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In the actual test of the school-room during the past four years, it has been found that the vitalizing elements of the Language Lessons are, first, the analytic or inductive method of unfolding the theory of language; and, secondly, the affluence of constructive work. Accordingly, in the preparation of the present book these approved features have been retained; but it has been the author's aim to remould the book on a more comprehensive plan, with a more systematic arrangement and a more orderly development of the subject. Wherever the book was thought to be weak for instance, according to many, on the side of too great a neglect of grammatical forms-it has been "toned up;" and, throughout, the effort has been made to produce a thorough, working text-book.


To the thousands of teachers who gave the old Language Lessons a reception exceptional in the history of text-books, the author desires to commend the New Language Lessons as being, in his belief, more worthy of their acceptance, and, in his hope, a nearer approach to their ideal.

Dec., 1877.


[blocks in formation]

Abstract noun, definition of, 62.
Active voice, 103.

Adjective, definition of, 6; use of, as
modifier, 29; qualifying, 71; limit-
ing, 72; proper, 71; pronominal, 73;
irregular, comparison of, 97; com-
parison of, 96; syntax of, 123; pred-
icate, syntax of, 125.

Adjunct, definition of, 28, 144.
Adverb, definition of, 9; use of, as mod-
ifier, 42; simple, 78; conjunctive, 78;
comparison of, 97; syntax of, 131;
misuse of, 125.
An, article, 6.

Analysis, definition of, 144; of the sim-
ple sentence, 148-150; of complex
sentences, 154-157; of the compound
sentence, 162–164.

Antecedent, definition of, 68.
Apposition, explanation of, 36; syntax
of, 127.

Article, definite, 72; indefinite, 72; use
of, 72, 73; syntax of, 124.
Auxiliary verb, 103.

Bills, forms of, 176.

Capitals, rules for use of, 21, 61, 71.
Case, definition of, 89; nominative, 89;

possessive, 89; objective, 89; pos- | Modification, definition of, 86.

sessive, syntax of, 126.

Clause, definition of, 147.

Common noun, definition of, 61.
Comparative degree, definition of, 96;
rule for use of, 124.

Comparison, definition of, 96; rules
for the adjective and adverb, 96, 97;
of irregular adjectives, 97.
Complement, syntax of, 130.
Complex sentence, 147; analysis, 154-
157; synthesis of the, 158-162.
Composition, definition of, 1.
Compound sentence, 147; analysis of
the, 162-164; synthesis of the, 164-

Conjugation, definition of, 103; regu-
lar, 103; irregular, 103.
Conjunction, definition of, 14; subor-
dinate, definition of, 80; co-ordinate,
80; syntax of, 137.
Construction, rule of, 117, 118.
Contraction of sentence, 169, 170.

Modifier, definition of, 28, 144.
Mood, definition of, 101; indicative,
101; potential, 101; subjunctive, 101;
imperative, 101.

No, 78.
Nominative case, 89.

Nominative independent, syntax of,


Note, promissory, 178, 179.
Nouns, definition of, 2; in apposition,
36; common, definition of, 61; prop-
er, definition of, 61; abstract, defini-
tion of, 62; modification of, 87; gen-
der of, 90; declension of, 90; person
of, 90, 91.

Number, definition of, 87; definition
of, in verb, 99; irregularities of, in
nouns, 182.

Object, definition of, 50; of a verb, rule
for, 128; indirect, 129.

Co-ordinate conjunction, definition of, Objective case, definition of, 89; gov-

Declension, definition of, 89.
Degrees of comparison, 96.

Expansion of sentences, 167, 168.

Forms of the verb, 184; progressive,
184; emphatic, 184, 185.

Gender, explanation of, 90.
Gerund, explanation of, 102.
Grammar, definition of, 1.

Imperative mood, 101.
Indicative mood, 101.

Infinitive mood, definition of, 101;
syntax of, 129, 139.
Interjection, definition of, 16; syntax
of, 138.

Interrogative pronoun, definition of,
68; declension of, 95.
Intransitive verb, definition of, 76.
Irregular verb, definition of, 103; list
of, 187-192.

Language, definition of, 1.
Language lessons, definition of, 1.
Letter-writing, directions for, 171-


Limiting adjective, 72.

Love, to, conjugation of, 104-107.

ernment of by a preposition, 136;
syntax of, 128.

Parsing, definition of, 116; model for,
116, 117.

Participle, definition of, 102; mode of
forming present, 102; mode of past,
102; syntax of, 123, 129.
Parts, principal, of a verb, 103.
Parts of speech classified, 2-20; sub-
division of the, 60-84; modification
of the, 85-115.

Passive voice, definition of, 103; mode
of forming, 103.

Person, definition of, 66, note; explana-
tion of, 90, 91; definition of, in verbs,

Personal pronoun, definition of, 66;
declension of, 94.

Phrase, definition of, 40, 146; adjec-
tive, definition of, 40; adverbial,
definition of, 44; arrangement of,


Plural of nouns, rules for, 87, 88; double
forms of, 181; in foreign nouns, 182;
in compound nouns, 183.

Possessive case, use of as modifier, 33;
definition of, 89; rule for forming
the, 89; syntax of, 126.
Potential mood, 101.

Predicate, simple, 28, 144; complete,
28, 145; modification of, 42-48; with

Subscription, models of, 171-175.
Superlative degree, definition of, 96;
rule for use of, 124.
Superscriptions, models of, 171-175.
Syntax, definition of, 116; false, exer-
cises in, 141, 142.

object, 49, 50; adjective, definition | Subjunctive mood, 10; syntax of, 140.
of, 53; nominative, definition of, 53; Subordinate conjunction, definition of,
adjective, syntax of, 125.
Preposition, definition of, 12; list of,
13; syntax of, 136.
Principal parts of a verb, 103.
Pronoun, definition of, 11; personal,
definition of, 66; relative, definition
of, 68; interrogative, definition of,
68; modifications of, 94, 95; person-
al, declension of, 94; relative and
interrogative, declension of, 95; syn-
tax of, 133.

Proper noun, definition of, 61.
Proposition, definition of, 145.

Synthesis, definition of, 144; of the
simple sentence, 151-154; of the
complex sentence, 158-162; of the
compound sentence, 164-169.
Tense, definition of, 100.

Punctuation, rules for, 22, 47, 50, 151, The, article, 6.
152, 158, 159, 164, 165.

Qualifying adjective, 71.

Receipts, forms of, 177, 178.

Regular verb, definition of, 103; con-
jugation of, 104-107.

Relative pronoun, definition of, 68;
declension of, 95.
Root of a verb, 102.
Rules for plural, 87, 88.

Sentence, definition of, 21, 144; kinds
of, 22; its elements, 21-59; simple,
147; complex, 147; compound, 147.
Simple sentence, 147; analysis of the,
148-150; synthesis of, 151-154.
Subject, definition of, 144; simple, 28,
144; complete, 28, 144; modifiers of,
29-41; syntax of, 118.

To love, conjugation of, 104-107.
Transitive verb, definition of, 76.

Verb, definition of, 4; transitive, de-
finition of, 76; intransitive, defini-
tion of, 76; neuter, 76; interchange-
ability of transitive and intransitive,
76; modification of the, 99-110; con-
jugation of, 103; principal parts of,
103; auxiliary, 103; syntax of, 120;
irregular, conjugation of, 183; to be,
conjugation of, 185; list of irregular,


Verbals, definition of, 101.
Voice, definition of, 102; active, 103;
passive, 103.

Words, classes of, 2-20,
Yes, 78.

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