A LETTER, TO THE AUTHOR OF THE " MEDIATOR'S KINGDOM," &c. SIR, O point out and clearly delineate the duty of a Christian under the most trying circumstances, is an undertaking to which I feel myself very inadequate. The true Christian, however, will consider no obstacle insurmountable, no duty too arduous, no consequences too hazardous, in adhering to and strictly obeying the precepts of his master. Some time, Sir, has elapsed since the publication of your pamphlet, entitled, "The Mediator's Kingdom not of this World." As no reply has been made to it, though fraught, as I conceive, with doctrines incompatible with the spirit of the Christian religion, I cannot, consistently with a sense of duty, suffer it any longer to pass unnoticed. In the examination which I propose to give, the Scriptures shall be my guide, truth my object, and, as I hope, the love of Jesus the moving cause. And I earnestly beseech the Spirit of God to enable me to put just constructions upon the words of his grace, and make me acquainted with the truth as it is in Jesus." In your introduction there is nothing worthy of special notice, except the following remark :---"This spiritual temple," (the church,) "will continue to rise under different dispensations, until the elect are gathered together from the four winds of heaven." (p. 6.) The future, "will continue to rise under different dispensations," denotes that new dispensations are yet to come. That 66 the spiritual temple is built of lively stones, upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets; Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone," no Christian will deny. But that this temple, "will continue to rise under different dispensations," correct Christians will certainly doubt. Are we yet to expect a succession of Mahomets? Where, or in what manner, do the Scriptures teach us to expect a succession of dispensations, differing from each other, " until the elect are gathered together from the four winds of heaven?" Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel than that ye have received, let him be accursed." You have furnished a discovery relative to the future state of the Church, as new as interesting-a discovery, which the most laborious investigators of prophecy never arrived at which escaped even the eagle eye of him, who prepared "the long white robes" for the "four and twenty elders," and the great edifice for the reception of the Jews on their way to Jerusalem. It is to be regretted, that Christians have not attended more to the "study of the symbolical language of the Scriptures;" (p. 41.) that there have been so few who have early been acquainted with " the alphabet of the heavens, and the earth, and all their furniture," (p. 42.) and so small a number that has made any progress in symbolical abstrusities. We should not otherwise have been ignorant of those changes of dispensations yet to take place in the Christian Church, and of the introduction of that new and glorious succession of gospels and kingdoms, which is to astonish and amaze the Christians of future times. It appears to be the principal design of your pamphlet, to prove the unlawfulness of war. Your first great argument, consisting of a chain of inferences, is, (if rightly understood,) as follows : 1st. The Mediator's Kingdom is, in a special manner, the Gospel dispensation;" (p. 14.) hence, 2dly. " Its nature and laws are not of this world, but spiritual, heavenly, and divine ;" (p. 14.) wherefore, 3dly. "The kingdoms of this world are not united, but opposed, to the kingdom of our Lord;" (p. 14.) of course, 4thly. "The kingdoms of this world belong to the kingdom of Satan;" (p. 18.) and therefore, 5thly. "It is improper for the subjects of the Mediator's kingdom to use the weapons of this world, and engage in tumults, wars, and fightings." (p. 19.) From this chain of inferences, -" whatever link we strike, Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike." The four first branches of the argument might safely be conceded; as they do not essentially affect the concluding inference. A refutation of them, therefore, because they may be thought to affect the argument, is not so much an object, as to show that some, at least, are visionary, and pregnant with pernicious consequences. In the first place, then, that "the Mediator's kingdom is, in a special manner, the Gospel dispensation," will be granted as also certain remarks connected with your first position such as the following: "That Christ, in his mediatorial character, possesses, in an extensive sense, universal empire," -" that he is exalted far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion; and has a name above every name," -" that he is King of kings, and Lord of lords,"-" that he is not only king on his holy hill of Zion, but rules amongst the nations :" (p. 6.) and I cannot but regret that you do not agree with me in the inference from all this, that, if Christ possesses " universal empire," and is "above all principality," the kingdoms of this world do not belong to Satan, but to this "King of kings, and Lord of lords." But more of this hereafter. |