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No. III. Vol. I. Page 28.

Cecil's, or Murray's Diary, as it is generally called.


Cal. B. ix. Fol. 247.

1566. Junii 19. King James the Sixt was borne. Julii 20. or thairby, she fled the Kings company and past be boytt with the pyrattis to Alloway, whair the king cuming, was repulsit.

August 13. The Q. past to Meggitland to the Huntis: frome the byrth of the prince to this tyme the king wes putt to abyid in Dalkeyth, and after the returninge frome the Hunts of Meggitland was sent to Striuiling. About this tym my L. of Murray aggreit the king and hir and thay past to bed togydder.

Septemb. 24. She ludgit in the Chekker hous and mett with Bothwell. The king cumying from Striuiling wes repulsit with chyding.

Octob. 7. My Lord Bothwell wes hurt in Lyddysdaill and the Q. raid to Borthuik.

8. The Q. wes advertest and haistytt to Jedbrough and frome thence to the Hermitage and contractit her seeknes. Returning to Jedbrough whair she remaynit to the fyrst day of November that Bothwell wes convalescit. Heir the king wysit hir and wes repulsit.

Novemb. 5. The Q. and Bothwell cam to Kelso and abed 2 nvchts.

7. Thai cam to Langtoun.

9. Thai cam to Wedderbourn.

10. Thai cam to Coldinghayme quhair the lady Reres and those in hir cumpanye were takin be the watch.

Novemb. 12. Thai cam to Dunbar and remaynit three nychts.

16. Thai cam to Tamtalloun to the Lard of Bass.

17. Thai boyth returnit to Craigmiller and began to raison upon the dyvorce betuix hir and hir husband the King, and thair abood to the 3 of December. In this tyme the Kyng cam furth of Striuiling and offred him self to hir and was repulsit.

Decemb. 3. Thay came to Edynbrough; and hir speciall cayr wes upon the Erle Bothwell's preparations of cleything for the baptisme: about this tyme came my Lord of Bedford in to Edynbrough.

5. Thay past to Striuiling, tuick the King frome his ludging in Williame Bellis hous to the castell, and placed him worray obscuyrly thair.

17 Decembris. The prince now our Souverayne wes baptised, and thai remaynet after to the 24 thair.

24. Thai departed to Drynmen to my Lord Drumonds (my L. Bedford being departed the day before to Sanct Andrewes) and remaynit thair 5 days and after in Tulybardin 2 days; and the King wes now departed to Glasgow wher he fell deadly seck.

31. Thay returnit to-gyther to Striuiling and thair remayned to the 14 of January.

Januarii 6. The Secretarye wes maryt in Striuiling. 14. Thai returnit and brought the prince with thayme to Edynbrough. Remayned to the 21 of Januar and thane wes the Q. going to Glasgow.

21. The Q. tuck her journay towards Glasgow and wes accompanyit with Erles of Huntly and Bothwell to the Kalendar my Lord Lewisteins place.

23. The Q. came to Glasgow and on the rode met hir Thomas Craufurd frome the Erle of Lewenux and Sir James Hamilton with the rest mention it in hir

letter: Erle Huntly and Bothwell returnit that same nycht to Edynt and Bothwell lay in the Toun.

Januarii 24. The Q. remaynit at Glasgow, lyck as she did the 25 and 26, and hayd the conference with the King whairof she writtis, and in this tyme wrayt hir byble and utheris letteris to Bothwell. And Bothwell this 24 day wes found werray tymus weseing the Kings ludging that wes in preparing for him and the same nycht tuck Journey towards Lyddisdaill.

27. The Q. (conforme to hir commission as she wrytts) brout the King frome Glasgow to the Kalendar towards Edynbrough.

28. The Q. brought the King to Lynlythquow, and thair remayned all morn, quhile she gatt word of my Lord Bothuell his returning towards Edynbrough be Hob Ormistoun ane of the murtheraris. The same day therle Bothuell came bak from Liddisdaill toward Edynbrough.

29. She remayned all day in Lynlythquow with the king, and wraytt from thence to Bothuell.

30. The Q. brought the King to Edynbrough, and patt him in his ludging quhair he endit, and Bothuell, keipping tryist, met hir upon the way.

Februarii 5. Thursday. She ludged all nycht under the King in the chalmer quhairin the poulder was layd therafter, and whairof Paris hir chalmer child resaved the keye.

7. Fryday. She ludged and lay all nycht againe in the forsaid chalmer; and frome thence wraytt, that same nycht, the letter concerning the purpose of the abbott of Halyrud house.

8. Satyrday. She confronted the king and my lord of Halyrudhouse conforme to hir letter wryttin the nycht before.

9. Sonday. She and Bothuell soupped at the bankett with the bishop of the yills and after past oup accumpanyit with Argyill Huntly and Bothuell to the kings chalmer, and thair she remaynit cherissing him quhile Bothuell and his complices hayd putt all things to ordor, and Paris hir chalmer-child hayd resaved in hir chalmir the pulder, and came up againe and gef the signe, and they departed to Bastienis banquett and masque about 11 hours, and thairafter thai baith returnit to the Abbay and talkytt quhile 12 hours and after.

Februarii 10. Betuix 2 and 3 of the clok the King wes blawin in the ayre by the poulder.

11. The Q. wrayt to my lord of Lewenux promising to tak tryall.

12. The Kings body wes brought down and layd in the chappell and She remaynit at Edynbrough with Bothuell to the 25 heirof; in this meyn tyme were money placards sett oup. And Hary Killygrawe arrywit frome the Q. Mate.

21. They past togydder to Seytoun and thair past tyme meryly to the 10 of Marche, quhile le Crok the Franche ambassadour persuadit hir to return to Edynbrough.

Marche 10. They returnit to Edynbrough be per. suasion of Le Crok, quhair thai remaynit whill the 24 of the same, erneastly trying the oupsetting of the placards, but newer word of the kings murther: at this tyme my lord Regent purchaist leif to depart.

24. They returnit againe to Setoun, and thair past thair tyme meryly in all solace, quhill the 10 of Apryill 1567.

1567. Apryill 5. The second contract of mariage, per verba de presenti, wes maid and wryttin be my lord of

Huntly, who, for his restoring againe the forfaltour, haid purchassed ane procuratorye subscrywit with his sisters hand then wyif to Bothuell: and thair wes the counsale haldin for the clensing of Bothuell.

9. My lord Regent departit fürth of Scotland.

10. They returnit to Edynbrough to Bothuell's clenging.

Apryill 12. Quhilk wes Setterday Bothuell wes clangit werray straingely as the process heyrs.

14. Quhilk wes mounday, the first day of the parliament sett only for reduction of my Lord Huntleys forfaltour.

18. Quhilk was fryday, the day of the summons of reduction of the Erle of Huntleys forfaltour.

19. Quhilk wes setterday, the Decreytt of Reduction wes gewin for therle of Huntlye and all his friends. The same nycht the lordis past the band after supper to therle Bothwell, being drawin secretly be him to the supper.

21. Viz. mounnday, the Q. rayd to Striuiling as it wes dewysed, and frome thence wreyt the letteris concerning the purpose dewysed of hir rawising: whair Huntly came to hir and began to repent him; in the mean tyme Bothuell remayned at Edynbrough assembling his forces.

23. She cam to Lynlythquow and Bothuell came to Haltoun hard by.

24. She sent therle of Huntly to Bothuell in the morning, quha mett hir upon the way, seamit to rawishe her, and tuck Huntly and the secretary prisoners, and led thaim all to Dumbar, and thair remanit to the 3 of may.

26. The first precept for the partising of therle Bothuell and his wyif, wes direct furth frome the comissayr of Edynbrough.

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