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*[Leaf 68.]

saying they will henceforth hold

to Jesus, the Son of God.

Reue make uf

dedlich on uf al þat tu don maht.
ananriht misliche pinen. tend fur. t feche hweol t
greide hwet fo pu conft grimliche bipenchen. forðe
al þi feder wil þef feondef of helle. to longe he heold
uf af he halt te zet. ah we schulen heonne uorð halden to
iefu godef fune moncun alefent Swa pe reue gromede pat
he grispatede azein þet wod he walde iwurden. ant sende
o wode wife to maximien þe heh keifer in rome herof hwet
he redde. ant he het euchan hefdes bikeoruen ant he lette
fwa don fif hundret bi tale of weopment of wummen an
hundret ant pritti. euchan biuoren oder forte beon hefdes
bicoruen ant ferden alle martirf feire to crifte. Elewfiuf
lette hif men makien a muche fur *ant bed binden hire
bae fet ant honden ant caften hire into pe brune per
forto bernen. af ha biseh uppard. ant feh pene ley leiten.
ha lokede to heouene wið honden up aheuene ant þuf to
crifte cleopede wid inwarde bone.

Mildheortfule godd milce þi meiden ne leaf þu me

upon us, in deadly wise, all that thou canst do. Reeve, make for us quickly various torments; light a fire, and fetch a wheel, and prepare whatsoever thou canst savagely devise; perform all thy fathers will, the fiend of hell: too long he held us, as he holds thee still. But we shall, henceforth, hold to Jesus, Gods Son, Redeemer of mankind." The reeve was so angered, that he gnashed his teeth again, so that he would become mad; and sent on The reeve is so mad wise to Maximianus, the high emperor in Rome, about this, what he would advise; and he bad (him) cut off each ones head. And he had five hundred in number of men served so, and of women a hundred and thirty. Each one (pressed on) before other to be beEleusius has a headed, and went, all martyrs, fairly to Christ. Eleusius great fire made, caused his men to make a great fire and bad them bind her, liana, bound both feet and hands, and cast her into the burning, there hand and foot, for to burn. As she looked upward and saw the flame blaze, she looked to heaven with hands uplifted, and thus to Christ called with inward prayer :

angered, that he gnashes his teeth.

into which Ju

is thrust.

She prays

"Mildhearted God, pity thy maiden; leave thou me

nu deadliche on uf al þat tu do maht. make uf reue ananriht misliche pinen ontend furt feche hweol. greide on tentd MS. al þat [þu] conft grimliche bipenchen. forde al þi feaders wil þef feondef of helle; to longe he heold us as he halt te nude. Ah we schulen heonne for halden to ihesu godef kinewurde fune moncun alefent. fwa þe reue gromede þat he griftbetede wod he walde iwurden. t fende o wodi wife for to maximien. pe mihti caifere of rome her of; hwet he readde. t he ham het euch fot heafdes bikeoruen. fif hundret itald of wepment of wimmen an hundret t pritti þrungen euchan biuoren oder forte beo bihefdett ferden alle martyrs wið murhe to1 heouene. leufius þe hwile lette his men makien a muche fur mid alle. t bed binden hire fwa þe fett te honden. t keaften hire in to þe brune cwic to forbearnen. Af ha lokede up. t feh þif lei leiten: biheolt towart heouene. wir honden aheuene. t pus to crift cleopede.



e forleaf þu me nawt nu iþif nede lauerd of liue.
mildheortfule godd milce me þi meiden. t mid ti

1 criste crossed


now all deadly deeds on us, which pou hast power to do. Contrive for us anon, reeve, various pains; light up a fire; fetch a wheel. Prepare all þat þou canst savagely dink of; furber all by fapers will, be fiend of hell: too long he held us in bondage as he holds bee now, But we, henceford, shall hold to Jesu, Gods Royal Son, Redeemer of mankind." pe reeve was so angered þat he ground his tee, and would go mad, and sent in a mad manner to Maximianus, þe mighty Kaisar of Rome, about pis, what he would recommend; and he bid him carve off be head of every one, five hundred They are marcounted up, men and women. One hundred and dirty tyred. pressed on, each before pe rest, to get beheaded, and all

went martyrs wip joy to heaven.

Eleusius, mean while, caused his men to make a very Eleusius big fire; and bad þem bind her, feet and hands, and cast pares a fire. her into be fiery heat, to burn her up alive. When she

looked up and saw his flame flare, she cast her eyes to

heaven wip uplifted hands, and þus to Christ cried.


"Abandon me not now in pis need, Lord of Life: mild- Julianas prayer. hearted God, be merciful to me by maiden, and wip þy

neauer nu in þif neode ah mit ti fofte grace falue mine funnen. Iefu mi felhoe ne warp þu me neauer ut of þin ehfihde. bihald me ant help me ant of þiffe reade leye ref me arude me þat þeof unselie ne þurue nawt feggen. pi lauerd pet tu luueft ant fchulde pi fcheld beon hwer if he nu meiden. Nefde ha buten iseid swa þat an engel ne com briht af þah he bernde ant iþat ferliche fur amidden riht lihte ant hit cwenchte anan euer euch sperke. ant heo ftod unweommet heriende hire hehe healent wið lude ftefne.

[ocr errors]

E reue feh hit acwenct ant bigon te cwakien fwa grimliche him gromede ant fet pat balefule beaft as an burft bar. þat grunde his tuskes. ant feng on to femin ant te grispatien o þif meoke meiden. ant pohte on hwucche wife he mahte hire awelden ant lette fecchen a feat. t wið pich hit fullen ant heaten hit walm hat. ant

from the flame

never, now in this need; but with thy soft grace salve my sins. Jesus, my happiness, cast me never out of thine to be delivered eyesight, behold me and help me, and from this red flame for the sake of snatch me, deliver me that these unhappy men need not 6 say, Thy Lord whom thou lovest, and who should be thy shield, where is he now, maiden ?'" She had but said An angel comes, So when an angel came, bright as though he burned; and lighting in

the bystanders.

the midst of the and in that strange fire, right in the midst, alighted and

fire, quenches

every spark.

The reeve, seeing the fire quenched, begins to grind

his teeth, and foam at the mouth.

quenched it anon, every spark. And she stood unblemished, praising her high Saviour with loud voice.

The reeve saw it quenched, and began to quake; so savagely was he angered. And the baleful beast sat, as a bristled boar that ground his tusks, and began to foam and to grind his teeth at this meek maiden; and thought in what wise he might overpower her. And caused a vessel to be fetched and filled with pitch, and heated boiling-hot; and

fofte grace falue mine funnen. ihesu mi felhe ne warp þu me nawt ut of þin ehfihde. bihald me ant help me. t of þif reade lei reaft arude me. fwa þat *tef unseli ne purue nawt seggen. þi lauerd þat tu leuest on. t schulde þi scheld beon. hwer if he nude. ne bidde ich nawt drihtin þif for deadef dredneffe. Ah false swa hare lahe. t festne iþine icorene treowe bileaue. schwau nu mihti godd þi meinfule mahte. hihendliche iher me iheizet. t ihere[t] aa on ecneffe.


efde ha bute ifeid fwa; þat an engel ne com fe briht af þah he bearnde. t to pat ferliche fur. ipat lei lihte t acwente hit anan. eauer euch sparke. t heo stod unhurt per amidheppef heriende ure healent wir heheste steuene. þe reue feh hit acwenct t bigon to cwakien. fe grundliche him gromede. t set te balefule beaft af eauer ei iburft bar. þat grunde his tuskef. t fen[g] on to feamin. t gristbeatien grifliche up o þif meoke meiden. t pohte wid hwuch meft wa. he mahte hire awealden. t het fecchen aueat. wix pich fullen. t wallen hit walm hat.

soft grace salve my sins. Jesu, my joy, cast me not out of by presence, regard me and help me, and snatch me and rid me out of his red flame, so þat þis unseely one need not say, 'py Lord on whom pou believest, and who should be by shield, where is he now?' I ask not pis, O Lord, for dread of dead, but do pou pus falsify þeir creed and fasten in pine elect be true fai; display now, Mighty God, by mainful might, and for wip hear me, pou extolled and glorified ever to all eternity!"

*[Fol. 54.]

She had but so said, when an angel came, as bright as if An angel on fire, and alighted amidst þat perilous fire, in pat flame, quenches the and quenched it anon, every spark of it; and she stood at amidhips, up to pe waist, unhurt, praising our Saviour wip voice on highest. pe prefect saw it quenched and began to quake, so it angered him to be bottom of his soul, and þere sat þe baleful beast, as ever a bristly boar, agrinding his tusks, and beginning to foam and grind his tee grisly upon þe meek maiden; and bought how wip most

woe he could get upper hand of her: and he bid fetch Eleusius orders a vessel, and fill it wip pitch and heat it boiling hot, and a pitchbath.

*[Leaf 68, back.] het warpen hire prin *hwen hit wodelukeft weolle. af me dude hire prin ha cleopede to drihtin ant hit colede anan ant ward hire af wunfum. af euer eni wlech weter. þat were iwlaht te baðien. ant leop wallinde hat up azein þeo ilke þat hit hefden izarket. ant for fcaldede of ham feoluen fifti ant tene. ant fordude fifti al italde. þa þe reue iseh þis: he rende hif clades ant toc him feoluen bi pe top. t feng to fiten hif mawmez t lasten his lauerd. Swide quod he ut of min ehfihde. þat ich ne feo hire na mare er þe bodi wið þe buc beo ifundret from hire heauet.


One af ha þis iherde ha herede godd in heouene. t ward fwide gled. For pet heo iwilnet hefde me

ledde hire. [t] hleac for

ant heo wef eð-luke as ha

ftutte ope stude þer ha fchulde deð drehen. þa com þe

ilke belial of helle.

þat ha hefde ibeaten hire bihinden.

ant gen to zeien. a

ftale wurde men ne sparie ze nawiht.

into a vessel

pitch; it soon

Juliana is put bad cast her therein when it should boil most furiously. full of boiling As she was put therein, she called upon the Lord, and cools and be- it cooled anon, and became as pleasant to her as ever as a warm bath any lukewarm water, that were warmed to bathe (in). to her, though it And it leapt up, boiling hot, against those same who had scalds her tor- prepared it, and badly scalded of themselves fifty and ten,

comes as pleasant

leaps up and


and destroyed fifty, all counted. When the reeve saw this, he rent his clothes and took himself by the hair, and began to quarrel with his idols and blaspheme his Lord. The reeve orders Quickly," quoth he, "out of my eyesight, that I may see out of his sight. her no more, ere the body with the trunk be sundered from

her to be taken

When she


her head."

As soon as she heard this, she praised God in heaven and became very glad, for she had desired that. She was reaches the place led and lugged forth, and she was easy to lug. As she stopped in the place where she was to suffer death, then came that same Belial of hell, that she had beaten, behind her, and began to cry, "Ah! stalwart men, spare not;

of execution,

Belial comes be

hind her and encourages her persecutors.

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