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for no other cause, but for shewing of particular friendship to particular friends in the time of the last cruel troubles in Scotland. Sorry I be now to accuse him in any matter being dead, and more sorry that being on lyff, be such kind of dealing obtained that name of Ingrate. Always for my own part I have been banished my native country those three years and four months, living in anxiety of mind, my holl guds in Scotland, which were not small, intermittit and disponit upon, and has continually since the time I was relieved out of my last troubles at the desire of Monsieur de Movisir, attended to know your majesty's pleasure, and to await upon what service it should please your majesty for to command. Upon the 8th of April inst. your good friend secretary Walsinghame has declared unto me, that her highness thought it expedient that I should retire myself where I pleased, I declared unto him I had no means whereby I might perform that desire, until such time as I should receive it from your majesty. Neither knew I where it would please your highness to direct me, until such time as I should have received further information from you. Upon this occasion, and partly by permission, I have taken the hardress to write this present letter, whereby your majesty may understand any part of my troubles past, and strait present. As to my intention future, I will never deny that I am fully resolved to spend the rest of my days in your majesty's service, and the king your son's, wheresoever I shall be directed by your majesty, and for the better performing thereof, if so shall be her majesty's pleasure, to recommend the tryal of my innocency, and examination of the verity of the preceding narration, to the king your son, with request that I may be pardoned for such offences as concerned your majesty's

service, and var common to all men the time of his les aige and perdonit to all, except to me, I should be the bearer thereof myself, and be directed in whatsoever service it should please your majesty for to command. Most humble I beseech your majesty to consider hereof, and to be so gracious as to give order, that I may have means to serve your majesty according to the sincerity of my meaning, and so expecting your majesty's answer, after the kissing your hand with all humility, I take leave from London.

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No. XXXV. Vol. II. Page 65.

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I AM satisfied myself that Huntley and Archibald Douglas were both present, but not at the explosion. Binning, Douglas's servant was tried and executed the day after the execution of Morton, and according to an imperfect abstract of his deposition, he declared “that his master passed to the deid doing, the said Binning and Gairner his servants being with him in company,' (Arnot's Crim. Trials, 16.) " and tint ane of his mules in walking; and efter his incuming that night changit his claithis quhilkis war full of clay and foulness, and he beand send to Throplowis wynde fit, the said John met certaine mussilit men, quhom he knew not, but as he supponit he thocht he knew the voice of Mr. James Balfouris brother, proveist, of the Chairterhouse. In the meantyme came in Mr. John Maitland, abot of Coldinghame, and putting his tow handis on his awn mouth, maid to him an signe to keip quiet the rest of his mynd." Anderson's MSS. When Binning's evidence was produced against Archibald Douglas on his collusive trial, he objected to its inconsistencies: that in one part, after supping in his chamber, he went out, it was said at the back door with his two servants, to the deid doing: in another part of the same deposition, Binning had gone to bed, in his own house, when the explosion took place, and returning on the noise, found his master reading in bed; that he followed him next day to the court, in vacation, when the session was not sitting, and when Douglas was not then promoted to the bench; and that the road from the cham

ber to the Kirk of Field, was by no means fit for a man armed in his secret and steel bonnet, "to pass with velvet mules to sic a deid." But the contradictions, of which Douglas availed himself, confirm the fact. After supper, at six in the evening, he passed with two servants, according to agreement, in his secret armour to meet Bothwell in the Cowgate, and was one of the three whom Powrie, on the last carriage of the powder to the Black Friars gate, describes, in his second examination, as attending Bothwell with cloaks about their faces and mules upon their feet. Ilay of Talla walked with Bothwell up and down the Cowgate, while the powder was bringing, but that part of his evidence in which he blotted Huntley, was suppressed in his deposition; and as Argyle and Huntley had passed with the queen to the king's chamber, it is most likely that one or other returned to Bothwell in the Cowgate before the powder arrived. On Douglas's return home, when Binning was sent to (a house in) Thropstows Windefoot, he met certane mussilit men, or others of the conspirators whom Bothwell had dismissed, one of whom he perceived to be Sir James Balfour's brother, sent to the deid doing, and the abbot of Coldingham (Lethington's brother sent on the same purpose) coming in, gave him a sign to be silent; evidently before the explosion took place. Douglas afterwards retired to bed, like Ormiston, that no man might say he was at the deid doing; and his servant returning upon the report of the powder, found him reading in bed, and followed him next day to the Tolbooth, not to the court of session, but to the justice general's inquisition into the murder. The velvet mules were high soled BB 2

slippers, without quarters, made of fine cloth or velvet, embroidered, and worn by courtiers above the shoes:

Thair dry scarpenis bayth tryme and meit,

Thair mullis glitteran on thair feet.

Thair schone of velvet and thair mullis.

Pinkerton's Anc. Scot. Poems, ii. 184. 327.

The dry scarpenis (escarpins, thin pumps) indicate that mules were worn like clogs, or boxes: and the court dress of Henry III. of France, required white pumps and black velvet mules, (l'escarpin blanc, et la mule de velour noir,) without which no person could enter the presence chamber. Vigneul-Marville's Mêlanges d'Histoire, &c. i. 20. The embroidered mules that were worn by courtiers, distinguished Huntley, Argyle, and Douglas from peasants, and were easily discerned by Powrie, from the reflection of the lighted candle within the gate. I conclude therefore that Huntley and Douglas were present, when the powder was brought to the Blackfriars gate; and, as the latter informed Morton that he came with Huntley and Bothwell to the Kirk of Field yard, it would appear that he was dismissed there, on their return to the queen, as Huntley was afterwards dismissed by Bothwell at midnight, on his return from the palace. Paris's Second Confession. As the powder was then introduced, Douglas informed Morton that he was present, not imagining that Bothwell attended farther to the deid doing; but Morton naturally imagined, that he returned with Huntley and Bothwell from the abbey, before the explosion took place.

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