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My friend Dr. Ferrier has shown that this position is due to the different strengths of the various muscles in the body. All being contracted to their utmost, the stronger overpower the weaker, and thus the powerful extensors of the back, and muscles of the thighs keep the body arched backwards and the legs rigid, while the adductors and flexors of the arms and fingers clench the fist and bend the arms, and draw them close to the body.1 The convulsions are not continuous, but are clonic; a violent convulsion coming on and lasting for a while, and then being succeeded by an interval of rest, to which after a little while another convulsion succeeds. The animal generally dies either of asphyxia during a convulsion, or of stoppage of the heart during the interval.

When the animal is left to itself the convulsions-at least in frogs-appear to me to follow a certain rhythmn, the intervals remaining for some little time of nearly the

same extent.

A slight external stimulus, however, applied during the interval-or at least during a certain part of it-will bring on the convulsion. But this is not the case during the whole interval. Immediately after each convulsion has ceased I have observed a period in which stimulation applied to the surface appears to have no effect whatever. It is rather extraordinary also, that although touching the surface produces convulsions, irritation of the skin by acid does not do so."

The cause of those convulsions was located in the spinal cord by Magendie in an elaborate series of experi


Other observers have tried to discover whether any change in the peripheral nerves also took part in causing convulsion; but from further experiments it appears that the irritability of the sensory nerves is not increased.3 According to Rosenthal, strychnia does not affect the rate at which impulses are transmitted in peripheral nerves; according to him, however, it lessens the time required for reflex actions. Wundt came to the conclusion that the reflex time was on the contrary increased.

In trying to explain the phenomenon of strychnia tetanus on the hypothesis of interference, one would have been inclined by Rosenthal's experiments to say that strychnia quickened the transmission of impulses along those fibres in the spinal cord which connect the different cells together.

The impulses which normally, by travelling further round fell behind the simple motor ones by half a wavelength, and thus inhibited them, would now fall only a small fraction of a wave-length behind, and we should have stimulation instead of inhibition.

Wundt's results, on the other hand, would lead to the same result by supposing that the inhibitory wave was retarded so as to fall a whole wave-length behind the motor one. On the assumption, however, that the fibres which pass transversely across from sensory to motor cells, and those that pass upwards and downwards in the cord connecting the cells of successive strata in it, are equally affected, we do not get a satisfactory explanation of the rhythmical nature of the convulsions. By supposing, however, that these are not equally affected, but that the resistance in one-let us say, that in the longitudinal fibres-is more increased than in the transverse fibres we shall get the impulses at one time thrown completely upon each other causing intense convulsion, at another half a wave-length behind, causing complete relaxation, which is exactly what we find.

This view is to some extent borne out by the different effect produced by a constant current upon these convulsions, according as it is passed transversely or longitudinally through the spinal cord. Ranke found that when passed transversely, it has no effect, but when 1 Brain, vol. iv. p. 313.

2 Eckhard, Hermann's Handb. d. Physiol. Band ii. Th. 2, p. 43. 3 Bernstein quoted by Eckhard, op. cit. p. 40. Walton, Ludwig s rbeiten, 1882.

passed longitudinally in either direction, it completely arrests the strychnia convulsions, and also the normal reflexes which are produced by tactile stimuli.

Ranke's observations have been repeated by others with varying result, and this variation may, I think, be explained by the effect of temperature.

Near the beginning of this paper I mentioned that the touchstone of the truth or falsehood of the hypothesis of inhibition by interference was to be found in the results of quickening or slowing the rate of transmission of stimuli.

Heat and cold are the two agents regarding whose action in this respect we have the most trustworthy experimental data. In peripheral nerves, heat up to a certain point quickens the transmission of stimuli, and cold retards it. In the spinal cord warmth increases the excitability, and at a temperature of 29 to 30 may of itself cause tetanus.1 Cold also beyond a certain temperature increases the reflex excitability.

The effect of warmth and cold upon strychnia tetanus is what we would expect on the hypothesis of interference. With small doses of strychnia warmth abolishes the convulsions, while cold increases them. When large doses are given, on the contrary, warmth increases the convulsions, and cold abolishes them.

We may explain this result on the hypothesis of interference in the following manner:

If a small dose of strychnia retard the transmission of nervous impulses so that the inhibitory wave is allowed to fall rather more than half a wave-length, but not a whole wave-length, behind the stimulant wave, we should have a certain amount of stimulation instead of inhibition. Slight warmth, by quickening the transmission of impulses, should counteract this effect, and should remove the effect of the strychnia. Cold, on the other hand, by causing still further retardation, should increase the effect. With a large dose of strychnia, the transmission of the inhibitory wave being still further retarded, the warmth would be sufficient to make the two waves coincide, while the cold would throw back the inhibitory wave a whole wave-length, and thus again abolish the convulsions.

The effect of temperature on the poisonous action of guanidine is also very extraordinary, and is very hard to explain by the ordinary hypotheses, although the phenomena seem quite natural when we look at them as cases of interference due to alterations in the rapidity with which the stimuli are transmitted along nervous structures. Guanidine produces, in frogs poisoned by it, fibrillary twitchings of the muscles, which are well marked at medium temperatures, but are abolished by extremes of heat and cold. Thus Luchsinger has found that, when four frogs are poisoned by this substance, and one is placed in ice-water, another in water at 18° C., a third in water at 25° C., and a fourth in water at 32° C., the fibrillary twitchings soon disappear from the frog at o C., and only return when its temperature is raised to about 18° C. In the frog at 18° C. convulsions occur, which are still greater in the one at 25° C. In the frog at 32° C., on the other hand, no trace of convulsions is to be seen; the animal appears perfectly well, and five times the dose of the poison, which at ordinary temperatures would convulse it, may be given to it without doing it any harm, so long as it remains in the warmth, although when it is cooled down the effect of the poison at once appears.

Another cause of tetanus that is difficult to understand on the ordinary hypothesis of inhibitory centres is the similar effect of absence of oxygen and excess of oxygen. When an animal is confined in a closed chamber, without oxygen it dies of convulsions; when oxygen is gradually

I Cayrade, Recherches critiques et exper. sur les Mouvements Reflexes, p. 48. 2 Kunde and Virchow quoted by Eckhard, op. cit. p. 44: Foster, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, November 1873. p. 45,

3 Luchsinger, Physiologische Studien, Leipzig, 1882, p. 44.

introduced before the convulsions become too marked, it recovers. But when the pressure of oxygen is gradually raised above the normal, the animal again dies of convulsions. This is evidently not the effect of mere increase in atmospheric pressure, but the effect of the oxygen on the animal, inasmuch as 25 atmospheres of common air are required to produce the oxygen convulsions, while 3 atmospheres of pure oxygen are sufficient. This effect is readily explained on the hypothesis of interference by supposing that the absence of oxygen retards the transmission of impulses in the nerve-centres; so that we get those which ought ordinarily to inhibit one another, coinciding and causing convulsions. Increased supply of oxygen gradually quickens the transmission of impulses until the waves first reach the normal relation, and then the normal rate being exceeded, the impulses once more nearly coincide, and convulsions are produced a second time.

In discussing the action of the nervous system we have hitherto taken into account only that of the nerve fibrils, and left out of the question the nerve cells. We have assumed that the waves arrived in the reservoir (in our diagram) from a distance, and were simply transmitted along channels, but in the nervous system we have to take into account the origination of the waves in the nerve cells themselves, as well as their propagation along the nerve channels.

There is a great difference between the function of the nerve cell and of the nerve fibre analogous to that which exists between the cell and the wire in a galvanic battery. The particular form of energy which we met with in both cases originates in the cell and is transmitted along the fibre or the wire. In both cases also the energy appears to originate from chemical changes going on in the cell. Material waste of some sort goes on in both, and in both the products of this waste if allowed to accu nulate will by and by arrest the action.

We find an indication of the difference between the amount of chemical change which goes on in the nerve cell and in the nerve fibre in the amount of blood supplied to each respectively. The nerve cells are abundantly supplied with blood, and the nerve fibres very sparingly so. The free supply of blood secures to the nerve cells both the supply of fresh material and ready removal of waste products.

Perhaps the best illustration that we can find in physics of the processes which take place in the nervous and muscular systems is however afforded by singing flames in which the sounds and movements are produced by very numerous small explosions: for both in the nervous and muscular systems the tissue change appears to go on as a series of small explosions. The material which yields nervous and muscular energy undergoes oxidation, but the oxygen concerned in the process is not derived directly from the external air. Substances which yield oxygen are contained within the tissues themselves just as nitre is contained along with oxidisable substances in a charge of gunpowder.

In this paper also we have spoken of waves of nervous interference as if they were simple, but it is much more probable that they are very complex, resembling much more the beats of sound produced by two singing flames which are not in unison, than simple waves of water.

The number of nervous discharges which issue from the motor cells of the spinal cord during tetanus and set the muscles in action is, according to Dr. Burdon Sanderson, about 16 per second, but in all probability each of these impulses consists of a large number of small vibrations. In rhythmical actions, such as that of the respiration, we have probably at the very least three rhythms, Ist, exceedingly rapid vibrations in the nervous cells; 2nd, slower vibrations or beats from 16 or 18 per second, which issue from them and excite the muscles to action; and 3rd, a still slower rhythm, of 16 per minute, probably

due to interference between groups of cells, which leads to inspiratory movements alternating with rest or with active exspiration. The consideration of these complicated phenomena would, however, at present lead us too far, and they as well as the subject of nervous interference in the heart and rhythmic contraction of muscles, must be reserved for another time.

In this paper I must be content with the attempt to show that inhibition and stimulation in the nervous system are not dependent on special inhibitory or stimulating centres, but are merely relative conditions depending on the length of path along which the stimulus has to travel and the rate of its transmission. The test of the truth or falsehood of this hypothesis is to be found in the effect of alteration in the rapidity of nervous transmission upon inhibitory phenomena. The application of this test appears, so far as our present data go, to support this hypothesis. T. LAUDER BRUNTON


IN NATURE, vol. xxvii. p. 39, I gave a brief notice that on November 1-owing to stress of weather forbidding the regular daily ascents of Ben Nevis-I was obliged to discontinue the daily work of the meteorological observing system on the summit and slopes of the mountain. This was in simultaneous connection with my system of observations near the sea-level at Achintore, Fort William. As in the previous summer, I had the honour to organise and carry on the work under the auspices of the Scottish Meteorological Society. The experience gained in 1881, when I first commenced observing on the Ben, enabled me to draw up and submit to the Society a more elaborate plan of mountain observation for the summer and autumn of 1882; and as I have been fortunate enough to carry it through for five months without any hitch, and as I am not aware that anything of the kind had, previous to my first undertaking, been attempted, I am naturally anxious that NATURE should have a more complete account of my last year's operations. My plan was to have fixed stations at different altitudes between the main observatories at the base and on the summit of the mountain, so placed in fact that I could observe regularly at halfhourly intervals during the daily ascent and descent of

the Ben; to extend the number of summit observations to five sets; and to have in every case simultaneous observations taken at the sea-level station-my grand base of operations. All this was with a view to localising disturbances existing in the stratum of atmosphere between the sea-level and the top of Ben Nevis, to furthering meteorological research generally, and so ultimately to gain forecasting material. I arrived at Fort William from Edinburgh on May 25, and at once proceeded to give effect to my plans. During the next few days I was engaged mainly in erecting Stevenson's thermometer screens, and laying out the sea-level station; in establishing a new "midway" observatory at the lake, erecting screen, and building there a granite cairn for a barometer; and in reopening the temporary observatory on the summit of the mountain. It was only by dint of great exertion and a gang of men that I got all in order on the top of the Ben on May 31. I had no occasion, however, to alter the arrangements of the previous summer; and the heavy work of reopening chiefly consisted in digging out from the vast accumulations of snow the barometer cairn, hut, and thermometer cage which here, as a safeguard, incloses Stevenson's screen. The snow, in fact, was nearly four feet deep, and it was necessary to cut out wide areas around the instruments. I also erected another screen to contain Negretti and Zambra's self-registering clock-hygrometer, most kindly placed at my disposal by that eminent firm for the purpose of obtaining 9 p.m. values. I had also to fix a new roof of ship's canvas to the rude shanty that affords some little

shelter from the piercing cold and storms. The barometer, a fine Fortin, had been left in its cairn built up during the past winter; and great labour was expended before the north side of the cairn was reopened, the stones being so hard frozen that a crowbar had to be employed. The instrument was found in good condition. Passing over all other details of arranging the stations and fixing instruments, I may say that I had all in order and commenced work on June 1. I now give a list of the stations, with positions, hours, and elements of observation. The distances in the text are given in right lines from the sea-level station. Fig. 1 at once shows the bearings, and distances by the actual track followed.

Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section giving total actua. distances.

ACHINTORE, FORT WILLIAM, BASE OR SEA-LEVEL OBSERVATORY.--Position: About 28 feet above sea, on a level sward, perfectly open on all sides, running parallel and immediately adjacent to Loch Linnhe; soil, gravelly loam. Hours.-5, 5.30, 6.15, 7, 7.30, 7.55, 8.30, 9, 9.30, 10, 10.30, 11, and 11.30 a.m.; and noon, 0.30, 1, 1.45, 2.30, 3, 6, and 9 p.m.

Elements.-Atmospheric pressure by mercurial barometer, temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), direction and force of wind, kind and amount of

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cloud, and movements and velocities of the various strata of cloud, hydrometeors and remarks in full detail at all the above times. Maximum and minimum shade temperature, solar maximum and terrestrial minimum temperature, earth temperature (1 and 2 feet), and rainfall at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Temperature of Achintore well, and subsequently of Loch Linnhe between 9 and 11 a.m.

Ozone for periods of hour, 1 hour, 1 hour, and 2 hours between 9 and 11 a.m.; also for periods of 24 and 12 hours, ending 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Czone also for the following periods of exposure.-6 hours ending 1 p.m., and 18 hours ending 7 a.m., and subsequently in addition for 15 hours ending 5.30 a.m., and 9 hours ending Cloud movements and velocities were not, however, noted at solutely every time.


2.30 p.m. [It will be seen later that all these ozone observations (except those for 12 hours ending 9 o'clock) were simultaneous with others on the summit of Ben Nevis, at the Lake, and Peat Moss stations.]

Actinism of the sun's rays and of daylight by Dr. Angus Smith's apparatus for 24 hours ending 10.17 a.m.; comparison-pressure by aneroid at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m. on leaving for and returning from the summit and slopes stations.

PEAT MOSS.-Position: About 40 feet above sea; 2m. 2f.; perfectly open; near the middle of the extensive moss at the foot of Meall an t-Suidhe; peaty, swampy soil, with hummocks around.

Hours.-5.30 to 6 a.m. (this was the only hour in the entire system that varied, and extra simultaneous read

ings were taken at Achintore whenever this was the case), the sea, 3 miles, on swampy ground, fairly level, by the and 2.30 p.m. From August I also at 9, 9.30, 10, 10.30, and II a.m.

Elements.-Temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), wind and force; kind of cloud, amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full detail as before at all the above times. Pressure by aneroid, 5.30 to 6 a.m., and at 2.30 p.m. Rainfall at 9 a.m. Ozone for 15 hours, ending about 5.30 a.m., and for about 9 hours, ending 2.30 p.m.; also for periods of hour, I hour, 1 hour, and 2 hours between 9 and 11 a.m. (simultaneously with the summit and base stations). Temperature of adjacent water-hole subsequently about 5.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

PEAT MOSS CROSSING.-A minor station about 70 feet above sea, 3m. of., situated at the burn Allt Coire an Lochain.

Hours and Elements.-About 5.50 a. m. and 2.17 p.m. : pressure by aneroid, and temperature of burn.

LIVINGSTON'S BOULDER.-Position: 840 feet above sea; 3m. If.; close to the burn Allt Coire an Lochain, on a level swampy patch; ground around undulating, with large boulders of coarse-grained granite lying adjacent. Hours.-6.15 a.m. and 1.45 p.m.

Elements.-Pressure by aneroid, temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), temperature of burn; wind and force; kind of cloud, amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full detail as before each time.

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FIG. 3.-A, B, C, D, raingauges; E, notice board; F, Ordnance Survey cairn; G, solar and terrestrial radiation thermometers; H, Stevenson's thermometer cage and ozone tests; 1, self-registering hygrometer; J, barometer cairn: K, earth thermometers; L, hut. The apparatus for measuring the actinism of light is near the edge of the precipice N.E. from the hut.

THE LAKE.-Position: A plateau-valley 1840 feet above north-east shore of the tarn, Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe:

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parison-pressure by aneroid, temperature of air and
evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), maximum and minimum
shade temperature, and ozone for periods of 6 and 18
hours, temperature of ground at depths of 1 and 2 feet;
temperature of lake; wind and force; kind of cloud,
amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full
detail as before each time. Rainfall on 1st, 8th, 15th,
and 22nd of each month.

BROWN'S WELL.-Position: 2200 feet above sea, 3m.
If., on a grassy patch with springs and swamps, on the
main slopes of Ben Nevis. Boulders and stones of fine-
grained granite graduating into felsite lie around. Slope
to westward estimated at 35°.


Hours.-7.30 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Elements.-Pressure by aneroid, temperature of air evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), temperature of well; wind and force; kind of cloud, amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full detail as before each time.

RED BURN CROSSING.-Position: 2700 feet above sea, 3m. 2f., above the general limit of vegetation in the deep ravine of and close beside the Red Burn; boulders and debris of porphyritic rock on all sides; slope to westward estimated at 40°.

Hours.-7.55 a.m. and noon.

Elements.-Pressure by aneroid, temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), temperature of burn; wind and force; kind of cloud, amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full detail as before each time.

BUCHAN'S WELL.-Position: 3575 feet above sea, 3m. 5f., source of the Red Burn: entirely in a region of rocks, fragmentary stones, and debris; completely open, and ground more undulating, with comparatively gentle slope to westward.

Hours.-8.30 and 11.30 a.m.

Elements.-Pressure by aneroid, temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), temperature of well; wind and force; kind of cloud, amount and velocity; hydrometeors and remarks in full detail as before each time.

BEN NEVIS, SUMMIT OBSERVATORY.—Position : 4405 feet above sea, 4m. 6f., in the centre of a rough rocky plateau, covered with felstone lavas and volcanic agglomerates (see Figs. 3 and 4).

Hours.-9, 9.30, 10, 10.30, and II a.m.

Elements.-Pressure by mercurial barometer, comparison-pressure by aneroid, temperature of air and evaporation (dry and wet bulbs), wind and force; kind of cloud, amount, and velocities of strata; hydrometeors and remarks in fullest detail as at the sea-level and intermediate stations at all the above times.

Maximum and minimum shade temperature, solar maximum and terrestrial minimum temperature, and rainfall by four gauges at 9 a.m.

Temperature of Wragge's Well and of ground at depths of 1 and 2 feet between 9 and 11 a.m.

Ozone for periods of hour, 1 hour, 1 hour, and 2 hours between 9 and II a.m., also by two differently exposed tests for 24 hours ending 9 a.m.

Actinism of the sun's rays and of daylight by Dr. Angus Smith's apparatus for 24 hours ending 10.17 a.m. Hygrometric conditions prevailing about 9 o'clock the previous night by self-registering dry and wet bulbs, were noted at 10.50 a.m.

A moment's consideration, then, will show that the observations at the sea-level station were in every case simultaneous with those at the summit and intermediate stations, and that the hours at the latter were so arranged as to "mean" to the 10 a.m. readings at the base and summit of the mountain, and also at the Peat Moss.

Rainband by Browning's spectroscope was observed at various altitudes, and its indications proved of considerable value. Full notes were taken of the cloud limits,

and of any important changes observed between the stations.

vations-pressure, temperature, hygrometric conditions, Of course my first business was to get the main obserwind, cloud, &c.—into full swing by June 1; and as Í command I added to my work. felt my way and got my hours and distances well under ing-systen and the three extra rain-gauges on the summit Thus the ozone observmeasuring the actinism of light on July 9. The additional were added on June 15, and the delicate operations for gauges were established to discover if and to what extent the rainfall varies in connection with the wind at different points of the plateau from the centre to the edge of the great precipice.

the sea-level, lake, and summit; and hence at the other places the dry and wet bulbs had to be swung and the During June, Stevenson's screens were in use only at latter moistened afresh from adjacent water at each and by July I they were in their places and dry and wet swinging. But aching wrists and sore fingers soon made me determine to have louvred screens at all the stations, bulbs supplied by Hicks and Negretti and Zambra fixed permanently in each. So above all was accuracy the better insured, and the whole system went like clockwork. 3 p.m., and the rate of ascending and descending was so I left Achintore before 5.30 a.m., and returned about regulated as to insure punctuality usually within a few seconds-often to the second-at the various stations.


The new screens were a trifle smaller than the others. the arrangements in every respect were those approved I need hardly add that the instruments at all stations by the Meteorological Office and the English and Scottish were the best observing-standards procurable, and that Meteorological Societies. The condition of the wet bulbs, fixing of ozone tests, clamping self-registering instruments to prevent vibration in gales, levelling rain-gauges, and numerous other matters of important detail required the closest attention. The Beaufort wind and cloud scales were in use, and the ozone tests were Moffat's. assistants, educated by Mr. Colin Livingston of Fort William -a sufficient guarantee for their ability-and trained by myself, helped in the work; and relieved me in the ascent of the mountain three times a week, and on these occasions I took the sea-level station. One of the greatest difficulties I hal to contend with in the Ben Nevis routine was as to the pony on which I rode to and had to make up for lost time,-no easy matter, as the from the Lake, where it was left to graze and await my descent. wretched track leads over deep ruts and treacherous Occasionally the stable-boy overslept, and I swamps, and the poor brute had a trying time of it. Still commencing the ascent the girth would break, and I had more frequently the person to whom it belonged gave me rotten saddlery in spite of all remonstrance; and on fastest. This was decidedly hard, inasmuch as I was to turn the animal a drift and plod on to the Lake my less than two hours by a circuitous route and over rough rock stopping to observe at the other intermediate staobliged to climb afoot some 2500 feet fron the tarn in having broken the tethering rope had made off to the tions. Again, the pony often wandered in his hobbles or moss; so also on the homeward journey I had sometimes to leave him and run my hardest over ruts and through journeys between Buchan's Well and the top in the swamps, by a short cut, to get my readings at the next station. Other trying parts of the work consisted in the profuse perspiration. The rule hut, with its walls full of allotted time, in having the two hours' exposure on the holes of all shapes and angles through which the wind summit in bad weather, and in becoming chilled after possible to keep anything dry. My hands often became so whistles and the snow-drifts drive, afforded but a poor shelter from the drenching rain and cold, and it was imnumbed and swollen, and my paper so saturated that I had

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