. Dobbie and H. Marshall,


Salzablagerung, zur Bildung der ozeanischen, J. H. van 't
Hoff, 508

Sand (Dr. Henry J. S.), the Rôle of Diffusion during Cata-
lysis by Colloidal Metals, 333

Sanitary Engineering. Small Destructors for Institutional
and Trade Waste, W. Francis Goodrich, 246
Sankey (Captain Riall), Chrome-vanadium Steels, 305
Santos-Dumont (A.), the Future of Air-ships, 447
Sarasin (Ed.), the Genesis of Temporary Radio-activity, 143
Sarawak, Travels and Researches of a Naturalist in,
Wanderings in the Great Forests of Borneo, O. Beccari,

Sars (Prof. G. (.), a Small Crustacean (Paracartia grani)
discovered in the Oyster-beds of Norway, 61

Satellite to Jupiter, Discovery of a Sixth, Prof. Perrine,
256, 329

Satellite of Jupiter, the Reported Sixth, Prof. Wolf, 306
Satellite, Visual Observations of Jupiter's Sixth, Mr.
Hammond, 569

Satellites I. and II., Rotation of Jupiter's, Dr. P. Guth-
nick, 469

Satellites, Recently Observed, Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S.,
295; Prof. William H. Pickering, 390

Saturn's Rings, Secondary Shadow on, M. Amann and
Cl. Rozet, 359, 401

Saturn's Satellites, Observations of, Prof. Hussey, 449;
see also Astronomy

Saunders (F. A.), Arc Spectra of the Alkali Metals, 133
Sauvage (R.), Action of the Chlorides of Phosphorus on
the Organomagnesium Compounds of the Aromatic Series,
Schaffers (V.), Reversal of Charge from Electrical Induction
Machines, 274

Schering (Forstmeister), Death of, 36
Schleussner's (Dr.) Dry Plates, 88

Schmidlin (Jules), the Tetraoxycyclohexane-rosanilines, 47;
Action of Low Temperatures on Colouring Matters, 71
Schneider (Camillo Karl), Handbuch der Laubholzkunde, 76
Schofield (J.), Method of Illustrating the Laws of the
Simple Pendulum, 455

School Arithmetic, New, Charles Pendlebury and F. E.
Robinson, 75

School Geometry, a, H. S. Hall and F. H. Stevens, 75
School Hygiene, London Conference on, Sir Arthur Rücker,
Schulte-Tigges (August), Philosophische Propädeutik auf
Naturwissenschaftlicher Grundlage, 27

Schulten (A. de), Fiedlerite, 359

Schumann (Dr. Karl), Praktikum für morphologische und
systematische Botanik, 436

Schuster (Prof. Arthur, F.R.S.), Magnetic Storms and As-
sociated Sun-spots, 311; an Introduction to the Theory of
Optics, 457; a Magnetic Survey of Japan reduced to
the Epoch 1895.0 and the Sea Level, A. Tanakadate,

Schwartz (Dr. von), Fire and Explosion Risks, 122
Schwarz (E. H. L.), the Rocks of Tristan d'Acunha, 168
Science Lectures scientifiques, W. G. Hartog, 6; Ideals
of Science and Faith, 52; the Museums' Journal, 57;
Science and the State, Sir William Abney, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., at the Society of Arts, 90; Scientific Research in
the Philippine Islands, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 162; a
Further Course of Practical Science, J. H. Leonard and
W. H. Salmon, 220; Scientific Reports of the Local
Government Board, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 237; a History
of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century, John
Theodore Merz, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 241;
Scientific Exploration of Lake Tanganyika, 277: Con-
ference of Public School Science Masters, Wilfred Mark
Webb, 284; the Recent Development of Physical Science,
W. C. D. Whetham, F.R.S., 291; the Science Year Book
for 1905, 293; the Preparation of the Child for Science,
M. E. Boole, 316: Special Method in Elementary Science
for the Common School, Charles A. McMurry, 316; Dates
of Publication of Scientific Books, R. P. Paraivpye, 320;
Henry Frowde, 365; B. Hobson, 440; John Hunter and
his Influence on Scientific Progress, Hunterian Oration
at Royal College of Surgeons, John Tweedy, 403: Scien-
tific Fact and Metaphysical Reality, Robert Brandon
Arnold, 485; Forthcoming Books of Science, 473; Philo-
sophy as Scientia Scientiarum, and a History of
Classifications of the Sciences, Robert Flint, 505; the
Future of Science in England, R. B. Haldane, 589
Scientific Centres, vi., the Physical Laboratory at the
Museum d'Histoire naturelle, Prof. Henri Becquerel,
John Butler Burke, 177

Scientific Centres, Some, vii., the Physiological Research
Laboratory of the University of London, Dr. Augustus
D. Waller, F.R.S., 441

Scorpio, Variable Stars and Nebulous Areas in, Miss H. S.
Leavitt, 282

Scorpion, the Legendary Suicide of the, Prof. Edward B.
Poulton, F.R.S., 534

Scotland: the People of the North-east of Scotland, 186;
the Fisheries of Scotland, Frank Balfour Browne, 213

June 8, 1905

Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, J. H. Harvey Pirie
and R. N. Rudmose Brown, 425

Scott (Dr. Dukinfield H., F.R.S.), on the Reconstruction of
a Fossil Plant Lyginodendron Oldhamium, 47; Fossil
Plants from the Paleozoic Rocks, v., New Sphenophyll-
aceous Cone from the Lower Coal-measures, 164;
Lepidocarpon and the Gymnosperms, 201; the Early
History of Seed-bearing Plants as recorded in the Car-
boniferous Flora, Wilde Lecture at Manchester Literary
and Philosophical Society, 426

Scott (Dr. J.), Influence of Cobra-Venom on the Proteid
Metabolism, 621

Scott (Captain R. F.), the National Antarctic Expedition,
41; Geographical Results of the National Antarctic Ex-
pedition, 421

Scripture (E. W.), Über das Studium der Sprach Kurven,


Sea-fishing Industry of England and Wales, the, F. G.
Aflalo, 153

Sea-perch, a Large Indian, Major A. Alcock, F.R.S., 415
Searle (G. F. C.), Elements of Electromagnetic Theory,
S. J. Barnett, 409

Seaton (A. E.), Need of Testing Materials to be subjected
to Rapidly Repeated or to Alternating Loads otherwise
than by Determining the Tensile Strength and Elastic
Limit, 184

Secondary Radiation, Prof. J. A. McClelland, 390

See (Dr. T. J. J.), Observations of Occultations by Planets,
185; Physical Conditions of the Planets, 424; the Physical
Cause of the Earth's Rigidity, 559

Seed Plants, Palæozoic, E. A. N. Arber, 68

Séguy (Gaston), Photogenic Radio-active Properties of Cal-
cined Coral placed in a Radiant Vacuum and submitted
to the influence of the Kathode Rays, 287
Seismology: Seismological Notes, 19, 308, 620; Application
of Earthquake Observations to the Investigation of the
Constitution of the Interior of the Earth, Prof. Láska,
19; Gravitational Anomalies detected under Mount Etna,
Prof. Ricco, 20; Nature of Wave Motion in Third Phase
of Record of Distant Earthquake, Prof. Grablovitz, 20;
Work done by Great Earthquakes, Dr. R. von Köves-
ligethy, 20; Variations of Sea Level on the East Coast
of Japan, Prof. Omori, 20; Present Condition of Kilauea,
Dr. Otto Kuntze, 20; Modulus of Elasticity of Rocks,
S. Kusakabe, 20; Level of Maximum Rate of Propaga-
tion, Prof. Imamura, 20; Distribution of Submarine
Earthquakes, Wilhelm Krebs, 21; Measurements of the
Velocity of Propagation of Earthquakes, G. Lippmann,
95; the Inscription of Seismic Movements, G. Lippmann,
95; Earthquakes, Clarence Edward Dutton, 147;
Seismology in Japan, Baron Dairoku Kikuchi, 224; the
Earthquake in Transbaikalia on September 28, 231; the
Leicester Earthquakes of August 4, 1893, and June 21,
1904, Dr. C. Davison, 262; the Derby Earthquakes of
July 3, 1904, Dr. C. Davison, 262; Twin-earthquakes,
Dr. C. Davison, 262; Device for Overcoming the Ten-
dency to Adherence in the Electric Contacts of Delicate
Seismoscopes, Prof Alippi, 309; Mist-poeffers, Prof.
Alippi, 309; Relation between the Variations in Lati-
tude at Tokio and the Occurrence of Earthquakes in
Japan, Prof. Omori, 309; a Study of Recent Earth-
quakes, Charles Davison, 532; Propagation of Earth-
quake Waves, M. P. Rudzki, 534; Propagation of
Earthquake Waves, Rev. O. Fisher, 583; the Indian
Earthquake of April 4, 563; Detailed Record of the
Indian Earthquake by Horizontal Pendulum at Birming-
ham, Dr. Davison, 589; the Synodic Monthly Variation
in Frequency, Dr. Imamura, 620; Daily Periodic
Changes of Level in Artesian Wells, K. Honda, 621;
Sound Waves of a Cannon have no Appreciable Effect
on a Building, Prof. Vicentini, 621

Selenipedium, the Direction of the Spiral in the Petals of,
George Wherry,_31

Sellers (William), Death of, 372

Senderens (J. B.), Catalytic Power of Reduced Nickel,
423; Reduction of Nitriles to Amines, 423

Sennett (A. R.), Across the Great St. Bernard, the Modes
of Nature and the Manners of Men, 197
Senter (George), Studies on Enzyme Action, 46

Senter (Dr. George), Rôle of Diffusion in the Catalysis of
Hydrogen Peroxide by Colloidal Platinum, 574

Serotherapy: Prof. A. E. Wright's System of Anti-
typhoid Inoculation in the Army, 14; Abstention from
Vaccination Diminishing, 237; Protective Inoculation
against Asiatic Cholera, Dr. Strong, 352; Physical
Chemistry of the Toxin-antitoxin Reaction, J. A. Craw,

Serrin (Victor), Death and Obituary Notice of, 325
Sertularidæ, American Hydroids, part ii., C. C. Nutting,

Seurat (G.), Eumedon convictor, a Crustacean accompany-
ing a Sea-urchin, 479

Sewall (C. H.), Wireless Telegraphy, 1

Seward (A. C., F.R.S.), Compulsory Greek at Cambridge,

Sharpe (J. W.), Blue Flints at Bournemouth, 176
Shaw (Dr. W. N., F.R.S.), the Study of the Minor Fluctu-
ations of Atmospheric Pressure, 216

Sheppard (S. E.), the Molecular Condition in Solution of
Ferrous Potassium Oxalate, 358; the Theory of Photo-
graphic Processes, on the Chemical Dynamics of Develop-
ment, 454

Shimek (Prof. B.), the Joess of Natchez and of the Lower
Mississippi Valley, 472

Shore (T. W.), Death of, 278

Shull (G. H.), Place-constants for Aster prenanthoides, 493
Sidgreaves (Father), Stonyhurst College Observatory, 592
Sifton (Clifford), Report of the Commission appointed by,
Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, to Investigate
the Different Electrothermic Processes for the Smelting
of Iron Ores and the Making of Steel in Europe, 258
Signalling by Sound, Submarine, J. B. Millet, 595
Silberrad (O.), Constitution of Nitrogen Iodide, 70; Metallic
Derivatives of Nitrogen Iodide, 166

Silicate Analysis, Practical, 219

Silk-raising in Ceylon, 468

Silver (A. P.), the Wild Horses of Sable Island, 615
Silver Ores, Cyaniding Gold and, H. Forbes Julian and
Edgar Smart, 292

Simmonds (C.), the Industrial and Artistic Technology of
Paint and Varnish, A. H. Sabin, 50; Food Inspection
and Analysis, Albert E. Leach, 50; Oils for Motor-cars,
205; Inks, their Composition and Manufacture, C. Ains-
worth Mitchell and T. C. Hepworth, 269; the Cultivation
and Preparation of Para Rubber, W. H. Johnson, 321;
Change in the Colour of Moss Agates, 54

Simon (L. J.), a Method for the Volumetric Estimation of
Hydroxylamine, 504

Simpson (George C.), Atmospheric Electricity in High
Latitudes, 573

Simpson (R. R.), the Jammu Coal-fields, 471

Sinclair (W. J.), Exploration of the Potter Creek Cave in
California, 472

Singularities of Curves, T. B. S., 152

Singularities of Curves, Compound, A. B. Basset, F.R.S.,


Sinnesorgane der Pflanzen, die, G. Haberlandt, 123
Sirius, the Orbit of, Prof. Doberck, 133

Sirius, Variable Radial Velocity of, Prof. Campbell, 494
Skeats (Prof. E. W.), Origin of the Dolomites of Southern
Tyrol, 190

Skeptizismus, der, in der Philosophie, Raoul Richter, 27
Skinner (Sidney), Experiment on Pressure due to Waves, 609
Skottsberg (C.), the Limit of an Antarctic Phytogeo-
graphical Zone, 326

Skye, a Fauna of the North-west Highlands and, J. A.
Harvie Brown and H. A. MacPherson, 202
Slade (Jeremiah), Death of, 491

Slator (A.), Chemical Dynamics of the Reactions between
Sodium Thiosulphate and Organic Halogen Compounds,
part ii., Halogen Substituted Acetates, 598

Slow Transformation Products of Radium, Prof. E. Ruther-
ford, F.R.S., 341

Smart (Dr.), Encke's Comet (1904 b), 114

Smart (Edgar), Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores, 292
Smedley (H. E. H.), Models of Palæozoic Seeds and Cones,

Smell? can Birds, Dr. Alex. Hill, 318

Smiles (S.), an Asymmetric Synthesis of Quadrivalent
Sulphur, 550; Action of a-Halogen Ketones on Alkyl
Sulphides, 550

Smith (Assheton), the Late, Prof. Philip J. White, 125

Smith (G. F. Herbert), New Oxychloride of Copper from
Sierra Gorda, Chili, 574

Smith (J. Kent), Chrome-vanadium Steels, 305
Smith (R. E. Blake), Toning Bromide Prints, 438
Smith (Dr. R. Greig), a Yellow Race of Bacillus pseud-
arabinus from the Quince, 263; the Bacterial Origin of
Macrozamia Gum, 264

Smith (W. E.), Design of the Antarctic Exploration Vessel
Discovery, 594

Smithsonian Institution, Astrophysical Work at the, C. G.
Abbot, 592

Smithsonian Institution Report, 494

Smoke Prevention and Fuel Economy, Wm. H. Booth and
John B. C. Kershaw, 74

Smoke Problem, F. J. Rowan, 210

Snakes Tenacity to Life of a Grass-snake, E. V. Windsor,

Soap-films, Polyhedral, W. F. Warth, 273

Social England, 385

Social Measurements, an Introduction to the Theory of
Mental and, Edward L. Thorndike, 99

Society of Arts, Lecture at, Science and the State, Sir
William Abney, K.C.B., F.R.S., 90; the Society of Arts
and the London Institution, 539

Sociology Fact in Sociology, 366; H. G. Wells, 319;
Studies in Eugenics, Meeting at the Sociological Society,
401; Restrictions in Marriage, Francis Galton, 401;
Studies in National Eugenics, Francis Galton, 401; Dr.
Haddon, 402; Dr. F. W. Mott, 402; Ernest Crawley,
402; Dr. E. Westermarck, 402; Sociological Papers
Published for the Sociological Society, 605

Soddy (Frederick), the Origin of Radium, 294; Charge on
the a Particles of Polonium and Radium, 438
Söhns (F.), Unsere Pflanzen, 510

Solar Atmosphere during 1900-1, the Conditions in the,
N. Donitch, 329

Solar Atmosphere, Planetary Tides in the, Émile Anceaux,


Solar Eclipse Problems, Prof. Perrine, 329

Solar Eclipse of August 30, the Approaching Total, Dr.
William J. S. Lockyer, 393

Solar and Magnetic Disturbances, Simultaneous Occurrence
of, A. Nippoldt, 16

Solar Observers, Instructions to, 592

Solar Spectrum, Absorption by Water Vapour in the Infra-
red, F. E. Fowle, jun., 115

Solar and Terrestrial Phenomena, Relations between, H. J.
Jensen, 158

Solly (R. H.), Minerals from the Lengenbach Quarry
Binnenthal, 118; Three New Minerals from the Binnen-
thal, Smithite, Hutchinsonite, and Trechmannite, 574
Somers (P.), Pages from a Country Diary, 175
Sommerfeld (Prof.), Simplified Deduction of the Field and
the Forces of an Electron moving in any Given Way, 373
South African Philosophical Society, 168

South Atlantic Ocean, Monthly Wind Charts for the, 157
South Pole, Antarctica, or Two Years amongst the Ice of
the, Dr. N. Otto G. Nordenskjöld and Dr. Joh. Gunnar
Andersson, 560

Southerden (F.), Chemical Analysis for Beginners, 54
Southern Hemisphere, Colours of Stars in the, Dr. J.
Möller, 256

Southern Latitudes, Mean Temperatures of High, Prof.
Julius Hann, 221

Southwell (Mr.), Whaling for 1904, 351
Sowter (R. J.), Ellipsoidal Lenses, 622

Spark Lines in Arc Spectra, the Appearance of, Dr. Henry
Crew, 159

Spark" Wave-lengths, Constancy of, G. W. Middlekauff,
Spectrum Analysis: the Third Band of the Air Spectrum,
H. Deslandres and A. Kannapell, 17; Deslandres's
Formula for the Lines in the Oxygen Band Series, Prof.
Deslandres, 63; the Transition from Primary to Secondary
Spectra, P. G. Nutting, 63; the Photographic Spectrum
of Jupiter, G. Millochau, 89; Enhanced Lines of Titanium,
Iron, and Chromium in the Fraunhoferic Spectrum, Sir
J. Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. E. Bax-
andall, 94: Photographic Spark Spectra of Titanium and
other Metals, Dr. Lohse, 373: Distribution of Stellar
Spectra, Mrs. Fleming, 115; Stars having Peculiar Spectra,

Mrs. Fleming, 306; Absorption by Water Vapour in the
Infra-red Solar Spectrum, F. E. Fowle, jun., 115; Arc
Spectra of the Alkali Metals, F. A. Saunders, 133;
Characteristics of Nova Auriga (1892) and Nova Persei
(1902), Dr. J. Halm, 142; Sun-spot Spectra, Father
Cortie, 158; the Appearance of Spark Lines in Arc
Spectra, Dr. Henry Crew, 159; on the Group IV. Lines
of Silicium, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and
F. E. Baxandall, 189; Determination of Wave-lengths in
the Extreme Ultra-violet Part of the Spectrum, H. Morris-
Airey, 191; Structure of the Third Cyanogen Band, Franz
Jungbluth, 234; Groups of Negative Bands in the Air
Spectrum with a Strong Dispersion, H. Deslandres, 239;
Experiment to prove Phase-reversal in Second Spectrum
from a Grating of Broad Slits, Mr. Conrady, 262; New
Method for Measuring Radial-velocity Spectrograms, Prof.
J. Hartmann, 306; the Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium
Vapour, Prof. R. W. Wood, 327; Spectra of y Cygni,
a Canis Minoris and e Leonis, E. Haschek and K.
Kostersitz, 354; a Research on "Enhanced Lines," Jacob
Steinhausen, 400; New Direct-vision Spectroscope, T.
Thorp, 431; New Spectrum Tubes, A. Gallenkamp and
Co., 448; the Stellar Line near A 4686, Sir Norman
Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. E. Baxandall, 475;
the Spectrum of μ Centauri, Sir Norman Lockyer,
K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. E. Baxandall, 476; the Arc
Spectrum of Scandium and its Relation to Celestial
Spectra, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. E.
Baxandall, 476; Europium and its Ultra-violet Spectrum,
Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., 476; Influence of Strong
Electromagnetic Fields on the Spark Spectra of some
Metals, J. E. Purvis, 479; Index of Spectra, W. Marshall
Watts, 486; Further Researches on the Temperature
Classification of Stars, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., 501; New Theory to account for the Duplication
of Lines in the Spectra of Variable Stars, Prof. Garbasso,
516; Distribution of Light (Monochromatic) in the Differ-
ent Orders of a Typical Grating, Prof. Wood, 543; Con-
stancy of "Spark Wave-lengths, G. W. Middlekauff,
545 Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of certain Enol-keto-
tautomerides, E. C. C. Baly and C. H. Desch, 549;
New Arrangement for the Use of the Methods of Inter-
ferential Spectroscopy, Ch. Fabry, 551; Variation of the
Band Spectra of Carbon with the Pressure, and some new
Band Spectra of Carbon, H. Deslandres and M. d'Azam-
buja, 575

[ocr errors]

Speech Curves, E. W. Scripture, Prof. John G. McKen-
drick, F.R.S., 250

Spencer (A. C.), Copper Deposits of the Encampment
District, Wyoming, 450

Spencer (Dr. J. W.), the Submarine Great Canyon of the
Hudson River, 472

Spiders, a Note on the Coloration of, Oswald H. Latter, 6
Spinning and Twisting of Long Vegetable Fibres (Flax,
Hemp, Jute, Tow, and Ramie), Herbert R. Carter, Prof.
Aldred F. Barker, 579

Spiral in the Petals of Selenipedium, the Direction of the,
George Wherry, 31

Spiti, the Geology of, with Parts of Bashahr and Rupshu,
H. H. Hayden, 251

Spongin und der Keratine, Studien über die Albuminoide
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des, Dr. Eduard

Strauss, 174

Sportsman Naturalist, Photography for the, L. W.
Brownell, 483

Spot on Jupiter, the Great Red, Mr. Denning and Rev. T.
E. Phillips, 211; Stanley Williams, 211
Stafford (J.), Larva and Spat of the Canadian Oyster, 468
Stahlberg (Walter),
"Verant Lens for Stereoscopic Effect
with Monocular Vision, 305

Stanford's Geological Atlas of Great Britain (based on
Reynolds's Geological Atlas), Horace B. Woodward,
F.R.S., 315

Stanton Drew, A. L. Lewis, 584

Starks (Mr.), the Fishes of the Two Sides of the Isthmus
of Panama, 590

Starling (Prof. E. H.), a Primer of Physiology, 556
Stars: Distribution of Stellar Spectra, Mrs. Fleming, 115;
Stars having Peculiar Spectra, Mrs. Fleming, 306; Har-
vard Observations of Variable Stars, Prof. E. C. Picker-
ing, 133; Designations of the Variable Stars discovered

June 8, 1905.

during 1904, 185; Variable Stars and Nebulous Areas in Scorpio, Miss H. S. Leavitt, 282; Relative Drift of the Hyades Stars, Dr. Downing, F.R.S., 185; Lightcurve of Cephei, Dr. B. Meyermann, 234; Colours of Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, Dr. J. Möller, 256; New Method for Measuring Radial-velocity Spectrograms, Prof. J. Hartmann, 306; Triangulation of the Pleiades Stars, Dr. Elkin, 329; Temperature of certain Stars, W. E. Wilson, 334; Systematic Survey of Double Stars, Prof. R. G. Aitken, 354; Castor a Quadruple Star, Prof. Campbell, 375; Popular Star Maps, Comte de Miremont, 484; New Variable Stars in the Region about & Aquila, Prof. Wolf, 519; Radial Velocities of certain Stars, Prof. Campbell and Dr. H. D. Curtis, 519; Orbit of the Binary Star Ceti 82, Prof. Aitken, 519; Star Places in the Vulpecula Cluster, Dr. H. Meyer, 519; Right Ascensions of 2120 Southern Stars, Prof. W. Doberck, 545; Magnitude Equation in the Right Ascensions of the Eros Stars, Prof. R. H. Tucker, 618; Stars with Variable Radial Velocities, 569; Radial Velocities of "Standardvelocity Stars, Prof. Belopolsky, 618

State Aid for Higher Education, 487

State, Science and the, Sir William Abney, K.C.B., F.R.S., at the Society of Arts, 90

Statics, Graphic, T. Alexander and A. W. Thompson, 507 Statics and Dynamics, Chemical, J. W. Mellor, Dr. H. M. Dawson, 532

Statistics of Variation, 545

[ocr errors]

Statues at Thebes, Find of Royal, G. Legrain, 126
Stead (J. E., F.R.S.), Practical Micrometallography, 455
Stebbing (Rev. T. R. R.), Zoological Nomenclature, 478
Steel on the Occurrence of Widmannstätten's Figures in
Steel Castings, Prof. J. O. Arnold and A. Mc-
William, 32; Report of the Commission appointed by
Clifford Sifton, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada,
to investigate the different Electrothermic Processes for
the smelting of Iron Ores and the making of Steel in
Europe, Prof. J. O. Arnold, 258

Steele (Robert), Mediæval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus, 559

Stefanowska (Mlle. W.), Law of Variation of Weight of
Penicillium glaucum as a Function of its Age, 120
Stein (Prof. Valdemar), Death of, 350

Steinhausen (Jacob), a Research on Enhanced Lines," 400 Stephan (P.), die technische Mechanik, elementares Lehrbuch für mittlere maschienentechnische Fachschulen und Hilfsbuch für studierende höherer technischer Lehranstalten, 148

Stereochemie, Materialien der, C. A. Bischoff, 386

[blocks in formation]

Structure of the Third Cyanogen Band, Franz Jungbluth,
Struthers (R. de J. F.), Photographic Radiation of some
Mercury Compounds, 455

Strutt (Hon. R. J.), the Becquerel Rays and the Properties of Radium, 172

Stumpf (Prof.), the Intelligent Horse "Clever Hans," 156 Styan (Kate E.), the Uses and Wonders of Plant-hairs, 486 Submarine Signalling by Sound, J. B. Millet, 595 Sudborough (J. J.), Esterification Constants of Substituted Acrylic Acids, 550; Simple Method for the Estimation of Acetyl Groups, 550

Sugar-planting Experiments in the Leeward Islands in 1903-4, Dr. F. Watts, 615

Sun Structure of the Corona, Dr. Ch. Nordmann, 469;
Photography of the Corona without a Total Eclipse, A.
Hansky, 544

Sun's Rotation, the, Prof. N. C. Dunér, 401
Sun-spectra, Father Cortie, 158

Sun-spot Minimum, Date of the most Recent, E. Tringali, 133

Sun-spots, Nature of, Th. Moreux, 592

Super-cooled Rain Drops, Edward E. Robinson, 295; Cecil Carus-Wilson, 320

Superstitions about Animals, Frank Gibson, 510

Surgery: the Treatment of Cancer, Mayo Robson, 130; Method of Protecting the Hands of the Operator from X-Ray Burns, Prof. W. F. Barrett, F.R.S., 167; John Hunter and his 'Influence on Scientific Progress, Hunterian Oration at Royal College of Surgeons, John Tweedy, 403

Survey of India, Report of the, 22

Surveying: New Streets, Laying Out and Making Up, A. Taylor Allen, 437

Sutro (Emil), the Basic Law of Vocal Utterance, 317; Duality of Voice and Speech, 317; Duality of Thought and Language, 317

Sutton (J. R.), Sir J. Eliot's Address at Cambridge, 6 Sutton Town and Chase, Tales of, with other Tales and some Sketches, 53

Swinburne (J.), the Definition of Entropy, 125
Sykes (Mark L.), Protective Resemblance, 520
Sylvester (James Joseph), the Collected
Papers of, 98

Symmers (Dr.), Bilharzia, 307


Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera, a, W. F. Kirby, 459

Sternum, the Human, Andrew Melville Patterson, Dr. A. Tacchini (Prof. Pietro), Death of, 540; Obituary Notice Keith, 145

Stevens (F. H.), a School Geometry, 75: Lessons in Experimental and Practical Geometry, 507

Stewart (A. W.), Transmutation of Geometrical Isomerides, 478; Velocity of Oxime Formation in certain Ketones; 549

Stewart (Dr. R. Wallace), Higher Text-book of Magnetism and Electricity, 270

Stick-insect in Devonshire, Occurrence of a Tropical Form of, Prof. Robert O. Cunningham, 55

Stobbs (J. T.), the Marine Beds in the Coal-measures of North Staffordshire, 310

Stone (H.), the Timbers of Commerce and their Identification, 247

Stonehenge, Notes on, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., 297, 345, 367, 391, 535

Stonyhurst College Observatory, Father Sidgreaves, 592 Story (William Edward), a New General Theory of Errors,


Story without an End, the, Sarah Austin, 76

Strauss (Dr. Eduard), Studien über die Albuminoide mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Spongen und der Keratine, 174

Streets, New, Laying Out and Making up, A. Taylor Allen, 437

Stromboli, Recent Changes in the Crater of, Dr. Tempest Anderson, 593

Stromgren (Dr. Elis), Elements and Ephemeris for Comet

1004 e, 256; Ephemeris for Comet 1904 e, 353, 400; Comet 1904 e (Borrelly), 518; Comet 1905 a (Giacobini),


of, 564; the late Prof. Tacchini, Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., 583

Tales from Old Fiji, Lorimer Fison, 490

Tales of Sutton Town and Chase, with other Tales and some Sketches, 53

Tanakadate (A.), a Magnetic Survey of Japan reduced to the Epoch 1895.0 and the Sea Level, 578 Tanganyika, Lake, Scientific Exploration of, 277 Tank Oscillation, Lissajous's Figures by, T. Terada, 296 | Tannery (Paul), Death of, 130

Tansley (Prof. A. G.), Compulsory Greek at Cambridge,


Tantalum, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 610

Tarugi (N.), the Power of Aluminium to Absorb the
Vapour of Mercury, 352

Tattersall (G.), New Synthesis of Isocaprolactone, 119
Taylor (Edward H.), a Treatise on Applied Anatomy, 145
Taylor (F.), Studies in Optical Superposition, 239
Technical Education Board of the London County Council,
1903-1904, Annual Report of the, 34

Technical Mechanics, Prof. George M. Minchin, 148
Techno-chemical Analysis, Dr. G. Lunge, 458
Technological Chemistry the Industrial and Artistic
Technology of Paint and Varnish, A. H. Sabin,
C. Simmonds, 50; Food Inspection and Analysis, Albert
E. Leach, C. Simmonds, 50

Technology of the Vegetable Fibres, the, Prof. Aldred F.
Barker, 579

Telegraphy: Wireless Telegraphy, C. H. Sewall, 1; Wireless Telegraphy from Poldhu, Cornwall, to Ancona, Italy, 111; die Drahtlose Telegraphie, Dr. Gustav Eichhorn.

220; Wireless Telegraphy in War, Captain James, 307; Wireless Telegraphy between Diamond Island and the Andamans, 445; Wireless Telegraphy with Circular Waves, Alessandro Artom, 517; Pollak-Virag_High-speed Writing Telegraph, 156; Direct Telegraphic Communication established between Liverpool and Teheran, 181; Experiments to Show the Retardation of the Signalling Current of the Pacific Cable, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, 190; Time Signals sent from Washington to Sydney, 303; Telegraphic Time Signals from the United States Naval Observatory, 613

Telescope, the, Thomas Nolan, 460

Telescope, the Bruce Photographic, Prof. Barnard, 424 Tempel's Second Comet, Re-discovery of, M. Gavelle, 133; J. Coniel, 133; Ephemeris for, J. Coniel, 282; Tempel's Comet (1904 c), M. St. Javelle, 185; M. Coniel, 185 Tempel's First Periodic Comet (1867 II.), Search-ephemeris for, A. Gautier, 545

Temperature on Ben Nevis, Inversions of, Andrew Watt, 583

Temperature Inversion, Remarkable, and the Recent High Barometer, W. H. Dines, 365

Temperature of Meteorites, the, H. E. Wimperis, 81 Temperatures of High Southern Latitudes, Mean, Prof. Julius Hann, 221

Temperatures and Humidity in Anticyclones, Inversions of, Dr. A. Lawrence Rotch, 510

Temple (Sir Richard), the Practical Value of Anthropology, 130

Tenacity to Life of a Grass-snake, E. V. Windsor, 390
Teneriffe, Attractions of, Hugh Richardson, 415
Tennis: Lawn Tennis, J. Parmly Paret, 436; Great Lawn
Tennis Players, George W. Beldam and P. A. Vaile, 436
Teodoresco (E. C.), Effect of Low Temperatures on the
Zoospores of the Algæ, 432

Terada (T.), Lissajous's Figures by Tank Oscillation, 296

Terrestrial Magnetism: a Contemplated Magnetic Survey of the North Pacific Ocean by the Carnegie Institution, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 389; Terrestrial Magnetism and its Causes, F. A. Black, 557

Terrestrial Phenomena, Relations between Solar and, H. I.
Jensen, 158

Tetmeyer (Prof. Ludwig von), Death of, 420
Thallium Mineral, a New, G. T. Prior, 534
Thebaid, the Ancient Races of the, Prof. Arthur Thomson,
583; Prof. Karl Pearson, F.R.S., 583
Thebes, "Find

of Royal Statues at, G. Legrain, 126
Theobald (Fred V.), Second Report on Economic Zoology,
British Museum (Natural History), 272
Theoretical Geometry for Beginners, C. H. Allcock, 75
Therapeutics on the Action Exerted upon the Staphylo-
coccus pyogenes by the Human Blood Fluids and on the
Elaboration of Protective Elements in the Human
Organism in Response to Inoculations of a Staphylo-
coccus Vaccine, Dr. A. E. Wright and Captain Stewart
R. Douglas, 67; on the Action Exerted upon the Tubercle
Bacillus by the Human Blood Fluids and on the Elabor-
ation of Protective Elements in the Human Organism in
Response to Inoculations of a Tubercle Vaccine, Dr.
A. E. Wright and Captain Stewart R. Douglas, 67;
Light Energy, its Physics, Physiological Action and
Therapeutics, Dr. Margaret A. Cleaves, Dr. Reginald
Morton, 269; the Mixed Treatment of Trypanosomiasis
by Arsenious Acid and Trypan-red, A. Laveran, 359
Thermodynamics: die Einheit der Naturkrafte in der
Thermodynamik, Richard Wegner, 29; la Statique
Chimique basée sur les deux Principes fondamentaux de
la Thermodynamique, E. Ariès, 247: die heterogenen
Gleichgewichte vom Standpunkte der Phasenlehre, H. W.
Bakhuis Roozeboom, 247

Thesmar (Mr.), the Nature of the Hydrosulphites, 374
Thimont (Prof. Joseph), Death of, 181

Thinking Cats, Y. N., 9; R. Langton Cole, 31
Thiselton-Dyer (W. T.), Index Kewensis Plantarum Phan-
erogamarum, 581

Thomas (Dr.), Identity of various Trypanosomes of Man, 499

Thomas (H. H.), Epidote from Inverness-shire, 381

Thomas (Miss M. B.), Optically Active Nitrogen Com

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Thomas (Mr.), Methods of Dealing with Dust in the Air in a Cornish Mine, 209

Thomas (N. W.), Group Marriage with especial Reference to Australia, 478

Thomas (W.), Simple Method for the Estimation of Acetyl Groups, 550

Thompson (Dr. Ashburton), Plague at Sydney in 1903, 542 Thompson (A. W.), Graphic Statics, 507

Thompson (R. Campbell), the Devils and Evil Spirit of Babylonia, 249

Thompson (Prof. S. P.), on a Rapid Method of Approximate Harmonic Analysis, 190; Crystals showing the Phenomenon of Luminous Rings, 142

Thompson-Yates and Johnston Laboratories Report, the, 498 Thomson (Prof. Arthur), the Ancient Races of the Thebaid, 583

Thomson (James), the Circulation of the Atmosphere, 365 Thomson (Prof. J. J., F.R.S.), the Charge of the a Rays from Polonium, 166; Charge on the α Particles of Polonium and Radium, 438; Non-electrification of y Rays, 430; Are Metals made Radio-active by the Influence of Radium Radiation? 430

Thomson (W.), Arsenic Rapidly Eliminated from the System by Kidney Secretion, 88

Thorndike (Edward L.), an Introduction to the Theory of
Mental and Social Measurements, 99

Thornton (John), Elementary Practical Physiology, 556
Thornton (Dr. W. M.), a Sensitive Hygrometer, 47
Thorp (T.), New Direct-vision Spectroscope, 431
Thought, a History of European, in the Nineteenth
Century, John Theodore Merz, Prof. G. H. Bryan,
F.R.S., 241

Thoulet (M.), Study of the Sea Bottom of the North
Atlantic, 24

Thurston (E.), Difficulties of the Ethnographic Survey in the Mysore, 182

Tibet, Lhasa, an Account of the Country and People of Central, Perceval Landon, 585

Tibet Mission, Geographical Results of the, Sir Frank Younghusband, 377

Tides of January 7, the Abnormal, 258

Tilden (W. A.), Pinene Isonitrosocyanide and its Derivatives, 550

Till the Sun Grows Cold, Maurice Grindon, 606

Timber, Process for Treating, with a Solution of Sugar, Mr. Powell, 37

Timbers of Commerce and their Identification, the, H. Stone, 247

Timbers of New South Wales, the Commercial, J. H. Maiden, 157

Tingle (A.), the Flowering of the Bamboo, 183 Tissot (J.), Relations between Arterial Pressure and the Amounts of Chloroform Absorbed, 408; Conditions which • Determine the Penetration of Chloroform into Blood during Anæsthesia, 480

Titius (Prof. Arthur), Religion und Naturwissenschaft eine Antwort an Prof. Ladenburg, 27

Todd (Mr.), Sleeping Sickness in Congo Free State, 400; Relationship of Human Trypanosomiasis to Congo Sleeping Sickness, 499; the Congo Floor Maggot, 499 Toll's (Baron) Expedition, Fate of, 467 Tommasina (Th.), the Genesis of Temporary Radio-activity, 143

Toning Bromide Prints, R. E. Blake Smith, 438 Topography: the Pre-Glacial Raised Beach of the South Coast of Ireland, W. B. Wright and H. B. Muff, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 17; Topography of British India, Colonel Sir Thomas Holdich, C.B., 268; Glossary of Geographical and Topographical Terms, Alexander Knox,


Touchet (Em.), Photograph of a Lightning Flash showing the Air in Incandescence, 600

Tow-net, on a Method of Using the, as an Opening and Closing Tow-net, George Murray, F.R.S., 364

Tower (Beauchamp), Death and Obituary Notice of, 253 Townsend (Frederick), Flora of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight, 245

Toxic Action as exemplified in Hæmolytic Sera, Chemical Combination and, Prof. Robert Muir and Carl H. Brown

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