33 Jasper, blotched red and white, exactly like No. 13 34 Granite, imperfeet, approaching hornstone. (See also C. 3. B. 1. 36 Gneiss, with the quartz entirely changed or destroyed 38 Granite, with glassy quartz, takes good polish, very fine. C. 1. 89 Granite, bleached, appearance very anomalous 18 A. 3. 81 45 C. 3. 50 A. 1. 71 Granite, appearance somewhat uncommon, but tolerably 46 Quartz, fine white grains, with black dots and some 48 Granite, imperfectly fused, the quartz remaining un- 140 49 Sandstone, partly white, partly ferruginous, inclining B. 1. Num- Description. Where Refe 53 Schistose substance, intermediate between jasper and B. 2. 124 55 Jasper, red, with veins of white quartz, ornamental, but 56 Jasper, variegatel red and grey, changing into Khari 125 57A Hornstone, grey, stained red in some places. (Not des- B. 2. 67B Quartz, white opaque, in large grains mixed with dark A. 2. 75 71 59 Granitel, much black micaceous matter, with a little white 64 Granite, grey, appearance uncommon, white felspar pre- 65 No record. 66 Granite, quite perfect, like No. 38 C. 1. 67 No record. 68 Silicious nodules, like No. 1, and similarly immersed in 69 Quartz, white and opaque, with white felspar, like No. 110 || A. 1, 70B Hornstone or imperfect, quartz, like 70B, but, with silky Num- Description. Where Refe 73 Quartz, glassy and mealy aggregate, with red and black B. 1. 74 Quartz or hornstone, red, granular. See also No. 30 A. 3. 76 76 Granite, fracture rather conchoidal, consisting of white C. 2. 78 Granite, imperfect, very dark and difficult to break, 79 Quartz or Jasper, with red stains 80 No record. 23 ... 81 Masses in decay, white, red, or greenish, perhaps approach- C. 8. 82 Granite (called Urdiya) like No. 88 83 Quartz, small opaque masses united by a greyish powdery A. 3. 87 Hornblende, in large masses, blackish and exceedingly A. 2. 91 Hornstone, grey, containing many small masses of felspar, C. 2. 161 92 No record. 93 Reddle, imperfect, mixed with hornstone or quartz 95 Hornstone, imperfect, white, degenerated into a kind of C. 3. 50 Num- 96 Description. Potatone, blackish, very heavy, softer than hornblende, 97 Granite, grey, appearance uncommon, powdery black 98 Quartz, glassy red and white, larger-grained than No. 106, 100 Marl, white, calcareous, rather harsher than Nos. 101 and 102 Slag, ferruginous, very heavy, containing nodules of quartz 103 Marl, white, harsher but more friable than chalk, will not 104 Hornstone, grey, similar to No. 91, but proportion of quartz, 105 Iron ore, called Losinghana, fracture resembling granite, C. 1. 19 106 Quartz, glassy red and white, fine-grained and splitting into A. 3. 74 107 Rock consisting of large grains of quartz and felspar Hornstone, white, with small masses of white felspar, and 110 Felapar, white, very beautiful, sometimes mixed with white A. 1. Hornblende, very fine, crystals large and distinct, does not C. 2. Num- Description. Where Refe- 114 Hornstone, strange, whitish, livid, and red, in parts evidently A. 3. 115 Hornstone, greenish, decaying into an imperfect steatite, C. 2. MINERALS OF THE HILLS. Described in the Report, but not numbered in the Journal. 1 Granite, very fine, middle-sized grains C. 1. 2 Silicious stone, white, stained dirty red in irregular specks, B. 1. 3 Granite, grey and fine-grained, but much decayed, found in 4 Granite, grey and large-grained, very fine, would be highly A. 1. 32 81 7 Quartz, strange, glassy and intermixed with brownish A. 3. matter. 8 Quartz or hornstone, imbedded in white Khari. (Probably B. 1. 10 Yellow clay, unctuous, called Pilla Mati 11 Indurated clay, schistose, in red, white and yellow layers 1 MINERALS OF THE PLAINS. Described in the Report, bat not numbered in the Journal. Sone pebbles, silicious, chiefly quartz, opaque cr diaphanous, 2 Pumice, found in bed of Sone 3 Mas, small detached messe's like slag from iron furs 4 Yellow clay, called Rapura or Gori Mati, from furnaces of |