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ANDREWS, Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrews, his
consistorial jurisdiction suppressed at the reformation, i.
24. n. ii. 76. But restored by the queen, ii. 77. For the
express purpose of Bothwell's divorce from his wife, i. 45.
86. ii. 80. Hamilton present at court on the murder of
Darnley, i. 41. n. ii. 98. Signs the bond of the nobility to
Bothwell, i. 79. Present at the queen's marriage with
Bothwell, 92. And admitted to the privy council, 98. n.
Retires on the approach of the confederate lords into Edin-
burgh castle, from whence he escapes, 102. Privy to the
murder of Darnley, ii. 20. n.

Argyle, earl of, i. 6. 20. Signs the bond for the murder of
Darnley, 21. Present at the court when Darnley was
murdered, 41. n. Accessary to Bothwell's acquittal, 71.
Signs the bond of the nobility to Bothwell, 78. Engages
in the confederacy at Stirling, 100. Deserts and betrays
the design to the queen, ib. Submits to the regent, 133.
Arundel, earl of, i. 179. A commissioner at Westminster.
159. Attests the authenticity of the letters to Bothwell,
176. Convinced of Mary's guilt, 180.
Auldhamstocks, Hepburn, parson of, i. 98. n. 117. n.


Balfour, Sir James, clerk register, i. 76. n.
castle of Edinburgh under Bothwell, 87.
the murder of Darnley, 117. And to the

Commands the

Accessary to
seizure of the

letters, ib. Devised the bond for the murder of Darnley,
ii. 22. Preserved by Morton, 23. Prepares the Kirk of
Field for the reception of Darnley, 38. Accused and
arrested, ib. On his return from France, effects the accu-
sation and condemnation of Morton, 55. His letter to
Mary, 344.

Balfour, Robert, owner of the house in which Darnley was
blown up, i. 33.

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John, Sir James's brother, refuses to admit Both-
well into the castle of Kirkwall, ii. 49.

Balneaves, a lord of session, not an assessor at Bothwell's
trial, i. 71. A commissioner at York, 152.

Bedford, earl of, attends the baptism at Stirling as Eliza-
beth's ambassador, i. 23. Attests the authenticity of the
letters to Bothwell, 182.

Bellenden, Sir John, justice clerk, present at the burial of
Darnley, i. 50. n. Depositions of the murderers attested
by his signature, ii. 9.

Beton, archbishop of Glasgow, ambassador at Paris, i. 26.
Exhorts Mary to punish the murderers of her husband,
His letter to the cardinal of Lorrain, ii. 23.


Archibald, usher of the queen's chamber, i. 36. Ob-
tains the vicarage of Dunlop the day before the murder
of Darnley, ib. The bearer of the second letter from
Glasgow, 298.

-, John, the archbishop's brother, his letter, ii. 109.
Blackwood, Adam, his fictions, i. 31. n. 44. n. 53. n. 70.

93. n. 166. n. His account of the conferences, 231.
cuses Balfour of forging the letters, 233. A counsellor
and professor at Poictiers, 265.

Bothwell, James, earl of, his offices, and the influence which
he obtains over the queen, i. 13. Wounded in Liddes-
dale, 14. Procures the recall of the banished lords, 24.
His supposed journey to Liddesdale explained, 28.
terview with Morton at Whittingham, 29. 318. Provides
the house for the reception of Darnley, 33. Whom he
murders by blowing up the house, 36. His steps in the
murder minutely traced, ii. 8. Universally suspected of
the murder, i. 52. Accused in public placards, ib. Ac-
cused by Lennox, 56. 59. Obtains from the queen the
superiority of Leith and the castle of Edinburgh, 51. 59.
Permitted to direct his own trial, 68. Acquitted by the
queen's friends, 74. Offers to assert his innocence by
single combat, 75. Distinguished at the parliament by the
queen's favour, and by his influence over her, ib. 76.
Procures a bond from the nobility and bishops, 78. In-

His mar-

tercepts the queen on her return from Stirling, and car-
ries her to Dunbar, 83. His collusive divorce from his
wife, 85. Returns with the queen to Edinburgh, 87.
Pardoned and created duke of Orkney, 90. 91.
riage with the queen, 93. Surprised at Borthwick castle,
but escapes to Dunbar, 101. Advances with the queen to
Carberry hill, 102. His flight to Dunbar, 103. Returns

to the North, 109. n.
of Kirkwall, ii. 49.
coast of Norway, ib.

Refused admittance into the castle
Turns pirate and is seized on the
His supposed testament or confes-
sion a forgery, 52. 340. Dies mad, 49. 340.
Bothwell, lady Jaue Gordon, countess of Bothwell, i. 13.
Grants a procuratory to Huntley to sue for a divorce, 61.
Her divorce from Bothwell, 85. Compulsive on her part,
86. A woman of some learning, 359. n. Her subsequent
marriages, age, and death, ib.

72. Signs the bond
Betrays the confede-
A commissioner at the

Adam, bishop of Orkney, officiates at the queen's
marriage with Bothwell, i. 94. A commissioner at the
conferences in England, 152. Takes one of Bothwell's
ships in Shetland, ii. 25.
Boyd, lord, one of Bothwell's jury, i.
of the nobility to Bothwell, 79. n.
racy at Stirling to the queen, 100.
conferences in England, 152. 157.
Buchanan, George, his authority confirmed by subsequent
discoveries, i. 50. 102. 307. n. An assistant to Murray at
the conferences in England, 152. 155. His Detectio Ma-
riæ produced at Westminster, 167. 250. Not condemned
in the Scottish parliament, 243. n. His death-bed re-
pentance a fiction, 244. Refuses to retract or to cancel
any part of his history on his death-bed, 245. n. 246. ii.
141. His Latin Detection when published, i. 252. The
Actio and Latin translation of the Letters not his, 254.
The English Detection not translated by him, but by some
Englishman in imitation of Scotch, 261. The French
translation not his, 265.


Camden, i. 23. n. His assertion that Morton conducted
Bothwell's cause refuted, 71. His assertion concerning
the protestation sent to Argyle and Huntley ascribed to
Cotton, 189. n. That Lethington had often forged the
queen's hand examined, 234. And traced to its source,
236. His annals interpolated by James, and transmitted
to Thuanus, 241. 256. His authorities challenged, and
inspection of them demanded, by Lethington's son, 247.

Carwood, Margaret, the queen's confidante, obtains a pen-
sion, i. 36. Her marriage with Bastian, ib.
Letter con-

cerning her departure and marriage, 314. ii. 202. Privy
to the murder, i. 314.

Casaubon, his correspondence with Thuanus, i. 237, &c.
Cecil, Sir William, his deliberations concerning Mary, i.
134. His conviction of her guilt, 181. n.
Chalmers, of Ormond, i. 99. ii. 4. n.
Conference at Craigmillar, i. 19.

at York, i. 152.

at Westminster, i. 157.

sequel of the conferences, i. 183.

Confessions, abstract of, annexed to Buchanan's Detection,
ii. 1. Distinct from the judicial depositions of the mur-
derers, 2. And delivered before their execution to the
clergy and others, ib.

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those quoted by Lesly, a fiction, ii. 23.
Ormiston's confession, ii. 22.

, Paris's confession or first declaration, ii. 4. 31.
Endeavours to conceal the queen's guilt, 33. His exami-
nation, or second declaration, 37. Explains the queen's
share in the murder, 36. Objections to it frivolous, 40.
Bothwell's confession or testament a forgery, ii.

52. 340.

Morton's confession, ii. 55. 354.

Contracts of marriage between the queen and Bothwell, i.
372. Short contract in French in the Cotton Library,
ii. 258. A copy, not a forgery, i. 374. Second contract
written by Huntley, 378. ii. 259. Third contract, i. 380.
ii. 262.

Cockburn, Skirling of. See Skirling.

Cotton, Sir Robert, i. 236, &c.

Craig, a minister, forced to publish the banns between Mary
and Bothwell, i. 90.

, Sir Thomas, sat as justice depute on the trial of the
murderers, ii. 6.

Crawford, of Drumsoy, his memoirs a forgery, i. 16. n. 234.
ii. 30. The original MS. discovered, i. 16. Its silence
concerning the letters, 122. n. 234.

Croc, Le, the French ambassador, i. 12.

Observes the

queen's aversion to Darnley, 18. 23. n. ii. 44.

Cunningham, a young man employed by Lennox to protest
against the acquittal of Bothwell, i. 74.


Dalgleish, Bothwell's chamberlain, seized with the box and
letters, i. 115. When, 221. ii. 6. His deposition, 274.
His confession, 6.290.

Darnley, Henry lord, his character, and marriage with the
queen, i. 5.
His supposed design against Murray's life,
ib. 7. Engaged in the murder of Rizio, 9. Queen's aver-
sion to him, 11. Contemned and neglected, ib. Visits
the queen at Jedburgh, 18. Excluded from the baptism,
and universally shunned, 22. Returns to his father's at
Glasgow, 24. Seized with the small-pox, and supposed
to be poisoned, 25. Brought by the queen to the Kirk of
Field, 30. Informed by lord Robert Stewart of his dan-
ger, 35. The house in which he slept blown up by Both-
well, 36. His body brought to the abbey chapel and se-
cretly interred, 49. Buried beside Rizio, 50. n.
Depositions and judicial declarations of the murderers when
made, ii. 6. Depositions of Powrie, Dalgleish, Hay, and
Hepburn, 7. 274, &c. Their account of the murder,
7. Their depositions authentic, 9. Confirmed by other
circumstances, 19.

Douglas, Archibald, i. 24. ii. 16. 55. His letter to Mary,
363. His share in the murder, 370.

Durham, Darnley's porter, accused of deserting and be-
traying his master, i. 35. Rewarded by the queen with a
place and pension, 51.


Elizabeth, queen of England, exhorts Mary to delay Both-
well's trial, and not to connive at his escape, i. 65. Re-
fuses to admit Mary to her presence till purged of the
slander against her, 136. Offers to restore her if inno-
cent, 138, &c. Appoints a conference at York, 152.
Transfers it to Westminster, 157. Her answers to Mary's
commissioners, 163. Her definitive answer, 183. Writes
to Mary on her refusal to answer to the charge, 184.
Answers her demand of copies of the letters, 196. And
requires an obligation to answer directly to the charge,



A com-

Gordon, of Lochinvar, one of Bothwell's jury, i. 72.
missioner for Mary at the conference at York, 152.
Grange, Kirkaldy of, a confederate against Bothwell, i. 100.
Expostulates with the queen, 106. n. Present when her

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