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For instance, in a recent discussion at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Dr. Siemens asserted that not a single unit of heat would be set up in the body of the gun by compressive action, and maintained that the whole heat produced was due to the heated products of combustion of the powder. But an experiment recorded by Hirn in his Treatise on Thermodynamics seems to support the view we have above set forth. He found that if an elastic bar of india-rubber was extended by tension it grew sensibly warner, if then it was allowed to contract by the gradual decrease of the extending force, it cooled again to its original temperature; but if on the contrary it was let go suddenly, it did not cool, but remained at its higher temperature. In the one case the mechanical energy was given out in work done in the extending force, whilst in the other no external work was done. This is exactly what happens in the gun.

There is moreover another cause which operates in heating the body of a gun. The explosion of powder is an impact. Now in the impact of two elastic bodies one portion of the vis viva is expended in overcoming the elastic force of the material; another portion is converted into heat, and this portion remains in the body after the elastic force has restored it to its original form, and can only be got rid of by convection.

Thus there are two causes operating in heating a gun exclusive of the very small effect due to the heated products of combustion. Let us now examine what would be the result of this heating upon the various constructions of guns.

Take first the homogeneous gun, of which the state of strain is represented by diagram A, page 12. The strain at the inner surface of the gun during explosion is about 27 tons, whilst at the outer circumference it is only 3 tons per square inch. Now when the internal pressure is removed, the energy stored up in this strained mass is converted into heat, and we may suppose the amount of heating to be directly as the amount of energy so converted and inversely as the quantity of material heated. This being so, it follows that the inner layer of the gun would be heated nine times as much as the extreme outer layer by reason of conversion of energy, but the mass heated in each layer being in proportion to its length, and the lengths being as 4 to 192, or as I to 4'3 nearly, the rise of temperature would be as 43 X 9 to 1, i.e. thirty-nine times greater in the innermost than in the outermost layer, and it is easy to see how this inequality of temperature must cause great internal strain by expansion, and thus weaken the gun.

Let us now consider the case of the 9-inch gun, the strains of which are shown by diagrams B1 and B. As regards the steel tube, the result of the explosion is to change the inner surface from a state of compression of II tons to a state of tension of 12 to s per square inch, and the outer layer from about 7 tons compression to about 2 tons tension. Whilst this is going on the tube is giving out work in aid of the powder guns until it arrives at the neutral state, after which it is absorbing work; the whole tube is therefore cooling. Now let us take the outer hoop. The effect of the explosion here is to increase the initial tension of 6 tons to 17 tons at the inner, and from 2 tons to 4 tons at the outer surface. Now when the internal pressure is removed the energy given out is expended, first in the compression of the tube, and this part of the energy gives rise to no change of temperature, but the whole of the rest of the energy represented by 11 tons at the inner and 2 tons at the outer surface is converted into heat, and taking into consideration the masses the relative rise of temperature will is to or as 11 to 1 nearly. Thus it ap7호 191' pears that whilst from this cause the tube is cooled, the hoop is heated and expanded, which is equivalent to reducing the initial shrinkage of the hoop.

be as



But we have still to deal with the heat set up by the percussive force of the explosion. This we may assume to be some direct function of the induced strain. It will therefore, as regards the tube, be a maximum at the inner and will be zero at the outer surface, whilst it will be greater at the inner surface of the hoop as compared with the outer in the proportion of 11 to 2 (assuming it to vary directly with strain).

Lastly, as regards the heat imparted from the powder gases. It may be shown that in the very short time of the operation this is confined to a very thin layer of the inner surface of the tube. The final result then is, that the inner surface of the tube is heated, whilst the outer surface is probably actually cooled, at the same time the inner surface of the hoop is considerably heated, and the outer surface also heated, though to a much less degree. The effect of the changes must therefore be to weaken the gun, though in a very different manner from the case of the homogeneous gun.


We come now to the wire gun, diagram E. Here the work done by the powder gases is represented by the arm BHOMNB, less the area BCN, that is, by the area CHOMNC. When the internal pressure is removed, the whole of this is converted into heat, but a portion of this between C and N would be neutralised by the cooling effect of the wires whilst converted into mechanical energy in passing from the compressive to the neutral state, and consequently the heating of the gun, though not absolutely uniform throughout, would be very nearly so. heating from the percussive action would also be nearly uniform, being rather greater towards the inner surface. Now it can be shown that if a gun properly constructed either with hoops or wire be uniformly heated, the strains are not affected, and it therefore follows that in the wire gun the effect of heating is very slightly to alter the conditions and strength of the gun, and the wire gun, therefore, is in this respect far superior to the hooped systems. We have now pointed out the difference in the mode of construction with hoop and with wire, we have compare! the two systems and shown that for strength, facility, and economy of construction, the wire system has greatly the advantage; we have refuted the objections which have been taken to it, and the task which we undertook is completed. Doubtless it will occur to our readers to ask how it is that a system which promises so fair, and which was brought prominently forward upwards of a quarter of a century ago, has never till quite recently been tried by the gun-makers. How is it that millions upon millions have been spent at Woolwich on hoop guns and that this system has been persistently neglected?

We know that not only was it brought before the Ordnance Select Committee, twenty-seven years ago, and that not as a mere idea, but accompanied with experimental facts, which, as the late Mr. Bidder, then (1860) President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, stated publicly, established such a primâ facie case as should have received the attention of Government, but we know further that at various times since it has been fruitlessly urged that trials of the system should be made.

We presume that those who had the decision of such matters were so satisfied with what they were doing, and had so much confidence in their own system that they never gave their serious attention to what they thought to be the dream of a theorist. The inexorable logic of facts seems, however, at last to have come into play, and we believe that the recently-constituted Ordnance Committee is at present seriously engaged in the reconsideration of the whole subject of gun construction, and that wire guns will be admitted to be within the region of practical gunmaking.

We trust it may be so, and that the system may be fairly tried, but in order that the trial may be fair, it is essential that it be conducted with due regard to those principles which it has been our object to explain—that

the initial tensions of the wire coils be duly calculated and applied We insist specially on this, because not only has the Woolwich practice hitherto been to treat the shrinkage question in a hap-hasard rule of thumb method, but also Sir William Armstrong, in his late address as President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, made light of the precise degree of initial tension, and spoke of the tendency of the explosive force to effect an adjustment of the strains.

We cannot too strongly protest against such a view, as crude and unscientific, and any results which may be obtained from guns so constructed must be inconclusive as regards the principle of wire construction.

In concluding this article we bring before our readers sketches of three types of wire guns showing the application of the principle. The first is a heavy muzzle-loading gun, designed by the writer for land defences (Figs. I and 2). The gun is furnished with rollers on the trunnions at G, and recoils up a curved inclined plane, III, which is mounted on a turnable, so as to be capable of training in any direction in azimuth. The elevation is given by a hydraulic lift at K. The construction of the gun is shown in Fig. 1, in section. A A is the inner tube; BB the wire coiled on it; C the breech plug; EE is a heavy casting of cast iron, against which the breech plug rests, and which also forms the trunnions, G G ; K K is a cast-iron casing covering the chase of the gun, and attached to the casting E E by strong iron bolts, F F. this gun there is no longitudinal strain on the chase; the recoil being taken up by the insertion of the heavy mass behind the breech plug and by the force of gravity on the ascending planes of the carriage, aided by compressors.


The second type, Fig. 3, is a muzzle-loading gun mounted on an ordinary carriage. The main trunnions are behind the breech and are connected to the carriage trunnions B by side links C, so that the longitudinal strain is transmitted direct from the breech to the carriage without the intervention of the chase of the gun.

Figs. 4 and 5 represent the type for heavy breech-loading guns. In this case the breech plug is fixed in a massive block, A A, which slides backwards and forwards along the side rods, B B. Through this block passes an eccentric shaft, C, which terminates on each side in the side rods B B. When the eccentric is in its forward position the sliding block closes the breech. In the backward position the breech is open and the gun tops up on the forward trunnions E, so as to allow of the introduction of the charge as shown in Fig. 5. When the charge is introduced the preponderance is restored to the breech end, the gun falls back to its normal position, the eccentric is removed, the breech closed, and the gun is ready for firing.

In all these cases it is obvious that there is no longitudinal strain on the chase of the gun, and it is obvious that so far as construction is concerned there is no limit to the possible size of the gun.



THE conditions of weather on Ben Nevis are now such as to render it impracticable and hazardous to continue the daily observations satisfactorily. I have therefore judged it best to discontinue them, after a very successful season, under the auspices of the Scottish Meteorological Society, of five months from June 1, without the break of a single day. The work at the six intermediate fixed stations has, I am very pleased to say, been well and generally punctually kept up throughout, and I trust that much good will result. Simultaneous observations were of course made at the observatory at Achintore, Fort William. The Stevenson's screens at these stations have now been made firm by wire stays to withstand the storms of winter. Yesterday

Colin Cameron, the guide, accompanied me. The track was snowed up, and it was necessary to force a way through great banks and drifts of snow. The average depth was two feet; once we got off our course in the blankness of thick cloud-fog and trackless snow. To-day the weather was very bad on the summit, the hut was partly filled by drift, and the south-east gale was so violent at times that I could hardly make way. Possibly I shall attempt weekly or periodical ascents during the winter to keep up the registrations of the rain-gauges and self-recording thermometers.

I have to-day commenced provisionally a three-hourly system of observation at Fort William (including 3 a.m.). The special features are sea temperature, ozone, and the reading and setting of the self-registering instruments on each occasion. Of course all the other usual elements are three-hourly observed also. Further particulars are reserved for a future number. CLEMENT R. WRAGGE

Fort William, November 1


A VERY complete account of the history and present condition of the oyster industry of the United States has been recently prepared by Ernest Ingersoll, under the direction of Prof. Baird, United States Commissioner of Fisheries. The importance of this industry it is not easy to over-estimate, and the United States Government deserve every credit for their efforts to preserve and extend it.

As having an important bearing on the question, the oyster-beds of the maritime provinces of Canada are briefly referred to. The eastern coast of the province of New Brunswick is washed by the Gulf of St. Lawrence; down in the bottom of the Gulf lies the long, irregularly shaped Prince Edward's Island, between which and the mainland flow the shallow but troublesome currents of

Northumberland Strait. The shores on either side of this Strait are for the most part low bluffs of reddish soil and sloping meadows; there is little solid rock, few prominent headlands, but a continuous line of shore, shelving very gradually into water, nowhere deep; many rivers come down along the coast of the Gulf, and at the mouth of each there is an estuary proportionate to the size of the stream, from the mighty channel of the St. Lawrence to the miniature bay of Bedeque. Most of these estuaries are shallow, and most of them are protected from gales. This condition of affairs seems well suited for oyster growth, since nearly all of these estuaries either contain or contained large colonies of these mollusks. Except at its western end, Prince Edward Island is engirdled with oysters. That most beautiful salt-water lake in the world, the Bras d'Or, which occupies the whole interior of Cape Breton Island, fattens multitudes of oysters. These Canadian oysters are of large size, and have thick, strong shells; oysters with shells from eight to ten inches in length are not extraordinary. The best are not the longest, but those with straight and narrow, or evenly-rounded shells. All the oysters on the eastern shores of North America, belong to the species known as Ostrea virginiana, which embraces many varieties, of which O. borealis is perhaps the best marked. Except at wholly unsuitable places, it is to be found almost without interruption from the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the coast of Florida to the Canadian districts just referred to. It is, however, said not to be found along the eastern shores of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy, though the shells, in a semi-fossil state, are dug up in quantities from the deep mud in the harbour of Portland, Maine.

Mr. Ingersoll gives a very interesting account of the former extent and condition of the native beds in the Gulf of Maine, and of the evidence of the immense con

sumption of the oyster by the Indian tribes. The shell mounds discovered are of immense size, and the shells themselves reached a quite monstrous dimension; the animals were killed either by fire, or by smashing in the shell at the attachment of the adductor muscles, and possibly even by the opening of the shell by stone knives. In many localities north of Cape Cod, the disappearance of the oyster has been comparatively recent. Some ascribe this to the pollution of the water by mills, but Prof. Verrill thinks a change of climate may have had something to do with it. Oyster culture has been tried, but unsuccessfully, on this coast; a great business in "laying down" oysters is still carried on at Wellfleet. Coming south of Cape Cod, we find Buzzard Bay and Vineyard Sound, early known for their fine beds of natural oysters. More than a century ago, strict regulations were made about their take and export, but these | beds would seem to be nearly worked out.

The charter of Charles II. gave the colony of Rhode Island (1683) free fishing in every form. At one period large quantities of oysters were destroyed for the sake of the lime in their shells. Now statutes are in force specially guarding the mollusc, and the oysters are now yearly increasing in quantity and lessening in price, and over 960 acres of oyster-ground were let in Rhode Island in 1879. About one-half of the oysters raised are natives, and the other half are Virginia oysters brought to the grounds to be fattened. The probable amount of capital invested in this district may be about 1,000,000 dollars, and the yield and value as against this is about 600,000 dollars at wholesale prices.

The Virginia trade began some fifty years ago, when Capt Farran gathered a sloop-load of some 600 bushels. Now the profits of a single firm in 1856 were 25,000 dollars a year. When the native supply grew slack, very successful efforts at cultivation were made. Out of seven to eight thousand acres marked for oyster-culture in New Haven Harbour, only one-half are in use. One proprietor operates on 1500 acres, and full details of the various methods of culture adopted are given in this report.

Coming further south, the southern shore of Long Island was early famous for its oysters, and we know how the old blue point oysters were relished by the Dutch settlers. In 1853 they were sold for an average of ten shillings a hundred from the beds. In 1873 Count Pourtales called attention to their getting scarce, and since 1879 it has required an importation of 100,000 bushels of seed to keep up the supply. This seed then had only to be gathered, or was worth but little, now its price has increased threefold. The principal market now-adays for these Blue Points is Europe. In the markets of London they commanded a high price, retaining their supremacy over all other sorts, until in 1879 when the season being a bad one, the oysters grown in Staten Island Sound surpassed them. Not only are they of a superior flavour, but they have a round thin shell, and are of a medium size. The Rockaway district supplies an immense quantity of oysters; it is but the western end of the south shore of Long Island. While most of the stock finds its way to New York, lately the oysters from this district have found their way into the European market, selling as "French" stock. In New York Bay the growth of transplanted oysters is fairly rapid, and a great many are sent from there to Europe. In New York City the oyster trade is of very considerable importance, which centres itself in two localities at the foot of Broome Street, East River, and of West Tenth Street, North River. The quantities handled each year in the city has been approximately estimated as about 765,000,000 oysters. A large number go to England, where the "Blue Points" having lost favour, the "East Rivers" and "Sounds" have taken, in a measure, their place. Between October 9, 1880, and May 14, 1881, being one season, there was exported from New York to Europe a total of 70,768 barrels, of which

68,140 barrels went to Liverpool. Each barrel contained on an average 1200 oysters.

Along the New Jersey shore a large quantity of oysters are raised, and the western shore of Delaware Bay is the scene of planting the southern oysters, which are brought annually from the Chesapeake, and are fattened for the markets of Philadelphia. This city is credited with an intake of oysters, amounting in 1880 to about 800,000,000, but then, unlike New York, this quantity is not wholly consumed in Philadelphia, but is in part distributed to the surrounding regions, but the calculation has been made that this million-peopled city consumes on an average during half the year, 300,000,000. The retail trade gives employment to over 3500 people.

The oyster fisheries of Maryland are among the most important in America, and it is claimed that the beds of Chesapeake Bay, about equally divided between the two States of Maryland and Virginia, contain the best oysters in the world. The oyster trade of this region is immense, giving employment to thousands. A body of police, with a steamer and two tenders, with eight sloops, watch hourly over the grounds, but the territory to be watched is so vast-the beds of Maryland extend for a distance of 125 miles-that the police sometimes fail to catch illegal dredgers, and serious encounters, as in the winter of 187980, have occurred.

It cannot be too often asserted that even the splendid beds of this district may, by unrestricted dredging, become exhausted. Properly protected and cared for, this wealth might be increased manyfold. Thirty years ago we read, the depletion of the beds at Pocomoke Sound and in Tangier seemed a thing impossible, now from want of a period of rest they have fallen off in their produce, the former by four-fifths, the latter by two-thirds. statistics of this great fishery extends over many pages. It was at Baltimore the "steamed" oyster trade began, and this city, the great oyster market of the United States, packs more of this mollusc than any other city in the world.


In North Carolina the business in oysters and their culture is of small proportions, and not much is known of the fisheries of Georgia. Of the oyster interests in Florida there is little to be said. Coming to the Gulf of Mexico, the Mobile supply must be noted, as they have a high reputation for excellence. The New Orleans market is supplied from an extent of coast comprising the whole water front of North Mississippi and Louisiana.

Appended to this report there is a condensed account of the anatomy and development of the oyster, taken from the memoir of Dr. W. K. Brooks, of the John Hopkins University of Baltimore, and accompanied by a full series of drawings of the growth of the young oyster.


THE following is the list of names nominated for the Council of the Royal Society to be balloted for on November 30:President, William Spottiswoode, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D. Treasurer, John Evans, D.C.L., LL.D. Secretaries: Prof. George Gabriel Stokes, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Prof. Michael Foster, M.A., M.D. Foreign Secretary, Prof. Alexander William Williamson, LL.D. Other Members of the Council: Prof. W. Grylls Adams, M.A., F.C.P.S., John Ball, M.A. F. R.A.S., Thomas Lauder Brunton, M.D., Sc.D., Prof. Heinrich Debus, Ph.D., F.C.S., Francis Galton, M.A., F.G.S., Prof. Olaus Henrici, Ph.D., Prof. Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D., Prof. E. Ray Lankester, M.A., Prof. Joseph Lister, M.D., Prof. Joseph Prestwich, M.A., F.G.S., Prof. Osborne Reynolds, M.A., Prof. Henry Enfield Roscoe, B.A., LL.D., Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., M.A., Osbert Salvin, M.A., F.L.S., Warington W. Smyth, M.A., F.G.S., Edward James Stone, M.A., F.R.A.S.

THE death is announced, at the early age of thirty-two years, of Prof. Marino Palmieri, Professor of Physics at Naples University, and so well known for his seismological researches. We hope to refer to Palmieri's work in an early number.

We also regret to announce the death of Prof. J. Th. Reinhardt, Professor of Zoology at Copenhagen University and Inspector of the Natural History Museum of that city, an ornithologist of great merit; he died at Copenhagen on October 23, aged sixty-six. The death is also announced of Dr. F. H. Troschel, Professor of Zoology at Bonn, and of Dr. Julius Friedländer, the head of the well-known Berlin publishing house and scientific agency of that name.

PROF. VIRCHOW has had a serious attack of illness, but we are glad to learn from the latest intelligence that he is slightly


WE see from The Gazette of Montreal that the meeting held in that city on October 26, in connection with the proposed visit of the British Association to Canada in 1884, was large and influential. Much enthusiasm was displayed at the prospect of the Association's visit, and several resolutions were passed guaranteeing a hearty welcome and every provision for the success of the meeting, and the comfort and entertainment of the visitors. A large committee was appointed to carry out arrangements, and at the close of the meeting a considerable sum was subscribed as a guarantee fund. Dr. Sterry Hunt stated that in 1884 the American Association would probably meet at Newhaven, at such a time as to admit of the English visitors attending both meetings.

was there during the signing of the American and other treaties, and was even in this early time constantly employed by the Japanese Government in advising them how to thread their way through the difficulties of their new position. On one of his previous journeys to Yedo he had received permission to reside there for a period, provided he taught western medicine to a number of Japanese students. He got into serious danger through having in his possession a complete native map of Japan, which one of his pupils had succeeded in conveying to him. The latter is said second return to Europe with his large collection of Japanese to have lost his life, and Siebold returned to Deshima. On his books, maps, specimens of the artistic productions of the country, of the fauna, flora, &c., he was received with honour by the Emperor of Russia and other European potentates. He then commenced the publication in parts of his Magnum opus Nippon, which he never lived to complete. This work might with much justice be styled the Encyclopædia Japonica. Besides native works, every book published in the East in European language was consulted. Whatever the labours of subsequent students, large sections of this book, such as the history of European discoveries in the Eastern seas, will always retain their value. After his death his vast collections were distributed among various museums on the Continent. The larger share, as was only natural, went to Leyden; but the British Museum succeeded in obtaining his splendid library of Japanese books and


schaft of Yokohama contains several papers of much interest. THE August number of the Mittheilungen der deutschen GesellThe numerous and curious New Year's customs of Japan are described by Mr. Sataro Hirose, a native medical student, while Mr. Schült gives a topographical sketch of Mount Fugi and its neighbourhood. Dr. Scheube contributes a long paper on the food of the Japanese. He was enabled, in the college with which he is connected, to examine the food of various classes, and from his statistics, meat appears to play but a small part in the nourishment of the people. Rice occupies about 50 per cent. of their total diet. Dr. Baelz describes the various infectious diseases of Japan, and Mr. Leysner furnishes statistics for the past ten years of the climate of Niigata, the principal town on the West Coast. The number and value of the contributions of this small society-it numbers only forty-nine resident

lect that most of the Germans employed by the Japanese Government are men of scientific attainments, and devote much study to the country in which they live.

ON October 9 was unveiled, at the University town of Würzburg, a memorial to Von Siebold, the celebrated Oriental savant. For some years past the Horticultural Society of Vienna has collected subscriptions for this purpose, and it is interesting to note that a considerable sum was subscribed amongst the Japanese, although they have already erected a colossal stone to his memory at Nagasaki. Siebold was the greatest of all the students of Japan during what may be called the Dutch period, that is, from about 1620, when all Europeans except the Dutch were expelled from Japan, down to 1854, when Perry succeeded in making the first of the recent treaties with that country. During this time the facilities for the foreign student were few. The members of the Dutch factory were confined to the settle-members-would be little short of astounding, did we not recolment at Deshima, which was about the size of a small London square; all egress, except on certain rare occasions, was denied to them, and this intercourse with the people was confined to the few interpreters and officials employed to watch their movements. Once a year the head of the factory, with a small suite, journeyed overland to Yedo with presents to the Shôgun; but while on the road the foreigners were as closely guarded as prisoners, and all opportunity of conversation or intercourse with the people was denied them. Notwithstanding these unpromising circumstances, however, Kaempfer, Titsingh, Thunberg, and especially Siebold, succeeded in obtaining the materials for works which will for years to come retain their position as the very best works in the country. About 1820 Siebold was appointed surgeon to the Dutch forces in Java, and in 1826 made his first voyage to Japan, where he became physician to the factory at Deshima. He seems first to have acquired a sound knowledge of the language, and then, through the native employés, to have procured books as he required them. For eight or ten years he remained quietly in Japan, accumulating vast stores of information for subsequent use, and journeying occasionally with the annual mission to Yedo. On his return to Europe he proceeded to publish his great works, "Fauna Japonica," and "Flora Japonica," the expenses of which were defrayed, we believe, by the King of the Netherlands. He again returned to Japan, and

WE have received from M. Georges Dary, of Paris, a note commenting on Prof. S. Thompson's article upon Electric Navigation. M. Dary informs us that the source of power upon which M. Trouvé has fallen back is a bichromate (primary) battery weighing only 120 kilogrammes, or less than one-tenth of the accumulators used by Mr. Volckmar in the iron launch Electricity. This battery, M. Dary states, has an electromotive force of 96 volts-equal to that of the 45 accumulators-but he does not state what strength of current it will furnish, nor for how many hours. M. Dary adds that 500 similar apparatuses—he does not say whether this means 500 boats, or 500 batteries, or 500 motors-like that used by M. Trouvé in navigating the Seine in his skiff, have already been exported from Paris. This bichromate battery, it appears, has enabled M. Trouvé to undertake journeys which with little exaggeration may be called long voyages, as, for example, from Havre to Rouen; and there are numerous owners of electrical boats who run every day between places twelve or fourteen miles apart, using two sets of cells for the run. We are glad to be able to do to so ingenious an inventor as M. Trouvé the justice of making more widely known the real progress which he has made in this matter.

A COLOSSAL statue of George Stephenson, and another of James Watt, both after models by Prof. Keil, are now being completed in the studio of the eminent German sculptor, Herr Bock, and are intended for the new Poly echnic at Charlottenburg, near Berlin.

THE Comet was seen at the Paris Observatory by M. Bigourdan, one of the astronomers, on October 23. It was found to be very brilliant. The observation was presented by M. Mouchez, with two others done by M. Thollon at the Nice Observatory. The sodium lines, which were very brilliant on September 18, had wholly disappeared on October 9, when the comet was seen for the first time after a very long observation of the sky.

THE first meeting of the One Hundredth and Twenty-Ninth Session of the Society of Arts will be held on Wednesday, November 15, when the Opening Address will be delivered by Charles William Siemens, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Chairman of the Council. The following papers are announced for reading at the meetings before Christmas :-J. Hopkinson, D.Sc., F.R.S., Ice-making and Refrigerating; W. H. Preece, F.R.S., Electrical Exhibitions; William A. Gibbs, the Artificial Drying of Crops; P. L. Simmonds, the Utilisation of Waste; W. K. Burton, the Sanitary Inspection of Houses. For meetings after Christmas-J. H. Evans, the Modern Lathe; Capt. J. H. Colomb, R. N., Collisions at Sea; A. J. Hipkins, the History of the Pianoforte; J. Donaldson, the Construction of Torpedo Boats; C. F. Cross. F.C.S., Technical Aspects of Lignification; W. N. Hartley, F.R.S.E., Self-purification of River Waters; James J. Dobbie, D.Sc., and John Hutchinson, the Application of Electrolysis to Bleaching and Printing." Arrangements have been made for Five Courses of Cantor Lectures :-On DynamoElectric Machinery, by Prof. Silvanus P. Thomson, D.Sc. ; on Solid and Liquid Illuminating Agents, by Leopold Field; on the Decorative Treatment of Metal in Architecture, by G. H. Birch; on the Transmission of Energy, by Prof. Osborne Reynolds, M.A., F.R.S.; on Secondary Batteries, by Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, M.A., D.Sc. The usual short Course of Juvenile Lectures will be given during the Christmas holidays by Prof. Henry Nottidge Moseley, M.A., F.R.S., on the Inhabitants of the Ocean.

PROF. GEORGE M. MINCHIN will publish very shortly, at the Clarendon Press, a work on "Uniplanar Kinematics of Solids and Fluids, with Applications to the Distribution and Flow of Electricity." It aims at supplying a deficiency in the course of mathematical physics usually pursued by the higher-class students in our colleges and universities, by enabling them to enter into the study of kinetics with clear notions of acceleration and other leading conceptions which belong to the province of kinematics.

THE delegates of the Clarendon Press have determined to issue a series of translations of important original papers in foreign languages on biological subjects, and have committed the editing of these memoirs to Dr. Michael Foster, Dr. PyeSmith, and Dr. Burdon Sanderson. It is proposed that the series should begin with a single volume of about 750 pages, to be divided into three parts: the first to comprise the treatise of Prof. Heidenhain on "The Physiology of the Process of Secretion"; the second a series of four papers by Prof. Goltz on "The Functions of the Brain," and a memoir by N. Bubnoff and Prof. Heidenhain on "Excitatory and Inhibitory Processes in the Motor Centres of the Brain"; and the third a series of memoirs by Prof. Engelmann on "The Structure and Physiology of the Elementary Contractile Tissues." It is intended that each part should be complete in itself, and should be published separately.

THE medical faculty of the Göttingen University has announced as a subject of prize competition, for 1883, a

thorough investigation with the more recent aids of microscopical art, of the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra of both sexes, especially with reference to their gland-contents, and the varying forms of the epithelial cells in expansion of the ducts. The philosophical faculty propounds two subjects, one of which is an investigation and setting forth of the mode of development of the flower of our common mistletoe (Viscum album), with critical consideration of the literature of the subject.

MOUNT ETNA has for some days been showing great and increasing activity, emitting flashes of fire and dense volumes

of smoke.

AN Arabic manuscript of the year 1365, from which Herr Gildemeister has translated several extracts for the Göttingen Society of Sciences, affords an interesting peep at nautical matters among the Arabians of those times. The author deals separately with the ships of the Mediterranean, of the Indian Ocean, and Red Sea, and of the Nile and other rivers. Inter alia, he describes a mariner's compass; and this is noteworthy, inasmuch as only one description of the instrument in an Arabian work has hitherto been known (it is of date 1242). The following is a curious picture :—“A ship [of the Indian Ocean] carries generally four divers, whose only duty is, when the water rises in the ship, to smear themselves with sesame oil, stop their nostrils with wax, hooks connected with a thin line; one of these he fixes in the and, while the ship is sailing, jump into the sea. Each has two wood of the ship, and with the other he dives. He swims like a fish a little under the water, and uses only his ear. Where he hears the trickling of water he stops with wax w here there are hcles, stopped with palm stems, and where there is sewing, he often passes a piece of cocoa fibre through the fixed palm stem. thing is easy to him; in a day he stops over twenty or thirty leaks. The diver comes up, without inconvenience, whether there is wind or calm."


THREE new Lyceums, in which instruction will be given in Finnish, will be opened in a few weeks in Finland, at Abo, Uleaborg, and Björneborg, thus raising the number of Finnish Lyceums to eight. In the Helsingfors University, lectures in Finnish are delivered on all subjects in connection with the Archæology and History of the north, as also in Botany by Prof. Wainio.

M. W. DE FONVIELLE has just published (Hachette and Co.) a little volume on "La Pose du Premier Cable," in which the principal incidents connected with this great undertaking are told in a dramatic and popular manner.

MR. MUYBRIDGE has issued a series of his well-known instantaneous pictures of animals in motion, adapted for the zoetrope. Those sent to us include the horse under various conditions, the deer, and the dog. They are exact reproductions of the photographs, and in their faithfulness to reality are a great improvement on the existing zoetrope pictures. Mr. Muybridge is preparing for publication a complete series of his original photographs, adapted for his zoopraxiscope.

UNDER the title of "La Navigation Électrique" (Paris, Baudry), M. Georges Dary gives some interesting notes on electric navigation, with special reference to the experiments of M. Trouvé. Bemrose and Son have issued a little handbook, "The Electric Light Popularly Explained," by Mr. A. Bromley Holmes; and Macmillan and Co. a useful manual of "Electric Light Arithmetic," by Mr. R. E. Day, M.A,

THE Austrian Archeological Expedition to Asia Minor has returned to Vienna, and the objects found in the excavations made and packed in 167 cases have arrived there.

PROF. SIMONY has recently ascended the Dachstein in order to make some exact measurements concerning the decrease of

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